Ancient Coinage of Parion, Mysia (Parium)

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Note: From about the time of Severus Alexander and especially on coins of Gallienus, the legends became increasingly garbled and the busts often very barbaric-looking. There is currently no comprehensive catalog of all the various variations (it would be an almost impossible task).
ANS 43397cfParium, Mysia. AE. Ca 4th century BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / Π-A, to left and right of the great altar of Parium. cf. ANS 1944.100.43397 (Priapus mint); reverse: BMC, Parium 40.TextImage
Ashton 10cfParium, Mysia. Ca. 165-160 BC. Silver tetradrachm (16.88 g). Laureate head of Apollo right / AΠOΛΛΩNOΣ AKTAIOY ΠAΡIANΩN, Apollo standing left, holding laurel branch in right hand and resting left on grounded bow, ΠANΩ monogram above TEY monogram in inner left field . Cf. Ashton et al., Some Greek coins in the British Museum, NC 1998, pl. 15, 10-11 (with altar and different monograms). Unpublished. TextImage
BMC 17Parion, Mysia. 400-300 BC. AR Hemidrachm. Head of gorgoneion facing. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, bee below. BMC 17; SNG Cop 265.TextImage
BMC 18Parium, Mysia, AR Hemidrachm. 12 mm. 400-300 BC. Head of Gorgonion facing, tongue protruding, serpents around head. / ΠA-ΡI, above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, bell above. BMC 18.TextImage
BMC 19Parium, Mysia, AR hemidrachm. 400-300 BC. Head of gorgoneion facing / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned right, bucranium below. BMC 19; SNG von Aulock 7423; SNG Stockholm 2057; SNG Tuebingen 2326; Jameson 1446.TextImage
BMC 20Parium, Mysia, AR Hemidrachm. 14 mm, 2.7 g. 400-300 BC. Head of Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding, serpents around head. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, club below. BMC 20; Weber 5134; SNG Cop 259; Sear SG 3920.TextImage
BMC 21Parium, Mysia, AR hemidrachm. 400-300 BC. Head of gorgoneion facing / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned right, crescent below. BMC 21; SNG Berry 962; SNG von Aulock 1323; SNG Post 172; SNG Tuebingen 2325.TextImage
BMC 22Parium, Mysia, AR hemidrachm. 400-300 BC. 13 mm. Head of gorgoneion facing. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned right, dolphin swimming right above. BMC 22.TextImage
BMC 22 varParium, Mysia, AR hemidrachm. 400-300 BC. Head of gorgoneion facing / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned right, dolphin swimming downwards below. BMC 22 var (position of the dolphin).TextImage
BMC 23Parion, Mysia, AR hemidrachm, 400-300 BC. 13 mm, 2.12 g. Head of gorgoneion facing. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, horizontal corn ear below. BMC 23; Weber 5136; Traité II-2, 2581; Luynes 2492; SNG Berry 963; SNG von Aulock 1320; McClean 7652-7654; SNG Cop 260.TextImage
BMC 24
grapes type 1
Parium, Mysia, AR hemidrachm. 400-300 BC. Head of gorgoneion facing / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned right, bunch of grapes (vertical) below. BMC 24-25; SNG von Aulock 1324; Duesseldorf 7482; Hirsch 1457; Sear SG 3921.TextImage
BMC 24-25
grapes type 2
Parium, Mysia, AR Hemidrachm. 12 mm. 400-300 BC. Head of Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding, serpents around head. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, bunch of grapes on its side below. BMC 24-25; SNG von Aulock 1324; Duesseldorf 7482; Hirsch 1457; Sear SG 3921; SNG Ashmolean 725.TextImage
BMC 26Parion, Mysia, AR hemidrachm, 400-300 BC. 13 mm, 2.30 g. Head of gorgoneion facing. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, scythe (sickle) below. BMC 26; Weber 5137; Traite II-2 2581; SNG Cop 258; SNG France 1378-1379.TextImage
BMC 27Parion, Mysia, AR hemidrachm, 400-300 BC. Head of gorgoneion facing. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, ivy leaf below. BMC 27; SNG von Aulock 7426.TextImage
