Browse the Cherronesos page with thumbnail images .
FIRST SECTION: Hemidrachm types: Forepart of lion right, head reverted / quadripartite incuse square with monograms, letters and symbols usually in opposing quarters.
The list below shows the letters, monogram or symbol in the first quarter, then the symbol etc. (seen when the letters or monogram is upright) in the opposite quarter. | ||||||
Ref. | 1st section | 2nd section | Info, other refs | Text | Image | |
AAH 20030724 | AΓ monogram | R over dot | Unpublished. | Text | Image | |
AAH 20030728 | X | 2 parallel lines | Poss. unpublished. | Text | Image | |
AAH 20040615 | dot | Fish left | Poss. unpublished | Text | Image | |
ACR 4, 687 | EB monogram dot | EB monogram | Unpublished symbol pair. | Text | Image | |
Agora 30, 31 | dot VE monogram | Ram's head | Unpublished symbol pair. Agora auction 30, lot 31. | Text | Image | |
Alivonov 6-741 | dot AG dot | bee | Var of Weber 2409, 2428; McClean 4090; SNG Copenhagen 832, (all list dot AΓ or "AΓ by dot"). Alivonov 6-741. | Text | Image | |
Alivonov 994-646 | A on T dot (Unpublished with these letters.) | caduceus inwards | Alivonov 994-646 | Text | Image | |
Berlin 18 | Dot over I | Star or flower head | Berlin I, 17 | Text | Image | |
Berlin 18 | Dot over I | Pineapple | Berlin I, 18 | Text | Image | |
Berlin 20 | A over dot | bunch of grapes | Berlin I, 20; Hunterian 2; SNG Leake 1705; Weber 2434; Paris 1567; Babelon Traite 1547. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 22 | A | star (dot in third quarter) | Berlin I, 22; cf Babelon Traite 1563 (fourré). | Text | Image | |
Berlin 22 | dot | star; A in third section | Berlin I, 22. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 23 | A over dot | bow over dot | Berlin I, 23; Paris R2581; BMC 17. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 30 | dot over AΓ monogram | Fish left | McClean 4095; Berlin I, 30 | Text | Image | |
Berlin 32 | AΓ monogram over dot | Fish left | Berlin 32; Thrace hoard (1955), 50-54. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 33 | dot over AΓ monogram | fish right | Text | Image | ||
Berlin 34v | dot and AΓ monogram | dot and fish | Berlin I, 34v; Hunterian 2 | Text | Image | |
Berlin 35 | dot AΓ monogram | ram's head right | Berlin 35; Weber 2411. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 36 | AΓ monogram over dot | corn-ear | Berlin I, 36. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 38 | dot over AΓ monogram | dot over AΓ monogram / corn-ear on stalk with leaf | Berlin I, 38 | Text | Image | |
Berlin 45 | dot AΓ monogram | Pentagram. | Berlin I, 45; SNG Leake 1691-1692. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 46 | AΓ over dot | Bee | Berlin I, 46. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 49 | A | Bee | Berlin I, 49 | Text | Image | |
Berlin 54 | dot | poppy on stalk; H in third section | Berlin I, 54; Babelon Traite 1569. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 57 | ΘE | bee | Berlin I, 57. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 58 | ΘE | bunch of grapes | Berlin I, 58. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 59 | I over dot | corn-ear inwards | Berlin I, 59; Paris 1546. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 60 | dot K | dot over pentagram | Thrace, Chersonese. Ca 400-350 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.40 gm). Berlin I, 60. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 61 | dot over M | dot | Berlin I, 61. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 62 | dot over ME monogram | dolphin | Berlin I, 62. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 66 | dot over VE | Bee | Berlin I, 66. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 70 | dot VE | dot star | Berlin I, 70. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 85 | dot | wreath with ties inwards | Berlin I, 85. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 87 | dot | Caduceus outwards | Berlin I, 87; Prokesch Inedita 1859, 5. | Text | Image | |
