The Ancient Coinage of Hadrianopolis

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.

See also the Hadrianopolis city page on for numerous coins not yet linked to this page.

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Autonomous bronze coins.

2476 Serapis’ head right, kalathos on head. / AΔPIANO&Pi:OΛITΩN. Isis standing, holding sistrum (musical instrument) in right hand and jug or vase in left hand.
2477 Bearded head of Herakles right. Rev. : The same legend. Club, quiver with arrows and bow.
2478 Bearded head of Herakles left. Rev. : AΔPIANO&Pi:OΛEIΩTN. Herakles standing, resting on club and holding lionskin. Plate XVIII 15.
Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AE21. Bearded head of Herakles left / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Herakles standing right, leaning on club and holding lion skin. Jurukova 712.
2479 TON KTICTHN. Herakles’ bearded head right. REV. : AΔPIANO&Pi:OΛEIΩTN. Herakles contending with the Hydra; bow and quiver behind.
Thrace, Hadrianopolis AE19. Autonomous coinage. TON KTICTHN, bearded head of Herakles right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles standing left, with club aloft about to strike the Lernian Hydra, bow & quiver behind. Mionnet Supp II 604.
2480 Helmeted bust right. Rev. : AΔPIANO&Pi:OΛIΩTN. Helios (Sol) standing, with Phrygian hat on his head and crescent moon on his shoulder, holding patera and spear.
2481 TON KTICTHN. Herakles’ bearded head right. Rev. : AΔPIANO&Pi:OΛEIΩTN. Herakles naked, standing, looking right, resting on club. Plate XVIII 16.
2482 The same front part. Rev. : The same legend. Two naked Eroses, playing with the club of Herakles. Plate XVIII 14.
2483 TON KTICTHN. Herakles’ bearded, laureate head right. Rev. : AΔPIANO&Pi:OΛEIΩTN. Herakles contending with the Hydra; quiver and arrows behind.
Thrace, Hadrianopolis AE19. Autonomous coinage. TON KTICTHN, laureate & bearded head of Herakles right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles standing left with club aloft about to kill the Lernian Hydra, quiver with arrows behind.

Hadrian (117 - 138 A.D.)

TPAINOC AΔPIANOC. - His head or bust.
2484 Nike advancing, holding wreath and palm. Plate VII 14.
2485 Head of wild boar.
2486 Bunch of grapes.
2487 Woman’s head right.
2488 Zeus standing between Hera and Athena with their attributes.
2489 Naked, helmeted man (Ares?), holding patera and inverted spear.

Hadrian & Sabina

2490 ...TPAIAN AΔPIANOC CЄB. - Their heads face to face. Rev. : AΔPIANO&Pi:OΛЄIΩTN. Nike advancing, holding wreath and palm. Plate VII 14.

Hadrian & Antinous

2491 ...Hadrian’s head. Rev. : AΔPIANO&Pi:OΛEIΩTN. Antinous’ head.

Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 A.D.)

AYT KAI T AI AΔPI ANTΩNEINOΣ. - His head or bust.
2492 Apollo naked standing, holding laurel branch, resting arm on tripod. Plate VI 10.
2493 Apollo naked, walking right, wielding bow. Plate XIX 5.
2494 Asklepios and Hygieia with their attributes. Plate VI 26.
2495 Thanatos or Eros, winged standing, cross-legged, holding inverted brand. Plate VII 19.
2496 Dionysos standing, holding brunch of grapes and thyrsos; panther at foot. Plate VIII 5.
2497 Dionysos naked standing left, holding brunch of grapes and thyrsos. Plate VIII 5.
2498 Dioscuri naked, leading horse, holding long spear. Plate VII 30.
Antoninus Pius, as Caesar, AE 34mm of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AV K AIT AIΛ ΔOM ANTΩNЄINOC, bare head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEIT, male figure standing left, restraining horse standing left behind him.
2499 Woman with turreted crown seated left on rock; below a river god emerging from the water.
2500 Emperor on horseback, holding short spear in right hand.
2501 Galley with rowers and steersman.
2501ABunch of grapes hanging from a stem.
Antoninus Pius AE18 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT AI AΔΡI ANTΩNEINOC, bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEIT, bunch of grapes hanging from a horizontal stem.
2502 The Three Graces standing; one of them holding apple. Plate X 18.
2503 The Three Graces standing dressed, holding vases.
2504 Herakles naked, walking right, reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder, holding bow in left hand. Plate XIX 1.

Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180 A.D.)

AYPHΛIOC KAICAP. - His head or bust.
2505 Apollo naked, reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder and holding bow.
2506 Apollo naked walking right, holding bow.
2507 Apollo half-naked, resting arm on column.
2508 Artemis in long robe, holding arrow and long torch; stag at her side. Plate VI 22.
2509 Artemis huntress walking right. Plate VI 24.
2510 Asklepios with serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
2511 Woman standing, right hand on club.
2512 Woman standing, resting arm on column.
2513 Woman seated in front of altar, holding patera.
2514 The emperor on horse, with right hand extended.
2515 Cybele seated, holding patera and resting left elbow on drum. Plate IX 5.
2516 River god reclining, holding cornucopiae and leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow.
Marcus Aurelius AE25 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. M AYΡHΛIOC OVHPOC KAICAP, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, River God reclining left holding cornucopiae & leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow.
2517 River god (Tundza) lying, holding cornucopiae and leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow; below - TONZOC.
Varbanov 3197Hades/Serapis seated left, reaching out to Kerberos at foot.
Marcus Aurelius AE25 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. M AYΡHΛIOC OVHPOC KAICAP, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Hades/Serapis seated left holding spear, reaching out to Kerberos at foot left.
2518 Herakles holding club, grasping Diomedes’s hair, trying to kill him.
2519 Hygieia right, resting arm on column and feeding serpent from patera. Plate XIX 20.
2520 Tetrastyle temple with Athena standing. Obverse of coin countermarked with image of Nike.