BMC 28Parium, Mysia, AR Hemidrachm. 14 mm. 400-300 BC. No legend, Gorgonion facing, tongue protruding, serpents around head / ΠA-ΡI, above and beneath bull standing left, head turned right, laurel branch below. BMC 28-29; Weber 5138; SNG Stockholm 2056; SNG Cop 266.TextImage
BMC 31Parion, Mysia, AR hemidrachm. 400-300 BC. 2.6 g. Head of gorgoneion facing. / PA-RI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, patera below. BMC 30-33; Stockholm 2059; SNG von Aulock 7424; Weber 5139; Traite II-,2 2581; Dewing 2201; Amsterdam 23; SNG Cop 261; SNG Tuebingen 2327; McClean 7650-7651 ("Θ" for patera).TextImage
BMC 34Parion, Mysia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.31 g). Gorgoneion facing / Bull left, looking right; scallop shell below. TextImage
BMC 35-37Parion, Mysia, AR hemidrachm. 400-300 BC. Head of gorgoneion facing. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, star below. BMC 35-37; Luynes 2491; SNG von Aulock 1322; SNG Post 173; Svoronos 190 in JIAN 1904; Weber 5140; SNG Cop 262-264; SNG Berry 961; McClean 7655-7657; SNG Lewis 827-828; SNG Tuebingen 2324; Sear SG 3922; SNG France 1370. TextImage
BMC 38Parion, Mysia, AR hemidrachm. 400-300 BC. 15 mm, 2.36 g. Head of gorgoneion facing, ΡE monogram above (overlooked in many catalogs). / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, wreath below. BMC 38-39; Weber 5141; Dewing 2202.TextImage
BMC 41Parion, Mysia, AE18. 350-300 BC. Bull butting right, grapes above / Π-A-Ρ-I around altar of Parion, amphora before. Ref: BMC 41; SNG Cop 2061; SNG v.A. 1326.TextImage
BMC 47Parion, Mysia, AE10, 350-300 BC. 10.22 mm, 1.0 gr. Bull standing right. Δ on I monogram above / ΠAΡI, around the great altar of Parion, amphora before. BMC 47.TextImage
BMC 55AE16 of Parium, Mysia. 350-300 BC. Bull butting left / ΠA-ΡI to left and right of torch, all within wreath. SNG Tuebingen 2328; SNG Cop 269; BMC 55.TextImage
BMC 69Parion, Mysia. Civic issue, ca. 200-1 BC. AE 23mm. Head of Gorgoneion facing, countermark: ΡXA monogram / ΠAΡIANΩN, Eagle standing right, wings half-spread, within wreath. BMC 69; SNG Cop 276-277; Weber 5146; SNG von Aulock 1330 and 7433; SNG Tuebingen 2332. TextImage
BMC 70Parium, Mysia. AE14 civic issue. 200-1 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right. / ΠAΡI above bull standing right. BMC 70.TextImage
McClean 7650Parion, Mysia. ca 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm. Gorgoneion facing / ΠA-ΡI Bull standing left, looking back; dot in ring below. TextImage
McClean 7658Parium, Mysia AE16 mm, 2.30 gr. Head of woman right, wearing stephane / ΠAΡIANΩN, bull standing left, one foreleg raised. McClean 7658.TextImage
Mionnet Supp. V, 663Parion, Mysia. civic issue, 2nd-1st c. BC. AE 8.4 mm, 0.7 g. Bunch of grapes / Π-A Ρ-I in two lines to left and right of corn-ear. Mionnet, Supp. V, 663.TextImage
Mionnet Supp V, 672Parium, Mysia. AE19, civic issue, 2nd-1st c. BC. 5.21 g. Veiled and draped bust of Demeter right. / ΠA ΡI in two lines to left and right of corn-ear. Mionnet Supp. 5, 672; Sestini Descr. 5. LeQuere 114 corr. ("Paros").TextImage
Naumann 64, 138Parion, Mysia, AR hemidrachm, 400-300 BC. 14 mm, 2.35 g. Head of gorgoneion facing. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, rose below. Unpublished symbol. Naumann 64, 138.TextImage
RPC 2259Parion, Mysia, AE15, semi-autonomous issue, 45 BC. C. Matuinus and T. Anicius, aediles. C G I P, female head right, wearing stephane / D-D to left and right of praefericulum (sacrificial vase). RPC 2259; SNG Paris 1415-1418.TextImage
SG 3919vParion, Mysia, AR hemidrachm. Late 4th century BC. Gorgoneion facing / ΠA, Bull standing left, head right, ΡI between legs, tunny below.TextImage
SNG Cop 256Parion, Mysia AR Drachm. ca 500-475 BC. Gorgoneion facing / Incuse punch with rough design. Asyut 612, Rosen 525. TextImage
