Ancient Coinage of Pamphylia, Perga

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Dewing 2465Perga, Pamphylia, AR tetradrachm, ca 250-150 BC. 26 mm, 16.31 g. Laureate head of Artemis right, quiver behind shoulder. / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis standing left, holding wreath and sceptre, stag at foot left, Θ in left field. Dewing 2465.TextImage
Mauromichale 278Perga, Pamphylia, AE11, ca. 125 BC. Sphynx sitting right, wings recurved, wearing kalathos / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis standing left, holding wreath and staff or torch. Mauromichale Coll. 278 cited by Svoronos in JIAN 1903, p. 204.TextImage
Pozzi 2791Pamphylia, Perga AR Tetradrachm. ca 255-240 BC. Head of Artemis right; quiver over shoulder / Artemis standing left, holding wreath and sceptre; to left, forepart of stag left. SNG France 325-329 var. TextImage
SNG Cop 299Perga, Pamphylia AR Tetradrachm. ca 250 BC. Laureate head of Artemis right, bow and quiver over shoulder / AΡTEMIΔΩΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis standing left, holding wreath in right hand and sceptre in left; at feet, forepart of stag standing left. Seyrig, RN 1963, 1-4. SNG Copenhagen 299. TextImage
SNG Cop 300Perga, Pamphylia, AR hemidrachm, ca 150 BC. 12 mm, 1.97 g. Laureate head of Artemis right, quiver behind shoulder. / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis standing left, holding wreath and sceptre, stag at foot left, A in left field. SNG Cop 300; Dewing 2466-2467.TextImage
SNG Cop 301Pamphylia, Perga AE16mm. 2nd-1st c. BC, Wreathed head of Artemis right / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis standing left, stag at feet. TextImage
SNG Cop 304Perga, Pamphylia. 2nd-1st Cent. BC. AE16, 4.05 g. Jugate heads of Artemis and Apollo right / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis walking right, holding torch and bow.Text

SNG Cop 308Perga, Pamphylia, AE 16, 2nd-1st Centuries BC. Distyle temple with cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing within. / AΡTEMIΔ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Crossed bow and quiver. SNG Cop 308; SNG von Aulock 4665; SNG Fitz. 5078; SNG France 373; Paris 284A.TextImage
SNG Cop 311Perga, Pamphylia. Circa 2nd-1st century BC. AE 12mm. sphinx sitting right / NANAYAΣ ΠΡ, Artemis standing left. TextImage
SNG vA 4647Perga, Pamphylia AR Tetradrachm. ca 170 BC. Laureate head of Artemis right, bow and quiver over shoulder / Artemis huntress standing left, holding wreath and sceptre, stag standing left at feet, retrograde K in inner left field. TextImage
SNG vA 4649Perge, Pamphylia AE17. 3rd Century BC. sphinx sitting right / NANAYAΣ ΠΡEIIAΣ (first N retrograde), Artemis standing left. SNG von Aulock 4649; BMC 15; SNG Cop 310; SNG France III 355-368; SNG Righetti 1270; Paris 269-274; Waddington 3319-3322; Sear Greece 5417. TextImage
SNG vA 4653Perga, Pamphylia, AR tetradrachm, ca 250-150 BC. 26 mm, 16.9 g. Laureate head of Artemis right, quiver behind shoulder. / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis standing left, holding wreath and sceptre, stag at foot left, star in right field. SNG von Aulock 4653; Seyrig 18A in RN 1963.TextImage
SNG vA 4656Perga, Pamphylia, AR tetradrachm, ca 250-150 BC. 14 g. Laureate head of Artemis right, quiver behind shoulder. / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis standing left, holding wreath and sceptre, stag at foot left, E in left field. SNG von Aulock 4656; Seyrig 20 in RN 1963.TextImage
SNG vA 4659Perga, Pamphylia, AR tetradrachm, ca 250-150 BC. 14 g. Laureate head of Artemis right, quiver behind shoulder. / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis standing left, holding wreath and sceptre, stag at foot left, I in left field. SNG France III, 330; SNG von Aulock 4659; Seyrig 60 in RN 1963. TextImage
Weber 7335Perga, Pamphylia, AR tetradrachm, ca 250-150 BC. 28 mm, 17 g. Laureate head of Artemis right, quiver behind shoulder. / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis standing left, holding wreath and sceptre, stag at foot left, herm in right field. Weber 7335; SNG Lockett 3021; Boston MFA 241; Bement II 1597.TextImage
wwxls AR9638Perga, Pamphylia, AR tetradrachm, ca 250-150 BC. 26 mm, 16.75 g. Laureate head of Artemis right, quiver behind shoulder. / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis standing left, holding wreath and sceptre, stag at foot left, Δ in outer left field. wwxls AR9638; Weber 7336 var (denomination). Kuenker 174, 395.TextImage
RPC 1515Domitian AE20, Perga, Pamphylia. ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ, laureate head right / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis, with bow and torch in raised hands, running right, crescent above. RPC II, 1515, France 3, 390.TextImage
RPC 1515-1516Domitian, AE20 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 81-96. 5.4 g. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAΡ, laureate head right. / AΡTEMIΔOC ΠEΡΓAIAC (anticlockwise from lower right), Artemis walking right, holding rotch and bow, crescent above. RPC 1515-1516; BMC 23; SNG von Aulock 4667-4668; SNG France III 390-392; Paris 302; Waddington 3342; SNG Righetti 1272; SNG Cop 312-313 etc.TextImage
RPC 1516Domitian, AE19 of Perga, Pamphylia. ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ, laureate head right / AΡTEMIΔOΣ ΠEΡΓAIAΣ, Artemis running right, holding bow in outstretched right hand and torch over left shoulder. RPC 1516; BMC 23; SNG Cop 312.TextImage
