Browsing Byzantine Coinage of Alexius I
Alexius I Comnenus, Emperor April 4, 1081, to August 15, 1118
Alexius was an effective leader, overcoming the Normans under Roger Guiscard and repelling the Turks, but could not prevent the formation of an independent Crusader state in Palestine after Jerusalem fell.
Asena 2 | Alexius I and Irene AR Miliaresion of Constantinople. AD 1092-1118. 21 mm, 1.32 g. Ornate cross crosslet on three steps with X at centre and dot in crescent on shaft, and the busts of Alexius and Irene to right and left. / AΛEΞIOC-KAI e IΡHNH-ΠICTOI BA-CIΛEIC Ρω-MAIωN in 5 lines. Owner's number Asena 2; Zeno 236368 (this coin). Unpublished. Not in Sear, DOC, BMC, Sabatier, Grierson, etc. Similar to SB 1850 (Constantine X), SB 1874 (Michael VII Ducas) and SB 1886 (Nicephorus III). | Text | Image |
SB 1892 | Alexius I Comnenus, 1081-1118. Electrum or AR Histamenon nomisma trachy, 26 mm. 4.24 g. IC – XC, Christ seated facing on throne with nimbus cross, holding gospels and raising right hand / [AΛEXIΩ ΔECΠOT TI] Ω KO MNHNω, Alexius I standing facing on dais, wearing crown and loros and holding labarum and cross on globe. DO T1a; Sear 1892. | Text | Image |
SB 1893 | Alexius III, Comnenus Electrum trachy. 1081 - 1118 AD, 27mm, 4.4 gr. IC-XC to left and right of Christ seated facing on square-backed throne, with nimbus cross behind head, holding book of Gospels and raising right hand / +AΛEXIω ΔECΠOT Tω KM, crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jeweled chlamys, holding sceptre with pelleted star and cross on globe. Sear 1893. | Text | Image |
SB 1893a | Alexius III, Comnenus silver or billon trachy. 1081 - 1118 AD. IC-XC to left and right of Christ seated facing on lyre-backed throne, with nimbus cross behind head, holding book of Gospels and raising right hand / +ALEIIW DECPOT TW KM, crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jeweled chlamys, holding sceptre with pelleted star and cross on globe. Sear 1893. | Text | Image |
SB 1895 | Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118). Electrum/AR 3.91 gr, Tetarteron. Constantinople, 1081-1087. Bust of Christ Pantocrator facing, with nimbus cross, wearing tunic and colobium, holding book of Gospels; dot over IC-XC to left and right / ALEIW DECPOT TW KOM (or similar), crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jewelled chlamys, holding cross-tipped sceptre with dot on shaft, and cross on globe. DOC 6c.13; Sear 1895. | Text | Image |
SB 1896 | Alexius I, 1081-1118 (Pre-Reform Coinage, 1081-1092). AR Tetarteron Nomisma (silver, 3.83g). Constantinople. +EMMANOVHA, Christ Emmanuel standing facing on footstool, wearing nimbus cross and holding book of Gospels, IC-XC to left and right / +ALEIIW DECPOT TW KOMNH+, Alexius standing facing, wearing crown and loros and holding long cross and cross on globe. DOC 7; Hendy pl. 2, 3-5; Sear 1896. | Text | Image |
SB 1897 | Alexius I, 1081-1118 (Pre-Reform Coinage, 1081-1092). BI Miliaresion (concave, 2.07). Constantinople. +QKE ROHQEI TW CW DOVLW, Mary standing facing on footstool, nimbate and with her hands uplifted (orans) / Alexius, crowned and wearing military attire, standing facing, holding long cross and resting on hilt of sheathed sword, dot below his right elbow. DOC 10; Hendy pl. 2, 13; Sear 1897. | Text | Image |
SB 1899 | Alexius I, Comnenus. 1081-1118. BI one-third Miliaresion 19mm, 0.86 gm. Constantinople mint. +QKE ROHQ, Half-length figure of Mary, hands raised, nimbate head of Christ facing on her breast, MP-QV to left and right / ALEZI-W DECPO-TH TW KO-MNHNW in four lines. -+- above, -o- below. DOC IV 12; SB 1899. | Text | Image |