SNGCop 257Parion, Mysia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.40 g). Gorgoneion facing / Bull standing left, head reverted; oenochoe below. TextImage
SNGCop 257ffParion, Mysia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.36 g). Gorgoneion facing / Bull standing left, head right; patera below. BMC 31-33. TextImage
SNG Cop 258Parium, Mysia, 400-300 BC. AR hemidrachm. Head of gorgoneion facing / ΠA-ΡI, bull standing left; sickle below. Weber 5137; BMC 26; Traité II-2, 2; SNG Cop 258.TextImage
SNG Cop 262Parion, Mysia, 400-300 BC. AR Hemidrachm. 2.17g, 14.06 mm. Head of Gorgoneion facing / ΠA-ΡI and eight-pointed star above and beneath bull standing left, head right. SNG Cop 262-264; SNG von Aulock -; BMC -; McClean -; Mionnet -; Paris -.TextImage
SNG Cop 266Parium, Mysia. 400-300 BC. AR drachm. Head of Gorgoneion facing / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned right, laurel branch below. SNG Stockholm 2056; SNG Cop. 266.TextImage
SNG France 1338Parium, Mysia, AR Hemidrachm. 13 mm, 2.2 g. 400-300 BC. Head of Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding, serpents around head. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, crayfish below. SNG France 1338.TextImage
SNG France 1390Parium, Mysia, AR Hemidrachm. 13 mm, 2 g. 400-300 BC. Head of Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding, serpents around head. / ΠA-ΡI above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, AYTΡ monogram below. SNG France 1390.TextImage
SNG France 1408Parion, Mysia. AE18, civic issue. 2nd-1st centuries BC. 4.76 g. Veiled and draped bust of Demeter right. / Π-A Ρ-I in two lines to left and right of corn-ear between two poppies. SNG France 1408; SNG von Aulock 7432; Mionnet Supp. 5, 673; Pozzi 4579 corr. ("Paros"); LeQuere 115 corr. (ditto).TextImage
SNG France 1409Parion, Mysia, AE14, 2nd-1st cent BC. Gorgoneion facing / Owl standing facing on palm branch. SNG France 1409.TextImage
SNG France 1429Parium, Mysia. Pseudo-autonomous issue. AD 253-268. AE21, 4.73 g. PARIOC CM (partially retrograde), head of the founder Parius right / Asklepios seated right, examining the leg of a bull standing left before him. SNG France 1429-30.TextImage
SNG vA 1319Parion, Mysia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.42 g). Gorgoneion facing / bull standing left, head turned back; PA above, PI below, no symbols. BMC 14-16. TextImage
SNG vA 1320Parion, Mysia. ca 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm. ΠA-ΡI, Gorgoneion facing / Bull standing left on horizontal wheat ear. BMC 23. TextImage
SNG vA 1322Parion, Mysia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.38 g). Gorgoneion facing / Bull standing left; star below. TextImage
SNG vA 1323Parion, Mysia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.42 g). Gorgoneion head facing / ΠA-ΡI, cow standing left; crescent below. SNG Berry 962; SNG von Aulock 1323; SNG Post 172; BMC 21; SNG Tuebingen 2325.TextImage
SNG vA 1327Parion, Mysia, AE, 2nd-1st cent BC. Gorgoneion facing / ΠAΡI, Bull standing left, cicada below. SNG v. Aulock 1327.TextImage
SNG vA 2431Parion, Mysium, civic issue. AE22, 1st cent BC. Head of Demeter left overstruck by legend in wreath / Altar of Parion, bucranion on front plate, thyrsos below. SNG v. Aulock 2431; SNG France 1396.TextImage
SNG vA 7423Parion, Mysia, AR Hemidrachm, 350 - 300 BC; 2,35gr. Gorgoneion facing / ΠA-ΡI Bull standing left, head right, bucranium below. SNG von Aulock 7423; SNG Stockholm 2057.TextImage
SNG vA 7427Parion, Mysia. ca 2nd-1st Century BC. AE 20mm. Laureate head of Apollo right / ΠAΡI, bull butting left; XY monogram and caduceus below. TextImage
SNG vA 7429Parion, Mysia AE18. 350-300 BC. The Altar of Parion / ΠA-ΡI in 2 lines within wreath.TextImage
Sear SG 3917Parion, Mysia, AR Tetrobol. c 480 BC. 12 mm. 2.6 g. Gorgoneion facing / cruciform incuse square with dot at centre. BMC 1-6.TextImage
