Browsing Ancient Coinage of Bithynia, Nicaea

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RecGen 6Nicaea, Bithynia, AE22, C. Papirius Carbo, 62-59 BC. 9.66 gr. NIKAIEΩN, Head of youthful Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy, ΠΛT monogram to right, date ΔKΣ under neck / EΠI ΓAIOY ΠAΠIΡIOY KAΡBΩNΩΣ, to left and right of Roma seated left, holding Nike and spear, ΡΩMH below. RecGen 6.TextFull Size
RecGen 7.1 Bithynia, Nicaea, C Papirius Carbo, Proconsul. 62-59 BC. AE 24mm. Dated Year 224 (=59-58 BC). Wreathed head of Dionysos right / Roma seated left on a pile of arms. BMC 3, Rec Gen 7. TextFull Size
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RecGen 7 Bithynia, Nicaea. C Papirius Carbo, Proconsul 62-59 BC, AE 23mm. Dated Year 224 = 59/8 BC. NIKAIEΩN left, wreathed head of Dionysos right; date ΔKΣ below, monogram before / EΠI ΓAIOY ΠAΠIΡIOY KAΡBΩNOΣ, ΡΩMH below, Roma seated left on pile of shields, holding Nike in right hand, spear in left; M behind Roma. BMC 3, SNG Cop 466, SNGvA 532. TextFull Size
RecGen 18Nicaea, Bithynia, AE18, ca. 25 BC, Procos Thorius Flaccus. 3.55g. NIKAIEΩN, Head of youthful Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / EΠI ANΘYΠATOY ΘΩΡIOY ΦΛAKKOY, Head of elephant right; monograms in left and right fields. Rec.Gen. 18; RPC 2030.TextFull Size
RPC 2026Julius Caesar, AE24 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 46-45 BC. Struck by the proconsul C. Vibius Pansa. 8.38 g. NIKAIEΩN, bare head of Julius Caesar right. / EΠI ΓAIOY OVIBIOY ΠANΣA upwards and downwards to left and right of Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. ΩΠHT monogram and ΡΔAE monogram across lower fields. Date ς ΛΣ below. RPC I 2026; RecGen 11; BMC 8-9; Prinz Waldeck 106.TextFull Size
RPC 2027Augustus, AE26 of Nicaea. Thorius Flaccus Proconsul. NIKAIEΩN, bare head left / EΠI ANΘYΠATOY ΘΩΡIOY ΦΛAKKOY, Nike walking left holding palm and wreath. Rec Gen 13-15. TextImageImage
RPC 2032Claudius AE31 of Nicaea, Bithynia. C Cadius Rufus, proconsul ca 47-48 AD. TI KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΣ ΓEΡMANIKOΣ, laureate head left / Γ KAΔIOΣ ΡOYΦOY ANΘYΠATOΣ NEIKAIEΩN, front view of multi-story building. Rec Gen 28 var.TextImage
RPC 2040vClaudius AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. C Cadius Rufus, proconsul ca 47-48 AD. TI KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΣ ΓEΡMANIKOΣ, laureate head left, lituus before / Γ KAΔIOΣ ΡOYΦOY ANΘYΠATOΣ, NEIKA monogram below, all in laurel wreath. Rec Gen 29. Text Image
RPC 2046Claudius AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. L Mindius Balbus, proconsul ca 48-9 AD. TI KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΣ ΓEΡMANIKOΣ, laureate head left / Λ MINΔIOΣ BAΛBOΣ ANΘYΠATOΣ around large NKAE monogram, all in border of dots. Rec Gen 24. TextImage
RPC 2048Claudius AE 22mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. Pasidienus Firmus, Proconsul ca 50 AD. TI KΛAYΔIOΣ ΣEBAΣTOΣ ΓEΡMANIKOΣ, bare head right / ΠAΣIΔIHNOΣ ΦIΡMOΣ ΠATΡON ΠO around ANΘY-ΠATOΣ and NIKEA monogram. Rec Gen 26. TextImage
RPC 2039Britannicus, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. BΡITANNIKOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOY YIOΣ, bare head of Britannicus left / Λ KAΔIOΣ ΡOYΦOΣ ANΘYΠATOΣ NAIKAIEΩN, side view of a two-storeyed building. RPC 2039; SNG Fitz. 4110; Leake Coll. 2.TextFull Size
RPC 2049Nero AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. NEΡΩN KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣT, bare head right / ΔIONYΣOY KTIΣTOY NEIKAIAΣ, garlanded altar. Text Image
RPC 2052Nero and Agrippina II, AE of 27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Magistrate Attius Laco. 12.76 g. NEΡΩN KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΣ AΓΡIΠΠINA ΣEBAΣTH, jugate busts left. / EΠI ATTIOY ΛAKΩNOΣ ANΘYΠATOY NEIK, Dionysos, in long robe, holding thyrsos and kantharos, standing left on the head of an elephant. RPC 2052; RecGen 36; BMC 16; Bernhart 1080.TextFull Size
RPC 2058Nero AE 21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. NEΡΩN KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare head left, lituus before / TAΡKYTIOΣ ΠΡEIΣKOΣ ΠATΡΩN, trophy (trophies?) of arms above NEIK. SGI 561, BMC 15, Rec Gen 41-2. TextImage
RPC 2060Nero and Poppaea AE26 (dupondius) of Nicaea, Bithynia, NEΡΩN KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΣ ΓEΡM, radiate head of Nero, GALBA countermark on face / ΠOΠΠAIA ΣEBAΣTH, Poppaea seated right. TextFull Size
RPC 2061cfNero AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. NEΡΩN KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΣ ΓE, laureate head left / MEΣΣAΛEINA ΓYNE ΣEBAΣTOY, Statilia Messalina as Securitas seated right. TextFull Size
RPC 629Vespasian AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia, Magistrate L Plancius Varus. AD 69-79. 4.87g. Bithynia, Nicaea, 76 AD. AYTOKΡATOΡI KAICAΡI OYEΣΠAΣIANΩ NEIKI (NE ligate), Laureate head right / EΠI MAΡKOY ΠΛANKIOY OYAΡOY ANΘYΠATOY, panther sitting left, one front paw resting on kantharos. RPC 629.TextFull Size
RPC 630Vespasian, AE34 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 69-79. Magistrate Marcus Salvidenus Asprenas. 26.21 g. AYT.. ΣEBAΣTOΣ OYEΣΠAΣIANOΣ, laureate head right / EΠI MAΡKOY ΣAΛOYIΔHNOY AΣΠΡHNA ANΘYΠATΡOY NEIKAI ΠΡ B, Dionysos, holding kantharos and thyrsos, sitting left in a quadriga of elephants. RPC II 630; RecGen 51; Hunter 6; Weber 4899.TextFull Size
RPC 632Domitian AE36 of Bithynia, Nicaea. AYT ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΣ ΓEΡM, laureate head right / NKA-ΠΡ, Mars walking right holding trophy and spear.TextFull Size
RPC II 634Domitian, AE35 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 21.7 g. AD 81-96. 21.70 g. AYT ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEB ΓEΡ, laureate head right. TONZOY (Howgego 568) in rectangular countermark before head. / NEIKAIEIΣ ΠΡΩTOI THΣ EΠAΡXEIAΣ, Elpis walking left, holding flower and raising hem of robe. RPC II 634; Mionnet Supp. V, 435; Sestini Desc. num. vet, 6; BMC 01011323.TextFull Size
RPC 636Domitian AE26 dupondius of Nicaea, Bithynia, AYΓ ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBA ΓEΡ, Laureate head right / NEIKAIEIΣ ΠΡΩTOI THΣ EΠAΡXEIAΣ, Demeter standing right, holding corn ears and staff.TextImage
RPC 638Domitian AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AVT ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEB ΓEΡ, laureate head right / TON KTIΣ NIKAIEIΣ ΠΡΩTOI ΠONT KAI BIΘ, Dionysos, wearing short chiton, standing left, foot on elephant head, holding kantharos and thyrsos. RPC II, 638.TextImage
RPC 638 (2)Domitian, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 13.70 g. AYT ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEB ΓEΡ, laureate head right / TON KTIΣ NIKAIEIΣ ΠΡΩTOI ΠONT KAI BIΘ, Dionysos, in long robe, standing left, foot on elephant's head, holding kantharos and thyrsos. RPC II, 638.TextFull Size
RPC 639Domitian AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AYT ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBA ΓEΡM, laureate head right / TON KTIΣTH NEIKAIEIΣ ΠΡΩTOI THΣ EΠ AΡX, wreathed head of Herakles left.TextImage
RPC 640Domitian AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AVT ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEB ΓEΡ, laureate head right / ΡΩMHN MHTΡOΠOΛIN NEIK ΠΡΩ BIΘ KAI Π, Roma seated left on rocks, holding wreath. RPC II 640; RecGen 61; BMC 25.Text
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RPC 709BDomitian AE26 of Nicaea or uncertain city in Bithynia. 26 mm, 11.45 g. AYT ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEB ΓEΡ, laureate head right. / ΣEBAΣTOY, Nike walking left, holding shield and wreath. RPC II 709B.TextFull Size
Hunter 9Trajan, AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 3.2g. [AVT] KAI NEΡ TΡAIAN..., laureate head right, countermarked TOM (Howgego 567) / DIOC beneath altar with double doors. Hunter 9 or Price and Trell 188; RPC 1148 (Uncertain of Bithynia).TextFull Size
Lindgren 132Trajan AE22 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AVT NEΡ TΡAIANOC KAICAΡ ΓEP, laureate head right / large altar faced with double doors, ΔIOC below. RPC 1148 (Uncertain of Bithynia)TextImage
Price and Trell 188Trajan, AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 5.11 gr. ..TRAIANOC KAIC.., laureate head right / DIOC, altar. Price and Trell fig. 188; RPC 1148 (Uncertain of Bithynia).TextFull Size
Blum 1Antinous, AE42 medallion of Tium, Bithynia. AD 130. 38.07 g. ANTINOΩI HΡΩI, draped bust left / TIANOI, Dionysos (or Antinous as Dionysos) sitting on the back of a panther walking right. RecGen 34; Blum 1; RPC III 1191.TextFull Size
Burstein 553Antoninus Pius, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 136-161. 11.49 g. AYT KAIC T AIΛ AΔΡ ANTΩNINOC, bare head right. / NEIKAIEΩN, bearded head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. Burstein Coll. 553. Imhoof GRM 1 (RSN XIII) var (this reverse for Marcus Aurelius).TextFull Size
CNG 510, 298Antoninus Pius, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 4.18 g. AYT KAI T AI AΔΡ ANTΩNINOC CE, laureate head right. / CΩTHΡI ACKΛHΠIΩ NIKAIEIC, serpent-entwined altar. CNG 510, 398. Rev legend var of Weiser 11; Legends and bust type combination var of RecGen 103-104 etc.TextFull Size
Leypold I 148Antoninus Pius AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 136-161.4.81 g. AYT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, bare head right. / NEIKAIEΩN, Bull standing right, crescent between horns. Leypold I, 148.TextFull Size
Naumann 43, 614Antoninus Pius AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 3.97 g. AYT KAIC ANTΩNINOC, bare head right. / NEIKAIEΩN, Harpokrates, naked but for chlamys over left arm, standing left, his right hand to his lips, holding cornucopiae in left arm. Unpublished with this obv. legend. Naumann 43, 614.TextFull Size
Naumann 87, 285Antoninus Pius AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 9.61 g. AY KAI TI AI AΔΡI ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / ACKΛHΠIΩ KAI YΓEIA NIKAEIC, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. Naumann 87, 285. Obv legend var of RecGen 94 and BMC 28.TextFull Size
Nomos 11, 416Antoninus Pius AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 136-161. 8.85 g. AYT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, bare head right. / NEIKAIEΩN, Athena standing right, holding owl and spear. Unpublished. Nomos 11, 416.TextFull Size
RecGen 72Antoninus Pius. AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 8.84 g. AYT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, bare head right, slight drapery on left shoulder. / NEIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding owl and spear. RecGen 72; Paris 823.TextFull Size
RecGen 75Antoninus Pius AE40 mm medallion of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 136-161. 52.49 g. AYT KAICAΡ AΔΡIANOC ANTΩNINOC, bare head right, slight drapery on left shoulder. / ΘEA ΔHMHTΡHI NEIKAIEIC, biga of winged serpents right, driven by Demeter, holding torch. RecGen 75; SNG von Aulock 543; Paris 824; Florence 34964.TextFull Size
RecGen 75
cast copy
Antoninus Pius, AE40 cast copy of Nicaea, Bithynia. Original struck AD 138-161. 45.2 g. AYT KAICAΡ AΔΡIANOC ANTΩNINOC, bare head right, slight drapery on left shoulder. / ΘEA ΔHMHTΡHI NEIKAIEIC, biga of winged serpents right, driven by Demeter, holding torch. Modern cast copy of RecGen 75; SNG von Aulock 543; Paris 824 and Florence 34964.TextFull Size
RecGen 76Antoninus Pius, AE30 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 18.70 g. AYT KAI AΔΡIANOC ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right, slight drapery on left shoulder / NIKAEΩN, Kybele, turreted, holding drum and sceptre, riding right on the back of a lion. RecGen 76; Paris 825.TextFull Size
RecGen 79Antoninus Pius, AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. AYT KAI ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right. / NEIKAIEΩN, the infant Dionysos sitting right in cradle, raising both arms, thyrsos behind him. RecGen 79; SNG von Aulock 544; Vienna 15571; SNG Cop 480 corr. (emperor); Leypold 145; Bernhart 893; Kurth Dionysos 1624.TextFull Size
RecGen 80Antoninus Pius, AE31 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 14.26 g. AYT KAI T AIΛ AΔΡ ANTΩNINOC CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from the back; countermark: lyre in wreath within circular incuse / TON KTICTHN NIKAIEIC, Dionysos, holding kantharos and thyrsos, seated left on chair on cart drawn left by four elephants. RecGen 80; SNG von Aulock 7017.TextFull Size
RecGen 84Antoninus Pius AE44 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. AYT KAI T AI AΔΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / YΓEIA KAI ACKΛHΠIΩ NIKAIEIC, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms, facing Asklepios, standing front, looking left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff, and Telesphoros on the right, standing facing, wearing hooded cloak. RecGen 84 (this coin); Prowe I, 1195 (this coin).TextFull Size
RecGen 85Antoninus Pius AE41 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 54.07 g. AYTO KAI TI AI AΔΡI ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. / CΩTHΡI ACKΛHΠIΩ NIKAIEIC, half-length bust of Asklepios left, partially draped; serpent before shoulder. RecGen 85; Paris 833; Mionnet II 226.TextFull Size
RecGen 86Antoninus Pius AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 10.05 g. AY KAI TI AI AΔΡI ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / CΩTHΡI ACKΛHΠIΩ NIKAIEIC, Asklepios standing front, looking left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. RecGen 86; Paris 834.TextFull Size
RecGen 89Antoninus Pius AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AE 138-161. 4.29 g. AYT KAI T AI AΔΡ ANTΩNEINO CEB, laureate head right. / CΩTHΡ ACKΛH NIKAIEIC, Asklepios standing front, looking left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. RecGen 89; Paris 837; Lindgren I 135.TextFull Size
RecGen 92Antoninus Pius, AE24 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AVT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, Bare head right / ΘEA YΓEIA NIKAIEIC, Hygieia standing right, holding patera, feeding serpent in arms. RecGen 92; Waddington 401.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 95Antoninus Pius AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AVTO KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. RecGen 95; SNG Cop 474; Mionnet Supp. V, 464.TextImage
Rec Gen 95Antoninus Pius AE22 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AVTO KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. RecGen 95; SNG Cop 474; Mionnet Supp. V, 464.TextImage
Rec Gen 96Antoninus Pius AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AVT KAI T AIΛ ANTΩNEINOC, bare head right / EΠIΦ TEΛE NIKAIEIC, Telesphoros standing facing.TextImage
RecGen 98
Antoninus Pius AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 136-161. 4.04 g. AYTO KAICAΡ ANTΩNEINOC, bare head right. / ΘEΩ TEΛECΦOΡΩ NIKAIEIC, Telesphoros standing facing, wearing hooded cloak. RecGen 98 corr. (legends); Paris 844; Mionnet Supp. V 467.TextFull Size
RecGen 100 and 102
Antoninus Pius, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 4.24g. AYT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, serpent-entwined altar. RecGen 100 corr. ("two serpents") citing Santangelo Portici Coll. 7790; RecGen 102 corr (legend and bust type - legend confused by an overstrike); Paris 845.TextFull Size
RecGen 101Antoninus Pius AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AVT KAI T AI AΔP ANTΩNINOC CЄB, bare head right / CΩ(THPI ACKΛH) NIKAIEIC, serpent-entwined altar. SNG Cop 475, SGI 1389.TextImage