Faustina Junior. (Wife of Marcus Aurelius)

2521 Asklepios and Hygieia with their attributes. Plate VI 26.
2522 Demeter standing holding corn-ears and long torch. Plate VII 23.
2523 Demeter standing right, holding patera and burning torch.
2524 Aequitas standing with scales and cornucopiae. Plate VIII 10.
2525 Woman with turreted crown seated left on a rock, holding flower (or corn ears?) in right hand, resting left hand on the rock. Plate XVIII 22.
Faustina II AE23 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. ΦAVCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITΩN, Tyche seated left on rock.
2526 Woman in front of altar, sacrificing and holding cornucopiae; serpent before her.
2527 Woman with wreath of flowers on her head, holding patera over altar.
2528 Woman seated by an altar, holding patera and long spear.
2529 Homonoia standing, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
2530 Homonoia standing in front of altar, sacrificing and holding cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
Faustina Jr AE 21mm of , Hadrianopolis. Diademed & draped bust right / Concordia (Homonoia), veiled, standing left, holding patera over lighted altar & sceptre.
2531 Tyche standing with her attributes. Plate X 29.
2532 Hera veiled, standing in front of altar, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XVIII 20.
Faustina Junior AE 22mm of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. ΦAVCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Hera standing left, sacrificing over lighted & garlanded altar.
2533 Hera standing left, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XI 21.
Faustina II AE23 of Hadrianopolis. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTN, draped bust right, hair in a bun / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Hera standing left, holding patera & sceptre.

Lucius Verus (161 - 169 A.D.)

OYHPOC KAICAP. His head or bust.
2534 Herakles naked walking right, wielding bow. Plate XIX 2.
2535 Marcus Aurelius & Lucius Verus, face to face, clasping hands. XIX 24.
2536 Herakles naked walking right, with right hand reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder, holding bow in left. Plate XIX 1.

Commodus (176 - 102 A.D.)

M AY AN KOMO KAI. - His head or bust.
2537 Apollo walking right, chlamys waving, holding bow.
2538 Apollo standing, wielding bow. Plate XIX 5.
2539 Asklepios standing with serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
2540 Annius Verus' young bust with caduceus on shoulder.
2541 Bust of Hermes right, caduceus over shoulder. Varbanov 3250.
Varbanov 3264
Bust of Serapis right.
Commodus AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AV K AIΛ AV KOMOΔOC, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, draped bust of Serapis right. Varbanov (Bulg.) 1714; Varbanov (Engl) 3264.
2542 Nike in biga. Plate XIV 13.
2543 Ox or bull with disc on its head walking right.
2544 Soldier standing, holding spear and parazonium; cuirass at feet.
2545 Hermes’ head wearing petatos; caduceus behind.
2546 Two serpents intertwined.
2547 Dionysos half-naked, standing hext to a column, holding thyrsos.
2548 Coiled serpent with head up. Plate VIII 23.
2549 The emperor in quadriga, holding globe.
2550 The emperor on horse, holding spear.
Commodus AE17 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. Cuirassed bust right / Commodus on horseback right, holding spear.
2551 The emperor on horse, galloping right and wielding bow; his chlamys waving behind.
2552 Cybele riding lion running right. Plate IX 2.
Commodus AE24 of Markianopolis. Laureate head right / Cybele seated on a lion running right.
Varbanov 3324
Ganymede standing right with thunderbolt and eagle.
Commodus AE26 of Hadrianopolis. AY KAI Λ AYΡH KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped bust right / HΓE IOVΛ KACTOV AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Ganymede standing right with thunderbolt and eagle. Moushmov -. Varbanov (Bulg.) 1718; Varbanov (Engl) 3324.
2553 Horseman right.
2554 Homonoia in front of altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
2555 Club of Herakles.
2555AEagle standing facing, head left.
Commodus AE16mm of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AV K M AV KOMOΔO, laureate & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEI, eagle standing facing, head left, wings open.
Varbanov 3269Eagle standing facing, head left, serpent to left.
Commodus AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AYΡ KOMMOΔOC, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, eagle standing left, wing spread, serpent before.
2556 Galley with sails, rowers and steersman. Plate XX 9.
Commodus AE23 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AV M AVP KOMOΔOC, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, galley travelling left over waves. SNG Cop 562.
2557 Libertas standing, holding tablet and jug or pail. Plate XVIII 21.
2558 Pegasus flying right. Plate XVIII 18.
2559 River god reclining, holding cornucopiae and leaning on urn.
2560 Tyche standing, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
2560ABunch of grapes.
Commodus AE18 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AV KAIC KOMO ΔOC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, bunch of grapes on a stem. Varbanov 3248
2561 Herakles killing Diomedes, whose horses are dispersing.
Commodus AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K AIΛ AYΡH (KOMOΔOC), laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / (HΓ COY MARKIANOY ADRIANOPOLEITΩN, Herakles battling with the horses of Diomedes, grasping hair of Diomedes. Jurukova 123.
2562 Herakles standing with club and lions skin. Plate XI 10.
Commodus AE21 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AV KAI L KOMMODOC, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles standing right, leaning on club, holding lionskin.
2563 Herakles taming Diomedes’s horses.
2564 Hermes seated on a rock, holding caduceus. Plate XI 8.
2565 Hermes with hat (petas), holding purse and caduceus. Plate XI 1.
Commodus AE18 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. Bare-headed & cuirassed bust of Commodus, facing right. / Hermes standing left, holding caduceus & purse.
2565AThanatos or Erosstanding right leaning on burning torch.
Commodus AE18 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K (...) KOMODOC, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Thanatos or Erosextinguishing torch on rock right.