Sear SG 3918Parion, Mysia, AR Hemidrachm. ca 480 BC. Head of gorgoneion facing / cruciform incuse with dot at centre. Sear SG 3918; BMC 10.TextImage
Sear SG 3919Parion, Mysia, AR Hemidrachm. 350-300 BC, Head of gorgoneion facing / ΠAΡI, Bull standing left, looking back. No symbol. BMC 14-16; SNG France 1370; SNG v. Aulock 1322; Sear SG 3919; Dewing 2204; Amsterdam 22; SNG Berry 960.TextImage
Weber 5135Parium, Mysia, AR Hemidrachm. 13 mm. 400-300 BC. Head of Gorgonion facing, tongue protruding, serpents around head. / ΠA-ΡI, above and beneath bull standing left, head turned back, horizontal caduceus below. Weber 5135; Stockholm 2058; SNG von Aulock 1321; Mionnet II, 391.TextImage
RPC 1656Parion, Mysia or Philippi, Macedonia. Augustus AE17 (Semis). AVG, head right / Two colonists ploughing right with two oxen. BMC (Parium) 86-88.TextImage
RPC 2260Octavian and Agrippa AE29 Dupondius of Parion, Mysia. ca 27 BC. IMP CAESAR DIVI F C G I P, bare head right / M AGRIPPA, bare head right. BMC 85.TextImage
RPC 2261Augustus, AE24 of Parium, Mysia. 27 BC-14 AD. 24 mm. 8.31 g. C G P I, bare head right. / M BARBATIO MN ACILIO IIVIR, founder ploughing right with two bulls. RPC I, 2261; Imhoof MG 136; Paris 2013.491.TextImage
RPC 2262Augustus AE24 of Parium, Mysia, c27 BC. M BARBATIO M N ACILIO II VIR C G I P Bare head of Augustus right / P VIBIO SAC CAES Q BARBA PRAEF PRO II VIR, Priest ploughing with two oxen.TextImage
RPC 2264Augustus, AE14 of Parium, Mysia. 27 BC-AD 14. 14.2 mm, 2.46 g. AVG, bare head of Augustus right. / No legend, capricorn leaping right. RPC I 2264; Paris 939; SNG von Aulock 7439; Noury Bey 1401 (this coin).TextImage
SGI 341Drusus AE20 of Parium, Mysia. DRV CAES, bare head right / two founders ploughing right with yoke of two oxen. Mionnet 719, Cohen 1, RPC -.TextImage
RPC 1657Macedonia, Philippi, Tiberius, AE 16. TI AVG, Bare head of Tiberius right / Two priests ploughing right. RPC I, 1657; BMC 89–91; Paris 943-947; McClean 7661; SNG Cop 283 (all as uncertain of Macedonia).TextImage
RPC 2265Nero, AE23 of Parium, Mysia. AD 54-68. 8.56 g. NERO CLA CAES, laureate head right. / AVGVSTVS beneath capricorn right, cornucopiae over shoulder. RPC I 2265.TextImage
RPC 887Vespasian AE of Parion, Mysia. 8.80 g. VESPASIANVS CAISAR, laureate head right / AVGVSTVS, Capricorn leaping right, cornucopia on its back. RPC 887. SNG Paris 1460.TextImage
Weber_5151Trajan, Plotina and Marciana AE 18mm of Parium, Mysia. TRAIANVS AVG, laureate head right, countermark of capricorn right / PLOTINA ET MARCIANA AVG, draped bust of Plotina right facing draped bust of Marciana left, both wearing stephane. Weber 5151 (same c/mark); Niggeler Coll. I 604 (ditto).TextImage
SNG vA 7442Antoninus Pius, AE16 of Parium, Mysia. AD 138-161. 2.04 g. ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right. / CGIHP above founder ploughing right with two oxen. SNG von Aulock 7442; SNG France 1472; SNG Tuebingen 2353.TextImage
SNG Righetti 740Marcus Aurelius AE29 of Parium, Mysia. AD 161-180. 17.42 g. IMP CAES M AVRLE ANTONINVS AVG, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / C G I H PAR beneath emperor on horseback galloping right, holding couched spear. SNG Righetti 740.TextImage
BMC 101Commodus, AE15 of Parium, Mysia. 180-192 AD. IMP C AV COMODO, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / C G I H P, Colonist ploughing right with two oxen. BMC 101; SNG Cop. 289.TextImage
BMC 101Commodus, Parion, Mysia. AE16. IMP C M A COMODVS, bearded laureate draped bust right / C G I H P, colonist ploughing right with team of two oxen. BMC 101; SNG Cop 289; SNG v.A. 1337.TextImage
BMC 104Commodus AE20 of Parion, Mysia, 4.6g. IMP CAI M AVR COMMODVS, Laurate, draped bust right / DEO AESC SVB CGIHP, Asklepios wearing himation, seated right on throne; raising with hand the forefoot of bull standing in front of him. BMC 104 ; SNG Paris 1483 ff.TextImage