RPC 1514Titus, AE of Perga, Pamphylia. TITOC KAICAP, laureate head right / AΡTEMIΔOC ΠEΡΓAIAC, Artemis running right, holding bow and torch. RPC 1514; Waddington 3341; Lindgren A1104B.TextImage
SNG Fitz. 5083Antoninus Pius, AE15 of Perga, Pamphylia, 2 g. AD 138-161. KAIC ANTΩNEI, Laureate head right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, distyle temple with Artemis Pergaea standing front within. SNG Fitzwilliam 5083.TextImage
SNG Fr 406Antoninus Pius, AE32 of Perga, Pamphylia, 24.4 gm. 138-161 AD. AIΛ KAI AΔΡIA ANTΩNEINOC, Laureate head right / AΡTEMIΔOC ΠEΡΓAIAC, Temple with fluted columns, eagle in pediment, Pergean Artemis within; sphinx on pedestal on each side. SNG FRANCE 3, 406; PARIS 317A.TextImage
SNG Cop. 315Trajan AE15 of Pamphylia, Perga. TΡAIANOC KAI, laureate head right / ΠEΡ APT, distyle temple containing simulacrum of Artemis Pergaia, eagle in pediment. TextImage
RPC 2695Hadrian AE18 of Perga, Pamphylia. 4.78g. AD 117-138. AΔΡIANOC KAICAΡ, laureate head right, slight drapery on left shoulder / AΡTEMIΔOC ΠEΡΓAIAC, Artemis walking left, looking right, holding torch and bow. Crescent above. RPC 2695; SNG France III 0397-398; Paris 311; SNG Pfalz 288.TextImage
SNG Cop 317Hadrian, AE14 of Perga, Pamphylia. AΔΡIANOC KAICAΡ, laureate, draped bust right / AΡTEMIΔOC ΠEΡΓAIAC, Artemis, radiate, standing facing, head right, holding torch and bow. SNG Pfalz 285-286; SNG Cop 317.TextImage
SNG Fr 400Hadrian, AE21 of Perga, Pamphylia. AΔΡIANOC..., laureate, draped bust right / ΠEΡΓAIAC AΡTEMIΔOC, Artemis huntress walking right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from quiver on her back, stag standing right at her side. SNG France 3 400; Paris 316; Waddington 3345.TextImage
SNG vA 4671Hadrian, AE12 of Perga, Pamphylia. AΔΡIANOC KAI(CAΡ), Laureate head right / AΡTEMI ΠEΡΓ, tetrastyle temple containing cult image of Artemis Pergaia, eagle in pediment. SNG Aulock 4671; SNG Pfalz 278.TextImage
SNG Cop 320Pamphylia, Perga. Marcus Aurelius AE14. AVT KAI ANTΩNI, laureate head right / ΠEΡΓ(A)IΩN, Artemis standing facing, head right, holding bow and arrow. SNG Cop 320; SNG Pfalz 302; Lindgren III A645C.TextImage
SNG Pfalz 298Marcus Aurelius, AE13 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 161-180. 2.06 g. AYT KAI ANTΩNIN, laureate head right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, distyle temple containing cult image of Artemis Pergaea standing front within. SNG Pfalz 298.TextImage
Waddington 3351Marcus Aurelius AE13 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 161-180. 2.5g. AYT KAI ANTΩNIN, laureate head right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Aphrodite standing facing, head left, holding tress of hair in right hand, dolphin at foot left. Waddington 3351; Paris 326; SNG France III, 414.TextImage
Damaris 1, 488Commodus, AE15 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 177-192. 3.34 g. ΓE KAI KOMOΔOC, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, distyle temple, eagle in pediment, and cult image of Artemis Pergaea standing front within. Unpublished. Damaris 1, 488.TextImage
Henzen 48945Commodus, AE13 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 177-192. 2,63 g. ΓE KAI KOMOΔOC, bare head right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, distyle temple, eagle in pediment, and cult image of Artemis Pergaea standing front within. Unpublished. Henzen 48945.TextImage
Lindgren III A645DCommodus, AE15 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 177-192. 3.01 g. ..AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate head right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, distyle temple containing statue of Artemis Pergaea, eagle in pediment. Lindgren III A645D corr. (attribution); RPC IV 10664.TextImage
Paris 330Commodus, AE17 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 177-192. 4.8 g. AYTO KAI KOMMO, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing left, quiver at shoulder, holding bow in lowered right hand. SNG France III 419; Paris 330; Waddington 3354; Freiburg 64046; Yothr coll. CRP.496.1a.TextImage
SNG Pfalz 308Commodus, AE13 of Perga, Pamphylia. 180-192 AD. KAI KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped bust right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG Pfalz IV 308.TextImage
SNG France 422Septimius Severus. AE25 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 193-211. 14.44 g. AYT K CE CEOYHΡOC ΠE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / AΡTEMIΔOC ΠEΡΓAIAC, distyle temple with cult image of Artemis Pergaea facing within between two sphinxes on low columns to left and right. Star and crescent at upper left and right, eagle in pediment. SNG France III 422; Paris 333. (SNG Cop 322 var).TextImage
SNG Pfalz 312-314Septimius Severus AE19 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 193-211. 4 g. AYK Λ C CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡTIN, laureate head right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis walking right, holding bow and torch. SNG Pfalz 312-314.TextImage
wwxls 41669Septimius Severus, AE19 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 193-211. 4.83 g. AYT K Λ CE CEOYHΡOC Π, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. wwxls 41669; Unpublished reverse. Naville 75, 198.TextImage