SB 1900 | Alexius I, 1081-1118AD, Class J Anonymous Follis, 1081-1118 AD. Constantinople. IC-XC to left and right of bust of Christ facing, cross behind head, holding gospels and raising right hand. )-C at upper left and right / Cross with globe and two dots at each end of the arms, X in centre, large crescent below, around the cross are four more globes surrounded by small dots. SB 1900, DOC p. 700-701. | Text Text | Image Image |
SB 1901 | Alexius I, 1081-1118AD. AE Class K anonymous Follis. Constantinople. IC-XC to left and right of Christ, nimbate, bust facing, right hand raised, book of gospels in left, all inside border of large dots / MP-theta V (or M-theta only) to left and right of Mary, three-quarter length figure, hands raised, all inside border of large dots. SB 1901. | Text | Image |
SB 1902 | Alexius I, 1081-1118AD. AE Class L anonymous Follis. Constantinople. 3.9g, 24mm. IC-XC to left and right of nimbate bust of Christ facing, raising right hand and holding scroll in left, all within border of large dots / Cross pattee ("iron cross"), NI-KA to left and right, IC-XC above and below. SB 1902. | Text | Image |
SB 1903 | Time of Nicephorus III, attributed under Alexius I. Ca 1080 AD. AE Class M Follis, 3.48 gm. IC-XC to left and right of Christ enthroned facing, wearing nimbus cross, holding book of gospels and raising right hand / Jewelled cross with three dots at each end, large crescent below. DOC III M.1; SB 1903 (Alexius I). | Text | Image |
SB 1904 | Alexius I, Comnenus. 1081-1118. EL Histamenon Nomisma trachy 4.48 gm. Thessalonica mint. Struck 1081-1082. +KE RO ALEZ', facing bust of Christ, nimbate, holding gospels and raising right hand. IC-XC to left and right / [DIMITI] to left, D EC PO TH T to right, St. Demetrius, nimbate, standing right, presenting labarum to Alexius, wearing crown and loros, standing facing, each grasping labarum. DOC IV 4; SB 1904. | Text Text | Image Image |
SB 1904v | Alexius I, Comnenus. (1081-1118 AD). Electrum histamenon nomisma trachy, 4.03 gm. Thessalonica. +KE RQ ALES, facing bust of Christ, wearing nimbus cross, holding book of Gospels with both hands; IC-XC to left and right / DI MI TI P on left, D EC P I T H on right, Saint Demetrius, nimbate, on left, in military dress and holding sword in left hand, standing three-quarters to right, presenting labarum to Alexius on right, standing facing; wearing crown and loros and grasping shaft of labarum with right hand. DOC 4 var (legend). Sear 1904 var. (ditto). | Text | Image |
SB 1905 | Alexius I Comnenus (AD 1092-1118). Electrum - silver histamenon nomisma trachy 4.41 gm. Thessalonica. KE RQ ALEX, nimbate bust of Christ facing, holding book of Gospels in both hands / DI M T downwards to left, D EC P T T S downwards to right, St. Demetrius, in military dress, standing right, on left, holding sword and presenting patriarchal cross to Alexius, on right, wearing crown and loros. BN 1-2. Hendy pl. 1, 10-12. Sear 1905. | Text Text | Image Image |
SB 1906 | Alexius I. 1081-1118 AD. Pre-Reform AR Tetarteron 3.82 gm. Thessalonica mint. MP-QV to left and right, facing bust of Mary, hands raised,, nimbate, nimbate head of the infant Christ facing on her breast / +ALEIIW DPOT TW K, Crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jewelled chlamys, holding jewelled sceptre and cross on globe. DOC 8; SB 1906. | Text | Image |