SNG Cop 291Commodus, AE24 of Parium, Mysia. AD 180-192. IMP C MA AV COMODVS (M engraved as AI), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / DEO CVPIDINI COLON IVL HAD PA, Eros standing slightly left, looking right, herm at his feet. Slight rev. legend var of SNG Cop 291; SNG von Aulock 1338 (with COL GEM).TextImage
SNG vA 7444Commodus, AE34 of Parium, Mysia. AD 177-192. IMP CAI M AVR COMMODVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H PAR above and beneath she-wolf standing right, head turned back, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. SNG von Aulock 7444; Hirsch coll. 1458.TextImage
BMC 107 varSeptimius Severus AE23 of Parium, Mysia. AD 193-211. 5.79 g. IN CAI L SEPTI SEVER PE (all S retrograde), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H PA-(R) around and beneath she-wolf standing right, head turned back, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. Naumann 46, 346. BMC 107 var (this reverse for Caracalla); SNG Cop 295 var (ditto); SNG Turkey 3, 218 var (ditto). Apparently unpublished.TextImage
CNG 387, 300Caracalla, AE21 of Parium, Mysia. AD 218-222. 5.49 g. ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H P, she-wolf standing right, head turned back, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. Unpublished. CNG 387, 300.TextImage
CNG 388, 243Caracalla, AE31 of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. 15.95 g. M AV ANTONINVS PIVS A, Laureate and cuirassed bust right, with aegis on chest. / C G H I PARI, emperor, holding spear, on horseback galloping right. Unpublished. CNG 388, 243.TextImage
CNG 413, 250Caracalla, AE31 of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. 18.10 g. AV K M AV ANTONINVS PIVS A, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H P-ARI, emperor, holding spear, on horseback galloping right. Unpublished. CNG 413, 250.TextImage
Lanz 164, 233Caracalla, AE31 of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. 16.74 g. AV K M AV ANTONINVS PIVS A, laureate, cuirassed bust right. / C G I H P-ARI, emperor, holding spear, on horseback galloping right. Unpublished (though several known). Lanz 164, 233.TextImage
Mionnet II, 443Caracalla AE19 of Parium, Mysia. AD. 198-217. 3.72 g. ANTONINVS PIVS AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H PA, Artemis Phosphoros walking right, holding torch in each hand. Mionnet II, 443; Paris 980; SNG France II, 1493.TextImage
Mionnet Supp. V, 759Elagabalus AE22 of Parium, Mysia. AD 218-222. ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H PA, Genius, loins draped, standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. SNG Turkey 1 (Canakkale) 215; Munich 116; Mionnet Supp. V, 759.TextImage
SNG Cop 294Caracalla AE23 of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. ANTONINVS PIVS AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / C G I H PA, Genius standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. SNG Cop 294; SNG Tuebingen 2356; Mionnet Supp. V, 758 (with AVG).TextImage
SNG Cop 294Caracalla, AE of Parium, Mysia. ANTONINVS PIVS AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H PA, Genius standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. SNG Cop 294.TextImage
SNG France 1494Caracalla, AE22 of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. ANTONINVS PIVS AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H P, Capricorn right, with globe between hooves and cornucopiae over shoulder. SNG France II 1494-1495; Paris 981 and 989.TextImage
SNG Turkey 1, 220Caracalla AE22 of Parium, Mysia. AD 218-222. 5.28 g. ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H P, capricorn leaping right, holding globe, cornucopiae above. SNG Turkey 1 (Canakkale) 220.TextImage