Crispina (wife of Commodus)

2566 KPICΠEINA or KPICΠINA CЄBACTH. - Her bust. Rev. : AΔPIANO&Pi:OΛЄIΩTN. - Artemis huntress walking right, reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder and holding bow; hound at her side. Plate XIX 10.

Septimius Severus (193 - 211 A.D.)

AY K Λ CЄΠT CЄYHPOC ΠEP or Π. - His head or bust.
2567 Apollo naked, sacrificing with right hand over burning altar, resting with left hand on tripod. Plate VI 30.
2568 Asklepios standing with serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
Septimius Severus AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AV K Λ CEΠT CEVHPOC PER, laureate cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Asklepios standing right with serpent-entwined staff and scroll. Jurukova 182.
2569 Ox or bull with disc on its head right.
2570 Bunch of grapes.
2571 Dionysos standing with cup and thyrsos. Plate VIII 4.
2572 Coiled serpent with head up. Plate VIII 23.
2573 Coiled serpent with radiate head up. Plate VIII 24.
2574 Zeus half-naked seated left, holding patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 21.
2575 Zeus seated right.
2576 The emperor on horse, shooting an arrow.
2577 The emperor standing with radiate wreath, holding globe and inverted spear.
2578 The emperor on horseback advancing, right hand on his hip.
2579 The emperor laureate standing, holding long spear and kicking with left foot a seated captive with hands bound behind his back. Plate VIII 25.
2580 The emperor standing, behind him - Nike is placing wreath on his head. Plate VIII 26.
2581 Homonoia with kalathos on her head standing, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
2582 Homonoia sacrificing over burning altar and holding cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
2583 Magnificent building with three floors, decorated with many figures and 2 statues of horses; within - river god reclining.
2584 Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
2585 Herakles opening the jaws of a lion.
2586 Herakles contending with lion. Plate XIX 22.
Septimius Severus AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AV K L CEPT CEVHEROC, laureate cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles strangling the Nemean lion.
2586AHerakles shouldering the Erymanthian Boar.
Septimius Severus AE28 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. (AVT K Λ CEΠ) CEVHPOC, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Herakles walking right shouldering Erymanthian Boar, Eurystheus cowering in storage jar right. Varbanov -.
2587 Tetrastyle temple and triangular pediment; within - statue of Zeus seated. Plate VIII 26-29.

Julia Domna (wife of Septimius Severus)

IOYΛIA ΔOMNA. - Her head or bust.
2588 Artemis reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder and holding bow. Plate VI 24.
2589 Aphrodite standing naked, holding mirror and raising hem of robe.
2590 Demeter standing veiled, holding corn-ears and sceptre or torch. Plate VII 23.
2591 Woman’s veiled head with turreted crown.
2592 Homonoia standing, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
2593 Galley with steersmen. Plate XX 9.
2594 River god (Marica) reclining, holding in right hand thyrsos, left hand on urn. Plate X 11.
2595 Tyche with her attributes. Plate X 29.
2596 Hera veiled standing by altar, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XI 24.
2597 Julia Domna standing between two girls (two children), holding globe. Plate XVIII 23.
2673 var Herakles standing right, contending with the Nemean lion. Same reverse die as 2673 below (Caracalla), not in Moushmov or Varbanov for Domna. Ancient Coin Art, item 3762, 2003.

Caracalla (198 - 217 A.D.)