BMC 35Julia Domna, AE18 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 193-217. 4.23 g. IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CE, draped bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left, polos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae.BMC 35; SNG France 434; Paris 343; Waddington 3363.TextImage
SNG France 432Julia Domna, AE19 of Perga, Pamphylia. 5 g. IOYΛIA ΔOMN CEB (sic), draped bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis walking right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from the quiver at her shoulder. SNG France III, 432.TextImage
SNG v Aulock 4674Julia Domna, AE18 of Perga, Pamphylia. 4.73 g. IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB, draped bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing right, holding arrow in lowered right hand and bow in left. SNG v. Aulock 4674; SNG Cop 323; SNG Pfalz 317 and 319; Mcclean 8904; Rhousopoulos 4259; Mauromichaelis 310.TextImage
Tekin 6Julia Domna, AE26 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 193-217. 9.23 g. IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB, draped bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, three purses or prize vases on a chest. Tekin 6 in Anadolu 13 (1994) (Perga excavations 1956-1983), otherwise unpublished.TextImage
wwxls 42612Julia Domna, AE33 of Perga, Pamphylia, AD 193-217. 27.48 g. IOYΛIA ΔOMN CEB (sic), draped bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis, crescent on shoulder and holding two torches, driving biga of stags right. Apparently unpublished. wwxls 42612; Nomos 22, 318. This reverse known for Caracalla (SNG France 445; Waddington 3371).TextImage
wwxls 42614Julia Domna, AE25 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 193-217. 9.04 g. IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB, draped bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis, radiate, standing right, holding long torch and bow. Unpublished reverse for Domna. wwxls 42614; MZR 192, 290. This reverse known for Caracalla (SNG France 442).TextImage
Naumann 37, 552Caracalla, AE18 of Perga, Pamphylia, AD 198-217. 4.28 g. A K M A ANTΩNEINOC C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. Unpublished. Numis. Naumann 37, 552. (This reverse known for Geta, Gentleman's Mag. 1835, XII).TextImage
SNG Cop 325Caracalla AE18 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 198-217. 5,19 g. A K M A ANTΩNEINOC C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing right, holding arrow in lowered right hand, bow in outstretched left hand. SNG Cop. 325.TextImage
SNG France 437Caracalla AE19 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 198-217. 5.03 g. AY K M AY ANTΩNINOC CEB, laureate head right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing right, holding arrow in lowered right hand, bow in outstretched left hand. SNG France III 437; SNG Pfalz 330.TextImage
SNG France 438Caracalla AE20 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 198-217. 4.5 g. AY K M AY ANTΩNINOC CEB, laureate head right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis walking right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver, stag at foot right. SNG France III, 438 (stag not mentioned but on the plate image); SNG Pfalz 330 (ditto).TextImage
SNG France 442Caracalla, AE26 Perga, Pamphylia. AD 198-217. 6.44 g. AY K M AY ANTΩNINOC CEB, laureate head right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis, radiate, standing right, holding long torch and bow. SNG France 3 442; Paris 357; Waddington 3370.TextImage
SNG France 445Caracalla AE26 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 197-211. 11.56 g. AY K M AY ANTΩNINOC CEB, laureate head right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis, holding two torches, driving biga of stags right. SNG France III 445; Paris 358; Waddington 3371; Noury Bey 1603.TextImage
SNG Pfalz 321Caracalla AE19 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 198-217. 5.36 g. A K M A ANTΩNEINOC CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing left, holding long torch in right hand and bow in lowered left hand. SNG Pfalz 321 corr. (final E overlooked).TextImage
wwxls 42189Caracalla AE20 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 198-217. 4.74 g. AY M AY ANTΩNEINOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis walking right, shooting arrow from bow held before her. wwxls 42189. Unpublished Nomos obolos 11, 440.TextImage
wwxls 42190Caracalla AE20 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 198-217. 4.52 g. AY K ANTΩNEI KAI, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis walking left, holding short torch and bow. wwxls 42190. Unpublished obverse. CNG 544, 389.TextImage
SNG France 456Geta, AE18 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 209-212. 4.51 g. Π CE ΓETAC K CEB, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow before her and arrow in lowered right hand. SNG France III 456; Paris 365; SNG Pfalz 335; SNG Cop 333-334.TextImage
SNG France 456 (2)Geta, AE18 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 209-212. 4.7 g. Π CE ΓETAC K CEB, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow before her and arrow in lowered right hand. SNG France III 456; Paris 365; SNG Pfalz 335; SNG Cop 333-334.TextImage