SNG Turkey 3, 218Caracalla AE23 of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. 7.78 g. ANTONINVS PIVS AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H PA-R above and beneath she-wolf standing right, head turned back left, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. SNG Turkey 3, 218.TextImage
wwxls 41227Caracalla, AE21 of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. 5.58 g. M AV ANTONINIVS PI A, laureate, cuirassed bust right. / C G I H PAR, Genius standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. wwxls 41227; TLA int. 205958. Unpublished obverse legend for this reverse. Same obverse die as Gorny & Mosch 245, 1486 (wolf and twins reverse).TextImage
wwxls 41228Caracalla, AE23 of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. 7.82 g. M AV ANTONINIVS PI A, laureate, cuirassed bust right. / C G I H PAR, She-wolf standing right, head turned left, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. wwxls 41228; G&M 245, 1486. Unpublished obv. legend for this reverse.TextImage
wwxls 41229Caracalla, AE22 of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. 6.12 g. M AVR ANTONINIVS CAI, bare-headed, draped bust right. / C G I H P, She-wolf standing right, head turned left, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. wwxls 41229; CNG 387, 290 and Naumann 46, 347. Unpublished bust type.TextImage
wwxls 41230Caracalla, AE24 of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. 8.42 g. M AVR ANTONINVS CAI, bare-headed, draped bust right. / C G I H P DEO AES SVB, Asklepios sitting right, holding the front hoof of a bull. wwxls 41230; CNG 387, 291. Unpublished obv. legend and reverse type for Caracalla.TextImage
BMC 111Macrinus AE22 of Parion, Mysia. AD 217-218. IMP C M OPE SEV MACRINVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / C G I H P beneath capricorn right, cornucopiae over shoulder. BMC 111; Chaix 12; SNG France 1502.TextImage
SNG Paris 1501Macrinus, AE of Parion, Mysia. 6.37 g. IMP C M OPE SEV MACRINVS, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / C G I H PA, Genius standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. SNG Paris 1501.TextImage
AR CR2788Severus Alexander, AE23 of Parium, Mysia, AD 222-235. IMP CAES L SEP SEO ALEXANDER, (partially retrograde), laureate, cuirassed bust right, aegis on chest. / C G I H P beneath capricorn swimming right, cornucopiae over shoulder and globe between forelegs. Ancient Resource CR2788. Mionnet 450 var (rev type); SNG Cop 300 var (obv. legend).TextImage
CNG 387, 309Severus Alexander, AE21 of Parium, Mysia. AD 222-235. 4.79 g. IMP CAES L SEP SEV ALEXANDER (all S retrograde), laureate, cuirassed bust right with aegis on chest. / C G I H P retrograde beneath capricorn left, holding globe between hooves and rudimentary cornucopiae over shoulder. Unpublished but several known. CNG 387, 309.TextImage
Mionnet II 450Severus Alexander AE22 of Parium, Mysia. AD 222-235. IMP CAES L SEP SEV ALEXANDER, laureate head right / DEO CVPIDIN C I G H PAR, Cupid, winged, standing left, looking right, herm at foot left. Type Mionnet II, 450.TextImage
Mionnet Supp 5, 769Severus Alexander AE23 of Parium, Mysia. AD 222-235. 6.33 g. IMP CAESAR SEP SEV ALEXANDER (sic, partially retrograde), laureate and cuirassed bust right; aegis on breastplate / (garbled) DEO AES SVB C G I H P above and beneath Asklepios sitting right, holding the raised foreleg of bull standing left. Type Mionnet Supp. V, 769.TextImage
Mionnet Supp 5, 769Severus Alexander AE23 of Parium, Mysia. AD 222-235. 6.33 g. IMP CAES SEH SEV ALEXANDER (or similar, partially retrograde), laureate and cuirassed bust right; aegis on breastplate / (garbled) DEO AES SVB C G I H P above and beneath Asklepios sitting right, holding the raised foreleg of bull standing left. Type Mionnet Supp. V, 769.TextImage
SNG France 1506Severus Alexander AE22 of Parium, Mysia, AD 222-235. 5.75g. IMP CAE SER SEV ALEXANDER (partially retrograde), laureate and cuirassed bust right; aegis on breastplate / C I G H PAR, she-wolf standing right, head turned back, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. SNG France 1506; legends var of Mionnet II, 449 and Lindgren I 280.TextImage