RecGen 106Antoninus Pius, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 136-161. 4.61 g. AYT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN beneath serpent-entwined altar. RecGen 106; Paris 847; Mionnet Supp. V, 451.TextFull Size
RecGen 110Antoninus Pius, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 136-161. 7.8 g. AYT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, bare head right, slight drapery on left shoulder. / NEIKAIEΩN, Nemesis standing left, holding cubit rule and plucking at the neck of her robe, wheel at foot. RecGen 110 (this coin).TextFull Size
RecGen 114Antoninus Pius AE30 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 12.69 g. AYT KAI T AIΛ AΔΡ ANTΩNINOC CEB, laureate head right. / IΠΠAΡXOC NIKAIEΩN, Hipparchus the astronomer, himation over lower limbs, seated left on cippus, globe on low column to left. RecGen 114; SNG von Aulock 549.TextFull Size
RecGen 115Antoninus Pius AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 136-161. 4.08 g. AYTO KAICAΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / NEIKAIEΩN, griffin sitting right, one paw on a wheel. RecGen 115; Paris 852; Lindgren I 136; Mionnet Supp. V 454.TextFull Size
RecGen 118Antoninus Pius, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 3.73 g. AD 138-161. AYTO KAICAΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / NEIKAIEΩN, bull standing right, crescent on head. RecGen 118; Paris 854; Mionnet Supp V, 155; RPC IV.1, 5902 (temp).TextFull Size
RecGen 119Antoninus Pius, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 177-192. ..ANTΩN-EINOC AYΓO, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, lighted, garlanded altar. Rec Gen 119.TextFull Size
RecGen 121Antoninus Pius, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 136-161. 15.54 g. AYT KAI AΔΡIANOC ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / M AYΡHΛIOC OYHΡOC KAICAΡ, Marcus Aurelius, holding spear, riding right on horse rearing right. RecGen 121; Paris 856.TextFull Size
RecGen 161cfAntoninus Pius AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AVT KAIC T AIΛ AΔΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right / TON KTICTIN NIKAIEIC, Herakles Farnese standing right, holding club set on rock. cf Rec Gen 161 of Marcus Aurelius.TextImage
Righetti IV, 305Antoninus Pius AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 136-161. 3.65 g. AYT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, bare head left. / TON CΩTHΡA NIKAIEIC, Asklepios standing front, looking left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Righetti IV, 305.TextFull Size
Savoca 12, 363Antoninus Pius AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 8.98 g. AY KAI TI AI AΔΡI ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / ΘEA YΓEIA NIKAIEIC, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. Savoca 12, 363. Unpublished, obv. legend var of RecGen 92 and Waddington 401.TextFull Size
SNG vA 7020Antoninus Pius AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 4.36g. AYT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, bare head right. / NEIKAIEΩN, Harpokrates, naked but for chlamys over left arm, standing left, his right hand to his lips, holding cornucopiae in left arm. SNG von Aulock 7020; Sestini, Hedervar 10; SNRIS Nicaea 2.TextFull Size
SNG vA 7021Antoninus Pius, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 7.51 g. AYT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Nemesis standing left, spitting into drapery at her bosom, holding bridle, wheel at foot left. SNG von Aulock 7021; Weiser Cologne 1.TextFull Size
Yale 116254Antoninus Pius AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 138-161. 6.23 g. AYT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right. / NEIKAIEΩN, Dionysus, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos. Yale 116254.TextFull Size
Mionnet Supp V, 490Marcus Aurelius, AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 161-180. 4.1 g. M AYΡHΛION KAI ANTΩNINOC, bare head right. / CΩTHΡI ACKΛHΠI-Ω NIKAIEIC, serpent-entwined altar. Mionnet Supp. V, 490; Mus. Arigoni II, Urb gr. Imp, XIV, F167 corr (CΩT misread as COΠ..)TextFull Size
RecGen 107 varMarcus Aurelius, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2.61 g. Bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Harpokrates standing left, holding hand to mouth. Unpublished for Marcus Aurelius. cf. RecGen 107 (this reverse for Antoninus Pius).TextFull Size
RecGen 128Marcus Aurelius (as Caesar) AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 196-198. 3.16 g. ANTΩNINOC KAIC, youthful, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, coiled serpent with head right. RecGen 128; McClean 7482.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 151Marcus Aurelius AE19mm of Nicaea in Bithynia. AV K M AVΡ ANTΩNIN, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, infant Dionysos in cradle left, raising hands; thyrsos behind. BMC 35cf. TextImage
RecGen 155Marcus Aurelius AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 161-180 AD. AVK M AVΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Pan naked, standing left, holding branch and askos; herme of Priapus behind. RecGen 155; SNG Copenhagen 481.TextFull Size
RecGen 158Marcus Aurelius AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 161-180 AD. AT K M AVΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Head of Pan right. RecGen 158; Waddington 407.TextFull Size
RecGen 158Marcus Aurelius, Nicaea, Bithynia. AVK M AVΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Head of Pan right. RecGen 158; Waddington 407.TextFull Size
RecGen 160 varMarcus Aurelius AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 161-180 AD. AVT K M AVΡ ANTΩNEINOC, bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / TON KTICTH NIKAIEIC, Herakles, naked, standing left, seen from behind, carrying off the Erymanthian boar; club by his side, star to right. Not in the usual sources but cf. RecGen 160 for a similar but reversed depiction.TextFull Size
SNG vA 558Marcus Aurelius, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 161-180. AYT KAI M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NEIKAIA, turreted, draped bust of Tyche-Artemis right, quiver behind shoulder, bow before head. SNG von Aulock 558. (Obv legend var of RecGen 176 with AYΡH).TextFull Size
Falter 333Faustina II, AE22 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 146-180. 4.85 g. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / NEIKAIEΩN, Tyche, turreted and veiled, sitting left on rocks, holding corn-ears and poppy, river-god swimming left at foot. Falter 333, otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
Mionnet Supp V 512Faustina II, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 146-180. 15.16 g. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre, star beneath throne. Mionnet Supp, V, 512; Righetti IV. 315.TextFull Size
RecGen 200Faustina II, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 146-180. 14.31 g. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / NIKAIEWN, Herakles, naked, holding club and small figure of Eros, reclining left on lion walking right. RecGen 200; Mionnet II, 236 and Mionnet Supp, V, 518; Paris AA.GR.12110.TextFull Size
RecGen 202aFaustina II, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 146-180. 5.35 g. ANNEA ΦAYSTINA SEB (Latin S), draped bust right. / AΓAΘ TYXH NIKAIEΩN, Tyche, turreted and veiled, sitting left on rocks, holding corn-ears and poppy, river-god swimming left at foot. RecGen 202a.TextFull Size
RecGen 203Faustina II, AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 147-175. 5.75 g. ANNEA ΦAYCTINA CEB, draped bust right. / AΓAΘ TYXH NIKAIEΩN, Tyche, turreted and veiled, sitting left on rock, holding corn-ears and poppy, river-god Sagaris swimming below. RecGen 203; Lindgren I 137; Imhoof FG 224.TextFull Size
RecGen 204Faustina II, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 146-180. 11.95 g. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RecGen 204; Mionnet II, 235.TextFull Size
Righetti IV, 313Faustina II, AE24 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 146-180. 6.6 g. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Isis Pharia, lotus crown on head, standing right, holding billowing sail. Righetti Coll. IV, 313; SNRIS Nicaea 08.TextFull Size
Righetti IV 314Faustina II, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 146-180. 14.17 g. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, turreted and draped bust of Nikaia right, quiver behind shoulder, bow before. Righetti IV, 314; Nomos 20, 969 (as "Artemis").TextFull Size
Imhoof GRM 4Lucius Verus, AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 161-169. AYT K Λ AYΡ OYHΡO, bare head right, drapery behind right shoulder. / NIKAIEΩN, the infant Dionysos seated left in cradle, both arms outstretched, a transverse thyrsos behind him. Imhoof GRM 4.TextFull Size
RecGen 213Lucius Verus, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AYT K Λ AYΡ OYHΡOC C, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing right, holding spear in right hand and resting left on shield. RecGen 213; Paris 909.TextFull Size
RecGen 216Lucius Verus, AE22 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 161-169. 6.48 g. AY KA AYΡ OYHΡO CEB, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Aphrodite standing front, looking right, in bashful pose. RecGen 216; Paris 911; Schlosser 17 in NZ 1891.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 232Lucius Verus AE32 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 161-169. AYT KAIC Λ AYΡH OYHΡ AΡM CEB, bare-headed bust right / ΡΩMAIΩN NIKHN NEIKAIEIC, Nike standing right, inscribing a shield set on a column. RecGen 232.TextFull Size
BMC 53Commodus, AE33 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 177-192. A K M AY KO ANTωNIN, laureate, draped bust right. / NIKAIEωN KOMO-ΔEIA around and between the legs of a table surmounted by two prize crowns, each containing one palm branch. BMC 53; Loebbecke 3 in ZfN 12; SNG Righetti 636; SNG von Aulock 7030; Niggeler I, 593 (this coin).TextFull Size
Commodus, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 3.49 g. (AV K) KOMOΔ ANTΩNIN, laureate head of Commodus right / AΛEXANΔΡON NIKEΩN, diademed head of Alexander in lionskin right. cf Dahmen 13-1 (rev. legend); Var of RecGen 287 (ditto). TextFull Size
G&M 204, 1741Commodus, AE30 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 166-180. 16-31 g. Λ AYΡ KOMMOΔOC KAICAΡ, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles walking left, holding the Erymanthian boar on his shoulders. Probably unpublished. Not in RecGen or additions, Köln, Weiser, RPC online, etc. Gorny and Mosch Auction 204, 1741.TextFull Size
Mionnet Supp V, 546Commodus, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 177-192. 13.79 g. M AY KOMO ANTΩNINOC, radiate, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, turreted and draped bust right of the nymph Nicaea wearing ivy wreath. Mionnet Supp V, 546; RecGen 281 var (bust type).TextFull Size
RecGen 242Commodus, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Struck ca. AD 175. KOMOΔOC KAICAΡ, youthful, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos sitting left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot. RecGen 242; Paris 920; Bernhart 781.TextFull Size
RecGen 249 varCommodus, AE18, Nicaea, Bithynia. AY K KOMOΔ ANTΩNIN, laureate head right / OMHΡOC NIKAIEΩN, draped bust of Homer right, wearing taenia. Rec Gen 249 var (obv. legend); SNG von Aulock 571 var (ditto); Weiser 19 var (ditto).TextFull Size
Rec Gen 258Commodus AE 27 mm of Bithynia, Nicaea.. Bare-headed and draped bust right / Draped bust of Zeus-Sarapis right. TextImage
RecGen 260Commodus, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 177-192. 3.5 g. AY KOMOΔOC ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. RecGen 260.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 281Commodus AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AV KOMO ANTΩNIN, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, turreted and draped bust of City-Goddess right. TextFull Size
RecGen 282Commodus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 177-192. AY M AY KOM ANTΩNINOC, laureate, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, turreted and draped bust right of the nymph Nicaea wearing ivy wreath. RecGen 282; SNG von Aulock 574; Leypold 159; BMC 45.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 282vCommodus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. A K M AY KO ANTΩNIN, bare-head right / NIKAIEΩN, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right. Hunter 14; RecGen 282 var (obv. legend); BMC 45 var (ditto); Waddington 411 var (ditto).TextFull Size
RecGen 285Commodus AE24 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 177-192. 7.93 g. M AY KOM ANTΩNINOC, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / OMHΡOC NIKAIEΩN, Homer seated left on cippus, holding scroll and resting arm on seat. RecGen 285; Imhoof 13 in JIAN 1898.TextFull Size
RecGen 306 varCommodus, AE33 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 177-192. A K M AY KO ANTWNIN, bare-headed, draped bust right. / KOMOΔEIA NIKAIEΩN around and beneath two prize crowns, each containing one palm branch and with an amphora between them, all on an ornate base. RecGen 306 var (has a table and no amphora); Niggeler 593 var (ditto); Vienna 15592 var (ditto); Paris 948 var (ditto. Unpublished without table.TextFull Size
RecGen 312Commodus, AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. A K M A KO ANTΩ, bare head right / IEΡOC AΓΩN NIKAIEΩN, oenochoe (wine vase) with one palm branch in it. RecGen 312.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 313vBithynia, Nicaea. Commodus AE 23mm. A K M K ANTΩNI, bare-headed bust right / IEΡOC AΓΩN NIKAIEΩN, Oinchoe; palm at left. TextImage
RecGen 314Commodus AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 180-192. 2.65 g. A K MA KO ANTΩN, bare head right. / IEΡOC AΓΩN NIKAIEΩN, amphora with square base, palm branch left below. RecGen 314; Hunter 16; SNG Hunterian 1083; Mionnet Supp 5, 570 corr. ("club below" citing Tochon); RPC online 6054.TextFull Size
RecGen 320Commodus, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 13.80 g. A K M AV KO ANTΩNEIN, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right / KOMOΔEIA NIKAIEΩN, three naked athletes drawing lots from an urn, the one on the left and the one in the middle holding their lots, the one on the right holding a palm branch. RecGen 320.TextFull Size
RecGen 321Commodus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia, AD 177-192. A K M AY KOM ANTΩNIN, laureate head right. / KOMO-ΔOY BACI-ΛEYONTOC-O KOCMOC-EY TYXEI-NIKAIE-ΩN in seven lines within wreath. RecGen 321.TextFull Size
RPC 10650Commodus AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 177-192. 2.66 g. M AY KOMO ANTΩNI, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN (clockwise from lower left), serpent-entwined altar. Naville 19, 217; RPC online 10650.TextFull Size
Savoca 111, 976Commodus, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 180-192. 3.49 g. M AY KOMO ANTΩNI, laureate head right. / NIK-AI-EΩN clockwise from top right, serpent-entwined altar. Unpublished obv. legend and rev. legend configuration. Savoca 111 Blue, 976.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 495Commodus as Caesar, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 166-177. M AY KOM ANTΩNINOC, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Lion walking right. SNG Cop 495; RecGen 299.TextImage
Weber 4902Commodus, AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 5.8 gr. M AY KOM ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Homonia standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. Weber 4902.TextFull Size