SNG Fr 457Geta, AE20 of Perga, Pamphylia. Λ CEΠ ΓETAC K CEB, bare-headed, draped bust right, seen from the back / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing half left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. cf SNG France 457; Paris 366 (obv legend).TextImage
wwxls 42025Geta, AE20 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 209-212. 4.71 g. Π C ΓETAC K CEB, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. wwxls 42025; Solidus 129, 24.TextImage
NN 4, 223Macrinus, AE18 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 217-218. 5.1 g. AYT M OΠEΛ MAKΡEINOC AY, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow in lowered right hand and arrow in left. Unpublished, obv. legend var of SNG Fitz 5086 and SNG Pfalz 346. N&N 4, 223.TextImage
Mionnet 103cfMacrinus, Perga, Pamphylia. 217-218 AD. AV KAI M OΠEΛ CEV(H MAKΡEINOC..), laureate, cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing left, holding bow and torch, stag at feet left. cf Mionnet III, 103 (this reverse for Diadumenian). Unpublished for Macrinus.TextImage
Paris 357 varMacrinus, AE26 of Perga, Pamphylia. AY KAI M OΠEΛ CEY MAKΡEINOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓ-AIΩN, Artemis, radiate, crescent on shoulders, standing right, holding long torch in right hand and bow close to her body in left. Unpublished reverse for Macrinus. Similar reverse to Paris 357 (Caracalla). Var of SNG Fitzwilliam 5086; SNG Pfalz 346 (Artemis huntress reverse, holding a bow and arrow).TextImage
SNG Pfalz 345Macrinus. Perga, Pamphylia. AE20. 217-218 AD. A K M OΠ CEOY MAKΡEINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing half left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG Pfalz 345.TextImage
SNG Righetti 1274Macrinus, AE36 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 217-218. 31.96 g. AY KAI M OΠEΛ CEY MAKΡEINOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓHI, Tyche seated left, polos on head, holding cult image of Artemis Pergaia and cornucopiae. SNG Righetti 1274-1275.TextImage
Megaw Per5Diadumenian, AE, 11.68 g. Perga, Pamphylia. M OΠEΛ ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC KAIC, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right seen from behind / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, distyle temple, cult image of Artemis of Perga within, flanked by crescent and star, eagle in pediment. Unpublished. Megaw PER5.TextImage
SNG Fr. 459Diadumenian, AE25 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 217-218. 7.46 g. M OΠEΛ ANTΩ ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC KAIC, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left, polos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG France III, 459; Megaw PER4.TextImage
SNG Fr 460Diadumenian, Perga, Pamphylia. AE27. M OΠEΛ ANTΩ ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC KAIC, bare head right, countermark: AK; Howgego 513 / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing right, holding torch and bow. SNG France 3, 460 corr. (bare head).TextImage
wwxls 42186Diadumenian, AE25 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 217-218. 8.72 g. M OΠEΛ ANTΩ ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC KAIC, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Two countermarks: ΛK in rectangle and eagle with wings spread (Howgego 334 and 513). / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Asklepios standing front, looking left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. wwxls 42186. Unpublished. CNG 543, 312.TextImage
wwxls 42187Diadumenian, AE27 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 217-218. 11.5 g. M OΠEΛ ANTΩ ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC KAIC, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing right, holding long torch and bow. wwxls 42187. Unpublished. CNG 539, 447.TextImage
SNG Fr 461Elagabalus, AE25 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 218-222. 8.4 g. AYT K M AY ANTΩNEINOC CEB, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing left, holding torch and bow, stag at foot left. SNG France III 461; Paris 347; Watson 69.TextImage
SNG Fr 642Elagabalus. AE24 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 218-222. AYT K M AY ANTΩNINOC CEB, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Distyle temple with cult image of Artemis Pergaia within, crescent and star across upper fields, sphinxes on low columns to left and right. SNG Pfalz 351; Waddington 3376-3377; SNG France III 468; Paris 372; SNG France 642; SNG von Aulock 4685.TextImage
SNG Fitz 5087Severus Alexander as Caesar, AE18 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 222-235. M AY AΛEΞANΔΡOC K CEB, bare-headed, draped bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. SNG Fitzwilliam 5087; Watson 87; Leake L948; SNG Leypold 1855.TextImage
SNG France 462Julia Mamaea AE21 of Perga, Pamphylia, 5.5g. IOY MAMEA CEBA, diademed, draped bust right on crescent / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing right, quiver on shoulder, holding bow and torch. Star in right field. BMC 46; SNG France III 482.TextImage
SNG France 491Maximus Caesar, Perga, Pamphylia. 7.22 g. 235-238 AD. ΓAI IOY OYH MAXIMON CEB, laureate head right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG France 3 491; Paris 391; SLG Waddington 3384.TextImage
SNG Pfalz 367Maximus, AE of Perga, Pamphylia. 236-238 AD, 6.30 g. K Γ IOV OV MAXIMOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓHI, turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche right. SNG BN 494. SNG Pfalz 367.TextImage
