Ancient Coinage of Thrace, Cherronesos (Chersonesos)

Browse the Cherronesos page with thumbnail images .
FIRST SECTION: Hemidrachm types: Forepart of lion right, head reverted / quadripartite incuse square with monograms, letters and symbols usually in opposing quarters.
The list below shows the letters, monogram or symbol in the first quarter, then the symbol etc. (seen when the letters or monogram is upright) in the opposite quarter.
Ref.1st section2nd sectionInfo, other refsTextImage
AAH 20030724AΓ monogramR over dotUnpublished. TextImage
AAH 20030728X2 parallel linesPoss. unpublished. TextImage
AAH 20040615dotFish leftPoss. unpublishedTextImage
ACR 4, 687EB monogram dotEB monogramUnpublished symbol pair. TextImage
Agora 30, 31dot VE monogramRam's headUnpublished symbol pair. Agora auction 30, lot 31.TextImage
Alivonov 6-741dot AG dotbeeVar of Weber 2409, 2428; McClean 4090; SNG Copenhagen 832, (all list dot AΓ or "AΓ by dot"). Alivonov 6-741.TextImage
Alivonov 994-646A on T dot (Unpublished with these letters.)caduceus inwardsAlivonov 994-646TextImage
Berlin 18Dot over IStar or flower headBerlin I, 17TextImage
Berlin 18Dot over IPineappleBerlin I, 18TextImage
Berlin 20A over dotbunch of grapesBerlin I, 20; Hunterian 2; SNG Leake 1705; Weber 2434; Paris 1567; Babelon Traite 1547.TextImage
Berlin 22Astar (dot in third quarter)Berlin I, 22; cf Babelon Traite 1563 (fourré).TextImage
Berlin 22dotstar; A in third sectionBerlin I, 22. TextImage
Berlin 23A over dotbow over dotBerlin I, 23; Paris R2581; BMC 17.TextImage
Berlin 30dot over AΓ monogramFish leftMcClean 4095; Berlin I, 30TextImage
Berlin 32AΓ monogram over dotFish leftBerlin 32; Thrace hoard (1955), 50-54. TextImage
Berlin 33dot over AΓ monogramfish right TextImage
Berlin 34vdot and AΓ monogramdot and fishBerlin I, 34v; Hunterian 2TextImage
Berlin 35dot AΓ monogram ram's head rightBerlin 35; Weber 2411.TextImage
Berlin 36AΓ monogram over dotcorn-earBerlin I, 36. TextImage
Berlin 38dot over AΓ monogramdot over AΓ monogram / corn-ear on stalk with leafBerlin I, 38 TextImage
Berlin 45dot AΓ monogramPentagram.Berlin I, 45; SNG Leake 1691-1692. TextImage
Berlin 46AΓ over dotBeeBerlin I, 46. TextImage
Berlin 49A BeeBerlin I, 49TextImage
Berlin 54dotpoppy on stalk; H in third sectionBerlin I, 54; Babelon Traite 1569. TextImage
Berlin 57ΘEbeeBerlin I, 57. TextImage
Berlin 58ΘEbunch of grapesBerlin I, 58. TextImage
Berlin 59I over dotcorn-ear inwardsBerlin I, 59; Paris 1546.TextImage
Berlin 60dot K dot over pentagramThrace, Chersonese. Ca 400-350 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.40 gm). Berlin I, 60. TextImage
Berlin 61dot over Mdot Berlin I, 61.TextImage
Berlin 62dot over ME monogramdolphin Berlin I, 62.TextImage
Berlin 66dot over VEBeeBerlin I, 66. TextImage
Berlin 70dot VEdot starBerlin I, 70.TextImage
Berlin 85dotwreath with ties inwardsBerlin I, 85.TextImage