Berlin 90 | dot VE | amphora | Thrace, Chersonese. Ca 400-350 BC. AR Hemidrachm. Berlin I, 90; Babelon Traite 1556. | Text | Image | |
BMC 10 | dot | Palm branch | BMC Thrace 10; McClean 4081. | Text | Image | |
BMC 11 | dot | bunch of grapes outwards. | 480-350 BC. BMC 11; Weber 2419; McClean 4079; Hunter 1 etc.. | Text | Image | |
BMC 11v | dot | Bunch of grapes inwards | BMC 11 var. | Text | Image | |
BMC 13 | dot | Ivy leaf | BMC Thrace 13; McClean 4082-4083; SNG Berry 501. | Text | Image | |
BMC 13 | dot | ivy leaf | BMC Thrace pg. 183, 13; McClean 4082-4083; SNG Berry 501. | Text | Image | |
BMC 15 | dot over A | dot | BMC 15; McClean 4057. | Text | Image | |
BMC 16 | A | amphora. | BMC 16; Paris 1547. | Text | Image | |
BMC 19 | A over dot | Scallop shell | BMC Thrace pg. 184, 19; Weber 2435. | Text | Image | |
BMC 21 | dot AΓ monogram | Amphora | BMC Thrace 21; Weber 2406; McClean 4066; Dewing 1305; SNG Copenhagen 837; Berlin I, 43. | Text | Image | |
BMC 22 | AΓ monogram over dot | two crossed barley corns beside a dot | BMC 22 | Text | Image | |
BMC 24 | dot over AΓ monogram | club dot | Weber 2426; BMC 24; Thrace hoard (1955), 35. | Text | Image | |
BMC 27 | AΓ-monogram dot | Lizard | BMC Thrace 27; SNG Dreer 112. | Text | Image | |
BMC 28 | AΓ monogram | plow | BMC 28; Winterthur 1196; Hunterian 3. | Text | Image | |
BMC 28, type 2 | AΓ monogram | plow | BMC 28; Winterthur 1196; Hunterian 3. | Text | Image | |
BMC 29 | ΛY dot | bee | BMC 29; SNG Dreer 113; Winterthur 1199. | Text | Image | |
BMC 31 | E dot | dolphin left over dot | SNG Cop 829; BMC 31; Weber 2413; SNG Leake 1704. | Text | Image | |
BMC 32-33 | dot E | Fish left | BMC Thrace, 32, 33. | Text | Image | |
BMC 37 | dot | dot, plus an H in third quarter | BMC Thrace 37; McClean 4059; Dewing 3102 | Text | Image | |
BMC 39 | dot VE monogram | Amphora | BMC 39; Weber 2423; Paris 1550; McClean 4111-4112; Hunterian 4. | Text | Image | |
BMC 39 | dot VE monogram | Amphora | BMC Thrace 39; Weber 2423; McClean 4111-4112. | Text | Image | |
BMC 40 | ΛE monogram | lekythos with strigil over dot | BMC 40; Paris 1597. | Text | Image | |
BMC 41 | dot VE monogram | Bee inwards | BMC 41; Weber 2424; Paris 1586; Babelon Traite 1555. | Text | Image | |
BMC 42 | ΛY monogram over dot | Caduceus | cf. BMC Thrace pg. 185, 42; SNG Copenhagen 836. | Text | Image | |
BMC 43 | dot VE monogram | Dot over pentagram | BMC Thrace 43; Weber 2422; SNG Dreer 115. | Text | Image | |
BMC 45 | YΠ monogram over dot | corn-ear upright, inwards | BMC 45; McClean 4110. | Text | Image | |
BMC 46 | dot over Σ | dot | BMC 46. | Text | Image | |
BMC 47 | X | dot | BMC 47; Paris 1593; Babelon Traite 1561. | Text | Image | |
BMC 47var | A and dot | X | BMC Thrace, 47 var (no letter). | Text | Image | |
BMC 48 | dot over X | Amphora | BMC Thrace 48; McClean 4121; Sear 1606. | Text | Image | |
BMC 49 | X over dot | bee | BMC 49. | Text | Image | |
BMC 50 | dot over X | Caduceus | BMC 50; Weber 2432; McClean 4120; Babelon Traite 1574.. | Text | Image | |
BMC 51 | dot over X | lizard | BMC 51; McClean 4123. | Text | Image | |
BMC 52 | X over dot | torch | BMC 52. | Text | Image | |
CNG 104, 37 | dot | selinus leaf | CNG 104, Lot 37. | Text | Image | |
CNG 223,10 | Dot | Bull's head (bucranium) | CNG 223, 10; Thrace hoard 65; Berlin I, 18. | Text | Image | |
CNG 245, 54 | A over dot | dot club | CNG_245-54. | Text | Image | |
CNG 573, 161 | dot over AΓ monogram | Club inwards | CNG 573, 161. Unpublished without dot to right of club. | Text | Image | |
