Alexius I. (1081 - 1118 AD), AE 22mm Tetarteron, Philippopolis mint (?). Obv: Fragmentary legend, crowned bust facing, wearing chlamys, holding cross-tipped sceptre and cross on globe. Rev: F-A-M-D in the four corners of jewelled cross with a globe at each end and X in the centre. Unpublished, similar to DOC 40 from Thessalonica. The letters in the four corners of the cross may represent Staure Fylatte Alexion Megan Despoten. The tentative attribution to Philippopolis is based on the fact that they produced, during the reign of Alexius I, other coins, Hyperperae and trachys with this unusual style and special types. (See DOC IV 20 o/p und 31). With permission of Numismatik Lanz München. Auction 132, Nov. 2006, lot 615. Sold for 3,000 Euros (ca $3937)