Ancient Coinage of Bithynia, Caesarea Germanica

In his monograph, "Der Hafen von Kapanca.. Zur Lokalisation der Stadt Caesarea Germanica", Mustafa Sahin of Uludag University gives compelling arguments suggesting that Kapanca is the site of the ancient Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia.

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RPC 2017Germanicus AE21 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. 9.13 g. AD 20. GERMANIKOS KAISAR KTISTHS, bare head of Germanicus right / KAISARHA GERMANIKH, city gate with statue between four towers, P-PRU monogram in exergue. RPC I 2017; RecGen 1; Paris 299; Moustier catalog 357 (legends corr.); Price-Trell 513; SNG Lewis 1293 var (monogram).TextImage
Mionnet V, 10Hadrian, AE22 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 117-138. AY TRAIANOS ADRIANOS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / KAICAREIAS GERMANIKHS, Zeus standing front, looking left, holding patera. Mionnet V, 10; Paris 301.TextImage
RecGen 3Hadrian, AE32 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 117-138. 24.41 g. AYTO TRAIDNOC ADRIANOC KAICAR CEB (sic), laureate, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Zeus standing left, holding sceptre. KES monogram in left field. RecGen 3; Paris 300.TextImage
Note:There are numerous fake Caesarea Germanica "coins" of this emperor. This list includes genuine coins and fakes. Especially compare the lettering and the head
CNG 63, 1005Pescennius Niger AE24 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-194. 5.98 g. AYT K G PECK NIGROC IOYCTOC CEB, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. Unpublished. CNG sale 63, lot 1005.TextImage
Fontana 8Pescennius Niger, AE30.5 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-194. AYT K G PECK NIFROC IOYCTOC CEB, laureate head right / KAICAREIAC GERMANIKHC, Zeus standing front, looking left, holding sceptre. Fontana Coll, 8 in RIN 1975.TextImage
GM 176, 1617Pescennius Niger. AE16, 2.82 g. AD 193-194. AYT K P PEC NIGROC, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC, eagle standing left on bucranium, head right, wings spread. Mionnet V, 18 var; Gorny & Mosch 176, 1617.TextImage
Helios 5, 623Pescennius Niger, AE of Caesarea-Germanica, Bithynia. 2.01 g. AVT K G PEC NIGROC, laureate head right / KAISAREIAC GER, serpent with head right on garlanded altar. Apparently unpublished. Helios 5, lot 623.TextImage
Lindgren I 106 corr Pescennius Niger AE29 of Caesarea-Germanica, Bithynia. AVT K G PECK NIGROC IOYCTOC CEB, laureate head right / KAISAREIAC GERMANIKHC, Laureate head right / Apollo standing left, holding patera and laurel branch. Lindgren I 106 corr. ("bow" for laurel branch); Mabbott 1093.TextImage
Mabbott 1093
FAKE Pescennius Niger of Caesarea Germanica. AE24. AD 193-194. 9.49 g. AYT K G PECK NIGRY IOYCTOC CEB (first E retrograde), laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Apollo, naked, standing, holding patera and laurel branch. Cast, recut fake of Lindgren I 106 corr. (attributes); Mabbott 1093.TextImage
ORC4832Pescennius Niger AE29 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AVT K PECK NIGEPOC IOVCTOC CEB Laureate bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Aphrodite, naked, standing facing, looking right, in bashful pose.TextImage
RecGen 5Pescennius Niger AE30 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-194. 15.78 g. AYT K G PECK NIGROC IOYCTOC CEB, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, view of the harbour with two moles (breakwaters), statue of Poseidon (?) standing on one, lighthouse or tower on the other, galley with rowers in the harbour; to left of the harbour a long distyle building with triangular roof; bull recumbent left, head right, in the exergue. RecGen 5; Paris M6027.TextImage
RecGen 6FAKE Pescennius Niger AE29 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-194. AYT K G PECK NIGROC IOYCTOC CEB, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Artemis walking right, holding bow, hound at foot. FAKE. RecGen 6; Mionnet V, 19 ("médaille fausse"); Paris 303.TextImage
RecGen 7Pescennius Niger, AE29 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. 15,17 g. AD 193-194. AYT K G PECK NIGROC IOYCTOC CEB, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Asklepios standing front, looking left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. RecGen 7; Mabbott 1092; SNG Righetti 618; Paris L586. This is the genuine version with larger diameter, heavier weight, correct O letters in the obverse legend and the serpent-entwined staff at almost 45°.TextImage