CNG 736957 | X | caduceus | CNG 736957; McClean 4120 var (no dot). | Text | Image | |
CNG 83133 | H over dot | I | Not in the usual reference works. | Text | Image | |
CNG 862661 | A over dot | dot | CNG 862661 (BMC 15 var). | Text | Image | |
CNG 862666 | A over dot | club dot | CNG 862666. | Text | Image | |
de Horte 51 var | dot | spider | Mueller Coll. 2107; de Horte 51 var (dot) | Text | Image | |
Dewing 1307 | AG | ram's head right | Dewing 1307 | Text | Image | |
Gréau 1053 | X over dot | Caduceus | Gréau 1053; Rodolphe hoard 17 in RN 1895. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4055 | Dot | Dot | McClean 4055-4056; Dewing 1301; Sear 1602. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4059 | H | Dot (in two quarters) | McClean 4059; Rollin 2322. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4061 | AΓ over dot | sickle with blade on the right | McClean 4061-4064; SNG Tubingen 919; SNG von Post 77. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4067-4068 | dot over AΓ monogram | corn-ear | BMC Thrace 22; McClean 4067-4068. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4069-4070 | dot over I | dot over sickle | McClean 4069-4070; Paris 1556; Babelon Traité 1548 | Text | Image | |
McClean 4071 | VE monogram | Pentagram | McClean 4071. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4072 | dot VE monogram | Barley corn | McClean 4072. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4072 var | dot VE monogram | Pentagram | McClean 4072 var | Text | Image | |
McClean 4073 | dot | four-petalled flower or rosette | Weber 2433; McClean 4073. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4075 | dot | Rose | McClean 4075. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4078 | dot | Omphalos or garlanded pileus | McClean 4078; Paris R2580. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4080 | dot | Swastika | McClean 4080; Berlin 88. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4080 | dot | Swastika | McClean 4080. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4080 var | nothing | Swastika | McClean 4080 var; Berlin 88 var. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4084 | dot | corn-ear outwards | AR 13mm; 2.38g. McClean 4084. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4089 type 1 | dot over AΓ | corn-ear inwards | McClean 4089 type 1; SNG Berry 504 type 1. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4089 type 2 | dot over AΓ | corn-ear inwards | McClean 4089 type 2; SNG Berry 504 type 2. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4091 | AΓ over dot | bucranium | McClean 4091; Thrace hoard 30 corr. ("torch"). | Text | Image | |
McClean 4091 var | X over dot | Bucranium | . | Text | Image | |
McClean 4093 | dot over AG monogram | cicada | AR 13mm; 2.38g. McClean 4093; SNG Berry 503; Berlin 29; Paris 1570; Babelon Traite 1554. | Text Text | Image Image | |
McClean 4094 | dot over AΓ monogram | Fish inwards | McClean 4094-4095; Thrace hoard (1955), 52-53. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4095 | AΓ monogram over dot | dot over tunny fish right | McClean 4095. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4097 | dot | ram's head left | McClean 4097. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4098 | ΛEB monogram dot | amphora | McClean 4098 | Text | Image | |