SNG Pfalz 370Maximus, AE of Perga, Pamphylia. 236-238 AD. 4.07 g. K ΓAI IOV OVH MAXIMON CE, bare head right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow and arrow. SNG Pfalz 370.TextImage
CNG 8236Maximinus, AE13 of Perga, Pamphylia, AD 235-238. A K MAΞIMINOC, Laureate, draped bust right / ΠEΡΓAΔΩN, Hermes standing left, holding caduceus. Apparently unrecorded type.TextImage
Dessau 881Gordian III, AE30 alliance issue of Perga and Side, Pamphylia. AD 238-244. AY KAI M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN CIΔHTΩN OMONOIA, Athena standing right on base, holding spear, clasping hands with Serapis standing left on base, polos on head, holding staff, shield leaning base, altar between them. Dessau Coll. 881 (Cahn 71, Oct. 1931).TextImage
SNG von Aulock 4696Gordian III AE 25mm of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 238-244. AY KAI MAΡ ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Nike standing left on globe, holding wreath and palm branch. BMC 49A; Bunbury Coll. 360; SNG von Aulock 4696.TextImage
BMC 106Tranquillina, AE26. Alliance issue of Perga and Side, Pamphylia. 15.77 g. AD 241-244. CABEI TΡANKYΛΛEINAN CEB, draped bust right, wearing stephane, on crescent. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN CIΔHTΩN OMONOIA, Artemis standing right, holding bow and holding the hand of Athena, helmeted, standing left, resting right hand on shield at her side, altar between them. BMC 106; SNG von Aulock 4699; SNG Pfalz 380; Lindgren I 1154.TextImage
SNG France 496Tranquillina AE 26mm of Perga, Pamphylia. Diademed and draped bust right, resting on a crescent / Distyle temple with cult image of Artemis Pergaia within.TextImage
SNG Paris 499Tranquillina, AE 26, 11.96g. Perga, Pamphylia in alliance with Side. CABEI TΡANKVKKEINAN CEB, draped bust right wearing stephane, crescent behind / ΠEΡΓAIΩN CIΔHTΩN OMONOIA At left, Artemis of Perga, radiate, quiver on shoulder, holding arrow in right hand and bow in left; at right, Athena of Side, helmeted, holding spear in right hand, shield in left; stag between them. SNG Paris 499; Franke-Nolle 1677-83.TextImage
SNG Paris 500Tranquillina, AE 26, 10.97g. Pamphylia, Perga in alliance with Side. CABEI TΡANKVKKEINAN CEB, Draped bust of Tranquillina right, crescent behind / ΠEΡΓAIΩN CIΔHTΩN OMONOIA Artemis of Perga standing right, quiver over shoulders, holding long torch in left hand and clasping right hands with Apollo of Side standing left, holding long spear in left hand. SNG Paris 500; Franke-Nolle 1669-70.TextImage
SNG vA 8519Otacilia Severa, Perga, Pamphylia. AD 244-249. MAΡ ΩTA CEOYHΡAN CEB, draped bust right, wearing stephane, on crescent / ΠEΡΓAIAC AΡTEMIΔOC ACYΛOY (partially in right field), Artemis standing half right, holding bow in left hand and arrow pointing downwards in right. SNG von Aulock 8519; BMC 57.TextImage
BMC 56APhilip I, AE25 of Perga, Pamphylia, 7.9g. AY K M IOVΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC EV CEB, Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ΠEΡΓAIAC AΡTEMIΔOC ACYΛOY, Cult statue of Artemis Pergaia flanked by two small figures on columns, star to left and moon to right above, all within an Ionic distyle temple with an eagle in the pediment. BMC 56A.TextImage
GN 36, 478Philip I, AE33 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 244-249. 25.62 g. AYT M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEΡA ΛAMΠΡA ENΔOΞOC around, ΠEΡΓH below, Tyche seated left, holding cult image of Artemis Pergaia and cornucopiae. Value mark angular ς in left field. Apparently unpublished. Gitbud & Naumann 36, 478.TextImage
Rohde 18857Philip I, AE32 of Perga, Pamphylia. 21.86 g. AY K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB, laureate, cuirassed bust with aegis on chest / IEΡA ΛAMΠΡA ENΔOΞOC ΠEΡΓH, Tyche seated left, holding a cult image of Artemis Pergaia and cornucopiae. Value mark ς in left field. New bust type for this reverse, which - in itself - is unpublished. Rohde 18857 on vcoins.TextImage
BMC 60Philip II, as Augustus, AE23 of Pamphylia, Perga. AV K M IOV CEOV ΦIΛIΠΠOC, laureate, draped bust right, set on globe / ΠEΡ-ΓAI-ΩN, three prize purses set on three-legged chest with folding doors. SNGvA 4708.TextImage
BMC 64 varPhilip II, AE of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 247-249. 7.66 g. AV K M IOV CEOV ΦIΛIΠΠOC CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right on globe / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Artemis Pergaia, crescent on head, standing half-right, holding bow and arrow. BMC 64 var (rev legend); Mionnet -; Isegrim -. This reverse and legends combination unpublished for Philip I or II.TextImage
N&N 12, 395Philip II AE19 of Perge, Pamphylia. AD 247-249. 4.55 g. M IOYΛ CEOYH ΦIΛIΠΠON K, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, globe beneath neck. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Unpublished obv. legend for this reverse. N&N 12, 395.TextImage
SNG Fr 506Philip II, AE24 of Perga, Pamphylia. K M IOV CEOVH ΦIΛIΠΠOC CE, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG France III, 506 corr. (obv. legend, same dies); Waddington 3398.TextImage
SNG Fr 515Philip II, AE22 of Perga, Pamphylia. AV K M IOV CEOV ΦIΛIΠΠOC CE, laureate, draped bust right, globe below / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. Weber 7344; SNG France III, 515.TextImage