Berlin 87dotCaduceus outwards Berlin I, 87; Prokesch Inedita 1859, 5.TextImage
Berlin 90dot VEamphoraThrace, Chersonese. Ca 400-350 BC. AR Hemidrachm. Berlin I, 90; Babelon Traite 1556.TextImage
BMC 10dotPalm branchBMC Thrace 10; McClean 4081.TextImage
BMC 11dotbunch of grapes outwards. 480-350 BC. BMC 11; Weber 2419; McClean 4079; Hunter 1 etc..TextImage
BMC 11vdotBunch of grapes inwardsBMC 11 var. TextImage
BMC 13dotIvy leafBMC Thrace 13; McClean 4082-4083; SNG Berry 501. TextImage
BMC 13dotivy leafBMC Thrace pg. 183, 13; McClean 4082-4083; SNG Berry 501. TextImage
BMC 15dot over AdotBMC 15; McClean 4057. TextImage
BMC 16Aamphora.BMC 16; Paris 1547.TextImage
BMC 19A over dotScallop shellBMC Thrace pg. 184, 19; Weber 2435. TextImage
BMC 21dot AΓ monogram AmphoraBMC Thrace 21; Weber 2406; McClean 4066; Dewing 1305; SNG Copenhagen 837; Berlin I, 43. TextImage
BMC 22AΓ monogram over dottwo crossed barley corns beside a dotBMC 22TextImage
BMC 24dot over AΓ monogramclub dotWeber 2426; BMC 24; Thrace hoard (1955), 35.TextImage
BMC 27AΓ-monogram dotLizardBMC Thrace 27; SNG Dreer 112. TextImage
BMC 28AΓ monogramplowBMC 28; Winterthur 1196; Hunterian 3.TextImage
BMC 28, type 2AΓ monogramplowBMC 28; Winterthur 1196; Hunterian 3.TextImage
BMC 29ΛY dotbeeBMC 29; SNG Dreer 113; Winterthur 1199. TextImage
BMC 31E dotdolphin left over dotSNG Cop 829; BMC 31; Weber 2413; SNG Leake 1704.TextImage
BMC 32-33dot EFish leftBMC Thrace, 32, 33. TextImage
BMC 37dotdot, plus an H in third quarterBMC Thrace 37; McClean 4059; Dewing 3102 TextImage
BMC 39dot VE monogramAmphoraBMC 39; Weber 2423; Paris 1550; McClean 4111-4112; Hunterian 4.TextImage
BMC 39dot VE monogramAmphoraBMC Thrace 39; Weber 2423; McClean 4111-4112. TextImage
BMC 40ΛE monogramlekythos with strigil over dotBMC 40; Paris 1597.TextImage
BMC 41dot VE monogramBee inwardsBMC 41; Weber 2424; Paris 1586; Babelon Traite 1555.TextImage
BMC 42ΛY monogram over dotCaduceuscf. BMC Thrace pg. 185, 42; SNG Copenhagen 836. TextImage
BMC 43dot VE monogramDot over pentagramBMC Thrace 43; Weber 2422; SNG Dreer 115.TextImage
BMC 45YΠ monogram over dotcorn-ear upright, inwardsBMC 45; McClean 4110.TextImage
BMC 46dot over ΣdotBMC 46.TextImage
BMC 47XdotBMC 47; Paris 1593; Babelon Traite 1561. TextImage
BMC 47varA and dotXBMC Thrace, 47 var (no letter).TextImage
BMC 48dot over X AmphoraBMC Thrace 48; McClean 4121; Sear 1606. TextImage
BMC 49X over dotbeeBMC 49.TextImage
BMC 50dot over XCaduceusBMC 50; Weber 2432; McClean 4120; Babelon Traite 1574.. TextImage
BMC 51 dot over X lizardBMC 51; McClean 4123. TextImage
BMC 52X over dottorchBMC 52. TextImage
CNG 104, 37dotselinus leafCNG 104, Lot 37. TextImage
CNG 223,10DotBull's head (bucranium)CNG 223, 10; Thrace hoard 65; Berlin I, 18.TextImage
CNG 245, 54A over dotdot clubCNG_245-54.TextImage