McClean 4099 | dot EE | Bee | McClean 4099. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4100 | dot | bee inwards | McClean 4100; Weber 2405; Troya Museum (Arslan-Peters) 1006; Stara Zagora 736; Berlin 18246427; Paris AA.GR.16689. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4101 | E dot | corn-ear onwards | McClean 4101. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4101 (2) | E dot | corn-ear inwards with two leaves | Weber 2429; McClean 4101. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4103 | E dot | barley corn | McClean 4103. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4104 | H | bucranium | 2.07 gr, 12.92mm. ca. 400-350 BC. McClean 4104; Paris 1599; Babelon Traite 1568. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4105 | dot | lighted lamp, H in third section | McClean 4105-4106 | Text | Image | |
McClean 4107 | I over dot | eight-rayed star | McClean 4107. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4107 var | dot I | eight-rayed star | McClean 4107 var (position of dot). | Text | Image | |
McClean 4108 | dot over HP monogram | olive leaf and berry | McClean 4108; SNG Copenhagen 828; SNG Leake 1706. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4114-4116 | dot VE monogram | Bee | McClean 4114-4116; Paris 1586; Babelon Traite 1555. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4120 | dot over X | Caduceus | 2.39g. BMC 50; Weber 2432; McClean 4120. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4121 | X dot | amphora | McClean 4121-4122; Sear 1606; Berlin 75. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4122 | dot X | amphora | McClean 4122; Sear 1606; Berlin 75. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4124 | dot over H | torch | McClean 4124; Thrace hoard (1955) 85. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4124 | H | torch | McClean 4124. | Text | Image | |
McClean 4125 | X | lizard inwards | McClean 4125; Berlin I, 74. | Text | Image | |
Moscow CYC-A 993 | dot over M | Dolphin swimming right | Moscow CYC-A 993. | Text | Image | |
MS 3472 | dot pentagram | dot torch. | Poss. unpublished. Museum Surplus 3472. | Text | Image | |
MS 8957 | ΛBE monogram dot | vase(?) | Unpublished. Museum Surplus 8957 (another less clear: Museum Surplus 5082). | Text | Image | |
Mueller 109 | dot ΛY monogram | Bee | Roland Mueller Coll. 109. | Text | Image | |
Mueller 625 | dot | star of four large and four short rays | Roland Mueller Coll. 625. | Text | Image | |
Mueller 2108 | AΓ monogram over dot | anvil (?) | Unpublished. Roland Mueller Coll. 2108. | Text | Image | |
Mulally 203478 BMC 47 var | A dot | X dot | Mulally 203478; BMC 47 var. | Text | Image | |
Nomos 5, 86 | dot over I | Kantharos | Nomos 5, 86. | Text | Image | |
Paris 1579 | I | dolphin swimming right over two dots. | Paris 1579. | Text | Image | |
Paris 1582 | E dot | fish right outwards. | Paris 1582 (test cut). | Text | Image | |
Paris 1584 | A dot | bee | Paris 1584. | Text | Image | |
Paris 1588 | A dot | bee inwards | Paris 1588. | Text | Image | |
Paris 1590 | T over dot | plough (?) | Paris 1590. | Text | Image | |
Pozzi 1104 | A over dot | star | Pozzi 1104. | Text | Image | |
Pozzi 1105 | dot A | Bee | Pozzi 1105 | Text | Image | |
Pozzi 1106 | EB monogram dot | EB monogram dot | Pozzi 1106 corr. | Text | Image | |
Rodolphe Hoard 4 | X over dot | corn-ear | Rodolphe Hoard 4. | Text | Image | |
Rodolphe hoard 16 | dot | Caduceus inwards | Rodolphe hoard 16 | Text | Image | |
Savoca 216,18 | dot | barley corn inwards | Unpublished. Savoca 216,18 | Text | Image | |
Sear SG 1602 | dot | dot | SNG Cop 824, BMC 8. | Text | Image | |
Sear SG 1603 | A over dot | bunch of grapes | BMC 18; Sear SG 1603. | Text | Image | |
Sear SG 1604 | AΓ monogram | helmet | BMC 25. | Text | Image | |
Sear SG 1605 | VE monogram over dot | bee | SNG Cop 833; Sear SG 1605. | Text | Image | |
Sear SG 1606 | X dot | amphora | BMC 48. | Text | Image | |
Slavey 773 | ΛY monogram | bee | Mueller Collection 2096; Slavey 773(Unpublished symbol pair) | Text | Image | |
Slavey 900 | dot over AΓ monogram | I over dot | Mueller Collection 2105; Slavey 900 (Unpublished symbol pair) | Text | Image | |