SNG France 531Philip II, AE27 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 247-249. 8.42 g. AY K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓAIAC AΡTEMIΔOC ACYΛOY, distyle temple, eagle in pediment, with cult idol of Artemis Pergaia within, star at her upper left, crescent at her upper right. SNG France 531.TextImage
SNG France III, 523Philip II, AE26 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 247-249. 6.20 g. AY K M IOY CEOY ΦIΛIΠΠOC, laureate, draped bust right on globe / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left, polos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG France III 523; Paris 410.TextImage
SNG Fr 535Philip II, AE26 of Perga, Pamphylia. AY K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC EY CE, laureate, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Elpis (Spes) walking left, holding flower and raising hem of robe. SNG France III, 535; Waddington 3392.TextImage
SNG Pfalz 405Philip II, AE23 of Perge, Pamphylia. 8.07 g. as Augustus AD 247-249. AY K M IOY CEOY ΦIΛIΠΠOC C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, on globe / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Pan seated left on rock, holding pedum and playing flute. SNG Pfalz 405.TextImage
SNG Turkey II, 26Philip II, AE26 of Perga, Pamphylia. 10.32 g. M IOYΛ CEYH ΦIΛIΠΠOC KAIC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIAC AΡTEMIΔOC ACYΛOY, Nike standing right, crowning Artemis standing front on the right, holding bow and arrow. SNG Turkey 2 (Anamur), 26; Lederer 82 in RSN 1943.TextImage
SNG v. Aulock 4701Philip II, AE27 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 247-249. 10.68 g. AY KAI M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC EY CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓAIAC AΡTEMIΔOC ACYΛOY, distyle temple, eagle in pediment, with cult idol of Artemis Pergaia within, crescent at her upper left, star at her upper right. SNG von Aulock 4701; SNG Lewis 1673 (Phil. I); SNG Post 368 (ditto).TextImage
Svoronos 349Trajan Decius, AE of Perga, Pamphylia. 249-251 AD. 3.07 g. AV K Γ ME KV TΡ ΔEK, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, globe beneath bust / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. Svoronos (JIAN 1903), 349; Aufhauser 7, 633.TextImage
Lindgren 1132Herennia Etruscilla, AE23 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 249-251. 5.86 g. EΡEN AITΡOYCKIΛΛAN CE, draped bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Lindgren I, 1132; RPC IX, 1105.TextImage
RPC IX 1103AHerennia Etruscilla AE23 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 249-251. 7.21 g. EΡEN AITΡOYCKIΛΛAN CE, diademed and draped bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Pan sitting left on rock, right hand raised to head, resting left arm on syrinx. RPC IX 1103A; Saint Paul 14, 457.TextImage
Imhoof GRM 3Herennia Etruscilla, AE25 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 249-251. EΡENAI TΡOYCKIΛΛAN CE, draped bust right / ΠEΡΓAIAC AΡTEMIΔOC to left and right of distyle temple with cult image of Artemis Pergaea standing right within between two sphinxes on columns, crescent at upper left, star at upper right. Eagle standing right above ACYΛOY in the pediment, prize crown between two palm branches below. Imhoof GRM ("Zur Griechischen Münzkunde") 3.TextImage
Pamphylia Hoard 40-41Herennius Etruscus, AE23 of Perge, Pamphylia. Γ M K EΡEN ΔAKION K CEB, laureatem draped bust right on globe. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Pamphylia Hoard 40-41 (Watson, NC 174) otherwise unpublished.TextImage
SNG Cop. 354Volusian AE19 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 251-253. AY K Γ OY AΡ ΓAΛΛON, laureate, draped bust right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG Cop 354; Woodward BSA 10.TextImage
SNGFr 550Valerian I, Perga, Pamphylia. 22.30g; 37mm. AYT ΠOY ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC CEB (or similar), laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, prize urn on table marked ACYΛOA, IEΡOC below. SNG France 550.TextImage
SNG vA 4715vValerian I (II?), AE of Perga, Pamphylia. 13.94 g. E ΠO ΛIK OVAΛEΡIANON, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, I to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, prize crown with two palm branches between two purses on table inscribed ACVLIA, IER-OS below. SNG von Aulock 4715 var (rev legend); Franke 253 var (ditto).TextImage
BMC 78Gallienus AE 28 of Perga, Pamphylia. AVT KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate draped bust right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, two standards, each surmounted by a bird, flanking a distyle temple with eagle standing right within, head left with wreath in its beak.TextImage
Lindgren 1140Gallienus, AE of Perga, Pamphylia. 253-268 AD. 13.06 g. AVT KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNOC CEB, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, I to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow and arrow, being crowned by Athena, standing right, holding spear and shield behind her. SNG BN 553. Lindgren II 1140.TextImage
Morris 32216Gallienus, AE31 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 253-268. 6.6 g. AYT KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, three athletes, all naked, two standing left, with one dipping his hand into an amphora, the athlete on the right standing right holding a golden ball, large prize urn above. Morris Coll. 32216.TextImage