wwxls 40784Commodus, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 179-192. 14.8 g. AY K M AYΡ KOM ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Kybele riding right on lion, holding sceptre and drum. wwxls 40784, Bucephalus B20, 643.TextFull Size
wwxls 41218
RPC temp 10020
Commodus, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 179-192. 3 g. A K M A KO ANTΩN, laureate, cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, panther walking left. wwxls 41218; RPC IV.1 10020 (temp); Demos 21, 784.TextFull Size
Zeus Numis 13, 463Commodus, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 177-192. 3.32 g. A K M A K ANTΩNI, bare head right. / IEΡOC AΓΩN NIKAIEΩN, prize urn containing one palm branch. Zeus Numis. 13, 463; RPC IV.1 temp 17175.TextFull Size
BMC 63Septimius Severus, AE33 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 24.83 g. Severan Games issue. AYT K CEΠT CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡT AYΓOY, laureate head right, countermark of Nike right behind head. / CEOYHΡIA ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEIA MEΓAΛA NIKAIEΩN, table surmounted by prize urn between the head of Caracalla right and the head of Geta left (erased), amphora containing two palm branches beneath the table. BMC 63; RecGen 355; Vienna GR15606.TextFull Size
CNG 238, 227Septimius Severus, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.86 g. AY K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. Obv. legend var of RecGen 323-324. CNG 238, 227.TextFull Size
CNG 331, 159Septimius Severus, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.31 g. AY K Λ CEΠT CEYHΡOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, cista mystica with serpent emerging to left. Unpublished with this obverse legend combined with this reverse with serpent left. CNG 331, 159.TextFull Size
Forum 603207Septimius Severus, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 8.84 g. AYT K Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC ΠE, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, eagle standing right on thunderbolt, head left, between two standards. Forum Ancient Coins post 603207.TextFull Size
G&M 134, 1929Septimius Severus, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 13.89 g. Severan Games issue. AYT K Λ CEΠTIMIOC CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ AYΓ, laureate head right. / CEOYH-ΡEIA-ΦIΛA-ΔEΛΦEIA-NIKAIE-ΩN legend in five lines within wreath. Obv. legend var of RecGen 360a (hand-written addition in Paris edition). Gorny & Mosch 134, 1929.TextFull Size
G&M 259, 3463Septimius Severus AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 10-51 g. AYT K Λ CEΠTI CEOYHΡOC AYΓ, laureate head right. / CEY AN KAICAΡA NEIKAEIC, Caracalla, togate, standing left, holding patera and eagle-tipped sceptre. Unpublished reverse for Severus. Gorny & Mosch 259, 3464.TextFull Size
G&M 271, 412Septimius Severus AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 1.89 g. CEYHΡOC AYΓO, laureate, cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, serpent-entwined staff. Obv. legend var of RecGen 334. Gorny & Mosch 271, 412.TextFull Size
G&M 278, 3509Septimius Severus, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 1.99 g. CEOYHΡOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head left. / NIKAIEΩN, panther walking right. Unpublished. Gorny & Mosch 278, 3509.TextFull Size
Kovacs 939Septimius Severus, AE34 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 26.9 g. Severan Games issue. AYT K Λ CEΠT CEYHΡOC ΠEΡT AYΓOYC, laureate head right. / CEYHΡEIA ΦIΛAΔEΛAΡΦIAIA MEΓAΛA NIKAIEΩN (sic), table surmounted by prize urn between the head of Caracalla facing on the left and the head of Geta facing on the right, amphora containing two palm branches beneath the table. F. Kovacs Collection 939.TextFull Size
Lanz 156, 346Septimius Severus, AE37 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-217. 26.27 g. AYT K Λ CEΠT CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡT AYΓOY, laureate head right. / ANTΩNINOC Λ C ΓETAC CEB ΦIΛAΔEΛΦIA NIKAIEΩN, laureate and draped bust of Caracalla right, facing bare-headed, draped bust of Geta left. Unpublished. Lanz 156, 346.TextFull Size
Leu 11, 1294Septimius Severus, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 1.92 g. [CE]OYHΡOC AYΓOYTO[C], laureate head right. / ΡΩMH NIKAIEIC, Roma standing front, looking left, holding spear and shield. Unpublished. Leu 11, 1294. TextFull Size
Naumann 75, 348Septimius Severus, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 5.5 g. AYT K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC Π-E, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding Nike and spear and resting left hand on shield at her side. Unpublished reverse type for Severus. Naumann 75, 348.TextFull Size
Naumann 79,317Septimius Severus, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 9.85 g. AYT K Λ CEΠTI CEYHΡOC Π, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre, eagle at foot left. Unpublished obv. legend for this reverse. (RecGen 322: CEΠT). Naumann 79, 317.TextFull Size
Naumann 102, 1240Septimius Severus AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 10.42 g. AYT K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC ΠE, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Zeus striding right, wielding thunderbolt and holding eagle on left arm. Unpublished. Naumann 102, 1240.TextFull Size
Naville 20, 244Septimius Severus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 10.07 g. AYT K Λ CEΠTI CEYHΡOC Π, laureate head right. / NIKAEΩN, eagle standing left on altar, head turned right, holding wreath in beak, between two standards. Naville 20, 244. (Obv. legend var of RecGen 349-351).TextFull Size
Naville 22,202Septimius Severus, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 11.6 g. AYT K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, eagle standing right on altar, wings spread, between two standards. Unpublished reverse for Severus. Naville 22, 202. (See also Nomos coin below, with longer obv. legend).TextFull Size
Nomos 11, 417Septimius Severus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 11.64 g. AY K Λ CEΠTI CEYHΡOC Π, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, eagle standing right on altar, wings spread, between two standards. Unpublished reverse for Severus. (RecGen 350-351 var, obv legend and eagle head turned left). Nomos obolos 11, 417.TextFull Size
RecGen 322Septimius Severus, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AVT K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre, eagle at foot left. RecGen 322.TextFull Size
RecGen 323Septimius Severus, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 3.24 gr. AY K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. RecGen 323.TextFull Size
RecGen 324Septimius Severus, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 2.21 g. AY K Λ C CEYHΡOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. RecGen 324.TextFull Size
RecGen 325Septimius Severus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. AYT K Λ CEΠTI CEYHΡOC Π, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding spear in right hand and resting left hand on shield at her side. RecGen 325 (this coin); BMC 55; Mionnet Supp V, 587a (Mionnet's hand-written addition).TextFull Size
RecGen 326Septimius Severus, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 11.89 g. A K Λ CEΠTI CEOY ΠEΡ CE, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, shield on ground at her side. RecGen 326.TextFull Size
RecGen 330Septimius Severus AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Λ CEΠT CEOYHΡOC, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, cista mystica with serpent emerging to right. RecGen 330.TextImage
RecGen 331Septimius Severus, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.6 g. A K Λ C CEYHΡ, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, cista mystica with serpent emerging to the right. RecGen 331.TextFull Size
RecGen 333bSeptimius Severus AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 3.23 g. AY K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Asklepios standing front, looking left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. RecGen 333b (hand-written addition in Paris edition, Grand Duc coll.)TextFull Size
RecGen 336Septimius Severus, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.55 g. Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right. / NEIKAEΩN, Telesphorus standing front, wearing hooded cloak. RecGen 336; BMC 57.TextFull Size
RecGen 336aSeptimius Severus, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.59 g. Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC Π, laureate head right. / NEIKAEΩN, Telesphoros standing front, wearing hooded cloak. RecGen 336a (hand-written addition in Paris edition); Grand Duc. coll. (obverse legend var of RecGen 336).TextFull Size
RecGen 336bSeptimius Severus, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 1.92 g. Λ CEΠ CEYEΡOC (sic), laureate head right. / NEIKAEΩN, Telesphoros standing front, wearing hooded cloak. RecGen 336b (hand-written addition in Paris edition); Coll. Grand Duc.TextFull Size
RecGen 341Septimius Severus, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 193-211 AD. 18.31 mm, 2.2 gr. AY K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Serpent upright, head left, jaws open. BMC 58; RecGen 341.TextFull Size
RecGen 345Septimius Severus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 10.22 g. AYT K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC ΠE, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Homonoia, polos on head, standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. RecGen 345 (this coin); Berlin 18221061.TextFull Size
RecGen 348Septimius Severus, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.53 g. CEOYHΡOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, bull standing right. RecGen 348.TextFull Size
RecGen 353Septimius Severus, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 1.46 g. CEOYHΡOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, eagle standing half right, head turned left, wings spread, holding wreath in beak. RecGen 353; McClean 7485.TextFull Size
RecGen 353 (2)Septimius Severus, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 1.8 g. CEOYHΡOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, eagle standing half right, head turned left, wings spread, holding wreath in beak. RecGen 353; McClean 7485.TextFull Size
RecGen 354Sept. Severus, AE33 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 23.9 g. AY K Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC ΠE, radiate head right. / N-I-KAIEΩN, legionary eagle between two standards. RecGen 354; BMC 62.TextFull Size
Recgen 358Septimius Severus, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.15 g. CEOYHΡOC AYΓO, laureate head left. / NIKAIEΩN, prize urn containing one palm branch. RecGen 358; Paris M4808.TextFull Size
RecGen 361Septimius Severus, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.18 g. CEOYHΡOC AYΓOYC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, flaming altar. RecGen 361.TextFull Size
RecGen 361 (2)Septimius Severus, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 1,71 g. CEOYHΡOC AYΓOYC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, flaming, garlanded altar. RecGen 361.TextFull Size
RecGen 371 varSeptimius Severus, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2.26 g. AD 193-211. AYT CEYHΡOC ΠE, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, the child Dionysos sitting right in a cradle, thyrsos behind him. RecGen 371 var (this reverse for Julia Domna); Peus 403, lot 603. Unpublished reverse for Sept. Severus.TextFull Size
RecGen 391 varSeptimius Severus AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, tetrastyle temple with dots in pediment and front. RecGen 391 var (Julia Domna reverse).TextImage
RecGen 391 varSeptimius Severus, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AV K Λ [CEΠ? C]EYHΡOC, laureate head right / NIKAEIΩN, tetrastyle temple with dot in pediment. Var of RecGen 391 (reverse of Julia Domna).TextFull Size
RecGen 391 var (2)Septimius Severus, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. CEOYHΡOC AYΓOYC, laureate head right / NIKAEIΩN, tetrastyle temple with dot in pediment. Var of RecGen 391 (reverse of Julia Domna); Aeruginis 189.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 489cfSeptimius Severus AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, two-handled vase containing two palm branches. TextImage
Righetti IV 319Septimius Severus AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AYT K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC Π, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Zeus standing left, holding patera and sceptre. Righetti Coll. IV 319 (this coin). TextFull Size
Righetti IV, 326Septimius Severus, AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. AYT CEΠ.., laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, the infant Dionysos sitting right in a cradle, thyrsos behind him. Righetti Coll. sale part IV, 326; Peus 403, 603.TextFull Size
Righetti IV, 333Septimius Severus, AE16 0f Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.11 g. AY K Λ CEYHΡOC AYΓ, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, shield at her side. Righetti Coll. Sale part IV, 330.TextFull Size
Righetti Coll. 7205Septimius Severus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 11.03 g. AYT K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC Π, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Zeus, loins draped, standing left, holding patera and sceptre. Righetti Coll. 7205; Righetti coll. sale IV 319.TextFull Size
Righetti_Coll. 8661Septimius Severus, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.8 g. AY K CEYHΡOC AYΓ, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Righetti Collection, 8661.TextFull Size
Savoca 27, 313Septimius Severus AE11 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.39 g. CEOYHΡOC AYΓOYC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, tetrastyle temple with dot in pediment. Unpublished reverse for Severus, but several examples known. Savoca 27, 313. (See also RecGen 391 var examples above).TextFull Size
Scholz 54Septimius Severus, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, lion standing right. Scholz 54 in NZ 1910; RecGen -.TextFull Size
Scott 1Septimius Severus, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 193-211 AD. 1.75 g. CEOYHΡOC AYΓOYC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, prize urn containing two palm branches. Scott 1 in NC 1851. Var of RecGen 357 (obv legend).TextFull Size
SNG vA 578Septimius Severus AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 12.16 g. AYT K Λ CEΠTI CEYHΡOC Π, laureate head right. / NIKAIEωN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG von Aulock 578; Imhoof GRM 5; SNG Tuebingen 2119.TextFull Size
SNG vA 581Septimius Severus, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.22 g. AY KAI Λ CEΠ CEHYΡOC ΠE, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. SNG von Aulock 581 corr. (PE omitted).TextFull Size
SNG vA 582Septimius Severus, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 1.82 g. Λ CEOYHΡOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, cista mystica with serpent emerging to left. SNG von Aulock 582 (RecGen 330 var - serpent emerging right).TextFull Size
Tintinna 22012Septimius Severus, AE22 of Nicaea, Bithynia. CEOYHΡOC AVΓOYCT, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Prize crown containing two palm branches. Tintinna 22012; RecGen -.TextFull Size
Weiser 21Septimius Severus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 12.32 g. AYT K Λ CEΠTI CEYHΡOC Π, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. Weiser 21. (Obv. legend var of RecGen 324).TextFull Size