SB 1907 | Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118 AD), BI tetarteron nomisma, 17mm. 3.51g. Thessalonica. IC-XC to left and right of Christ, seated facing, wearing nimbus cross, holding book of gospels / + ALEZ (DECPOT TW K), crowned bust facing, wearing loros, holding labarum and akakia, star in left and right fields. Sear 1907. Hendy pl. 2, 12. | Text | Image |
SB 1909 | Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118 AD), AE follis. 6,75 gr, 27-28 mm. Thessalonica. MP-QV to left and right of nimbate bust of Mary facing, holding the infant Christ whose nimbate head is facing / ALETIW DECPOT TW K, Alexius, crowned and wearing loros, standing facing, holding labarum and cross on globe. SB 1909. | Text | Image |
SB 1910 | Alexius I, AE 22mm follis, Thessalonica. 1081-1118 AD. +A..M, Alexius, crowned bust facing, wearing loros, holding cross-tipped sceptre and cross on globe, all within border of large dots / C-F-A-D in the four corners, clockwise from top left, of a jewelled cross on two steps, X in the centre. SB 1910, BMC 55. Not to be confused with Sear 1931, a tetarteron, not a circular follis. | Text | Image |
SB 1911 | Alexius I, AE follis, 28mm, 4.99 gr. Thessalonica. 1081-1118 AD. IC-XC over NI-KA, cross on two steps, dot at each end / CEP CYN-ERGEI BA-CILEI AL-EXIW in four lines, cross above. SB 1911, BMC 66-68. | Text | Image |
SB 1912 | Alexius I, AD 1081-1118, AV Hyperpyron trachy (4.25g), Constantinopolis. +KE ROHQEI, Christ enthroned facing with nimbate cross, holding book of gospels and raising right hand. IC-XC across fields / A LE XIW DEC PO TH to left, TW KO MNH NW to right, Alexius standing facing, wearing chlamys, crowned by hand of God, holding labarum and cross on globe. Sear 1912, Ratto 2057. | Text | Image |
SB 1913 | Alexius I Comnenus. 1081-1118. AV Hyperpyron trachy. Constantinople mint. 4.34 gr. Post-reform coinage, struck 1092-1118. +KE ROHQEI, Christ enthroned facing with nimbate cross, holding book of gospels and raising right hand. IC-XC across field / A LE XIW DEC PO TH to left, TW KO MNH NW to right, Alexius standing facing, wearing chlamys with exaggerated jewels on hem at right, crowned by hand of God, holding labarum and cross on globe. DOC IV 20g; SB 1913. | Text | Image |
SB 1915 | Alexius I Comnenus. 1081-1118. EL Aspron trachy 1092-1118, 4.35 g. MHR-QV to left and right of Mary, nimbate, seated facing on backless throne, holding nimbate head of Christ to breast / A LE IIW DEC PO downwards to left, TW KO MN N downwards to right, Alexius, crowned and wearing chlamys, standing facing, holding jewelled sceptre and cross on globe. DO 22. Sear 1915. | Text | Image |
SB 1916 | Alexius I, Irene and John II (1092-1118). BI Aspron Trachy. Constantinople. Billon 3.70 gr. I W DECPO KERO HQ, John II, beardless, standing on dais, wearing stemma, divitision, collar-piece and loros, holding labarum and cross on globe, being crowned by Christ, nimbate, wearing tunic and colobium; IC-XC above / +ALEZI W D EI PHN I AVG, Alexius and Irene standing facing, both wearing crown, stemma, divitision, collar-piece and loros; holding patriarchal cross between them. DOC 24.2 (this coin); Sear 1916. | Text | Image |
SB 1917 | Alexius I Billon Aspron trachy, 1092-1118 AD. Constantinople. 3.5 grams. 25mm. IC-XC to left and right of Christ, nimbate, seated facing, holding book of gospels / ALEZIiW DECPOT-TWKOMNN downwards to left and right of Alexius, crowned, holding jewelled sceptre and resting left hand on hip. SB 1917, BMC 9-11. | Text | Image |