RecGen 8 (Fake)FAKE Pescennius Niger AE24 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-194. Ca 8 g. AYT K G PECK NIGROC IOYCTOC CEB, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Asklepios standing front, looking left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. RecGen 8 (this coin); Mionnet V, 21; Paris 305. This is the fake version of this coin, primarily recognisable by the very small O letters in the obverse legend, the almost vertical staff on the reverse, the smaller size and lower weight. TextImage
RecGen 9Pescennius Niger AE24 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-194. 7.42 g. AYT K G PECK NIGROC IOYCTOC CEB, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC CERMANIKHC (sic), coiled serpent with head raised left. RecGen 9; Paris 306.TextImage
Righetti Coll. 10622FAKE Pescennius Niger, AE32 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 22.34 g. (Legend recut with errors), AYT K G PECK NIGR AYGTOC CEB, laureate head right / KAICAREIAC GERMANIKHC, Apollo standing left, holding patera and branch. J.P. Righetti Collection, 10622 (this coin).TextImage
SNG vA 6978Pescennius Niger AE28 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-194. 13.27 g. AYT K G PECK NIGROC IOYCTOC CEB, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. SNG von Aulock 6978.TextImage
CNG 73, 62Septimius Severus AE28 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. 11.85 g. AD 193-211. AY K L CEPT CEOHROC PER CEB, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Zeus standing front, looking left, holding sceptre. CNG 73, lot 62 otherwise unpublished.TextImage
RecGen 10Septimius Severus. AE28 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-211. 10.97 g. AY K L CEP CEYHROC PE, laureate, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Zeus seated left, holding Nike and sceptre. RecGen 10; Paris A3456.TextImage
RecGen 12Septimius Severus AE28 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-211. A K L CEP CEOYROC P CE, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, bird's eye view of the city harbour, a ship with sails in the harbour, a tree on an altar to left, a beacon to right and a bull recumbent left below. RecGen 12; BMC 2.TextImage
Solon FAC 393639Septimius Severus. AE29 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-211. AY K L CEPT CEOYHROC PER CEB, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Tyche standing left, looking right, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. "Solon" on Forum Ancient Coins, 393639.TextImage
RecGen 13Julia Domna. AE29 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 193-217. IOYLIA DOMNA CEB, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, view of the city harbour with a ship in port, Nike on a column to right and a tree on an altar to left; a bull recumbent left below, head turned right. Mionnet V, 23; Mionnet Supp. VIII 17; RecGen 13; Paris 308.TextImage
RecGen 17Geta, AE18 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 198-209. P CEPTI GETAC KAI, bare-headed, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, coiled serpent, head right. RecGen 17; Waddington 280; Paris 309.TextImage
RecGen 18Geta, AE28 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 2.74 g. L CE GETAC K, bare-headed, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Phosphoros, naked but for chlamys, walking right, holding torch in each hand. RecGen 18; Waddington 281; Paris 310.TextImage
Pecunem 31, 336Macrinus, AE24 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. 5.87 g. AD 217-218. AYT K M OPEL CEOVHR MAKREINOC AYG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / KAICAREIAC GERMANIKHC, Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus. Pecunem 31, lot 336. Apparently unpublished.TextImage
RecGen 20Macrinus, AE27 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 217-218. AYT K M OPEL CEOYHR MAKREINOC AYG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Serapis standing front by altar, looking left, holding sceptre and raising right hand. Mionnet V, 25; RecGen 20; Drexler "Isis und Serapis", 1; Paris 311.TextImage
RecGen 21Macrinus, AE27 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 217-218. AYT K M OPEL CEOYHR MAKREINOC AYG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Mionnet V, 26; RecGen 21; Waddington 282; BMC 4; Paris 313.TextImage
RecGen 24Diadumenian. AE18 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 217-218. 3.05 g. M ANT DIADOYMENIANOC K, bare-headed, draped bust right / KAICAREIAC GERMANIKHC, Aphrodite standing front in bashful pose. RecGen 24; Paris 315.TextImage