wwxls 41345Septimius Severus, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 2.33 g. AY K Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC ΠE or similar, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, vexillum surmounted by eagle standing left, head right, between two standards. wwxls 41345; Aquila 11, 366.TextFull Size
wwxls 41986Septimius Severus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 10.58 g. AYT K A CEΠ CEYHΠOC ΠE, radiate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Triptolemus, driving biga of winged serpents right, right hand raised. Unpublished. wwxls 41986; Naumann 136, 329.TextFull Size
wwxls 42047Septimius Severus AE25 mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 7.18 g. AY K Λ CEΠTI CEYHΡOC Π, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and long torch. Weiser Cologne 21 var (AYT); Rec Gen 324 var. (short obv. legend); Possibly unpublished var. wwxls 42047.TextFull Size
Ayers 092108bJulia Domna, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Apparently unpublished. Ayers 092108b.TextFull Size
BMC 301.93Julia Domna, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-217. 11.68 g. Severan Games issue. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / CEOYHΡEIA ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEIA NIKAIEΩN, Caracalla, togate, standing right clasping hands with Geta, togate, standing left, prize urn on a table between them. BMC 1961,0301.93. RecGen 485 var (this reverse image and legend for Caracalla).TextFull Size
BMC 909.36Julia Domna, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-217. 11.8 g. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / CEOYHΡON AYΓOYCTOC NIKAIEΩN, Sept. Severus, holding spear, on horseback galloping right. BMC 1970,0909.36, otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
FAC 63191Julia Domna, AE24, Nicaea, Bithynia. IOYΛIA AVΓOYCT, draped bust left / NIKA-I-EΩN to left, above and right of legionary eagle between two standards. Unlisted for Domna with the legend around the standards.TextFull Size
G & M 229, 1531Julia Domna, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-217. 7.15 g. IOYΛIA AYΓOYCTA, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, shield at foot left. Unpublished. G&M 229, 1531.TextFull Size
Lanz 158, 581Julia Domna, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-217. 13.34 g. IOYΛIA AYΓOYCTA, draped bust facing, head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing right, holding spear and resting left hand in shield. Unpublished. Lanz 158, 581.TextFull Size
RecGen 371Julia Domna, AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-217. 2.38 g. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / The infant Dionysos, naked, sitting right in a cradle, raising both hands, thyrsos behind him. RecGen 371; Imhoof, "Antike Münzbilder", 8.TextFull Size
RecGen 372Julia Domna, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. IOYΛIA AYΓOYCTA, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos and Ariadne sitting right in a biga drawn by two centaurs. Eros standing on the back of one of the centaurs, the biga led by a satyr, holding pedum, walking right and looking back. RecGen 372.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 373Julia Domna AE16 of Bithynia, Nicaea. IOVΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, snake emerging from cista. TextImage
Rec Gen 376Julia Domna AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia, IOVΛIA AYΓOYCTA Draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Hercules battling Hydra. Text Full Size
Rec Gen 379Julia Domna AE 28mm of Nicaea in Bithynia. Draped bust right / Tyche standing left with rudder and cornucopiae. TextImage
Rec Gen 389Julia Domna AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. IOVΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, bull standing right. TextImage
RecGen 391Julia Domna, AE 15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, tetrastyle temple, dot in pediment. Rec Gen 391.TextFull Size
RecGen 392Julia Domna, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. IOYΛIA CEV CEBACTH, Draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, garlanded, lighted altar. RecGen 392.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 396Julia Domna, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-217. 2.56 g. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, prize urn containing one palm branch. RecGen 396 (same dies); SNG Cop 503.TextImage
SNG Cop 500Julia Domna, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-217. IOYΛIA AYΓOYCTA, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Caracalla standing left in military dress, holding patera, crowned by Serapis standing left behind him, holding wreath and sceptre. SNG Cop 500; Prowe (1913) 18 (this coin).TextFull Size
SNG Cop 502Julia Domna AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 1.7 g. Severan Games issue. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right, hair in waves. / NIKAIEΩN around long-necked urn inscribed CEOYHΡEIA, containing two palm branches. SNG Cop 502; Mionnet Supp. V, 630; Sestini Hedervar 34; RecGen p. 448 note.TextFull Size
SNG Righetti 638Julia Domna, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CE, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, eagle standing right, wings open, head left, on altar between two standards. SNG Righetti 638 corrected (obv. legend), same dies.TextFull Size
Weber (DE) 2348Julia Domna, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 193-217. 17.74 g. IOYΛIA AYΓOYCTA, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Serapis standing slightly right, looking left, holding sceptre and raising right hand, altar at foot left. Weber (DE) 2348; De Sanctis Mangelli Coll. 110268; Münsterberg (RecGen Nachtrag) Nicaea 13 in NZ 1921.TextFull Size
Dessau 783Caracalla, AE30 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓOYCTOC, radiate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, emperor, naked, standing front, head left, holding sceptre and parazonium. Dessau 783 (this coin).TextFull Size
FAC 27861Caracalla (or Elagabalus?), AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AVΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, burning, garlanded altar. FAC 27861 (Forum Ancient Coins).TextFull Size
Lanz 102, 760Caracalla, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. 15.25 g. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, emperor standing right, holding spear and parazonium, foot on a fallen enemy, trophy to right with another enemy sitting at its base with head turned left. Lanz 102, 760.TextFull Size
Lindgren I, 143Caracalla, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing front, looking left, holding corn-ears and torch, with Herakles standing right, resting on club and Dionysos, holding kantharos and thyrsos, at her sides. Lindgren I, 143; Kurth Dionysos 1854 (forthcoming).TextFull Size
Lindgren III 186Caracalla, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, bull standing right. Lindgren III 186, (RecGen 473 var (obv. legend)).TextFull Size
Lowe 222Caracalla?, Nicaea (Bithynia), Ae 15, 2.0g. ANTΩNINOC (AVΓO), laureate head right / NIKA[IEΩ]N, Flaming, garlanded altar. Lowe 222; Mionnet Supp 5, 697var (obv legend).TextFull Size
Mionnet Supp 5, 601varCaracalla, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 197-218. 1.8g. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOY, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / CEOYHΡEIA NIKAIEΩN, Prize crown containing one palm branch. Mionnet Supp. V, 601 var (Sept. Severus). Not in BMC, RecGen, Mionnet, Jürgling, Imhoof etc.TextFull Size
Mionnet 667Caracalla AE30 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC / NIKAIΩN, Hercules subduing the Hind of Ceryneia. Mionnet S5, 667.TextImage
Mionnet 695Caracalla, AE15, Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNEINOC AΓ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / NIKAIEΩN, Eagle standing facing, head left, holding ring in beak. RecGen p. 458, note; Mionnet Supp. 5, 695. TextFull Size
Mionnet 697Caracalla, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. (M AVΡ) ANTΩNINOC, laureate, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, garlanded, lighted altar. Mionnet Supp. V, 697.TextFull Size
Mionnet 703Caracalla AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNI(...), laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, prize urn with one palm branch. Mionnet Supp. V, 703TextImage
Mionnet 703Nicaea. Caracalla AE15. ANTΩNINOC AYΓO, laureate + radiate head right / NIKAIEΩN, palm-branch within urn. TextImage
Mionnet 703 varCaracalla, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 1.8g. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYC, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN CEOYHΡEIA, prize urn containing one palm branch. Mionnet 703 var (rev. legend and bust type.)TextFull Size
Nemesis 8848Caracalla, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓO (NE ligate), laureate head right / NIKAIΩN, burning, garlanded altar. Nemesis 8848.TextFull Size
Noury Bey 1344Caracalla, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. AYT K M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC AYΓ, laureate head right. Countermark: Nike. / CEOYHΡEIA ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEIA NIKAIEΩN, table surmounted by two prize urns with purse between them, amphora below. Noury Bey 1344 (this coin) otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
RecGen 299 varCaracalla, AE14mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, lion walking right. RecGen 299 var (Commodus); Mionnet -; BMC -; SNG Cop -; Scholz in NZ 1910, 54 var (Sept. Severus). Unpublished for Caracalla.TextFull Size
RecGen 399 varCaracalla, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 196-198. 11.72 g. M AVΡHΛ ANTΩNINOC KAICAΡ, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right, countermark Howgego 254 / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos in long robe, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos. RecGen 399 var (obv. legend).TextFull Size
RecGen 415Caracalla AE24 of Bithynia, Nicaea. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left with corn ears and long torch.TextImage
RecGen 417Caracalla, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. 11.24 g. AYT K M AYΡ ANTΩN AYΓ, laureate head right. Countermark of Nike right behind head. / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. RecGen 417 (this coin); Berlin 18221087.TextFull Size
RecGen 420Caracalla, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217, 6.32 g. M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, serpent-entwined torch with corn-ears and poppy emerging from the top. RecGen 420; Imhoof Bithyn. Münzen 35.TextFull Size
RecGen 423vCaracalla, AE23 of Bithynia, Nicaea. 198-217 AD. M AYΡ ANT-ΩNINOC AYΓ, Laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, sacrificing out of patera over altar, holding spear; shield at side to right. RecGen 423 var. (no altar); SNG Cop -.TextFull Size
RecGen 428Caracalla, AE 23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 7.3g. M AYΡH[......]NINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing front, head left, holding patera, spear and shield. RecGen 428.TextFull Size
RecGen 432Caracalla, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. 12.67 g. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate and cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos, naked, standing facing, looking right, holding grape vine, right hand over his head, panther at foot left, satyr at his side overturned kantharos at lower right. RecGen 432; Bernhart 987; Mionnet Supp. V. 659.TextFull Size
RecGen 434 varCaracalla AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos in long robe, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left.TextImage
RecGen 434 varCaracalla, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. 12.51 g. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, radiate head right, countermark: Δ / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos, naked, standing front, looking left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. RecGen 434 var (panther), CNG 107, 151.TextFull Size
RecGen 442Caracalla, Nicaea, Bithynia, 198-217 AD. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, cista mystica with snake emerging. RecGen 442; SNG Von Aulock 7037.TextFull Size
RecGen 443Caracalla, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 1.54 g. ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NIKA-IEΩN, cista mystica with snake emerging. RecGen 443; Weiser –.TextFull Size
RecGen 446Caracalla, AE31 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 15.84 g. AD 197-217. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles, naked, standing, looking left, holding Antaios by the waist and lifting him, about to throw him to the ground. Club in right field. RecGen 446.TextFull Size
RecGen 447Caracalla, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles capturing the Ceryneian hind: Herakles left with one knee on the hind's back and grasping both of the animal's antlers. RecGen 447; BMC 71; Kurth Herakles 229.TextFull Size
RecGen 448 corrCaracalla, AE32 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 211-217. 16.36 g. ANTΩNINOC AYΓYCTOC, laureate, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles walking left, looking right, wielding club, leading Kerberos behind him. RecGen 448 corr. (description).TextFull Size
RecGen 449Caracalla, AE24 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 211-217. 6.40g. M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKAIΩN, Herakles standing left, looking right, grasping the horn and jaws of the Cretan bull. RecGen 449; Berlin Aquis. in ZfN vol. 12, p. 310.TextFull Size
RecGen 451Caracalla, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. 14.36 g. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles standing right, and wielding club, holding the reins of the nearest of two horses of Diomedes running right beside him. RecGen 451 corr. (bust type); Voegtli 5f.TextFull Size
RecGen 454Caracalla AE24 of Bithynia, Nicaea. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Nike walking left holding wreath and palm. TextImage
RecGen 455Caracalla, AE23, Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae, countermark of Nike. RecGen 455, countermark Howgego 254.TextFull Size
RecGen 456Caracalla, AE23mm of Nicaea, Bithynia, 6,59gr. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head left / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RecGen 456.TextFull Size
RecGen 457Caracalla Ae 15mm 1.75g Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RecGen 457.TextFull Size
RecGen 458Caracalla, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head left / NI-KAI-EΩN around hexastyle temple with Tyche standing within, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RecGen 458.TextFull Size
RecGen 461Caracalla AE25 of Nicaea in Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head left / NIKAIΩN, hexastyle temple with Tyche within.Text Image
RecGen 468Caracalla, AE30 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. 14.32 g. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Caracalla standing left in military dress, holding patera and parazonium, crowned by Serapis standing left behind him. RecGen 468; BMC 73.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 469Caracalla, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 12.35g. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩ-N (EΩ ligate), Galley over waves left, 4 oarsmen sitting ahead, helmsman standing behind, standard at the front, banner at the stern; emperor sitting left, holding spear and holding patera, before him stand Tyche of Nikaia presentinhg the young Dionysos to the emperor, who raises his hands to him. RecGen 469; BMC 74.TextFull Size