CNG 573, 161dot over AΓ monogramClub inwardsCNG 573, 161. Unpublished without dot to right of club. TextImage
CNG 736957XcaduceusCNG 736957; McClean 4120 var (no dot).TextImage
CNG 83133H over dotINot in the usual reference works. TextImage
CNG 862661A over dotdotCNG 862661 (BMC 15 var). TextImage
CNG 862666A over dotclub dotCNG 862666. TextImage
de Horte 51 vardotspiderMueller Coll. 2107; de Horte 51 var (dot)TextImage
Dewing 1307AGram's head rightDewing 1307TextImage
Gréau 1053X over dotCaduceusGréau 1053; Rodolphe hoard 17 in RN 1895. TextImage
McClean 4055DotDotMcClean 4055-4056; Dewing 1301; Sear 1602.TextImage
McClean 4059HDot (in two quarters)McClean 4059; Rollin 2322.TextImage
McClean 4061AΓ over dot sickle with blade on the rightMcClean 4061-4064; SNG Tubingen 919; SNG von Post 77.TextImage
McClean 4067-4068dot over AΓ monogramcorn-earBMC Thrace 22; McClean 4067-4068. TextImage
McClean 4069-4070dot over Idot over sickleMcClean 4069-4070; Paris 1556; Babelon Traité 1548 TextImage
McClean 4071VE monogramPentagramMcClean 4071. TextImage
McClean 4072dot VE monogramBarley cornMcClean 4072. TextImage
McClean 4072 vardot VE monogramPentagramMcClean 4072 var TextImage
McClean 4073dotfour-petalled flower or rosetteWeber 2433; McClean 4073. TextImage
McClean 4075dotRoseMcClean 4075. TextImage
McClean 4078dotOmphalos or garlanded pileusMcClean 4078; Paris R2580. TextImage
McClean 4080dotSwastikaMcClean 4080; Berlin 88. TextImage
McClean 4080dotSwastikaMcClean 4080.TextImage
McClean 4080 varnothingSwastikaMcClean 4080 var; Berlin 88 var. TextImage
McClean 4084dotcorn-ear outwardsAR 13mm; 2.38g. McClean 4084. TextImage
McClean 4089 type 1dot over AΓcorn-ear inwardsMcClean 4089 type 1; SNG Berry 504 type 1. TextImage
McClean 4089 type 2dot over AΓcorn-ear inwardsMcClean 4089 type 2; SNG Berry 504 type 2. TextImage
McClean 4091AΓ over dotbucranium McClean 4091; Thrace hoard 30 corr. ("torch"). TextImage
McClean 4091 varX over dotBucranium. TextImage
McClean 4093dot over AG monogramcicadaAR 13mm; 2.38g. McClean 4093; SNG Berry 503; Berlin 29; Paris 1570; Babelon Traite 1554. Text

McClean 4094dot over AΓ monogramFish inwardsMcClean 4094-4095; Thrace hoard (1955), 52-53. TextImage
McClean 4095 AΓ monogram over dotdot over tunny fish right McClean 4095.TextImage
McClean 4097dotram's head leftMcClean 4097. TextImage
McClean 4098ΛEB monogram dotamphoraMcClean 4098TextImage
McClean 4099dot EEBeeMcClean 4099. TextImage
McClean 4100dotbee inwardsMcClean 4100; Weber 2405; Troya Museum (Arslan-Peters) 1006; Stara Zagora 736; Berlin 18246427; Paris AA.GR.16689.TextImage
McClean 4101E dotcorn-ear onwardsMcClean 4101. TextImage
McClean 4101 (2)E dotcorn-ear inwards with two leavesWeber 2429; McClean 4101. TextImage
McClean 4103E dotbarley cornMcClean 4103. TextImage
McClean 4104Hbucranium2.07 gr, 12.92mm. ca. 400-350 BC. McClean 4104; Paris 1599; Babelon Traite 1568.TextImage