RecGen 25Diadumenian. AE18 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 217-218. 2.52 g. M O ANT DIADOYMENIANOC K, bare-headed, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, coiled serpent on altar, head right. Mionnet Supp. VIII 18; RecGen 25; Paris 316.TextImage
RecGen 26Diadumenian AE22 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 217-218. 4.96 g. M ANT DIADOUMENIANOC K, bare-headed, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Phosphoros walking right, naked but for chlamys, holding torch in each hand. RecGen 26; Imhoof GM 116.TextImage
SNG Leypold I, 126Elagabalus. AE28 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 218-222. 13.99 g. AYT K M AYT ANTWNEINOC AYG, laureate, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Apollo standing half-left, holding patera and branch. SNG Leypold I, 126.TextImage
Paris 317Elagabalus. AE28 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 218-222. 13.67 g. AYT K M AYT ANTWNEINOC AYG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, male deity (Apollo?), naked but for chlamys over left arm, standing half-left, holding patera. Paris 317.TextImage
RecGen 27Elagabalus. AE28 of Caesarea Germanica. AD 218-222. 13.36g. AYT K M AYRH ANTWNEINOC AYG, laureate, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Dionysos standing left, holding kantharos and the folds of his chlamys. RecGen 27 (description corrected); Waddington 283.TextImage
RecGen 28Elagabalus. AE28 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 218-222. 13.04 g. AYT K M AYRH ANTWNEINOC AYG, laureate, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, tetrastyle temple with figure (Zeus?) seated left on stool within. RecGen 28; Waddington 284; Paris 318.TextImage
Paris M6589Severus Alexander. AE28 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 222-235. 12.83 g. M AYT CEYH ALEXANDROC AYG, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. SNG von Aulock 480; RecGen 30; Paris M6589.TextImage
RecGen 31Severus Alexander. AE28 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. 11.28 g. AD 222-235. M AYR CEYH ALEXANDROC AYG, laureate head right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, view of the amphitheatre with spectators, three shields on the wall, a meta (turning post) below, between a cornucopiae and a sceptre. RecGen 31; Paris 320.TextImage
Mionnet V, 31Julia Mamaea, AE24 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 222-235. IOYLIA MAMAIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / KAICAREIAC GERMANIKHC, veiled and draped bust of Tyche right, polos on head. Mionnet V, 31; Paris 321.TextImage
RecGen 34FAKE Gordian II AE27 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 238. 16.90 g. M ANT GORDIANOC AFRI CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Artemis standing right, holding bow and spear, crescent on her head. RecGen 34; Paris 322 (fakes collection). FAKE. A reworked sestertius, MARTEM PROPVGNATOREM S-C (Mars, helmeted and in military dress, standing right, holding spear and shield) - RIC IV-3, 333 of Gordian III).TextImage
RecGen 35Gordian III, AE25 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. M ANT GORDIANOC AYG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, Zeus standing left, holding sceptre. RecGen 35; Leypold I, 127; Paris M4429.TextImage
RecGen 36Gordian III. AE26 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 238-244. M ANT GORDIANOC AYG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC galley left with sail and rowers, another ship in the background, bull recumbent left below, head turned right. RecGen 36; Paris Z196.TextImage
RecGen 37Philip I, AE26 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 244-249. M IOYLIOC FILIPPOC AY, radiate, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC,, Genius standing left, polos on head, holding patera and cornucopiae. SNG von Aulock 6979; RecGen 37; Paris Z195.TextImage
RecGen 39Trajan Decius, AE28 of Caesarea Germanicia, Bithynia. AD 249-251. AYT KAI TRAIAN DEKIOC AY, radiate, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / KAISAREIAC GERMANIKHC, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. RecGen 39; Kraft 202, 63a.TextImage
RecGen 41Valerian, AE24 of Caesarea Germanica, Bithynia. AD 253-260. 6.0 g. POY LIK OYALERIANOC CEB, radiate, draped bust right / KAICAPEIAC GERMANIKHC, galley left with sail and rowers, another ship in the background, stag or bull recumbent left below, head turned right. Mionnet V, 34; RecGen 41; BMC 7; Paris 326.TextImage
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