RecGen 475Caracalla AE22 of Nicaea in Bithynia. M AVΡ ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NI-KA-EΩN, hexastyle temple.TextImage
RecGen 475Caracalla AE23 of Bithynia, Nicaea. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, hexastyle temple. TextImage
RecGen 478Caracalla AE30 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right / TY-XH AΓA-ΘH NIKAIEΩN, hexastyle temple with Tyche standing within. TextImage
RecGen 479Caracalla AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NIKAEΩN, tetrastyle temple with three steps and peaked roof, globules within. TextImage
RecGen 481Caracalla, AE25, Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC-AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, bearded head right / NIKA-IEΩN to left and right of legionary eagle between two standards. RecGen 481.TextFull Size
RecGen 481Caracalla, AE27, Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC-AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, bearded head right / NIKA-I-EΩN to left, above and right of legionary eagle between two standards. RecGen 481.TextFull Size
RecGen 481Caracalla, AE27, Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC-AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, bearded head right / NIKAI-EΩN to left and right of legionary eagle between two standards. RecGen 481.TextFull Size
RecGen 481BCaracalla, Nicaea, Bithynia. 25 mm,5.75 gr. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate head right / NIKA-I-EΩN to left, above and right of legionary eagle between two standards. RecGen 481B.TextFull Size
RecGen 486Caracalla, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. AYT K M AYΡH ANTΩNINOC AYΓOY, laureate head right, countermark: Nike right, holding wreath. / ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEIA NIKAIEΩN, Caracalla and Geta clasping hands, a low stool between them. RecGen 486.TextFull Size
RecGen 489Caracalla AE16 of Nicaea in Bithynia. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓO, laureate head of youthful Caracalla right / NIKA-IEΩN, two-handled vase with 2 palm branches emerging.TextImage
RecGen 489 varCaracalla, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 1.8 g. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓOY, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, two-handled vase containing two palm branches. RecGen 489 var (obv legend).TextFull Size
RecGen 490Caracalla, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. 11.64 g. AYT K M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC AYΓ, laureate head right. / Π CEΠTI ΓETAN KAICAΡA NIKAIEIC, Geta, holding spear, on horse prancing right. RecGen 490 (this coin); BMC 81 (ditto).TextFull Size
RecGen 516Caracalla, AE28, Nicaea, Bithynia. Laureate and draped bust right / Elephant and rider right. TextImage
RecGen 516Caracalla. 198-217 AD. 14mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate bust of Caracalla right / NIKAIEΩN, Elephant walking right. Text Full Size
SNG Cop 507vCaracalla AE23, Nicaea, Bithynia. 7.37g, 23.4mm. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, radiate head right / NIKA-I-EΩN to left, above and to right of legionary eagle between two standards. SNG Copenhagen 507 var (bust type and rev breaks).TextFull Size
SNG Cop 508Caracalla, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. 7.91 g. M AYΡ ANTONINOC AYΓ, laureate head right, slight drapery on left shoulder. / NIKAIEΩN, Hexastyle temple, seen in perspective. SNG Cop 508 (same obv. die as RecGen 475); Sahin 7 in Bursa Arastirmalari, Autumn 2009.TextFull Size
SNG vA 597Caracalla, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. ANTΩNEINOC AYΓOYCTOC, radiate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos seated left, head turned right, holding thyrsos, looking at a satyr dancing right, looking left at his side. SNG von Aulock 597; Franke KZR 386; RecGen 436; Hunter 20.TextFull Size
SNG vA 7037Caracalla, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ANTΩNINOC AYΓOYCTOC, laureate, bearded head right / NIKAIEΩN, cista mystica opening left, with serpent emerging. SNG von Aulock 7037; Rec Gen 442 (but bearded bust).TextFull Size
Waddell I, 111Caracalla, AE36 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. 25.38 g. Severan-Philadelphian Games issue. AYT K M AYΡHΛIOC ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right. Countermark; Nike right behind head. / CEOYHΡEIA ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEIA NIKAIEΩN, athlete sitting left on stone bench, holding prize urn, amphora at foot left. Waddell I, 111, otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
wwxls 42498Caracalla, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-217. 10.7 g. AYT K M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC AYΓ, laureate head right. / CEOYHΡEIA NIKAIEΩN, Septimius Severus, togate, standing left, holding prize urn and eagle-tipped sceptre. Unpublished. wwxls 42498; Romae Aeternae GRP0285e.TextFull Size
Mionnet 273Plautilla, Wife of Caracalla, AE23 of Bithynia, Nicaea. 202-205 AD. Draped bust right / Athena standing right, holding spear and owl, shield at feet. Poss. Mionnet 273 (description incomplete). Text Image
Mionnet 706Plautilla, AE22 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ΠΛAYTIΛΛA CEBACTH, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche or Ceres standing left, holding corn-ears and a poppy in lowered left hand, right hand on hip (torch in right arm?), wheel at foot left. cf Mionnet Supp. V, 706.TextFull Size
RecGen 494Plautilla, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 10.98 g. ΦOYΛ ΠΛAVTIΛΛA CEBAC, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. RecGen 494.TextFull Size
RecGen 497Plautilla, AE30 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 12.50 gr. ΦOYΛ ΠΛAYTIΛΛA CEBACTH, draped bust right / NI-KA-IΩN, hexastyle temple with cult image of Aphrodite Paphia within, holding flower and uncertain object. RecGen 497; Scholz 87 corr. (in NZ 43="Miletos").TextFull Size
Agndal 197Nicaea. Geta AE15. A CEΠTI ΓETAC K, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Agndal 197. RecGen 507a var (CEΠTIM).TextImage
Agora 37, 116Geta AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 16.4 mm, 2.19 g. AD 198-209. Π CEΠT ΓETAC KAI, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, coiled serpent. Agora 37, 116. RecGen 517 var (obv legend); Lindgren III A187A var (ditto).TextFull Size
CNG 225, 256Geta, AE31 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 209-211. 13.34 g. AYT K Π CEΠTI ΓETAC AYΓOYC, laureate, cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, ΡΩMNH in ex, Roma seated left, holding Nike on globe; shield behind her. Unpublished as Augustus. CNG 225, 256.TextFull Size
CNG 352, 293Geta AE31 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 14.63 g. AYT K Π CEΠ ΓETAC AYΓOY, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left. / NIKAIEΩN, Serapis, polos on head, standing front by altar, looking left, resting on sceptre and raising hand. CNG 352, 293. Obv. legend var of RecGen 530 (with AYT K Π CEΠT ΓETAC AYΓO).TextFull Size
FAC 29487Geta, AE15, Nicaea, Bithynia, 2.60g. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, cista mystica with serpent emerging. FAC 29487. Rec Gen 510 var (obv legend and bust type), Mionnet 725 var (ditto).TextFull Size
Falter 336Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 209-211. 1.7 g. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head left. / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche sitting left on rocks, holding corn-ears and a poppy, river-god swimming at foot left. Falter 336, otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
G&M 181, 1752Geta, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 26 g. Severan Games issue. Π CEΠTIMIOC ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right. / CEOYHΡEIA ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEIA NIKAIEΩN around and below, Geta and Caracalla, both togate, standing facing each other, clasping hands, with altar between them. Unpublished. G&M 181, 1752.TextFull Size
G&M 237, 1654Geta AE32 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 17.32 g. AYT K Π CEΠTI ΓETAC AYΓOYCT, laureate, cuirassed bust left. / NIKAIEΩN, Homonoia standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. Unpublished. G&M 237, 1654.TextFull Size
G&M 271, 424Geta, AE12 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 1.56g. AD 198-209. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Herm of bearded Dionysos, head right. Unpublished for Geta. G&M 271, 424.TextFull Size
Hirsch 2, 117Geta, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Π CEΠ ΓETAC K, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, club. Hirsch 2, 117; RecGen 513 var (obverse with Λ CEΠ etc).TextFull Size
HJB 203, 348Geta AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 2.05 g. Λ CEΠ ΓETAC K, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, winged caduceus. Apparently unpublished. Harlan J. Berk 203, 348.TextFull Size
JHE 11, 50Geta, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2.42 gr. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos, holding thyrsos and kantharos riding panther right. Righetti Coll IV, 377; JHE 11, 50.TextFull Size
Lindgren III 187Geta, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 2.19 gr. ΓETA KAICA(Ρ), bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, burning altar. Lindgren III 187; RecGen -.TextFull Size
Mionnet Supp 5, 715Geta, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 10.12 g. Λ CEΠT ΓETAC KAICA, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding grain ears and sceptre. Mionnet Supp. V, 715; Mus. Herdervar 4524.TextFull Size
Mionnet 726
Lindgren III 187 var
Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2.20 g. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, flaming, garlanded altar. Mionnet Supp. V, 726.TextFull Size
Muensterberg Nicaea 18Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 3.01 g. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN C, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. Münsterberg Nicaea 18 in NZ 54.TextFull Size
Mullally 10697Geta, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 2.62 g. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC K, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, serpent-entwined torch. Mullally 10697.TextFull Size
Naumann 43, 617Geta AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 2.75 g. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Pan or satyr walking right, holding lagobolon. Unpublished. Naumann 43, 617.TextFull Size
Naumann 56, 334Geta, AE13 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 1.23 g. Π CEΠT ΓETAC KAI, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, winged caduceus. Naumann 56, 334. Unpublished.TextFull Size
Naville 42, 125Geta AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 11.34 g. Λ CEΠTIM ΓETAC KAI, bare-headed, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN SS, hexastyle temple with Tyche within, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Naville 42, 125. Unpublished.TextFull Size
RecGen 342 varGeta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles Farnese standing right, right hand behind back, resting on club set on rock. Museumlandschaft Hessen-Kassel, Mu739. RecGen 342 var (this reverse for Sept. Severus).TextFull Size
RecGen 365 varGeta, AE 15, 2.15g of Nicaea, Bithynia. Λ; CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Hermes standing left, petasos on head, holding purse and caduceus. Roma Num. 67, 662. RecGen 365 var (Julia Domna, unlisted for Geta).TextFull Size
RecGen 444 varGeta AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. KAICAΡ ΓETAC, draped bust right / NEIKAIEΩN, Pan standing right with trophy over his shoulder. RecGen 444 var (Caracalla, unlisted for Geta).TextImage
RecGen 473 varGeta, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2.4 gr. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, bull standing left. RecGen 473 var (Caracalla, bull standing right); unlisted for Geta.TextFull Size
RecGen 501Geta AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-200. 2.52 g. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Zeus standing left, holding patera and sceptre, eagle at foot left, four dots in the exergue. Rec Gen 501; Hunter 24; Mullally 10706.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 502Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 2.85 g. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding spear and resting right hand on shield before her. RecGen 502; Righetti 9875.TextFull Size
RecGen 504 corr.Geta AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 16.63 g. Λ CEΠT ΓETAC KAICA-Ρ, bare-headed, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. RecGen 504 corr. ("CEΠTI", same dies).TextFull Size
RecGen 505Geta AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 3.09 g. Λ CEΠT ΓETAC KAI, bare-headed, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. RecGen 505.TextFull Size
RecGen 507Geta, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 3.11 g. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Eros, winged and in long cloak, standing left, resting on torch set on a circular base. RecGen 507.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 509Geta, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 198-211 AD. 2.90 gr. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC K, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, The infant Dionysos sitting right in cradle, holding thyrsus. RecGen 509.TextFull Size
RecGen 510Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, cista mystica with serpent emerging. RecGen 510; Mionnet Supp. V, 725; Righetti Sale IV, 366.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 511Geta, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Λ CEΠT ΓETAC K, bare-headed, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Telesphorus standing facing, wearing hooded cloak. RecGen 511 corr. (obv. legend and bust type); Mionnet Supp. V, 716; Theup. Museum, p. 996.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 511a varGeta, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 10.29 g. Λ CEΠTIM ΓETAC KAIC, bare head right. Two countermarks, Nike standing right (Howgego 254) and male head right with crescent on head) / NIKAIEΩN, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. Var of RecGen 511a (handwritten addition in RecGen Paris, with K instead of KAIC).TextFull Size
RecGen 512Geta, as Caesar, AE26 of Bithynia, Nicaea. CEΠTΓETAC KAICA, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles standing right, club raised above head, about to hit the Lernean Hydra.TextImage
RecGen 512 varGeta, AE 26, 9.59g of Nicaea, Bithynia. Λ CEΠTIM ΓETAC K[AI], bare-headed (draped?) bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles standing right, resting right hand on club behind him, holding apples of the Hesperides (?) in left hand before him, lionskin hanging from left shoulder; tree with slain serpent to right. RecGen 512 var (rev type of the Labours of Herakles). Possibly from Amorium?TextFull Size
RecGen 514Geta as Caesar, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right. / NIKAEIΩN, Nemesis standing left, holding whip, resting left hand on wheel at side. Four dots in exergue. RecGen 514. TextImage
RecGen 514Geta as Caesar, AE15, (2.56g) Nicaea, Bithynia, 2,67 g. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, Bare head right / NIKAEIΩN, Nemesis standing left, holding whip, wheel at side. RecGen 514.TextFull Size
RecGen 515Geta, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2.31 g. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare-headed, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm. RecGen 515.TextFull Size
RecGen 515
ancient imit.