SNG Berry 502 | dot | crested helmet | SNGBerry 502. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 826 | AΓ monogram over dot | dot | SNG Cop 826; McClean 4060; SNG von Post 76; Berlin I 25 | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 826 var | dot over AΓ monogram | dot | SNG Cop 826 var (position of dot); McClean 4060 var etc. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 829 | dot E | dot over dolphin left | BMC Thrace pg. 185, 31; Weber 2413. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 829 (type 2) | E dot | Dolphin over dot | BMC Thrace, 31; Weber 2413. (dots are in reverse order to the coin above). | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 830 | dot VE monogram | lizard | SNG Leake 1696; Traite 1565; SNG Cop. 830; McClean 4117-4118; Weber 2415; Mionnet S2, 15; Berlin I, 63. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 830 | dot VE monogram | lizard | SNG Leake 1696; Traite 1565; SNG Cop. 830; McClean 4117-4118; Weber 2415; Mionnet S2, 15; Berlin I, 63. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 833 | dot | bee | 2.40 gm. McClean 4100. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 834 | dot over X | Bee | BMC Thrace 49. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 835 | I over dot | corn-ear | Weber 2410; Dewing 1303. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 835 | I over dot | corn-ear | Weber 2410; Dewing 1303. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 839 | I | dot over sickle. | Text | Image | ||
SNG Cop 841 | A over dot | Flower with nine petals | BMC 20; SNG Cop 841; Paris 1600; Babelon Traite 1552. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 842 | dot | Flower with three petals | Weber 2433; McClean 4073. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 843 | dot | wreath | McClean 4076; Berlin I, 85; BMC 14; SNG Cop 843. | Text | Image | |
SNG Dreer 107 | dot | I over dot | SNG Dreer 107; Paris 1555. | Text | Image | |
SNG Dreer 109 | dot | Flower of three petals with central dot | SNG Cop 842 var (4 petals); SNG Dreer 109. | Text | Image | |
SNG Fitz 463 | Dot | Star in second and A in third section | SNG Fitzwilliam 463 | Text | Image | |
SNG Leake 1694 | dot YE monogram | pentagram | SNG Leake 1694. | Text | Image | |
SNG Leake 1701 | AΓ monogram | Sickle or scythe | SNG Leake 1701; Haskova Museum Coll. 318 (inventory no. H-218). | Text | Image | |
SNG Leake 1702 | AΓ over dot | torch | SNG Leake 1702; Rollin 2309. | Text | Image | |
SNG Leake 1702 | AΓ over dot | Torch | SNG Leake 1702; Rollin 2309. | Text | Image | |
SNG Manchester 775 | AΓ monogram over dot | plough | SNG Manchester 775; Thrace hoard (1955), 36-40. | Text | Image | |
SNG Manchester 776 | dot | barley corn | SNG Manchester 776. | Text | Image | |
Thrace hoard 22 | dot | Star of four long and four short rays, H in third quarter | Thrace hoard (1955) 22; ANS 1956.140.29. | Text | Image | |
Thrace hoard 23 | dot over HP monogram | dot | Thrace hoard (1955), 23. | Text | Image | |
Thrace hoard 56 | AΓ monogram over dot | Sickle (scythe) dot | Thrace hoard (1955) 56; ANS 1956.140.83 | Text | Image | |
Thrace hoard 57 | Dot over AΓ monogram | Dot over sickle (scythe) | Thrace hoard (1955) 57; ANS 1956.140.84 | Text | Image | |
Thrace hoard, 58 | AΓ monogram over dot | dot over sickle (scythe) (blade on the left) | Thrace hoard (1955), 58; ANS 1956.140.85 | Text | Image | |
Thrace hoard 74 | E | Dot over fish left | Thrace hoard (1955), 74; Berlin I, 50 var. (Berlin 50 has E over dot). | Text | Image | |
Thrace hoard 76 | dot E | fish right | Thrace hoard (1955), 76; ANS 1956.140.64. | Text | Image | |
Thrace hoard 83 | dot VE monogram | barley corn dot | Thrace hoard (1955), 83; ANS 1956.140.71. | Text | Image | |