Note:Varbanov lists 27 different obv. legends and 8 different bust types for Caracalla. Moushmov lists:
His head or bust.
2598 Apollo standing by burning altar, holding patera and quiver or bow.
2599 Apollo standing right, wielding bow. Plate XIX 5.
Caracalla AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AYΡ CE ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo standing right, holding quiver resting on ground behind and wielding bow.
2600 Apollo with long hair, resting left hand on serpent-entwined tripod. Plate VI 10.
2601 Apollo naked with quiver on shoulder, holding bow.
2602 Ares helmeted, naked, holding shield and inverted spear. Plate VI 20.
2603 Ares in military dress standing left or right, holding spear and shield. Plate VI 21.
Caracalla AE28 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AYΡ CEV ANTΩNINOC, laureate, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Ares standing right holding shield and spear. Jurukova 281.
2604 Artemis huntress, with her hound, walking right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder. Plate VI 24.
2605 Asklepios resting on serpent-entwined staff; right hand on his waist.
Caracalla AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. ANTΩNEINOC AVT K M AVΡ CEB, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield. / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Asklepios standing, head left, with serpent-entwined staff. Jurukova 282.
2606 Asklepios and Hygieia standing with their usual attributes (serpent-entwined staff and serpent in arms). Plate VI 26.
2607 Serpent-entwined staff of Asklepios.
2608 Athena standing left by altar, holding patera, spear and shield. Plate VI 30.
Caracalla, AE27 of Hadrianopolis. AYT K M AVΡ CEV ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Athena, helmeted, standing left, holding spear and shield in left hand, holding patera over lit altar in right hand. Varbanov 1848.
2609 Athena helmeted, standing, holding spear and shield. Plate VI 33.
2610 Bonus-Eventus standing, holding branch and patera over altar. Plate VI 9.
Hadrianopolis. Caracalla AE25. AVT K M AVΡ CEY ANTΩNEINOC, laureate bust right. / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, naked figure of Bonus Eventus (or Apollo?) standing left, holding patera & branch, lit altar to left at feet.
2611 Nike in biga right, holding palm. Plate XIV 13.
2612 Ganymede naked, standing, at his right side - dog walking left and at his left side - platform with eagle with wings spread.
2613 Ganymede naked, with Phrygian hat, standing, holding in right hand club, resting with left hand on column with eagle with wings spread on it.
2614 Genius of the city, seated on a throne and holding corn-ears and bunch of grapes; river god below.
2615 Thanatos or Eros, standing cross-leged, holding upturned, burning torch with both hands. Plate VII 19.
Caracalla AE15 of Thrace, Hadrianopolis. Laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Eros or Thanatos, snuffing out the torch of life. SNGCop 271.
2616 Bunch of grapes. Plate XIV 8.
Caracalla AE19 of Hadrianopolis. AVT K M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / ADRIANOPLEITΩN, bunch of grapes on stem. Jurukova 393-394.
2617 Dionysos standing, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos. Plate VIII 5.
Caracalla AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AVΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Dionysos standing left with bunch of grapes & thyrsos.
2617 var
Varbanov 3493-3494
Dionysos standing, holding kantharos and thyrsos, sometimes with panther at foot left.
2618 Eros standing right or left, resting on torch.
2619 Eros riding dolphin right. Plate VII 31.
2620 Aequitas standing, holding scales and cornucopiae. Plate VIII 10.
2621 Tyche or Demeter with turreted crown seated left on a throne, holding corn-ears.
2622 Tyche seated left on a rock, holding corn-ears (upwards in bouquet fashion, or downwards), sometimes with a small figure of river-god at feet.
2623 Woman standing with kalathos on her head, holding patera over altar and parazonium.
2624 Woman wearing turreted crown or kalathos seated, holding small Nike and cornucopiae. Plate IX 31.
2625 Altar surmounted by coiled serpent.
2626 Zeus standing left by altar, holding patera and sceptre.
2626 var
Varbanov 3612
Zeus standing left, holding patera and sceptre, eagle at foot left.
Caracalla AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AVΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Zeus standing left with patera & sceptre, eagle at feet. Varbanov 3612.
2627 Zeus half-naked seated, holding patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 21.
Caracalla AE19 of Hadrianopolis. AYT M ANTΩNINOC, youthful, laureate & draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEIT-ΩN, Zeus, half-naked, seated left, holding patera & sceptre, eagle at foot left.
2628 Coiled serpent with radiate head up. Plate VIII 24.
2629 Coiled serpent with head up. Plate VIII 23.
Caracalla AE 17mm of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. Laureate, draped bust left with spear & shield / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, coiled serpent. Jurukova 380.
2630 The emperor on horseback, throwing short spear at wild boar.
2631 The emperor on horseback, right hand raised.
2632 The emperor on horseback advancing, wielding bow.
2633 The emperor standing right, holding in right hand spear, and in left hand - parazonium; spurning kneeling captive. Plate VIII 25.
2634 The emperor on horse, behind him - figure of man is holding the horse’s tail; captive beneath the horse. Plate XIX 15.
Caracalla AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AVΡ CEVH ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, emperor on horseback right, wielding a spear, enemy kneeling left below horse, attendant standing behind.
2635 Cybele seated, holding patera and resting on drum; lion at feet. Plate IX 5.
2636 Cybele seated between 2 lions, holding sceptre and resting on drum.
2637 Homonoia with kalathos on her head standing left, holding patera over altar and cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
2638 Homonoia standing with patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
2639 Cista mystica half-open with serpent emerging. Plate IX 14.
2640 Lion advancing. Plate IX 16.
Caracalla AE17 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AYΡ CEY ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, lion prowling right. Mionnet 724ff.
2641 Laurel wreath and legend within.
2642 Eagle with wings spread, holding wreath in its beak. Plate IX 33.
Caracalla AE 17 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AYΡ CEY ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, eagle standing facing, head right.
Varbanov 3498Eagle standing right on garlanded altar, head left with wreath in its beak.
Caracalla, AE18 of Hadrianoplis, Thrace. AVT K M AYΡ CEY ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Eagle standing right on garlanded altar, looking back over shoulder, wreath in beak. Varbanov 3498 (this coin).
2643 River god reclining, holding branch, leaning on urn from which waters flow. Plate X 9-11.
2644 Burning altar. Plate VII 35.
2645 Serapis standing, with right raised hand, holding in left hand spear across. Plate X 13.
2646 Elephant walking right. Plate XVIII 17.
2647 Triptolemus in chariot, pulled by two winged dragons, sowing seeds with right hand; woman below (Terra) seated, holding corn-ears in left hand.
2648 Triptolemus standing in chariot, pulled from 2 dragons; below - woman (Terra) lying left. Plate X 25.
Caracalla AE28 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Triptolemus in biga of winged serpents right, Terra reclining left below.
2649 Tyche standing, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Caracalla AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AYΡ CEΠ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left holding rudder & cornucopiae.
2650 Tyche seated, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 31 and 33.
2651 Hera standing, holding sceptre and patera over altar. Plate XI 24.
Caracalla AE28 of Hadrianopolis. AVT M (AYΡ CEY) ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Hera standing left, holding sceptre in left hand and in right hand a patera over open cista from which a serpent emerges.
2652 Herakles naked, his head is covered with lionskin, shouldering Erymanthian Boar; before him - Eurystheus, hiding in a storage jar.
2653 Herakles naked in front of altar, with right raised hand, holding in left hand club.
2654 Herakles naked, standing, with club and lionskin. Plate XI 10.
Caracalla AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVY K M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles standing left with club & lion skin. Jurukova 301.
2654AHerakles standing left holding Apples of the Hesperides and club.
Caracalla AE25 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AYΡ CEY ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, cuirassed bust left, holding spear & shield / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles standing left, naked except for lion skin, holding Apples of the Hesperides & club. Jurukova 283.
2655 Herakles contending with stag; club at feet.
Caracalla AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT M AYΡH ANTΩNINOC, laureate bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Herakles subduing the Hind of Ceryneia. Jurukova 268.
2656 Herakles with club, right hand on his waist. Plate XI 13.
2657 Herakles naked standing, with club and bow; lionskin on his right hand. Plate XI 12.
2658 Hermes standing with purse and caduceus. Plate XI 2.
Caracalla AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K AYΡ CE ANTΩNEINOC, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Hermes standing forward, head left, with purse & caduceus, chlamys hanging from right arm. Jurukova 335.
2659 Hygieia feeding serpent in arms. Plate XI 9.
Caracalla AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M AYΡ CE ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms.
a.Caracalla AE24 of Hadrianopolis. AYT K M AYΡ CEV ANTΩNEINOC, laureate cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Hygieia standing left, feeding serpent in arms.
2660 Tetrastyle temple on platform with statue of Artemis within, holding bow in left hand, right hand reaching for an arrow from quiver at shoulder. Plate XIX 8.