McClean 4105dotlighted lamp, H in third sectionMcClean 4105-4106TextImage
McClean 4107I over doteight-rayed starMcClean 4107. TextImage
McClean 4107 vardot I eight-rayed starMcClean 4107 var (position of dot). TextImage
McClean 4108dot over HP monogram olive leaf and berryMcClean 4108; SNG Copenhagen 828; SNG Leake 1706.TextImage
McClean 4114-4116dot VE monogramBeeMcClean 4114-4116; Paris 1586; Babelon Traite 1555. TextImage
McClean 4120dot over XCaduceus2.39g. BMC 50; Weber 2432; McClean 4120.TextImage
McClean 4121X dotamphoraMcClean 4121-4122; Sear 1606; Berlin 75. TextImage
McClean 4122dot X amphoraMcClean 4122; Sear 1606; Berlin 75.TextImage
McClean 4124dot over HtorchMcClean 4124; Thrace hoard (1955) 85.TextImage
McClean 4124HtorchMcClean 4124. TextImage
McClean 4125Xlizard inwardsMcClean 4125; Berlin I, 74.TextImage
Moscow CYC-A 993dot over MDolphin swimming rightMoscow CYC-A 993. TextImage
MS 3472dot pentagramdot torch.Poss. unpublished. Museum Surplus 3472. TextImage
MS 8957ΛBE monogram dotvase(?)Unpublished. Museum Surplus 8957 (another less clear: Museum Surplus 5082). TextImage
Mueller 109dot ΛY monogramBeeRoland Mueller Coll. 109. TextImage
Mueller 625dotstar of four large and four short raysRoland Mueller Coll. 625. TextImage
Mueller 2108AΓ monogram over dotanvil (?)Unpublished. Roland Mueller Coll. 2108. TextImage
Mulally 203478
BMC 47 var
A dotX dotMulally 203478; BMC 47 var.TextImage
Nomos 5, 86dot over IKantharosNomos 5, 86. TextImage
Paris 1579Idolphin swimming right over two dots.Paris 1579.TextImage
Paris 1582E dotfish right outwards.Paris 1582 (test cut).TextImage
Paris 1584A dotbeeParis 1584. TextImage
Paris 1588A dotbee inwardsParis 1588.TextImage
Paris 1590T over dotplough (?)Paris 1590.TextImage
Pozzi 1104A over dotstarPozzi 1104. TextImage
Pozzi 1105dot A BeePozzi 1105TextImage
Pozzi 1106EB monogram dotEB monogram dotPozzi 1106 corr.TextImage
Rodolphe Hoard 4X over dotcorn-earRodolphe Hoard 4.TextImage
Rodolphe hoard 16dotCaduceus inwardsRodolphe hoard 16TextImage
Savoca 216,18dotbarley corn inwardsUnpublished. Savoca 216,18TextImage
Sear SG 1602dotdotSNG Cop 824, BMC 8.TextImage
Sear SG 1603A over dotbunch of grapesBMC 18; Sear SG 1603.TextImage
Sear SG 1604AΓ monogramhelmetBMC 25.TextImage
Sear SG 1605VE monogram over dotbeeSNG Cop 833; Sear SG 1605.TextImage
Sear SG 1606X dotamphoraBMC 48. TextImage
Slavey 773ΛY monogrambeeMueller Collection 2096; Slavey 773(Unpublished symbol pair)TextImage
Slavey 900dot over AΓ monogramI over dotMueller Collection 2105; Slavey 900 (Unpublished symbol pair)TextImage
SNG Berry 502dotcrested helmetSNGBerry 502.TextImage
SNG Cop 826AΓ monogram over dotdotSNG Cop 826; McClean 4060; SNG von Post 76; Berlin I 25TextImage
SNG Cop 826 vardot over AΓ monogramdotSNG Cop 826 var (position of dot); McClean 4060 var etc.TextImage
