Browsing Ancient Coinage of Cilicia, Anemurium

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wwxls 41233Anemurium, Cilicia. AE15 semi-autonomous issue, AD 100-200. 2.38 g. Club covered with lionskin, all within wreath. / ANEMOYΡEΩN, stag standing right. wwxls 41233; Koelner Muenzkabinett 108, 23. Unpublished.TextFull Size
IOTAPE of Commagene
RPC 3706Iotape, Queen of Commagene, wife of Antiochos IV, AD 38-72. Anemurion mint. 6.38 g. BAΣIΛIΣΣA IOTAΠH, diademed, draped bust right / ANEMOYΡIEON, male deity, naked, standing left, holding aphlaston and sceptre. RPC I, 3706; SNG Levante 486; Lindgren III, 791.TextFull Size
RPC 1701Titus, AE25 of Anemorium, Cilicia. 79-81 AD. TITOC KAICAΡ, Laureate head right / ANEMOYΡIEΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver; stag at feet. RPC 1701; SNG Levante Supp. 106.TextFull Size
RPC 1702Titus, AE18 of Anemurium, Cilicia. 79-81 AD. TITOC KAICAΡ, Laureate head right / ANEMO(YΡIEΩN), tureted and draped bust of Tyche right. RPC 1702; SNG France 698 var.; SNG Levante suppl. 107 var.TextFull Size
RPC II 1706Domitian, AE26 of Anemurion, Cilicia. AD 69-81. 9.16 g. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAΡ, laureate head right. / ANEMOYΡEΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow, reaching for arrow from quiver, stag at foot right. SNG France 699; Paris 282; SNG Pfalz 320; SNG Cop 64; Ziegler Kilikiens 192; RPC II 1706-1707.TextFull Size
SGI 1056
Trajan AE 25 of Anemurium, Cilicia. TΡAIANOC KAICAΡ, laureate head right / ANEMOYΡEΩN, turreted head of Tyche right.BMC 3; SNG von Aulock 5519; SNG France II 700; Paris 283; Waddington 4175; SNG Pfalz 321-322; Sear SGI 1056.TextImage
Koehler-Osbahr 50Commodus, AE25 of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 188-189. Dated Year 13. 7.71 g. AYTO K M AYΡ KOMMOΔON ANT, laureate head right. / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET ΓI, Apollo standing left, holding laurel branch and leaning on lyre placed on a short column to right. Köhler-Osbahr 50.TextFull Size
Roma Num 22, 368Commodus, AE29 of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 177-192. AYTOK M AYΡ KOMMOΔON AN, laureate head right / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET ΓI, Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. Apparently unpublished. Roma Numis. 22, 368.TextFull Size
SNG Fr 703Commodus. AE of Anemurium, Cilicia. 191-192 AD. AYTOK M AYΡ KOMMOΔON AY, laureate head right / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET ΓI, turreted and veiled head of Tyche right. SNG France 2, 703; Paris 285.TextFull Size
SNG Pfalz 329Commodus, AE31 of Anemurium, Cilicia. Dated year 13. AD 190-191. 14.93 g. AYTO K M AYΡ KOMMOΔON AYΓ, laureate head right. / ANEMOYΡIEΩN around, ET ΓI (retrograde) below, distyle temple with Tyche standing left within, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG Pfalz 329.TextFull Size
SNG Turkey II, 132Macrinus, AE30 of Anemurion, Cilicia. AD 217-218. 14.11 g. AYT K M OΠ CE MAKΡINON C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET B, Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. SNG Turkey 2, 132; Kurth Dionysos 388a.TextFull Size
G&N 38, 589Diadumenian, AE26 of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 217-218. 10.74 g. K M OΠEΛ ANTωNEINOC (clockwise from lower left), bare-headed, draped bust right. / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET, Apollo standing front, looking left, holding branch and lyre set on column. Unpublished. G&N 38, 589.TextFull Size
Leypold 2298Diadumenian, AE of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 217-218. 12.46 g. (both legends clockwise from top right) M A OΠ ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC KAI, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET B, Artemis standing front, looking right, holding bow, reaching for an arrow from the quiver at her shoulder, stag at foot left. SNG Leypold 2298; Lindgren I 1453.TextFull Size
SNG Pfalz 331Diadumenian, AE25 of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 217-218. Dated Year 2. M OΠE ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC KA (clockwise from top right), bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / ANEMOYΡIEωN ET B (clockwise from top right), Apollo standing left, holding branch and resting left hand on a lyre set on a low column to right. SNG Pfalz 331; Megaw ANE1; Koehler-Osbahr III-3, 55.TextFull Size
Lindgren I A1452ASeverus Alexander, AE26 of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 222-235. Dated local year 4. AK M AY CE AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ANEMOYΡIEΩN E Δ, Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. Lindgren I, A1452A (this coin).TextFull Size
SNG Pfalz 338Severus Alexander, AE of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 233-234. 9.18 g. AY KAI M AY CEY AΛEXANΔΡON, radiate, cuirassed bust right. / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET IΓ, Dionysos, chlamys over shoulder and loins, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. SNG Pfalz 338.TextFull Size
SNG Levante 496Julia Mamaea AE18 of Anemurium, Cilicia. Dated year 4 of Sev. Alexander (AD 225-226). IO MAME CE, draped bust of Mamaea right / ANEMO E Δ, bust of Tyche right, wearing polos. SNG Lev 496; SNG Pfalz 335.TextImage