Plautilla (wife of Caracalla)

2661 Plautilla’s head. (The legend erased). Rev. : AΔPIANO&Pi:OΛEITΩN. - Galley with one sail and rowers. Plate XX 7.

Geta (209 - 212 A.D.)

ΠO CЄΠ ΓETAC K. - His head or bust.
2662 Artemis huntress walking, hound at foot. Plate VI 24.
2663 Asklepios standing front, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
Geta AE16 of Hadrianopolis. A CEΠT GETA CK, laureate, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff.
2664 Bull. 32 mm.
Varbanov 3360 varBust of Serapis right.
Geta AE18 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. (...) ΓETA KAI, laureate, cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, draped bust of Serapis right. Varbanov 3360 var (Sept. Sev.)
2665 Zeus with kalathos (hat), naked, seated left, holding patera and sceptre.
2666 Cybele on lion right, resting arm on drum. Plate IX 2.
2667 Horse grazing right.
2668 Homonoia with kalathos on her head standing, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
2669 Galley with three rows of oarsmen.
2670 Crescent and star. Plate XVI 24.
2671 Telesphorus standing facing, in hooded chlamys.
Geta AE19 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. Λ CEΠT ΓETAC K, bare-headed, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Telesphorus standing facing, in hooded chlamys.
2671a The same, larger module, 32 mm.
2672 Tyche seated right; before her a naked figure standing, holding patera and branch; water flowing below Plate XIX 12.
2673 Herakles standing, strangling the Nemean lion; sometimes club below. Plate XIX 22.
Geta AE 28 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K Π CEΠTIMIOC ΓETAC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Herakles right, strangling the Namean lion.
2674 Herakles standing with patera and lionskin.
2675 Herakles standing left, shouldering wild boar; Eurystheus cowering in storage jar before him.
Geta AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K Π CEΠTIMIOCÎΓETAC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Herakles walking right, carrying the Erymanthian Boar on his shoulders, Eurystheus cowering in storage jar right.
2676 Herakles contending with the Hydra. Plate XI 15.
Geta AE 26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K Λ CEΠTIMIOC ΓETAC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Herakles left battling hydra. Jurukova 425.
2677 Herakles with lionskin on his back, contending with Lerneiskata hydra, grasping her with his left hand at her neck and with right hand.
2677AThanatos, winged, standing right, leaning on burning torch.
Geta AE18 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC AV, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Thanatos, winged, standing right leaning on burning torch.