Geta, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. (Ancient imitation) 198-212 AD. A CEΠT ΓETA KAIC, laureate bust left / NIKAIEΩN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm. Ancient imitation of RecGen 515.TextFull Size
RecGen 516Geta, AE 15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 198-209 AD. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / NIKAIEΩN, elephant standing right. RecGen 516; BMC 88.TextFull Size
RecGen 517Geta, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2.12 gr. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head right / NIKAEIΩN, coiled serpent, head left. RecGen 517; Lindgren III A187A.TextFull Size
RecGen 517 var
Wildwinds NicGetv1
Geta AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2.7 g. AD 198-209. Λ CEΠ ΓETAC KAIC, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right / NIK-AIEΩN, coiled serpent. Wildwinds NicGetv1. RecGen 517 var (obv legend); Lindgren III A187A var (ditto).TextFull Size
RecGen 519 corrGeta, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD. 198-209. 2.84 g. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, eagle standing right, wings spread, wreath in its beak. Rec Gen 519 corr. (obv. legend); Mullally 10701.TextFull Size
RecGen 520 Geta AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Π CEΠ ΓETAC KAI, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, tetrastyle temple on a base. TextFull Size
RecGen 520Geta, AE13 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 1.55 g. Π CEΠ ΓETAC KAI, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Tetrastyle temple with dot in pediment, dot in centre. Rec Gen 520.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 521Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 3.267 gr. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare-headed, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, tetrastyle temple on three steps, dot in pediment. RecGen 521.TextFull Size
RecGen 522 varGeta, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, tetrastyle temple with peaked roof, figure within. RecGen 522 var. (RecGen does not list a figure within the temple.)TextFull Size
RecGen 525Geta, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 209-212 AD. 2.1g. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head right / NIK-AIEΩN, prize crown with palm branch. RecGen 525.TextFull Size
RecGen 525Geta, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 209-212 AD. 1.99g. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, prize crown with palm branch. RecGen 525.TextFull Size
RecGen 525 varGeta, AE15 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Severeian Games issue. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head left / CEOYHΡEIA NIKAIEΩN, Prize crown containing one palm branch. Mullally 10704. RecGen 525-526 var (bust type, rev. legend).TextFull Size
RecGen 527Geta, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 12.35 g. Π CEΠTIMIOC ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / CEOYH-ΡEIA ΦIΛA-ΔEΛΦEIA-NIKAIE-ΩN, legend in five lines within wreath. RecGen 527; SNG von Aulock 7041; BMC 1961,0301.96.TextFull Size
RecGen 530Geta, AE32 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 209-211. 23.42 g. AYT K Π CEΠT ΓETAC AYΓ-O, laureate, cuirassed bust left. / NIKAIEΩN, Serapis, polos on head, standing front by altar, looking left, resting on sceptre and raising hand. RecGen 530.TextFull Size
RecGen 531Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 1.73 g. AYT K Π CE ΓETAC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NEIKAIEΩN, Asklepios standing front, looking left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. RecGen 531; BMC 84.TextFull Size
RecGen 532 corrGeta AE33 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Struck AD 209-211. 21.32 g. AYT K Π CEΠTI ΓETAC AYΓOYC, laureate, cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. RecGen 532 corr (legend and bust type); Paris 1050; Mionnet II, 274.TextFull Size
RecGen 534Geta, AE34 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 209-211. 20 g. AYT K Π CEΠ ΓETAC AYΓOY, laureate, cuirassed bust left. / NIKAIEΩN, Geta, in military dress standing left by altar, holding Nike and spear. RecGen 534; BMC 85; Akerman IX.2 in NC 1.TextFull Size
RecGen 535Geta AE32 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 16.63 g. AYT K Π CEΠT ΓETAC AYΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, eagle on garlanded altar, head right, wreath in beak, all between two standards. RecGen 535; BMC 86; Waddington 425.TextFull Size
RecGen 535aGeta, AE32 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 209-211. 19.02 g. AYT K Π CEΠTI ΓETAC AYΓOY, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left. / NIK-AI-EΩN, legionary eagle between two standards, each surmounted by an eagle (or dove?). RecGen 535a (hand-written addition in RecGen Paris).TextFull Size
Righetti 8668Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 16mm, 3.00 g. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Righetti Coll. 8668.TextFull Size
Righetti 8671Geta, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 3.86 g. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and corncuopiae. Righetti Coll. 8671.TextFull Size
Righetti 9888Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 2.28 g. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Lion walking right. Righetti 9888; Righetti Sale IV 362, otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
Righetti IV, 360Geta, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2.26 gr. L ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare-headed, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, eagle standing right, head left, wings spread. Righetti Sale IV, 360; RecGen 519var (bust type).TextFull Size
Righetti IV 361Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 3.41 gr. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC K, bare head left / NIKAIEΩN, serpent-entwined torch. Righetti Sale IV 361. RecGen 506 var (bust type).TextFull Size
Righetti IV 364Geta, AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 3,22 g. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Bull standing right. RecGen 473 var (Caracalla); Righetti Sale IV 364.TextFull Size
Righetti IV, 366Geta, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 2.89 g. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, cista mystica with serpent emerging to left. Righetti Coll IV, 366.TextFull Size
Righetti IV, 368 Geta AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 2.89 g. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare-headed, cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, cista mystica with serpent emerging. Righetti Coll IV, 368 ; MZR 192, 260.TextFull Size
Righetti IV 372Geta, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear. Righetti Sale IV, 372 otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
Righetti IV 377Geta, AE14 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 1.94. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos, naked, holding kantharos, thyrsos over shoulder, sitting right on the back of a panther walking right. Righetti Sale IV, 377.TextFull Size
Righetti IV 386Geta AE32 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 16.5 g. AYT K Π CEΠTI ΓETAC AYΓO, laureate head right. / CAΡAΠIN ΠΡECBEY NIKAICIC, Serapis, polos on head, standing front by altar, looking left, resting on sceptre and raising right hand. Righetti Sale IV, 386; SNRIS 22a.TextFull Size
RomaNum 59, 672Geta, AE13 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. Severan Games issue. 1.9 g. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare-headed, draped bust right. / CEOYHΡEIA NIKAIEΩN, prize urn containing single palm branch. Unpublished with this rev. legend. RN 59, 672.Text Full Size
SNRIS Nicaea 23aGeta AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 2.84 g. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC KAI, bare-headed, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, bull standing right. SNRIS Nicaea 23 (this coin).TextFull Size
SNRIS Nicaea 23bGeta AE16 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 2.69 g. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head left. / NIKAIEΩN, bull standing right. SNRIS Nicaea 23b.TextFull Size
SNG Stockholm 1953Geta, AE16mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2.2gr, 209-212 AD. ΓETAC KAICAΡ, bare head right / NIKAIEΩN, eagle standing facing, head left, wings spread. SNG Stockholm 1953; Rec Gen 519 var (obv. legend).TextFull Size
Weigel ANS MN 31Geta, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 9.58 g. AD 198-209. Λ CEΠTIM ΓETAC KAI, bare head right, countermark behind head, Nike standing right above / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles cleaning the Augean stables: Herakles standing right, wielding a mattock (like a pickaxe); the diverted stream's water flowing down to right, jar or basket behind him; S between legs. RecGen -; Weiser -; Isegrim -. RecGen 512 var (= Herakles fighting the Hydra). Richard Weigel Coll., ANS MN 31 (1986).TextFull Size
Rec Gen 537Macrinus, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 12.9 gr. [AVT K M] OΠEΛ CEOVHΡ MAKΡEINOC AYΓ (HΡ ligate), laureate (draped?) and cuirassed bust right / NIKA-IEΩN, Serapis walking right, holding sceptre over left shoulder, right hand raised. RecGen 537.TextFull Size
RecGen 553Macrinus, AE29 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 217-218. 12.96g. AYT K M OΠΛ CEOYHΡ MAKΡEINOC AYΓ (OΠΛ: sic), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RecGen 553; AK Coll. L69.TextFull Size
RecGen 556Macrinus, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 217-218 AD. 6.32 gr. AYT K M OΠEΛ CEOYHΡ MAKΡEINOC AYΓ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / (TYCH AΓAΘH around), NI-KA-IEΩN to left, right and beneath hexastyle temple. RecGen 556.TextFull Size
BMC 92Elagabalus, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AVΡ ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NI-KA-IE-ΩN beneath the masts of legionary eagle facing, head right, wings spread, between two standards surmounted by capricorns. Possiblby this is the type described under BMC 92, but without mentioning the capricorns.TextFull Size
Nomos 5, 692Elagabalus, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 218-222. M AYΡH ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, Asklepios standing facing, looking left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. Unpublished reverse for Elagabalus. Nomos 5, 692.TextFull Size
RecGen 420cfElagabalus, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 218-222 AD. M AVR ANTWNINOC AYG, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Serpent-entwined torch of Demeter containing two grain ears and a poppy. Unpublished for Elagabalus. RecGen 420 (same rev. die, same obv. legend, under Caracalla in error ?).TextFull Size
RecGen 458Elagabalus AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 218-222 AD. 4.42 gr, 22.55mm. M AVΡ ANTWNINOC AYG, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter seated left, holding corn-ears and long torch. RecGen 458; SNG Cop-; Mionnet-;.TextFull Size
RecGen 558varElagabalus, AE22 of Nikaea, Bithynia. M AYR ANTWNINOS AYG, laureate head right / NIKA-IEΩN, Demeter standing half left, head left, holding corn-ears and torch, lighted altar at foot left. BMC-; Wieser-; Imhoof Bithynien-; Mionnet-; RecGen-. Apparently unpublished. cf RecGen 558 (no altar).TextFull Size
RecGen 562Elagabalus AE25 Diassarion of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 218-222. M AYRH ANTWNINOC AYG, laureate head right / NIKAIΩN, Herakles left, looking right, grasping the horn and jaws of the Cretan bull. RecGen 562; Voegtli 4m.TextFull Size
RecGen 564Elagabalus, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 218-222. M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right. / NIKAIEΩN, elephant right with rider, holding staff. RecGen 564; SNG von Aulock 7044.TextFull Size
RecGen 565Elagabalus, Nicaea, AE15. ANTONEINOC AYG, laureate draped bust right / NIKA-IEΩN, eagle facing, head left, wreath in beak. RecGen 565. TextFull Size
Rec Gen 566Elagabalus AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AVΡ ANTΩNIN(OC AYΓ), laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, hexastyle temple with peaked roof. TextImage
Rec Gen 571Elagabalus AE22 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AVΡ ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, three military standards. TextImage
Rec Gen 571 varElagabalus AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AVΡ ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, three military standards. TextImage
RecGen 571 var (2)Elagabalus, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AVΡ ANTWNINOC AYG, laureate head right / NIK-AIE to left and right, N-W below, three standards, the two outer ones with oval or circular tops with 4 rays. Rec.Gen. 571 var.TextFull Size
RecGen 587cfElagabalus AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ...ANTΩN..., laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Hermes standing left, chlamis draped over right arm, holding purse and caduceus. TextImage
SNG Cop 512Elagabalus, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 218-222 AD. 6,10 gr. M AVΡH ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NI-KA-IE-ΩN between legionary eagle between two standards surmounted by capricorns. SNG Cop 512.TextFull Size
RecGen 575Julia Maesa, AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 218-223. 4.84 g. IOYΛIA MAICA AYΓ, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, prize urn containing one palm branch. RecGen 575; Paris 1075; Mionnet Supp. V, 758.TextFull Size
RecGen 576Julia Maesa, AE22, Nicaea, Bithynia. IOYΛIA MAICA AVΓ, draped bust right / NI-KAI-EΩN to left, right and beneath hexastyle temple. RecGen 576.TextFull Size
Agora 3, 71Severus Alexander. AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 4.79 g. M AYΡ CEY AΛEZANΔΡOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NIK-AI-EΩN, to left, right and beneath two standards surmounted by capricorns with another standard between them. Unpublished reverse type (legend positions). Agora 3-71.TextFull Size
BMC 102Severus Alexander, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 222-235. 4.79 g. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AY, laureate head right. / NI-K-AI-E, ΩN between and beneath three standards. Badges 2-2-2. BMC 102; Ritter 27214.TextFull Size
BMC 102 var
Sear SGI 3287
Severus Alexander, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 222-235 AD. 4.44g; 21mm. M AVΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NI-K-A-IE-ΩN between and beneath three standards. Badges 1-1-1. BMC 102 var; Sear SGI 3287.TextFull Size
BMC 102 var Severus Alexander, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 222-235 AD. 4.44g; 21mm. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NI-K-AI-E-ΩN between and beneath three standards. BMC 102; RecGen I-III, 617 var (bust type).TextFull Size
BMC 103 var
Köhler-Osbahr 115
Bithynia, Nicaea. Severus Alexander AE19. M AVΡ CEYH AΛEΞANΔΡOC AY, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / N-IK-AI-E, ΩN between and beneath three standards. Köhler-Osbahr 115 (BMC 103 var which has AYΓ).TextImage
BMC 103v
Severus Alexander AE21 of Nicaea in Bithynia. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC A, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / NI-KA-IE-ΩN between three legionary standards.TextImage
BMC 103v(2)
TLA 16947
Severus Alexander AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 4.85 g, AD 222-235. M AVΡ CEYH AΛEΞANΔΡOC A, laureate, draped bust right, seen from the back / N-IK-AI-E-ΩN, between and beneath three standards. TLA 16947TextFull Size
BMC 103 var (3)