Sternberg VI, 874Severus Alexander AE22 of Parium, Mysia. AD 222-235. 5.87 g. IMP CAR CEVERVS ALEXANDER (sic), laureate and cuirassed bust right; aegis on breastplate / C G I H P beneath capricorn right, with globe between hooves and cornucopiae over shoulder. Sternberg VI 874.TextImage
Lindgren I 279Julia Paula AE of Parion, Mysia. AD 219-220. 6.62 g. IVLIA PAVLA AVG, draped bust right. / C G I H P, capricorn right with cornucopiae on shoulder. Lindgren I 279.TextImage
Imhoof MG 141 varOtacilia Severa AE23 of Parium, Mysia. AD 244-249. OTACI SEVERA AVGV, draped bust right. / DEO CVPIDINI C G I H PAR, Eros standing left, herm at foot left. Rev legend var of Imhoof MG 141, SNG Cop 301 and Mionnet II, 454 (who cited Sestini who misread the legend anyway).TextImage
RPC IX 375Aemilian, AE21 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253. 5.1 g. IMP M AEM AEMILIANO, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G I H P, Capricorn leaping right, globe between forelegs, cornucopiae behind. RPC IX 375; Paris 1001; SNG France 1516.TextImage
Mionnet Supp. V, 778Cornelia Supera, AE of Parium in Mysia, AD 253. 5.33 g. G CORN SVPERA AVG, diademed, draped bust right / C G I H P, she-wolf standing right, looking back, suckling Romulus and Remus. Mionnet Supp. 5, 778. Helios Numismatik 5, 406.TextImage
SNG France 1518Cornelia Supera. AE22 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253. 4.5 g. G CORN SVPERA AVG, draped bust right. / C G I H PAR, Genius standing left, wing on shoulder, standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. SNG France 1518; Waddell I, 152; RPC IX 383.TextImage
SNG Fr 1519Cornelia Supera, C CORN SVPERA AVG, draped bust right / CGIHP, capricorn right, globe between forelegs, cornucopiae behind back.TextImage
Vagi 2261Cornelia Supera. AE21 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253. 4.38 g. G CORN SVPERA, draped bust right, wearing stephane. / DEO AES SVB, CGIHP in exergue, Asklepius seated right, examining hoof of bull standing left before him. SNG Turkey 3 (Çanakkale) 227; Vagi 2261; RPC IX 380.TextImage
BMC 117Valerian I, AE21 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253-260. 3.76 g. IMP VALERIANVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / COL G IVL H PAR, Nike standing facing on globe, holding globe above her head with both hands. BMC 117; SNG Cop 303.TextImage
Mabbott 1310Valerian I, AE20 of Parium, Mysia. IMP VALERIAN.., radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / DEO AESC SVB, C G I H P A below, Asklepios wearing himation, seated right on throne; raising with hand the forefoot of bull standing left before him. Mabbott Coll. 1310; ANS 100.43146; Isegrim -.TextImage
SNG Cop 310Valerian, AE22 of Parium, Mysia. 255-258 AD. 21.6mm, 4.0 gr. VALERIANVS NOBIL CAE, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / C G I H P, Genius standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. SNG Cop 310; Thomsen Coll. 1314.TextImage
SNG vA 1343Valerian I, AE21 of Parium, Mysia. 253-260 AD. 4.01 g. IMP C VALERIANVS AVG (or A or AV), radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / C G I H P, Capricorn swimming right, holding globe between legs. SNG von Aulock 1343; McClean 7665.TextImage
Mionnet 815Saloninus, AE20 of Parium, Mysia. VALERIANVS NOBIL CAE, laureate and draped bust right / CGI HP, Genius standing left by lighted altar, holding patera and cornucopia. Mionnet Supp. 8, 815.TextImage
Ainslie 51Gallienus AE21 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253-268. 3.55 g. AD 253-268. IMP P LIC EGN GALLIHNVS AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / COL IVL INAD PAR, Herakles Farnese, standing half right, right hand on hip, holding lionskin and leaning on club. Sestini Ainslie 51.TextImage