SNG Lev. Supp. 118Julia Mamaea, AE23 of Anemurium, Cilicia. Dated year 13, AD 234-235. IOY MAMEA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET IΓ, Apollo standing left, holding branch and resting left elbow on a lyre set on a low column to right. SNG Levante Supp. 118; Kapossy 137; Bern inv. 92-67; SNG Tahberer 517.TextFull Size
BMC 6Maximinus I, AE32 of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 235-238. 16.23 g. Dated Year 1 (AD 235-236). AYK Γ I OYHΡ MAΞIMEINON, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ANEMOYΡIΩN, lion leaping right, head left with jaws open, star in crescent at upper left, date ETA below. BMC 6; SNG France II 711; Paris 292; Waddington 4178; SNG Pfalz 340.TextFull Size
SNG France 711cfMaximinus I AE 31mm of Anamurium, Cilicia. Dated year 1 = 235-236 AD. Laureate, draped, & cuirassed bust right / Lion walking right; eight-rayed star within crescent above; date in exergue. SNG Levante Supp. 120 corr. TextImage
SNGLev 498Maximinus I AE of Anemurium, Cilicia. 235-238 AD. 21.19 gr. AVT K Γ IO OVHΡON MAXIMEINON, radiate and cuirassed bust right, wearing aegis / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET A, Perseus, naked, standing facing, looking right, holding harpa and head of Medusa. SNG Levante 498 (same dies); SNG France 709 (same dies).TextFull Size
SNG Levante 499Maximinus I AE 33mm of Anemurium in Cilicia. Year 1 (=235/236 AD). AVT K Γ IO OVHΡON MAXIMEINON, radiate & cuirassed bust right / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET A, Perseus, naked, walking left, holding harpa and head of Medusa. SNGFr 708. TextImage
BMC 9Trajan Decius, AE28 of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 249-250. 10.8 g. AY KAI K ΔEKION TΡAIANON, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ANE-MOYΡI-EΩN-ET A in four lines within wreath, amphora above. BMC 9; Mionnet III, 111; SNG Levante 504; Falghera 2416; Köhler-Osbahr 83-84; Leypold II 2303; RPC IX, 1312.TextFull Size
SNG France II, 713Trajan Decius, AE24 of Anemurium, Cilicia, AD 249-250. AY KAI K ΔEKION TΡAIANON, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET A, Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. Lindgren I 1454; SNG France II, 713; Paris 294; Waddington 4180; SNG Pfalz 350; SNG Levante 503.TextFull Size
SNG Lev. Supp. 122Volusian, AE25 of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 252-253. Dated local year 2. 7.43 g. AY K Γ OA ΓA OY OYOΛOYCCIANON, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET B, Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. SNG Levante suppl. 122 (this coin).TextFull Size
SNG v.A. 5525Volusian, AE26 of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 251-253. Dated RY 2 (252-253). AY K Γ OA Γ AYΓ OYOΛOYCCIANOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ET B ANEMOYΡIEΩN, Dionysus, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. RPC IX 1305; SNG von Aulock 5525.TextFull Size
GN 34, 786Valerian AE23 of Anemurium. Cilicia, AD 253-260. AY KAI ΛOY ΛIKIN OVAΛEΡIANON CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ANEMOYΡIEΩN ET Γ, Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. Date var of SNG Pfalz 373-374; Bernhart 200 and Mionnet Supp. VII 182 (all with ETOY G). Gitbud & Naumann 34, 786.TextFull Size
SNG Levante 510Valerian I, AE26 of Anemurium, Cilicia. AY K ΠO ΛI OYAΛEΡIANON, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ANEMOYΡIΩN ET B, Dionysus, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and filleted thyrsos, panther at foot left. SNG Levante 510; Ziegler Kilikien 220-222; SNG von Aulock 5528; Kurth Dionysos 385; Bernhart 199.TextFull Size
SNG Levante 511Valerian I AE 26mm of Anemurium, Cilicia. AYT ΠO ΛI OYAΛEΡIANOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ET B ANEMOYΡIEΩN, Dionysus standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos.TextImage
SNG Levante 513Valerian I AE27 of Amemurium, Cilicia. Year 2 = 254-255 AD. AYT ΠO ΛI OYAΛEΡIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirasssed bust right / ET B ANEMOYΡEΩN, cult image of Artemis Ephesia veiled, standing facing on pedestal, holding branch in each hand; stag and hound at her feet.TextImage
SNG Levante 513Valerian I AE28 of Anemurium, Cilicia. Year 2 of Valerian = 254-5 AD. AY K ΠO ΛI OYAΛEΡIANON, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / ET B ANEMOYΡEΩN, cult image of Artemis Ephesia veiled, standing facing on pedestal, holding branch and sistrum, stag at foot left. TextImage
SNG Levante 520Valerian I AE 26mm of Anemurium, Cilicia. Dated RY 3 = 255/6 AD. AV K Π ΛI OYAΛEΡIANON, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / ANE-MO•YΡI-EΩN-ET Γ in four lines; all within laurel wreath, amphora between wreath tips. Cf BMC 13-14.TextImage
Waddington 4182Valerian, AE of Anemurium, Cilicia. AD 254-255. 11.95 gr. AY K ΠO ΛI OYAΛEΡIANON, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ANE-MOYΡI-EΩN-ET B in four lines within wreath, amphora above. SNG France 717; Paris 297; SNG Tuebingen 4537.TextFull Size
SNG Lev. 522Gallienus, AE23 of Anemurium, Cilicia, 5.72 gr. Dated Year 3 = AD 255-256. AY K ΠOY ΛIKIN ΓAΛΛIHNON, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ET Γ ANEMOYΠIEΩN, Artemis walking right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder; stag reclining left, head facing at foot left. SNG Levante 522 (this coin).TextFull Size
See also: James Russel: The Mint of Anemurium in "Olba", 1998, kindly provided by