Gordian III (238 - 242 A.D.)

AYT K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC. - His head or bust.
2678 Apollo naked, standing right, holding branch in right hand branch and his chlamys draped over his left arm, tree-trunk with one branch before.
2679 Apollo naked standing, holding in right hand laurel branch, resting with left elbow on tripod with serpent climbing up on it. Plate VI 16.
2680 Apollo in woman's clothes seated, holding branch; left hand on lyre set on chair. Plate VI 13.
Gordian III AE 27mm of Hadrianopolis in Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo seated left, holding branch & leaning upon lyre. Mionnet 752.
2681 Apollo naked standing, holding patera and branch. Plate VI 9.
Gordian AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC A, laureate, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEIT-N, Apollo naked standing half left, holding patera & branch.
2682 Apollo naked standing right, with his chlamys on left shoulder, holding in right hand branch; bow, club and quiver at feet; tree behind. Plate XIX 13.
2683 Apollo standing, holding arrow and laurel branch; next to him - tripod.
2684 Apollo naked, with his legs apart right, wielding bow. Plate XIX 7.
Gordian III AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo standing right, naked except for chlamys draped from shoulders, shooting a bow. SNG Cop 575, BMC 28.
2685 Artemis shouldering quiver standing left, holding patera and bow; stag at feet. Plate XIX 14.
Gordian III AE 25mm of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Artemis standing left holding patera and bows, stag at foot right. BMC 30.
2685AArtemis huntress standing left drawing arrow from quiver, stag to left.
Gordian III AE25 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT KM ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis standing left, holding bow & drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder, stag at feet left.
2685BArtemis huntress standing right holding arrow & bow.
Gordian III AE26mm of Hadrianopolis in Thrace. Laureate bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Artemis standing right with bow.
2686 Artemis huntress with short tunic, holding bow and spear, hound at feet. Plate VI 24.
2687 Artemis advancing, holding torch with both hands. Plate VI 23.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace, AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANO IE, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right. / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis (aka Diana Lucifera) walking left with long torch. Jurukova 464.
2688 Artemis advancing, turning, holding torch in each hands.
2689 Artemis huntress with shoes, advancing, quiver at shoulder, holding patera and bow; next to her - hound and stag.
2690 Artemis huntress standing, holding bow and long torch; next to her - stag. Plate XIX 18.
2691 Artemis huntress running right and turning, holding bow in right hand; hound running at her side.
2692 Asklepios standing with serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
Gordian III AE25 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩNi Asklepios standing, head left, wearing himation over lower limbs and left shoulder, holding serpent-entwined staff. SNG Cop 580.
2693 Asklepios, naked to waist, standing right, resting left elbow on serpent-entwined staff, right hand on his waist.
Gordian III AE28 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Asklepios standing right, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. Jurukova 565, BMC 33.
2694 Athena helmeted standing with her back, looking right, holding spear in left hand and owl on right hand; shield below. Plate XIX 23.
Gordian III AE30 of Hadrianopolis. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, radiate cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Athena standing left, head right, holding in right hand spear against which a shield on ground rests, and owl in outstretched left hand. Jurukova 445.
2695 Athena standing with spear and shield. Plate VI 33.
Gordian III AE 26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Athena standing left, spear in left hand, leaning on shield with right hand. SNGCop 584, BMC 31.
a.Gordian III AE25 of Hadrianopolis. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC A, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, Athena standing right holding spear & shield. Varbanov 3747.
2696 Athena helmeted standing, holding spear and owl; shield at her side.
2697 Athena advancing, holding in right hand olive-branch and shield and spear in left hand.
2698 Athena walking right, head turned, right hand raised and holding spear and shield in left; serpent below. Plate XIX 11.
Thrace, Hadrianopolis. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. AE 26mm (10.99 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Athena walking right, holding spear and shield. Mionnet 767.
2699 Bonus-Eventus naked standing right, holding patera and branch or corn-ears. Plate VI 9.
Gordian III AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Bonus Eventus standing left with patera & corn-ears. Verbanov 2090.
2700 Nike standing, holding laurel wreath and palm. Plate VII 13.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Nike standing left with wreath & palm branch. SNG Cop 588.
2701 City gate with 2 towers. Plate VII 20-21.
Gordian III AE 26mm of Hadrianopolis. AVT K M AYΡ ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, city gate, flanked by two towers. BMC 44, SGI 3652.
a.Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis. Gordian III AE 26mm of Hadrianopolis. AVT K M AYΡ ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, city gate, flanked by two towers.
b.Gordian III AE 23mm of Hadrianopolis. AVT K M AYΡ ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, city gate with three portals, flanked by two towers with conical tops.
2702 Demeter, holding torch in each hand, in chariot pulled by two winged dragons or serpents.
2703 Demeter standing, holding corn-ears and torch. Plate VII 23.
Gordian III AE 27mm of Hadrianopolis. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter standing left with corn ears & torch.
2704 Demeter standing with long burning torch.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis walking left with long torch.
2705 Demeter standing, looking left and holding corn-ears and torch.
2706 Demeter veiled seated left, holding corn-ears and torch. Plate VII 27.
2707 Dionysos riding right on panther. Plate VIII 1-2.
Gordian III AE28 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Dionysos, holding thyrsos, riding right on panther. Mionnet 778; Lindgren III A65A; Jurukova 482.
2708 Dikaoisyne standing with scales and cornucopiae. Plate VIII 10.
Gordian III AE 26mm of Thrace, Hadrianopolis. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Dikaoisyne standing left, holding scales and sceptre. SNGCop 585.
2709 Woman seated on rock, holding poppy and cornucopiae.
2710 Woman seated on rock, holding poppy and cornucopiae; river god reclining below.
2711 Woman veiled standing between 2 naked men; next to each man - river god reclining, another river god below.
2712 Woman seated on rock left, holding 2 poppies and resting other hand on the rock; cornucopiae at her side.
2713 Zeus standing with patera and sceptre; eagle below. Plate VIII 18.
Thrace, Hadrianopolis. Gordian III AE 26mm. Laureate draped bust right / Zeus, wearing chlamys, standing left, holding patera and sceptre; eagle at foot. Mionnet 756.
2714 Zeus seated right, holding patera and sceptre; sometimes eagle at foot. Plate VIII 21.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, laureate, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre, eagle at foot left.
2715 Zeus-Serapis seated, holding patera and sceptre; sometimes with an eagle at foot.
2716 Serpent standing upright.
2717 Coiled serpent with head up. Plate VIII 23.
Gordian III AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT &GOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, coiled serpent left. SNGCop 589v.
a.Gordian III AE24 of Hadrianopolis. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, coiled serpent with radiate head right.