cf BMC 122Gallienus, AE27 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253-268. 10.33 gr. IMP IC GA-ENVS AAG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / C C I C.. beneath Gallienus (obliterated), holding spear, on horseback galloping right. cf SNG von Aulock 1345 and BMC 122.TextImage
Chaix 416Gallienus, AE28 of Parium, Mysia. IM A VA LI(CINN GA) or similar, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / C G I H P beneath statue of Emperor on pedestal placed on two larger bases with two conjoined foreparts of horses, and with a column on each side, each surmounted by a figure of Nike. Barbaric style. Chaix ("1100 monnaies") 416, cf. BMC 123-124; cf Cohen V, 1418; Mionnet Supp. V, 787.TextImage
RPC X 82022Gallienus, AE24 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253-268. 5.1 g. AYTO ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G H I P, capricorn right, holding globe between legs and cornucopiae on its back. RPC X ID 82022; Eid Mar 4, 278.TextImage
SNG France 1524Gallienus, AE of Parium, Mysia. 4.01 g. IMP P LIC EGN GALLIENVS AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / C G I H P, Genius standing left by altar, holding Nike and cornucopiae. SNG Paris 1524.TextImage
SNG France 1534Gallienus, AE of Parium, Mysia. 7.58 g. IMP C GALLIENVS, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / C G H I P, triumphal arch with three arches, surmounted by quadriga of elephants facing between two Nikes. SNG Paris 1534; Price/Trell, p. 117, Fig. 211.TextImage
SNG Turkey 12, 29Gallienus AE20 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253-268. 4.68 g. IMP P LIC EGN GALLIENVS AV (last E retrograde), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / C G IVL H PAR, Nike standing front on globe, wings spread, holding globe or shield with both hands above her head. SNG Turkey 12, 29; Izmir mus. 31182.TextImage
cf SNG vA 1345Gallienus, AE27 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253-268. 10.33 gr. ILLR IICI NN CK, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / C C I H [P A] beneath Gallienus, holding spear, on horseback galloping right. cf SNG von Aulock 1345 and BMC 122.TextImage
SNG vA 1346 varORC6662 Gallienus, Parium in Mysia, AE22, AVT O GALLIHNOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CCHIR, Capricorn right, cornucopiae behind. TextImage
Triton XI, 473Gallienus AE27 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253-268. 10.31 g. IΛΛP LICINN CR, laureate, cuirassed bust right. / C G I H PA, Aeneas, in military dress, standing front, looking left, holding Ascanias with his right hand and carrying Anchises, who is holding the Penates. Unpublished. Voegtli reverse type 25n. Triton XI, 473.TextImage
Vienna GR16345Gallienus, AE21 of Parium, Mysia. AD 253-268. 3.95 g. IMP P LIC EGN GALLIHNVS AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / COL G I PAR, Marsyas standing left, raising right hand and holding wineskin over shoulder. Vienna GR16345; CNG 245, 261.TextImage
SNG Cop 312 varSalonina, AE23, Parion, Mysia, 253-268 AD. SALONINA, draped bust right / C G I H PAR, Herakles Farnese standing right, right hand behind back, resting on club set on rock. Unpublished for Salonina. SNG Cop. 312 var (this reverse for Saloninus); Mionnet Supp. V 801-802 var, (this reverse type for Gallienus). Museumlandschaft Hessen-Kassel 702.TextImage
SNG Cop 311Valerian II AE21 of Parium, Mysia. 3.6 g. VALERIANVS NOBIL CAE, laureate, draped bust right / CGI HP above and beneath she-wolf standing right, head left, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. SNG Cop 311; Mionnet II, 460.TextImage
See also: Ed Snible, The Gorgons of Parion
Parion Hemidrachms, by Reid Goldsborough
Entry for Parion, Mysia on the Digital Historia Numorum

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