SNG Cop 357Gallienus. AE of Perga, Pamphylia. 253-268 AD. 18.06 g. AVT KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, I to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG Cop. 357; SNG von Aulock 4719.TextImage
SNG Fr 550vGallienus AE28 of Perga, Pamphylia. AVT KAI ΠO A ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, table marked ACULOA, IE POC below, prize urn on top. SNG France 550 var (Valerian).TextImage
SNG France 553Gallienus, AE31 of Perge, Pamphylia. AD 253-268. 13.06 g. AYT KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, value mark I in right field / Π-EΡ-ΓAIΩN NEΩKORΩ[N], Athena, helmeted holding spear and shield standing right, crowning Artemis standing right, holding bow and arrow. SNG France 553; Paris 453; Waddington 3415.TextImage
SNG France 556Gallienus AE28 10-assaria of Pamphylia, Perga. AV K Π ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNON EV CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind; I (denomination) to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, chest with three purses above. SNGvA 4725, SNGCop 355..TextImage
SNG France 570Gallienus AE30 10-assaria of Pamphylia, Perga. AV KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind; star above, I (denomination) to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN AΡTEMIΔOC, A in pediment, ACVΛOY on archetrave, Artemis Pergaia within distyle temple. SNG France III 570.TextImage
SNG France 571Gallienus AE 28 10-assaria of Pamphylia, Perga. AV KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind; star above, I (denomination) to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN AΡTEMIΔOC, A in pediment, ACVΛOY on archetrave, Artemis Pergaia within distyle temple, torch to left and right. SNG France III 571 corr. (torches). TextImage
SNG France 579Gallienus AE29 (10 Assaria) of Perga, Pamphylia. AVT KAI AV KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, I before / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Elpis (Spes) standing left, holding flower and hem of skirt.TextImage
SNG France 575Gallienus AE30 10-assaria of Pamphylia, Perga. AV KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind; I (denomination) to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN ACYΛOY, cult figure of Artemis Phosphoros within distyle temple.TextImage
SNG France 578cfGallienus AE30 (10 Assaria) of Perga, Pamphylia. AVT KAI AV KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, I before / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, simulacron in distyle shrine, between two legionary standards.TextImage
SNGvA 4720Gallienus, AE30 of Perga, Pamphylia, 10 assaria. AVT KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right. Value mark I to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm. SNG von Aulock 4720; SNG Cop 356; SNG Pfalz 419.TextImage
SNG vA 4721Gallienus, AE34 of Perga, Pamphylia. AVT KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, I before / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Pan seated left on rock, holding syrinx and pedum. SNG von Aulock 4721-4722.TextImage
SNG vA 4725Gallienus. AE of Perga, Pamphylia. 253-268 AD. 14.87 g. AVT KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, I to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, three purses on decorated chest. SNG von Aulock 4725. SNG BN 556.TextImage
SNG von Aulock 4731Gallienus AE 31 of Pamphylia, Perga. AV KAI ΠO ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNO CEB, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind; I (denomination) to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN AΡTEMIΔOC, Artemis Pergaia within distyle temple, ACYΛOY on archetrave, flanked by two torches. TextImage
Mauromichaelis 361Salonina, AE30 of Perge, Pamphylia. AD 254-268. 15.96 g. A KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEB, draped bust right on crescemt, wearing stephane, value mark I before head. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Serapis standing left, holding transverse staff in left arm and raising right hand. Mauromichaelis 361 in JIAN 1903 (same dies). Obv. legend var of SNG von Aulock 4739, Mauromichaelis 362, Imhoof KM 29 (all with KOΡNHΛIAN CAΛΩNINAN CE).TextImage
Macdonald 422Salonina, AE Perga, Pamphylia. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEBA, draped bust right on crescent, wearing stephane, value mark I to right / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, chest on four legs surmounted by three prize purses (resembling vases). Macdonald, Aphrodisias excav. 422).TextImage
SNG France 584Salonina AE 10 Assarion of Perga, Pamphylia. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEB, draped bust right, set on crescent, I before / ΠEΡΓAIAC AΡTEMIΔOC ACYΛOY, cult-statuette of Artemis-Pergaia in distyle temple. SNG France 584.TextImage
SNG France 586Salonina AE32 of Pamphylia, Perga. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEBA, Diademed and draped bust right, I before. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, table marked ACYΛYA, IEΡOC below, prize urn on top.TextImage
SNG France 589Salonina AE28 (10 Assaria) of Perga, Pamphylia. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEBA, draped bust right, I before / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, chest on four legs surmounted by three prize purses (resembling vases). SNGCop 363.TextImage