SNG Cop 829dot Edot over dolphin leftBMC Thrace pg. 185, 31; Weber 2413. TextImage
SNG Cop 829
(type 2)
E dotDolphin over dotBMC Thrace, 31; Weber 2413. (dots are in reverse order to the coin above). TextImage
SNG Cop 830dot VE monogramlizardSNG Leake 1696; Traite 1565; SNG Cop. 830; McClean 4117-4118; Weber 2415; Mionnet S2, 15; Berlin I, 63. TextImage
SNG Cop 830dot VE monogramlizardSNG Leake 1696; Traite 1565; SNG Cop. 830; McClean 4117-4118; Weber 2415; Mionnet S2, 15; Berlin I, 63. TextImage
SNG Cop 833dotbee2.40 gm. McClean 4100. TextImage
SNG Cop 834dot over XBee BMC Thrace 49. TextImage
SNG Cop 835I over dotcorn-earWeber 2410; Dewing 1303. TextImage
SNG Cop 835I over dotcorn-earWeber 2410; Dewing 1303. TextImage
SNG Cop 839Idot over sickle. TextImage
SNG Cop 841A over dotFlower with nine petalsBMC 20; SNG Cop 841; Paris 1600; Babelon Traite 1552. TextImage
SNG Cop 842dotFlower with three petalsWeber 2433; McClean 4073. TextImage
SNG Cop 843 dotwreathMcClean 4076; Berlin I, 85; BMC 14; SNG Cop 843. TextImage
SNG Dreer 107dotI over dotSNG Dreer 107; Paris 1555. TextImage
SNG Dreer 109dotFlower of three petals with central dotSNG Cop 842 var (4 petals); SNG Dreer 109.TextImage
SNG Fitz 463DotStar in second and A in third sectionSNG Fitzwilliam 463TextImage
SNG Leake 1694dot YE monogrampentagramSNG Leake 1694.TextImage
SNG Leake 1701AΓ monogramSickle or scytheSNG Leake 1701; Haskova Museum Coll. 318 (inventory no. H-218).TextImage
SNG Leake 1702AΓ over dottorchSNG Leake 1702; Rollin 2309.TextImage
SNG Leake 1702AΓ over dotTorchSNG Leake 1702; Rollin 2309. TextImage
SNG Manchester 775AΓ monogram over dotplough SNG Manchester 775; Thrace hoard (1955), 36-40. TextImage
SNG Manchester 776dotbarley cornSNG Manchester 776.TextImage
Thrace hoard 22dotStar of four long and four short rays, H in third quarterThrace hoard (1955) 22; ANS 1956.140.29. TextImage
Thrace hoard 23dot over HP monogramdotThrace hoard (1955), 23. TextImage
Thrace hoard 56AΓ monogram over dot Sickle (scythe) dotThrace hoard (1955) 56; ANS 1956.140.83TextImage
Thrace hoard 57Dot over AΓ monogram Dot over sickle (scythe)Thrace hoard (1955) 57; ANS 1956.140.84TextImage
Thrace hoard, 58AΓ monogram over dot dot over sickle (scythe) (blade on the left)Thrace hoard (1955), 58; ANS 1956.140.85TextImage
Thrace hoard 74E Dot over fish leftThrace hoard (1955), 74; Berlin I, 50 var. (Berlin 50 has E over dot). TextImage
Thrace hoard 76dot E fish rightThrace hoard (1955), 76; ANS 1956.140.64. TextImage
Thrace hoard 83dot VE monogrambarley corn dotThrace hoard (1955), 83; ANS 1956.140.71. TextImage
Thrace hoard 84Dot Hsickle, head outwardsThrace hoard (1955) 84; ANS 1956.140.102; Sale ECC v-1971; CNG 730778.TextImage
Thrace hoard 86Dot over Idot sickle (scythe)Thrace hoard (1955) 86; ANS 1956.140.77.TextImage
Thrace Hoard 93dot over X TorchThrace Hoard (1955) 93-94; ANS 1956.140.98-99TextImage