2718 The emperor on horseback galloping right, right hand raised, holding reins in left hand, captive under horse's hooves. Medal 41 mm. Plate XIX 3.
2719 The emperor standing, holding patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 32.
2720 The emperor on horseback galloping, with right hand raised throwing short spear.
Gordian III AE 26mm of Thrace, Hadrianopolis. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor on horseback riding right, holding spear, chlamys trailing. Lindgren 787.
2721 The emperor on horseback galloping or trotting right, hurling short spear at fallen enemy before. Plate VIII 30.
2722 The emperor on horseback right, wielding bow.
2723 Caduceus, serpent and horizontal cornucopiae. Plate XIX 4.
2724 Cybele seated on lion; next to the lion a man walking right, holding spear and shield.
Gordian III AE 26mm of Hadrianopolis in Thrace. Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / Kybele riding lion right, holding tympanon & sceptre; to right, a Korybant with a shield & sword defends her. Jurukova 570.
2725 Homonoia sacrificing over burning altar and holding cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
Gordian III AE 26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Homonoia standing left, holding patera & cornucopia, lit altar at her feet. SNG Cop 587.
2726 Nemesis standing, holding scales and arshin. Plate IX 22.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Nemesis-Aequitas standing left with scales and cubit rod.
2727 Nemesis standing with arshin and sling; wheel below. Plate IX 21.
Hadrianopolis. Gordian III AE25. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Nemesis standing left, holding short staff & lorum, wheel to her left.
2728 Nemesis- Aequitas standing with arshin and cornucopiae; wheel below. Plate IX 26.
2729 Nemesis winged standing left with arshin and sling; wheel below.
2730 Crescent moon and 7 stars.
Gordian III AE17 of Hadrianopolis. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate head right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, ostrich walking right.
2731 Burning altar. Plate VII 35.
2732 River god reclining, holding thyrsos and resting on overturned urn from which water flows. Plate X 11.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, River-god reclining left, holding palm-tree with 6 branches, left arm resting on urn. SNGCop 581.
2733 River god (Marica) reclining, holding thyrsos and rudder.
2734 Serapis standing in chlamys, holding sceptre across. Plate X 13.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Serapis standing left, holding long staff & raising right arm. BMC 27, Jurukova 579.
2735 Satyr dancing, holding cup and thyrsos.
2736 The three Graces, naked, standing. Plate X 18.
2737 Triptolemus in chariot pulled by two winged dragons; right hand raised and sowing seed with his left. Plate XIX 9.
2738 Tyche with kalathos on her head seated left on throne, holding rudder and cornucopiae. 32 mm. Plate X 31.
2739 Tyche with kalathos seated, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 31.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AY, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche seated left with rudder & cornucopiae. Jurukova 488.
2740 Tyche with kalathos on head, standing, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
2741 Hades-Serapis seated on throne, holding patera and sceptre; below - Kerberos. Plate X 15.
2742 Hera standing left, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XI 21.
2743 Helios, radiate, standing, holding whip, right hand raised. Plate XIX 19.
Gordian III AE 24mm of Thrace, Hadrianopolis. Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / Helios, radiate, standing left, slight drapery hanging from left shoulder, holding whip in left hand, right hand raised. SNG Cop 574.
2744 Herakles standing with lionskin on his shoulders, shouldering club and leading Kerberos behind him. Varbanov 4010 (wildwinds, this coin) and 4054-4055; Jurukova 640
Gordian III AE28 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT GOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles, naked, standing facing with raised club and lionskin, Kerberos sitting at foot right.
2745 Herakles standing, holding Apples of the Hesperides in right hand, lionskin over arm, and club.
Gordian III AE18 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN (ΩN ligate), Herakles standing left, holding Apples of the Hesperides, club & lionskin.
2746 Herakles standing, holding apples, club and lionskin.
Gordian III AE 28mm of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AYΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles, with lion's skin draped over left arm, standing left, holding apples from the garden of Hesperides in right hand & club in left. BMC 35.
2747 Herakles standing right, grasping the Hind of Cyreneia by the antlers. (example on wildwinds) Plate XI 14.
2748 Herakles with lionskin on his shoulders, contending with Cretan bull. Plate XIX 21.
Gordian III AE30 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT &GOΡΔIANOC AV, radiate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles seizing the Cretan bull to bring it to Mycanae.
a.Gordian III AE 26mm of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles standing right, naked, with both hands grasping the head of the Cretan bull. BMC Thrace 34.
2749 Herakles standing left, looking right, wielding club; lionskin over his shoulders, knotted at chest, the hindlegs and the tail are hanging to one side. Plate XIX 6.
2750 Herakles without lionskin contending with Cretan bull. 24 mm. Plate XIX 16.
Gordian III AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles right grappling the Cretan Bull. BMC 34.
Varbanov 3921Herakles wrestling with the Nemean Lion.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles, naked, standing right, strangling the Nemean lion. Varbanov 3921 (this coin).
2751 Herakles, lionskin on his head, holding club and reaching down to Kerberos.
2752 Herakles naked, walking left or right, holding bow.
2753 Herakles contending with the Hydra. Plate XI 15.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT GO RDIANOC AV, Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles, naked, leg entwined by and striking the multiple heads of the Lernean Hydra with his club. Jurukova 641.
2754 Hermes standing, resting with right elbow on herm, holding caduceus in right hand and chlamys in left. Plate XIX 17.
2755 Hermes with purse and caduceus; his chlamys hanging on his arm. Plate XI 2.
2756 Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. Plate XI 9.
Gordian III AE28 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Hygieia standing right feeding serpent in arms.
2757 Tetrastyle temple with figure of Artemis huntress within, hound at foot.
Gordian III AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Tetrastyle temple with Artemis within, walking right, holding bow and extracting arrow from quiver on her back, hound at foot. SNG Cop 590cf.
2758 Tetrastyle temple, statue of Tyche within. Plate XI 26-30.
Gordian III AE27 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITWN, tetrastyle temple with peaked roof and four steps up to statue of Tyche standing within, holding rudder & cornucopiae. Mionnet 789, SNGCop 590, BMC 41.
2759 Tetrastyle temple with Tyche seated within, holding patera.
Gordian III AE26 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITΩN, tetrastyle temple with peaked roof, statue of Tyche seated on rocks within, holding patera & cornucopiae. SNGCop 590v, BMC 41v.
2760 Tetrastyle temple with statue. Plate XI 26-30.
Gordian III AE28 of Hadrianopolis, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate draped bust right / AΔΡIANOΠOΛITΩN, tetrastyle temple with cult statue within.
2761 Tetrastyle temple with statue of Apollo standing by a tripod within. Shield crossed by a spear in pediment.
2762 Tetrastyle temple with Homonoia seated within.
2763 Tetrastyle temple with Demeter standing within, holding corn-ears and torch.
Note: This Moushmov file was damaged during the website attack in 2009 and the last lines (Tranquillina and Philip I) were lost.
The following were in an old Wildwinds text file and I have added some additional coin types from Varbanov:

TRANQUILLINA (wife of Gordian)
CAB TΡANKYΛΛEINA CEB. - Her head or bust.
  • 2764. Artemis huntress with the hound walking right. Plate VI 24.
  • 2765. Aphrodite in bashful pose, naked to waist, standing, with right raised hand holding apple, robe draped over arm, resting with left elbow on herma or column and next to the herma - dolphin. Plate XVIII 19.
  • 2766. Nike standing, holding wreath and palm. Plate VII 13.
  • 2767. Boat with sails and rowers. Plate XX 9.
  • 2768. Eagle with wings spread with wreath in its beak. Plate IX 33.
  • 2769. The three Graces standing.Plate X 18.

Varbanov (Engl.) edition lists the following coins of Tranquillina (descriptions shortened for copyright reasons):
  • 4086: Aphrodite standing left, holding apple, leaning on herm, dolphin below
  • 4087: Artemis running right, holding bow, hound at feet (Moushmov 2764)
  • 4088: Eagle
  • 4089: Galley right
  • 4090-4091: Galley left
  • 4092-4093: Nike standing left
  • 4094-4095: Eagle
  • 4096: Eagle and serpent
  • 4097-4099: Galley right
  • 4100: Galley left
  • 4101: Nike standing left
  • 4102-4104: Galley left
  • 4105: Three Graces

Philip I
  • Varbanov 4106; Jurukova 700: River-god reclining left.

A large number of unlisted coins from Hadrianopolis can also be found in the following articles:

See also WildWinds' Hadrianopolis page with a large number of coins not linked to this page.

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