SB 1918 | Alexius I, 1081-1118 AD. Billon aspron trachy. Constantinople. IC-XC to left and right of Christ, nimbate, seated facing, holding book of Gospels / ALEZIW DECPT-TWKOMNN, crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jewelled chlamys, holding cross-tipped sceptre and cross on globe. Sear 1918; BMC Byzant. 9-11. | Text Text | Image Image |
SB 1919 | Alexius I. Comnenus, 1092-1118 AD. Billon Aspron Trachy, 3.96 g, 27-29 mm. Constantinopolis. +KE ROHQEI, IC-XC, bust of Christ facing, nimbate, holding book of Gospels / ALE DEC, crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing loros, holding labarum and cross on globe. SB 1919, BMC 22. | Text | Image |
SB 1920 | Alexius I. Comnenus, 1092-1118 AD. AE tetarteron. Constantinople. IC-XC to left and right of bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus cross and holding book of gospels / +ALE DEC, crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing loros and holding labarum and cross on globe. Sear 1920; Ratto 2079. | Text | Image |
SB 1921 | Alexius I. Comnenus, 1092-1118 AD. AE tetarteron. Constantinople. IC-XC to left and right of bust of Christ facing, cross behind head, holding book of gospels / +ALEZI DECHT, crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing loros and holding jewelled sceptre and cross on globe. Sear 1921. | Text | Image |
SB 1922 | Alexius I, AE17 Tetarteron, 1081-1118 AD, Constantinople mint. IC-XC to left and right of Christ, nimbate, seated facing, holding book of gospels / ALEZIW DECP, crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jewelled chlamys, holding cross-headed sceptre and cross on globe. SB 1922, BMC 41. | Text | Image |
SB 1923 | Alexius I AE Tetarteron, 1081-1118 AD. Constantinople. IC-XC to left and right of Christ, nimbate, seated facing, holding book of gospels and raising right hand / ALEZIW DECPOT TW KOM, Alexius, crowned, wearing loros, standing facing, holding labarum and cross on globe. Sear 1923, BMC 43-44. | Text | Image |
SB 1924 | Alexius I. 1081-1118 AD. AV Hyperpyron trachy 4.41 gm. Post-reform coinage, 1092-1118 AD. Thessalonica mint. + KE RO-HQE[I], Christ, nimbate, enthroned facing, holding book of gospels and raising right hand / A LE ZI W EC PO T downwards on left, TW KO MNH N downwards on right, Alexius standing facing, holding labarum and globus-cruciger; hand of God above. DOC 20l; Sear 1924. | Text Text | Image Image |
SB 1926 | Alexius I Electrum aspron trachy. Thessalonica. 1092-1118 AD. EL 4.32 g. + KERO ALEZI, Christ enthroned facing, with nimbus cross, holding book of Gospels; XC-IC to left and right / + DECPOTH [TO KOMNH], Alexius, wearing divitision and loros, and holding cross on globe being crowned by Mary, nimbate, M–Q between their heads (can be MQ or M). DO 23a.2. Sear 1926. | Text | Image |
SB 1929 | Alexius I, AE Tetarteron, Thessalonica, 1081-1118 AD. IC-XC to left and right of nimbate bust of Christ facing, holding book of gospels and raising right hand / ALZI DECP, crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jewelled chlamys, holding cross-tipped sceptre and cross on globe. Sear 1929, BMC 37-40. sb1929 | Text Text | Image Image |
SB 1930 | Alexius I, AE Tetarteron, Thessalonica, 1081-1118 AD. MP-QV to left and right of bust of Mary, nimbate, facing, both hands raised / ALZI DECP, crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jewelled chlamys, holding labarum and cross on globe. SB 1930. | Text | Image |