Severus Alexander, AE 20.27mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AC, laureate, draped bust right, seen from the back / NI-K-A-IE, ΩN between and beneath three standards. BMC 103 var (rev breaks).TextFull Size
BMC 104Severus Alexander. Nicaea, Bithynia. AE19. 222-235 AD. M AYΡ AΛEΞANΔΡOC AY, laureate, draped bust right / N-IK-AI-E-&Omega:N, legionary eagle between two standards. TextFull Size
CNG 272, 233Severus Alexander, AE24 of Nicaea, Bithynia, AD 222-235. 10.16 g. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ, radiate head right / EY IEΡH EYΓENIC NEIKIAI, Dionysos in long robe and polos, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos. Apparently unpublished. CNG 272, 233.TextFull Size
Florence 34981Severus Alexander, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 222-235. 4.91 g. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ (YΓ ligate), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NI-K-AI-E, ΩN between and beneath three standards. Badges 2-2-2. Florence Mus. 34981; Williams 77 in NC 2009.TextFull Size
Forum 620Severus Alexander, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AVΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC AY, laureate head right / NI-K-AI-E, ΩN between and beneath three standards. BMC 102 var (obv. legend); ; RecGen 617 var (bust type); Forum Ancient Coin 620; Ritter 31145.TextFull Size
Kemppinen S204Severus Alexander, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AYG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / NI-KA-IE-ΩN between the masts of three standards with one badge and two bars each. Kemppinen 204; BMC 103 var (obv legend + bust type + rev breaks).TextFull Size
Kemppinen 767Severus Alexander, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AY, laureate, draped bust right, seen from the back / NI-K-AI-E, ΩN, three standards with one badge on each mast. BMC 102 var (bust type); Kemppinen 767.TextFull Size
MJ 190808Severus Alexander as Caesar, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 221-222. M AYΡ AΛEXANΔΡOC K, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. Unpublished reverse for Sev. Alex as Caesar. Miro J. collection 190808.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 559 varSeverus Alexander, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 222-235 AD. AV K M AVΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike and spear. Roland Mueller Collection 1326; RecGen 559 var (Elagabalus). Unpublished reverse for Sev. Alexander.TextFull Size
RecGen 580a var
Rudge 42013
Severus Alexander, Nicaea Bithynia, AE22. M AVΡ AΛEXANΔΡOC KAI, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right / NI-KA-IE-ΩN between the masts of three standards. Rudge 42013. RecGen 580a var (obv legend).TextFull Size
RecGen 580vSeverus Alexander AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 4.47 g. M AVΡ AΛEXANΔΡOC K, bare-headed, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre. RecGen 580-582 var (obv legend); Duesseldorf 00422 var (ditto).TextFull Size
RecGen 584Severus Alexander, AE22. Nicaea, Bithynia. M AVΡH AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right seen from the back / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, shield at foot. RecGen 584.TextFull Size
cf RecGen 595Severus Alexander AE25 of Nicaea in Bithynia. M AVΡCEV AΛEΞANΔΡOC AY, laureate bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles, naked, standing right, holding bow, hacing just shot two of the Stymphalian birds which fall to the ground before him. Kurth Herakles 330a; ACA 2181.TextImage
RecGen 607Severus Alexander, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 222-235. 12.55 g. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ (YΓ ligate), laureate, cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN CAΓAΡIC above and beneath river-god Sagaris reclining left, looking right, holding reed and resting left arm on an overturned urn. RecGen 607; BMC 96; Falter 338 (this coin).TextFull Size
RecGen 611Severus Alexander, AE18 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 222-235. 3.90 g. M AYΡ CEOY AΛEΞANΔΡOC AYΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, lion leaping left, holding a bucranium in its forepaws. RecGen 611; Waddington 434.TextFull Size
RecGen 616Severus Alexander AE19 of Nicaea in Bithynia. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AY, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / N-IK-AI-E, ΩN (below) between legionary eagle, head right with wreath in its beak, between two standards.TextImage
Rec Gen 617Severus Alexander AE20 of Nicaea in Bithynia. M AVΡCEV AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKAIE-ΩN between 3 standards. TextFull Size
RecGen 617varSeverus Alexander AE20 of Nicaea, Bithyna. 4.1 g. M AVΡCEV AΛEΞANΔΡOC AYΓ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / N-IK-AI-E/ΩI (sic), between three standards. Engraver's error (WI instead of WN). RecGen 617 var (bust type with this obv legend; WI below.).TextFull Size
Rec Gen 620Severus Alexander AE23 of Nicaea in Bithynia. M AYΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, prize crown with one palm branch. RecGen 620.TextImage
Rohde 14522 varSeverus Alexander, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 222-235 AD. M AVΡC AL(EΞANΔΡOC AY(Γ?)), radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / NI-K-AI-E, WN below, three standards. Rohde 14522 var (obv. legend).TextFull Size
SGI 3287Severus Alexander AE19 of Bithynia, Nicaea. M AVΡCEV AΛEZANΔPOC AYΓ, laureate head right / NI-K-A-IE between three standards, ΩN below. BMC 102. TextImage
SGI 3287v1Severus Alexander, as Caesar, AE22 of Nicaea in Bithynia. M AVΡCEV AΛEXANΔΡOC KAI, bare-headed, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN around three legionary standards.TextImage
Scholz 57 varSeverus Alexander, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 3.3g. M AVΡ AΛEXANΔΡOC K, bare headed, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, serpent-entwined torch. Apparently unpublished. Scholz 57 var in NZ 1910, (this reverse for Julia Mamaea); RecGen 334 var (this reverse for Sept. Severus).TextFull Size
SGI 3287v2Severus Alexander, as Caesar, AE23 of Nicaea in Bithynia. M AVΡCEV AΛEXANΔΡOC KAI, laureate head right / NI-KAI-EΩN around three standards. TextImage
SGI 3827v3Severus Alexander. Nicaea, Bithynia. M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC KAI, bare-headed, cuirassed bust right / NIK-AI-EΩN, to left, right and beneath three standards, the outer two surmounted by capricorns. Unlisted type. SGI 3287 var (capricorns, rev breaks).TextFull Size
SGI_3287v4Severus Alexander, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 4.60 gr. M AYΡ AΛEΞANΔΡOC KAI, bare-headed, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / NIKAIEΩN to left and right of three standards. This reverse is unlisted for Nicaea. His legends are only listed as being between and beneath the standards. SGI 3287 var.TextFull Size
SGI 3287cfSeverus Alexander AE26 of Nicaea in Bithynia. M AVΡCEV AΛEXANΔΡOC AY, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / NI-K-AI-E-ΩN between three standards. TextImage
SNG Cop 519Severus Alexander AE20 of Nicaea in Bithynia. M AVΡCEV AΛEXANΔΡOC AY, radiate bust right / N-IK-AI-E-ΩN between legionary eagle, head left with wreath in its beak, between two standards.TextImage
SNG Cop 519varSeverus Alexander, Nicaea, 222-235 AD. AE 21mm; 6.3g. M AYΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ, radiate, draped bust right, seen from the back / N-IK-AI-E between, ΩN beneath legionary eagle between two standards. SNG Copenhagen 519 var (obv legend with H).TextFull Size
SNG Cop 520Severus Alexander AE22. Nicaea, Bithynia. 222-235 AD. M AVΡCEYH ALEΞANΔΡOC AY, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from back / NI-K-AI-E-&Omega:N, between and below three standards. TextFull Size
SNG Righetti 642Severus Alexander, AE17 of Nicaea, Bithynia. (M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AY), laureate, draped bust right, countermark of chimera (?) on neck / NI-KAIE-ΩN in three lines within wreath. SNG Righetti 642; RecGen -.TextFull Size
SNG vA 606Severus Alexander, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AVΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos on the left, standing, looking right at the nymph Nikaia. SNG von Aulock 606.TextFull Size
SNG vA 613Severus Alexander, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 222-235. 9.47 g. M AYΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC AY, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN CAΓAΡIC above and beneath river-god Sagaris reclining left, looking right, holding reed and resting left arm on an overturned urn. SNG von Aulock 613; Falter 339 (this coin).TextFull Size
SNG vA 624Severus Alexander AE 21mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. M AVΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC A, radiate and draped bust right, seen from behind / NI-KA-IE-ΩN between three legionary standards.TextImage
RecGen 543 varBithynia, Nicaea. AE22. Severus Alexander 222-225 AD. M AYΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped bust right, seen from the back / NIKAIEΩN, Serapis, modius on head facing standing facing, holding sceptre in left hand, right arm extended, tripod to left towering above the walls of Nicaea with branches to left and right. Apparently unrecorded type. SNG 543 var (emperor, Serapis).TextFull Size
VanGessel 297Severus Alexander, Nicaea, Bithynia. 3,42 gr, 17,8-18,8 mm. 222-235 AD. M AΛEΞANΔΡOC AYG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / NI-K-AI-E-ΩN between and beneath three standards. Van Gessel 297, SNG von Aulock 625 var. Not in the usual reference sources with this obv. legend and these reverse breaks.TextFull Size
Vimin. museum 4769Severus Alexander, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 222-235. 5.44 g. M AYΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ (YΓ ligate), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / N-IK-AI-E, ΩN between and beneath three standards. Badges 2-2-2. Viminacium museum 4769.TextFull Size
Vimin. Museum 4769bSeverus Alexander as Caesar, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 221-222. 5.63 g. M AYΡ AΛEXANΔΡOC K, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Athena seated left, holding Nike and spear. Viminacium museum 4769b; Pecine excav. 4; RPC VI, 3102 (temp).TextFull Size
Beast Z7091Julia MAMAIA, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 9.32g. IOYΛIA MAMAIA CEB, draped bust right / EVCEBΩN EVΓENΩN NIKAIEΩN, Pan walking left, holding bunch of grapes and a lagobolon (hunter's stick). Unpublished. Beastcoins Z7091.TextFull Size
BMC 106Julia Mamaea of Nicaea, Bithynia. AE22. 4.47g. 222-235 AD. IOYLIA MAMAIA AVG, draped bust right. / NI-K-AI-E, WN, between and beneath three standards. BMC 106; RecGen 628.1 and Rec 628.3; Vojvoda Pecine 84; Viminacium museum 948 and 3087/5; Voyvoda Vise_Grobalja 2370.TextFull Size
Kohler-Osbahr 117Julia Mamaea. AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 222-235. IOYΛIA MAMAIA AYΓ, draped bust right, wearing stephane. / NI-KA-IE-ΩN between the shafts of three standards, each surmounted by a wreath. Köhler-Osbahr 117.TextFull Size
RecGen 629Julia Mamaea, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 222-235 AD. IOYΛIA MAMAIA AYΓ, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, prize crown with one palm branch. RecGen 629; Hunter 31; McClean 7497.TextFull Size
Scholz 57Julia Mamaea, AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia, AD 222-235. IOYΛIA MAMAIA AYΓ, draped bust right / NIKA-IEΩN, serpent-entwined torch. Scholz 57 in NZ 1910 (otherwise unpublished).TextFull Size
SM 402Julia Mamaea, 23mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. 9 gr. (IOYΛIA MA)MAIA CEB, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Peleus, holding the infant Achilles on his arm and presenting him to the centaur Cheiron, tutor of Heroes. Unpublished. Steve Minnoch Coll. 402.TextFull Size
TLO 015178Julia Mamaea AE24 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 6.15 g. AD 222-235. IOYΛIA MAMAIA AYΓ, draped bust right. / NI-KAI to left and right, EΩN below, three standards, the outer two surmounted by capricorns. Unppublished with this rev. legend configuration. Timeline Orig. 015178.TextFull Size
Weiser 33Julia Mamaea. 4.14g; 20mm. Nicaea, Bithynia. 222-235 AD. IOVΛIA MAMAIA AVΓ, draped bust right / N-IK-AI-E,ΩN, between and beneath three standards. Weiser Nicaea 33; Pazardzhik Museum 278.TextFull Size
Cologne 46Maximinus I, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 6.76 gr. 235-238 AD. Γ IOY OYH MAXMEINOC AYΓ, laureate, draped bust right, countermarked with head of Philip right within circular punch / NI-KA-IEΩN to left and right and beneath tetrastyle temple with Tyche standing left within, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Cologne I, 46.TextFull Size
SNG vA 617 varMaximinus I AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 6.98 g. Γ IOVΛ AVΡ MAXIMEINOC AYΓ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Artemis running right, drawing bow and reaching for arrow from quiver; hound at her feet. SNG von Aulock 617 var (this reverse previously used for Severus Alexander).TextFull Size
SNG vA 634Maximinus I AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 235-238 AD. 9.0g. Γ IOY OYH MAXIMEINOC AYΓ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Pan walking left, holding bunch of grapes and shepherd's crook; countermark of Nike walking in left field. SNG vA 634.TextFull Size
SNG vA 7046Maximinus I AE23 Diassarion of Nicaea, Bithynia. Γ IOVΛ OVHΡ MAXIMEINOC AYΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, shield at her feet. SNG von Aulock 7046.TextFull Size
Howgego 65Maximus AE22 of Nicaea in Bithynia. Γ IOV OVH MAΞIMOC K, draped, cuirassed bust right / N-IK-AI-E-ΩN, three standards.TextImage
RecGen 673Maximus AE24 of Nikaia, Bithynia. 8.28g. G IOY OYH MAΞ(IMOC K), draped and cuirassed bust right, countermark of male head left / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RecGen 673.TextFull Size
BMC 119Gordian III. 238-244 AD. AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / N-I-K-A-I-EΩN between and beneath two legionary eagles between two standards surmounted by capricorns. BMC 119; SNG Copenhagen 527. (Note: no obverse break, E instead of Epsilon in EWN).TextFull Size
BMC 124Gordian III, AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AY, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / N-IK-AI-E-ΩN three standards. BMC 124.TextFull Size
BMC 125Gordian III. AE19. 3.45 gr. Nicaea, Bithynia. 238-244 AD. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AY, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / N-I-K-AI-EΩN between and beneath three standards. BMC 125.TextFull Size
Kemppinen G028Gordian III, AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 3.84 gr. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AY, radiate, draped bust right / N-I-K-A-I, EΩN between the masts and beneath two legionary eagles between two standards with 2-3-3-2 badges. Kemppinen G028; BMC 118-119 var (obv legend, bust type).TextFull Size
Kemppinen G120
BMC 119 var
Gordian III, AE19.5 of Nicaea, Bithynia. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / N-IK-AI-E around, ΩN beneath two standards between two legionary eagles. Kemppinen G120; BMC 119 var (rev legend breaks).TextFull Size
Kemppinen PK-12-6Gordian III. AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 238-244. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / N-IK-AI-E between, ΩN beneath legionary eagle between two standards surmounted by capricorns. (badges on masts: 2-1-2.) Kemppinen PK-12-6.TextFull Size
Mionnet 852Gordian III AE 23mm of Bithynia, Nicaea. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, Radiate draped bust right / Athena standing facing, head left, holding patera and reversed spear; shield at side.TextImage