TLA 61961dot Δ dotcorn-ear inwardsMcClean 4088 var (has bunch of grapes). TextImage
TLA 65360K dotpentagram dotBMC 38 var (has no dot by the pentagram). TextImage
TLO 15887A over dotbeeBerlin I, 49var (with AG monogram). Text

Traite 1549A dotdot over sickleTraite 1549. TextImage
Traite 1550Dot over Icorn-earBabelon Traite 1550; Weber 2410; Thrace hoard 91. TextImage
Traite 1551AΓ monogramcorn-earBabelon Traite 1551; Paris 1560. TextImage
Traite 1553AΓ monogrambeeBabelon Traite 1553; Paris 1585.TextImage
Traite 1560ARam's head leftParis 1559; Babelon Traite 1560. TextImage
Traite 1562AΓ monogramclub dotBabelon Traite 1562; Paris 1566.TextImage
Weber 2408dot VEdot over pentagramWeber 2408. TextImage
Weber 2409dot AΓbee inwardsWeber 2409 and Weber 2428. TextImage
Weber 2411dot AΓ monogram Ram's head rightWeber 2411. TextImage
Weber 2414dot AΓ monogramploughWeber 2414; Paris 1562.TextImage
Weber 2417dotpentagramWeber 2417; Winterthur 1194.TextImage
Weber 2421dot VE monogramcaduceusWeber 2421.TextImage
Weber 2425dot over AG monogram (partly off flan)ΘWeber 2425; SNG Fitzwilliam 464. TextImage
Weber 2429dot EFish (sturgeon) inwardsWeber 2429; Thrace hoard (1955) 78-79. TextImage
Weber 2430dot over AΓ monogrameight-rayed starWeber 2430. TextImage
Weber 2434A over dotcorn-ear inwardsWeber 2434; Dewing 1304; Paris 1561. TextImage
SECOND SECTION: Other coins of Cherronesos
Dembski 1586Tauric Chersonesus, Cherronesus, AE Drachm. Gothic, 4th Century AD. Head right / Standing stick figure. TextImage
Moushmov 5445Thrace, Chersonesos, Miltiades II AR Tetradrachm. Circa 495-494 BC. Lion standing right, head left, raising left forepaw, tail curled above / Head of Athena left, in crested Attic helmet & earring, within incuse square. TextImage
Moushmov 5454Thracian Chersonese AE12. ca 330 BC. Lion head left / XEP / POM, barley corn. TextImage
SNG Cop 346Ca. 510-490 BC. Silver tetrobol(?) (2.92 g). Head & foreleg of roaring lion left / Rough square incuse. SNG Cop. 346; Weber 8567. TextImage
Traite 1581Thracian Chersonese. Autonomous AE Fraction, 1.49 g, 11.48mm. 4th C. BC. Head of Demete facing three-quarters to right, wearing earring and necklace / XEΡ-ΡO, barley corn, branch to right. Traite 1581; cf: BMC III, 56; Berlin 98; McClean 56; (all without branch); Sear -.TextImage
Sear 1350Thracian Chersonese Archaic AR Diobol. 500-480 BC. Forepart of lion right / crude quadripartite incuse. SNG Berry 500; Weber 2403; BMC Thrace 2. (This type has been reattributed to Skione, Macedonia).TextImage
Sear 1607Thracian Chersonese, Cherronesos, AE10. Head of lion right, roaring / XEΡ above, ΡO below, barley corn. BMC 53.TextImage
See also: Barry Murphy's page on Cherronesos' hemidrachms
Cherronessus in Moushmov Online
Entry for Thrace, Cherronesos on the Digital Historia Numorum
Entries for Kardia, which may be the city where these coins were minted.