SB 1931 | Alexius AE Tetarteron, 1081-1118 AD. Thessalonica. TW KOMHN, crowned facing bust of Alexius, wearing loros, holding cross-tipped sceptre and cross on globe / Jewelled cross with globe at each end, X in centre, on two steps, C-F-AL-D in the corners, clockwise from top left. (Note, the order and character of the letters can differ, e.g, C-F-M-D or F-C-A-D), SB 1931, BMC 49-54. | Text Text | Image Image |
SB 1931 Turkic imit. | Turkic Tribes. Ca 1092-1181 AD. AE Tetarteron 21mm, 3.21 gm. Imitating Alexius I. Crowned facing bust, wearing loros, holding cross-tipped sceptre and cross on globe / Jewelled cross with X at center and F C M D in the four corners, clockwise from top left. Cf. DOC IV 40a.20; cf. SB 1931. | Text | Image |
SB 1931v | Alexius I Comnenus. 1092-1181 AD. AE Tetarteron 20mm, 2.25 gm. Post-reform issue. Unknown provincial mint. Crowned bust facing, wearing loros, holding cross-tipped sceptre and cross on globe / Jewelled cross globe and two dots at each end, X in centre and F C (retrograde) M D in the four corners, clockwise from top left. DOC IV 40a; SB 1931 var, BMC 49-54 var (retrograde C). | Text | Image |
SB 1932 | Alexius I Comnenus. 1092-1181 AD. AE Tetarteron. Patriarchal cross on two steps, A-D, K-F to left and right, above and below / ALEZI, crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing loros, holding jewelled sceptre and cross on globe. SB 1932, BMC 56-65. | Text Text | Image Image |
SB 1933 | Alexius I, 1081-1118 AD. AE Tetarteron. Uncertain mint. 2.51g, 17mm. IC-XC to left and right of Christ standing facing, wearing nimbus cross and holding book of Gospels / (+)ALE(ZIW DEC), Alexius standing facing, wearing crown and loros, and holding sceptre and globus cruciger. DOC 43, Sear 1933 (Thessalonica). | Text | Image |
SB 1934 | ALEXIUS I Comnenus (1081-1118) and John II, AE Half tetarteron Thessalonica or Cyprus mint - 1,85 g. 17 mm. Facing bust of the Virgin Mary, hands not raised / Crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jewelled chlamys, holding labarum and cross on globe. Sear 1934; DOC 44; Ratto 2088. | Text | Image |
SB 1934 (2) | Alexius I Comnenus ( 1081-1118) and John II, AE17 Half-tetarteron, Thessalonica or Cyprus mint. 2.1 g. MP-ΘV, Nimbate, facing bust of Mary, hands not raised / AΛZI ΔKEH or similar. crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jewelled chlamys, holding labarum and cross on globe. Sear 1934; DOC 44; Ratto 2088. | Text | Image |
SB 1936 | Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118). BI Aspron Trachy. Philippopolis. 4.04 gr. +K E R OL NE Z I W (Z retrograde), Christ seated facing on backless throne, with nimbus cross, holding book of gospels and raising right hand; IC-XC to left and right / D EC PO TH TW KO M N, Alexius standing facing, wearing crown and loros with fold over left arm, holding labarum and cross on globe. DOC 31; Sear 1936. | Text | Image |
SB - Lanz 132,615 | Alexius I. (1081 - 1118 AD), AE 22mm Tetarteron, Philippopolis mint (?). Fragmentary legend, crowned bust facing, wearing chlamys, holding cross-tipped sceptre and cross on globe / F-A-M-D in the four corners of jewelled cross with a globe at each end and X in the centre. Unpublished, similar to DOC 40 from Thessalonica. | Text | Image |
SB - Triton V, 2310 | Alexius I. 1081-1118. EL Histamenon trachy (4.24 gm). Struck 1081-1092 AD(?). Constantinople mint(?). Christ seated on bench facing; IC XC to either side of bench, crescent to left and right of head / + [ALEI]IW ECPOT, half-length figure of Alexius standing facing, holding globe and akakia; manus Dei to left, large stars to left and right. Unpublished. Triton V, 2310. | Text | Image |