Thrace hoard 84 | Dot H | sickle, head outwards | Thrace hoard (1955) 84; ANS 1956.140.102; Sale ECC v-1971; CNG 730778. | Text | Image | |
Thrace hoard 86 | Dot over I | dot sickle (scythe) | Thrace hoard (1955) 86; ANS 1956.140.77. | Text | Image | |
Thrace Hoard 93 | dot over X | Torch | Thrace Hoard (1955) 93-94; ANS 1956.140.98-99 | Text | Image | |
TLA 61961 | dot Δ dot | corn-ear inwards | McClean 4088 var (has bunch of grapes). | Text | Image | |
TLA 65360 | K dot | pentagram dot | BMC 38 var (has no dot by the pentagram). | Text | Image | |
TLO 15887 | A over dot | bee | Berlin I, 49var (with AG monogram). | Text Text | Image Image | |
Traite 1549 | A dot | dot over sickle | Traite 1549. | Text | Image | |
Traite 1550 | Dot over I | corn-ear | Babelon Traite 1550; Weber 2410; Thrace hoard 91. | Text | Image | |
Traite 1551 | AΓ monogram | corn-ear | Babelon Traite 1551; Paris 1560. | Text | Image | |
Traite 1553 | AΓ monogram | bee | Babelon Traite 1553; Paris 1585. | Text | Image | |
Traite 1560 | A | Ram's head left | Paris 1559; Babelon Traite 1560. | Text | Image | |
Traite 1562 | AΓ monogram | club dot | Babelon Traite 1562; Paris 1566. | Text | Image | |
Weber 2408 | dot VE | dot over pentagram | Weber 2408. | Text | Image | |
Weber 2409 | dot AΓ | bee inwards | Weber 2409 and Weber 2428. | Text | Image | |
Weber 2411 | dot AΓ monogram | Ram's head right | Weber 2411. | Text | Image | |
Weber 2414 | dot AΓ monogram | plough | Weber 2414; Paris 1562. | Text | Image | |
Weber 2417 | dot | pentagram | Weber 2417; Winterthur 1194. | Text | Image | |
Weber 2421 | dot VE monogram | caduceus | Weber 2421. | Text | Image | |
Weber 2425 | dot over AG monogram (partly off flan) | Θ | Weber 2425; SNG Fitzwilliam 464. | Text | Image | |
Weber 2429 | dot E | Fish (sturgeon) inwards | Weber 2429; Thrace hoard (1955) 78-79. | Text | Image | |
Weber 2430 | dot over AΓ monogram | eight-rayed star | Weber 2430. | Text | Image | |
Weber 2434 | A over dot | corn-ear inwards | Weber 2434; Dewing 1304; Paris 1561. | Text | Image |
SECOND SECTION: Other coins of Cherronesos | |||||
Dembski 1586 | Tauric Chersonesus, Cherronesus, AE Drachm. Gothic, 4th Century AD. Head right / Standing stick figure. | Text | Image | ||
Moushmov 5445 | Thrace, Chersonesos, Miltiades II AR Tetradrachm. Circa 495-494 BC. Lion standing right, head left, raising left forepaw, tail curled above / Head of Athena left, in crested Attic helmet & earring, within incuse square. | Text | Image | ||
Moushmov 5454 | Thracian Chersonese AE12. ca 330 BC. Lion head left / XEP / POM, barley corn. | Text | Image | ||
SNG Cop 346 | Ca. 510-490 BC. Silver tetrobol(?) (2.92 g). Head & foreleg of roaring lion left / Rough square incuse. SNG Cop. 346; Weber 8567. | Text | Image | ||
Traite 1581 | Thracian Chersonese. Autonomous AE Fraction, 1.49 g, 11.48mm. 4th C. BC. Head of Demete facing three-quarters to right, wearing earring and necklace / XEΡ-ΡO, barley corn, branch to right. Traite 1581; cf: BMC III, 56; Berlin 98; McClean 56; (all without branch); Sear -. | Text | Image | ||
Sear 1350 | Thracian Chersonese Archaic AR Diobol. 500-480 BC. Forepart of lion right / crude quadripartite incuse. SNG Berry 500; Weber 2403; BMC Thrace 2. (This type has been reattributed to Skione, Macedonia). | Text | Image | ||
Sear 1607 | Thracian Chersonese, Cherronesos, AE10. Head of lion right, roaring / XEΡ above, ΡO below, barley corn. BMC 53. | Text | Image | ||
See also: | Barry Murphy's page on Cherronesos' hemidrachms | ||||
Cherronessus in Moushmov Online | |||||
Entry for Thrace, Cherronesos on the Digital Historia Numorum | |||||
Entries for Kardia, which may be the city where these coins were minted. | |||||