SNGANS 17 | Baktria AR Hemidrachm. Pre-Seleukid Period, ca 325-300 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Eagle standing left; grape-cluster behind.
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SNGANS 20.1 | \/
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SNGANS 20 | Baktria. Pre-Seleukid Period. Eagle Series. ca 325-300 BC. AR Diobol (10mm, 1.00 gm). Laureate & bearded head of Zeus right / Eagle standing left, head right; to right, two bunches of grapes on stalk.
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SNGANS 20cf | Baktria, Uncertain. Circa late 4th-early 3rd century BC. AR Obol. Turreted head of Kybele or Tyche right / Eagle standing left, head right, wings displayed.
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305-294 BC | Sophytes, a prince, apparently independent, who ruled over a kingdom in the north of the Panjab. |
256-239 BC | Diodotos I, revolted from the Seleucid empire during reign of Antiochos II |
256-230 BC | Diodotos II, son of Diodotos I |
230-190 BC | Euthydemos I, overthrew Diodotos I |
205-171 BC | Demetrios I, son of Euthydemos I |
190-171 BC | Euthedemos II, son of Demetrios I |
190-180 BC | Pantaleon, son of Demetrios I |
171-160 BC | Antimachos I, Brother of Demetrios and ultimately unsuccessful defender against the rebel Eukratides |
171-160 BC | Agathokles, son of Demetrios and co-ruler with Antimachos |
160-155 BC | Antimachos II |
171-145 BC | Eukratides I, overthrew the dynasty of Euthydemos and Demetrios I |
174-165 BC | Apollodotos I, Indo-Greek ruler who took southern part of kingdom which dissolved after Eukratides took power |
145-140 BC | Eukratides II |
145-140 BC | Plato |
165-130 BC | Menander I Soter, Indo-Greek successor to Apollodotos I in the south |
145-130 BC | Heliokles_I |
135-130 BC | Epander, Indo-Greek co-ruler of southern province |
130-110 BC | Strato I |
130-125? BC | Agathokleia, Regent of Strato I |
120-110 BC | Lysias, Indo Greek |
110-100 BC | Heliokles_II |
115-95 BC | Antialkidas, Indo Greek |
100-95 BC | Philoxenos, Indo Greek |
95-90 BC | Diomedes |
c.90 BC | Theophilos |
90-85 BC | Nikias |
90-80 BC | Archebios, Indo-Greek |
90-70 BC | Hermaios |
80-60 BC | Apollodotos II, Indo-Greek |
70-65 BC | Telephos |
65-55 BC | Hippostratos, Indo-Greek |
60-40 BC | Artemidoros |
40-15 BC | Strato II |
40-1 BC | Hermaios, postumous issues |
| Rulers of Baktria continue under the Indo-Scythians |