RecGen 700Gordian III, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 20.09 g. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield, countermark on neck / NIKAIEΩN, Herakles, with Eros on his knee and holding club, riding right on the back of a lion. RecGen 700.TextFull Size
RecGen 710Gordian III, AE31 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 238-244 AD. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, radiate, cuirassed bust left, holding spear in left hand and shield decorated with Gorgoneion on right arm / NIKAIEΩN BOYΛH ΔEMOC OMONIA around, in field and beneath Demos, bare-shouldered, standing right, holding sceptre in left hand, offering right hand to Boule, standing left, turreted, holding sceptre. Imhoof, Gr. M. 132; RecGen 710; c/m: Howgego 65.TextFull Size
RecGen 712Gordian III, AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 238-244. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / N-I-K-A-I, EΩN between and beneath two legionary eagles between two standards, one of which is surmounted by a capricorn, all masts have three badges. RecGen 712.TextFull Size
RecGen 715Gordian III, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 238-244 AD. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC,C AV, radiate, draped bust right / N-I-K-A-I-EΩN, two standards surmounted by capricorns between two standards. Rec Gen 1-III, 715.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 526vGordian III, AE19, Nicaea, Bithynia. 238-244 AD. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped bust right / N-I-K-AI-EΩN between and beneath three standards. SNG Copenhagen 526 var (obv legend and rev -AI-break).TextFull Size
SNG UK 700-1165Gordian III, AE 22mm, Nicaea, Bithynia. 238-244 AD. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC A, radiate, draped bust right / N-IK-AI-E, ΩN between and beneath legionary eagle between two standards. SNG UK 700_1165.TextFull Size
SNG vA 653 varGordian III, AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 238-244. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AY, radiate, draped bust right / NI-K-AI-E, ΩN between and beneath legionary eagle between two standards. SNG von Aulock 653 var (rev break).TextFull Size
Zwicker 1071Gordian, AE 32mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKAI-EΩN above and beneath Hephaistos (Vulkan) seated right, forging helmet on column; to right, Athena standing left, right hand on helmet, left hand on shield. Zwicker Collection, Z1071 otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
Zwicker 1073Gordian III, AE19 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 2,70 gr. 238-244. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / N-I-K-A-I, EΩN between and beneath two standards surmounted by capricorns between two standards. Zwicker Z1073; cf Rec Gen 711 (rad. draped only).TextFull Size
Falghera 2115Tranquillina, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 241-244. CAB TΡANKYΛΛINA C, draped bust right, wearing stephane. / NIKAIEΩN, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. Falghera 2115. (var of Weiser 79: Hygieia standing left); RecGen -.TextFull Size
Mabbott 1150Tranquillina, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 241-244. CAB TΡANKYΛΛINA C, draped bust right, wearing stephane. / NIKAIEΩN, Dikaiosyne standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. Mabbott 1150 (this coin) = Vatican Duplicates sale, 590 (Schulman April 1972) = Roma Numis. int. 9909; RPC V-2 1950.TextFull Size
RecGen 718Tranquillina, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. CABEI TΡANKYΛΛEINA, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Serapis standing left, holding staff and raising right hand. Rec. Gen. 718; BMC 126.TextFull Size
RecGen 719 varTranquillina, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. CAB TΡANKYΛΛEINA C, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding transverse spear forwards, shield on left arm. ReGen 719 var (attributes); BMC 127 var (ditto).TextFull Size
RecGen 721vTranquillina, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 6.30 g. CABEI TΡANKYΛΛINA C, draped, diademed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. var of SNG von Aulock 661; McClean 7504; RecGen 721. BMC 128 (obv. legend).TextFull Size
RecGen 723Tranquillina AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 241-244. 4.51 g. CAB TΡANKYΛΛINA, draped bust right, wearing stephane. / N-I-K-AI between the masts of a legionary eagle between two standards, EΩN below. RecGen 723; BMC 130.TextFull Size
RPC VII-2, 1954ATranquillina AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 241-244. 5.3 g. CABEI TΡANKYΛΛEINA, draped bust right, wearing stephane. / NIKAIEΩN, Homonoia seated left, holding patera and cornucopiae. RPC VII-2, 1954A; Bay Num. 5, 585.TextFull Size
SNG Dusseld. 1828Tranquillina, AE22 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 6.1g. [CAB TΡAN]KVΛΛINAC, diademed and draped bust right / NIKAIE-ΩN around and beneath hexastyle temple with dot in pediment with Tyche standing facing within, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SLG Dusseldorf 1828 and 5945; Isegrim 43172; RecGen 722var (deity); BMC 129var (ditto).TextFull Size
Weiser 126Philip I, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. 12.2 gr. Reduced tetrassarion. 244-247 AD. M IOVΛIOC ΦIΛIΠΠOC AYΓ, laureate, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and long torch. Weiser 126 (same dies); RecGen 727 var (bust type).TextFull Size
Weiser 108Otacilia Severa, AE28 of Nicaea, Bithynia, AD 244-249. 9.3 g. MAΡKIA OTAKI CEOYHΡA AYΓ, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN beneath a tetrastyle temple and a pentastyle temple, seen in perspective right and left. Weiser 108-109; Mabbott 1155.TextFull Size
SNGvA 7061Trebonianus Gallus, Bithynia, Nicaea, AE23. 251-253 AD. AYT K Γ BEIB ΓAΛΛOC A, radiate draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Serapis standing left, polos on head, holding sceptre and raising hand. SNG Von Aulock 7061.TextFull Size
Paris AAGR569Volusian, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 251-253. 10.47 gr. AY K BEIB ΓAΛΛOC OYOΛOCCIANOC, radiate head right / NIKAIEΩN, distyle shrine with arched portico and rounded roof, bust on a low column within. Paris AA.GR.569 (under Nysa, Lydia in error), otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
Cologne 184Valerian I, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-260. 7.83 g. Γ ΠOY ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Cologne 184.TextFull Size
RecGen 794Valerian I, AE24 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-260. ΠOY ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Athena seated left on stool, holding Nike and spear, shield at her side. RecGen 794; Lindgren III 196; Weiser 186.TextFull Size
RecGen 797Valerian, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-260. 9.3 g. Γ ΠOYB ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. RecGen 797; BMC 142; SNG von Aulock 7071.TextFull Size
RecGen 804 leftValerian, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 256-260. ΠOY ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC CEB, radiate, draped bust of Valerian left, right hand raised / NIKAIEΩN, Gallienus on the left, standing right beside the emperor, standing front, looking left, both holding sceptres, beside a figure (Salonina, Homonoia or a priest) standing left, holding a patera over a small altar. RecGen 804-805; Waddington 447; SNG von Aulock 713; McClean 7507.TextFull Size
RecGen 804Valerian I, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ΠOY ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC CEB, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Gallienus standing half right clasping hands with Valerian, standing left, both holding sceptres, to right Homonoia standing left, holding patera. McClean 7507; RecGen 804-805; Waddington 447; SNG von Aulock 71.TextFull Size
RecGen 809Valerian, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-260. 7.38 g. Γ Π ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC CE, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche or Nikaia standing left, prize urn on head, and holding a prize urn in each hand. RecGen 809; Luynes 2420 (same reverse die).TextFull Size
RecGen 819Valerian and Gallienus, AE27 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-260. AYT OYAΛEΡIANOC ΓAΛΛIHNOC CEB, confronting, radiate, draped and cuirassed busts of Valerian I and Gallienus. / OI KTICTAI NIKAIEΩN, Artemis standing right, wearing modius and holding bow; clasping the hand of Dionysos, standing left before her, holding thyrsos; panther at foot. RecGen 819; BMC 147.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 535Valerian I, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. ΠOY ΛIK OVAΛEΡIANOC AYΓ, radiate, draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Rec.Gen -. SNG Cop. 535.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 536 corrValerian, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 256-257. 8.89 g. ΠOY ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC CEB, radiate, cuirassed bust left, holding eagle-tipped sceptre over shoulder and raising right hand / NIKAIEΩN, on the left, Gallienus and Valerian I facing each other in military dress, clasping hands and each holding a spear; Valerian II, togate, standing left on the right, holding patera. (Note, many catalogs describe Valerian II as Homonoia). SNG Cop. 536 corr. ("Homonoia" for Val. II); RecGen 806 var (bust type).TextFull Size
SNG Cop 537Valerian I, Gallienus and Valerian II, AE24, Nicaea, Bithynia. AYT-OYAΛEΡI-ANOC ΓAΛΛIH-NOC OYAΛEΡIA-NOC KAI in 5 lines above, CEBB below, Laureate heads of Valerian I and Gallienus face to face, between them a bare headed bust of Valerian II / MEΓICTΩN AΡICTΩN above, NIKAIEΩN below, Three prize urns, each with a palm branch. SNG Cop 537.TextFull Size
SNG vA 7083Valerian I, Gallienus and Valerian II, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-255. AVT-OVAΛEΡI-ANOC ΓAΛΛIH-NOC OVAΛEΡIA-NOC KAIC in 5 lines above, CEBB below, radiate and draped busts of Gallienus and Valerian II right, facing the radiate and draped bust of Valerian I left. / MEΓICTΩN AΠICTΩN above, NIKAIEΩN below, Three prize crowns containing palm branches; the centre one contains two palms. SNG von Aulock 7083; BMC 150-151; Waddington 823; Mionnet II, 293; Weiser 262.TextFull Size
Weiser 196Valerian I, AE26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-260. 8.20 g. Γ ΠOY ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΔIO ΠYΘ CEB NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos, naked, wearing boots, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos. Weiser 196; Righetti Coll. 11112.TextFull Size
BMC 154Gallienus AE 23mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. ΠOY ΛI EΓ ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos in quadriga of elephants left, holding cantharus and thyrsus. SNGvA 724.TextImage
Lindgren 199vGallienus AE26., 9.24g; 26mm 260-268 AD. Nicaea, Bithynia. ΠOYB ΛIK EΓNA ΓAΛΛIHNOC AYΓ, radiate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Lindgren III, 199 var (obv legend); RecGen 841 var (obv. legend).TextFull Size
Mionnet Supp V, 936Gallienus AE24 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-268. 7.39 g. ΠOY ΛI EΓ ΓAΛΛIHNOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos, holding kantharos, sitting left in a quadriga of elephants left. RecGen 836; SNG von Aulock 724; BMC 154; Mionnet Supp. V, 936-937; SNG Righetti 654; Weiser 4; Feuardent 4542; Kurth Dionysos 1561g; Bernhart 1089.TextFull Size
Rec Gen 828Gallienus, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-268. Γ ΠOYB ΛIK EΓN ΓAΛΛHNOC AYΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, shield at foot left. RecGen 828; Lindgren I 156 (this coin); Weiser 235.TextFull Size
RecGen 836Gallienus, AE23 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ΠOY ΛI EΓ ΓAΛΛIHN CEB, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos, holding cantharus and thyrsus, in quadriga of elephants left. SNG von Aulock 724; BMC 154; Rec Gen 836.TextFull Size
RecGen 844Gallienus, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-268. 8.34 g. ΠOY ΛI EΓ ΓAΛΛIHNOC CE, radiate, draped bust right. / NIKAIEΩN, Gallienus, radiate, standing right, holding sceptre, clasping hands with Valerian, radiate, standing left, holding sceptre and Homonoia standing left, holding patera over an altar at foot. RecGen 844; Mcclean 7508; SNG von Aulock 722-723; Lindgren I 159; Weiser Koeln 246-248.TextFull Size
RecGen 848Gallienus AE of Nicaea, Bithynia. 7.18 g. ΠOY ΛI EΓ ΓAΛ[ΛIHNOC C]EB, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Bird's eye view of the city walls, city gates in foreground and background, tower on each of the eight corners. SNG Stockholm 1958; Price/Trell 190; RecGen 848.TextFull Size
RecGen 853Gallienus, AE 26 of Nicaea, Bithynia. ΠOYB ΛIK EΓN ΓAΛΛHNOC AYΓ, radiate, draped bust right / AΓΩNEC IEΡOI, NIKAIE-ΩN, three prize urns with palms on a base inscribed ΠYΘIA. RecGen 853. TextFull Size
RecGen 856Gallienus, AE22 of Nicaea and Byzantium, Bithynia and Thrace. AD 253-268. 7.68 g. ΠO ΛI EΓN ΓAΛΛIHNOC CEB, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN BYZANTIΩN around, OM-ON-OI-A in centre field, altar between two fishing baskets, lanterns or torches. RecGen 856, Waddington 453 and Weiser 17; Righetti Coll. 403 (this coin); Franke-Nollé 1413; Schönert-Geiss Byzantion 1866.TextFull Size
RecGen 857Gallienus, AE24 of Nicaea, Bithynia, Homonoia issue with Byzantion, Thrace. AD 253-268. 5.82 g. ΠOY ΛI EΓN ΓAΛΛIHNOC CEB, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN BYZANTIΩN OMONOIA, two wicker baskets. RecGen 857; Schönert-Geiss, Byzantion 1861-1866; Varbanov 2011 (Byzantium).TextFull Size
RecGen 858Gallienus, AE21 of Nicaea, Bithynia. Homonoia issue with Byzantion, Thrace. AD 253-268. 5.57 g. ΠOY ΛIK EΓN ΓAΛΛIHNOC CEB, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / NIKAIEΩN BYZANTIΩN OMONOIA, dolphin swimming right between two fish. RecGen 858; Varbanov 2012 (Byzanium); Schönert-Geiss 1872.TextFull Size
SNG vA 727Gallienus, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-268. 8.97 g. Γ ΠOYB ΛIK EΓNA ΓAΛΛHNOC AYΓ, radiate head right./ NIKAIEΩN, Homonoia seated left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Palm branch in exergue. SNG von Aulock 727; Weiser Koeln 227-229.TextFull Size
SNG vA 7089Gallienus, AE25 of Nicaea, Bithynia. AD 253-268. 7.76 g. Γ ΠOYB ΛIK EΓNA ΓAΛΛHNOC AYΓ, radiate head right. / NIKAEΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, shield at her side. SNG von Aulock 7089; Weiser 226. (Not in RecGen with this bust type and legend combination).TextFull Size
RecGen 861Salonina, Bithynia, Nicaea, AE25. KOΡN CAΛONEINA CEB , draped bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Valerian and Gallienus, radiate, in military garb, standing face-to-face, holding spears and clasping hands; Salonina standing, facing right, behind. RecGen 861, BMC 156, SNG Cop 542, SNG von aulock 731.TextFull Size
SNG vA 7097Valerian II, AE20 of Nicaea, Bithynia, 256-258 AD. 20.56mm - 4 gr. Π Λ KOΡ OYAΛEΡIANOC K, Bare-headed, draped bust right / IΠΠAΡCOC NIKAIEΩN, Hipparchus the astronomer seated left on cippus, globe on pedestal to left; countermark of a head left. SNG Von Aulock 7097.TextFull Size
SNG von Aulock 733Macrianus AE 23mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Macrianus right / City-view of Nicaea surrounded by a octagonal wall with two gates.TextImage
BMC 157Macrianus AE 26 mm of Nicaea, Bithynia. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / City walls of Nicaea. TextImage
BMC 160Quietus AE 22mm of Bithynia, Nicaea. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / City walls of Nicaea.TextImage
See also: Helvetica's Excel list of "Three (and four) Standards" reverse types of Nicaea