SNG France 591Salonina, AE31 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 253-268. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEBA, I before neck, diademed and draped bust of Salonina right, on crescent. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Pan sitting left on rock, playing syrinx and holding pedum. SNG France III 591; Paris 474A.TextImage
SNG France 592Salonina, AE 30 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 253-268. 16.2 g. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEBA, I before neck, diademed and draped bust right, (usually on a crescent). / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Elpis walking left, holding flower and raising hem of robe. BMC 93-94; SNG Pfalz 447; SNG Cop 365; SNG France III 592; Paris 463; Mauromichaelis Coll. 360; Lindgren III 657A.TextImage
SNG France 593Salonina AE30 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 253-268. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEB, diademed and draped bust right, I to right / ΠEΡΓAEΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG von Aulock 8528; SNG Pfalz 448-449; SNG France III 593; Paris 464.TextImage
SNG France 599vSalonina AE 10 Assarion of Perga, Pamphylia. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEBA, draped bust right, set on crescent, I before / ΠEΡΓAEΩN NEΩKOΡON, galley sailing left powered by eight oarsmen, two standards on the bow, Nike seated left on stern holding wreath, A above.TextImage
SNG Fr 603Salonina, AE32 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 253-268. KOΡHΛIAN CAΛΩNINAN CE, draped bust right on crescent, wearing stephane. Value mark I in right field / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Hekate Triformis standing front, polos on each head, holding torches, knife and serpent. Imhoof KM 30; SNG von Aulock 4738; SNG France III 603; Paris 461.TextImage
SNG von Aulock 4740Salonina, AE31 (10 assaria) of Perga, Pamphylia, KOΡNHΛIAN CAΛΩNINA CE, diademed and draped bust right, I before / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Artemis walking right, holding torch and bow.TextImage
SNG vA 4743Salonina, AE30 of Perga, Pamphylia. 254-268 AD. 10 Assaria. 18.75 g. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEBA, I to left, diademed and draped bust right on crescent / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus, behind him Herakles standing left, holding lionskin and resting on club; vexillum between them. SNG von Aulock 4743 and 8527; SNG Righetti 1291; BMC 92; SNG France 590; Paris 465.TextImage
SNG vA 4744Salonina, AE29, 10 Assaria of Perga, Pamphylia. 253-268 AD. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEBA, diademed and draped bust right; I (value) before / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Zeus seated right, holding sceptre and patera. SNG von Aulock 4744; SNG Cop 364.TextImage
SNG vA 8529Salonina, AE30 of Perga, Pamphylia, 15.11 g. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEBA, diademed and draped bust right on crescent, value mark I in right field / IEΡA-ΛAMΠΡA-ENΔOXOC-NEΩKOΡOC-ΠEΡΓH-ΠΡΩTH in six lines within wreath. SNG v. Aulock 8529; Imhoof KM 32; Franke KZR 185.TextImage
Svoronos 359Salonina, AE29 of Perga, Pamphylia. A KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CEB, draped bust right on crescent, I before bust / ΠEΡΓAIΩN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. Svoronos (JIAN 1903), 359.TextImage
SNG France 614Saloninus AE33 (10 Assaria) of Perge, Pamphylia. AD 258-260. 13.6 g. ΠO ΛIK CAΛΩN OYAΛEΡIANOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. I (value mark) to right, eagle below. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. A in upper left field. SNG France III, 614; Paris 1965.1053.TextImage
SNG vA 4756Saloninus, AE of Perga, Pamphylia. 260 AD. 15.69 g. ΠO ΛIK CAΛΩN OVAΛEΡIANOC CB, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, I to right, eagle with wings spread below / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, prize crown with two palm branches between two purses on table AYΓOYCTEIA, IEΡOC below. SNG von Aulock 4756. SNG Leypold 1881.TextImage
SNG France 621Aurelian, AE of Perga, Pamphylia. AVT ΔOMI AVΡHΛIANOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, value mark I before / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡ-ΩN, distyle temple within which is the simulacrum of Pergaean Artemis between a star on left and crescent on right above; Δ in pediment. BMC 100; SNG France 3, 621.TextImage
Waddington 3433Aurelian AE26 of Perga, Pamphylia. AD 270-275, 0.7 g. AYT K Λ ΔOM AYΡH[ΛIANOC CEB], laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, value mark I to right. / ΠEΡΓAIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Zeus seated left, holding letter Δ (4th Neokoros) and sceptre. Waddington 3433; Paris 488; SNG France III, 617; SNG Pfalz 4, 450.TextImage
SNG France 622Tacitus AE 10 Assaria of Perga in Pamphylia. AVTO KAI M KΛ TAKITON EV C EV CB (sic), radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right; I before / ΠEΡΓAIΩN METΡOΠOΛE around, ΠAMΦYΛI-AC in two lines in exergue, tetrastyle temple of Artemis Pergaia with fenced barrier containing cult-image; in pediment, facing eagle with spread wings.TextImage
Entry for Pamphylia, Perga on the Digital Historia Numorum