Ancient Coinage of Herakleia Pontika, Bithynia

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BMC 33Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia, AR didrachm, 302-289 BC, 9.78 g. Struck under Lysimachos. Head of Herakles right wearing lionskin headdress / HΡAKΛEΩTAN, Dionysos, loins draped, seated left on throne, holding kantharos and thyrsos. BMC 33; RecGen 44.TextImage
Prowe (1913), 16Heracleia-Pontica, Bithynia. AE36, semi-provincial issue. AD 238-244. TON KTICTAN, diademed head of Herakles left, holding club over right shoulder. / HΡAKΛHAC A MATΡOC AΠOIKΩN ΠOΛIΩN, Zeus, wielding thunderbolt, driving quadriga of galloping horses right, two serpent-legged giants before the horses. Prowe (1913) 16 (this coin); RPC VII-2, 2095.TextImage
RecGen 3Herakleia-Pontica, Bithynia. AR drachm. 415-364 BC. 17 mm, 5.58 g. Head of Herakles left, bearded, wearing lionskin headdress. / HΡAK-ΛEIA above and beneath bull butting left, crescent in right field. RecGen 3.TextImage
Rec Gen 46Herakleia-Pontica, Bithynia. AR drachm. 289-281 BC. 17 mm, 4.11 g. Struck under Arsinoe. Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. / HΡAKΛEΩTAN, Dionysos seated left, holding kantharos and thyrsos. Bunch of grapes over A in left field, ΠA monogram beneath chair. RecGen 46; Rhousopoulos 3260; Imhoof GRM 1; Hoover HGC 482; Kurth Dionysos 1419; Bernhart 779 (all the same coin).TextImage
RecGen 49Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia, AE17 mm, 2.95 g. ca 250-200 BC. Head of bearded Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. / HΡAKΛE-ΩTAN, lion leaping right, monogram above. RecGen 49; SNG BM Black Sea 1631.TextImage
RecGen 70Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia, AE36, semi-autonomous. AD 238-244. 27.35 g. TON KTICTAN, bearded bust of Herakles right, lionskin tied around neck, club over right shoulder / HΡAKΛEΩTAN ΠONTΩ around and beneath Herakles, naked, standing right, looking left, holding club in left hand, lionskin over left arm and leading Kerberos behind him; tree to left, figure of Hera, kalathos on head, holding an apple, on a column in right field. RecGen 70-71; Mionnet II, 160; Mionnet Supp. V, 283; Voegtli 6k.TextImage
RecGen 72Heracleia Pontica, Bithynia, AE35 semi-autonomous issue. AD 238-244. 22.8 g. TON KTICTAN, bearded head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin tied around his neck, the lion's head at his left shoulder, and holding club in his right hand. / HΡAKΛEΩTAN MATΡOC AΠOIKΩN ΠOΛIΩN, Zeus or Demos seated left, holding patera and sceptre, two small figures standing front at foot left. RecGen 72 corr. ; Paris 621; SNG France 269; Dalaison Héraclée, 7; RPC VII.2 2099.TextImage
Rec Gen 78Herakleia Pontica, Bithynia. AE35 semi-autonomous issue, ca. AD 200-250. 21.82 g. TON KTICTAN, heroic bust of Herakles left, lionskin on left shoulder, holding club over right shoulder. / HΡAKΛEΩTAN MATΡOC AΠOIKΩN ΠO-ΛIΩN (final Λ upside down), Herakles sitting left on rocks draped with lionskin, extending right hand to a small winged genius or Eros holding club and kneeling right before him, a second genius or Eros standing right in a tree, drawing bow. RecGen 78 (same dies); Paris H266; Dieudonné Paris Inventory 624; Voegtli 20h; Kurth Herakles 830.TextImage
SNG BMC 1576Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia, AR obol, 12 mm, 1.16 g. ca 350 BC. Head of bearded Herakles left, wearing lionskin headdress. / HΡAK-ΛEIA above and beneath club with handle on left. SNG BM Black Sea 1576; SNG Stancomb 812; Traité II-2, 2903; RecGen 12.TextImage
SNG BM 1605-1608Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AR Didrachm (345-337 BC), 9.04 g (21 mm). Time of the tyrants Timotheos and Dionysios, Head of young Dionysos left, wreathed with ivy; thyrsos over right shoulder / TIMOΘEOY ΔIONYΣIOY, Herakles, naked, wearing lionskin, standing left, erecting trophy. (Note: SNG BM also describes a club in the field). SNG BM 1605-1608.TextImage
SNG BMC 1616cfHerakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AR Didrachm. ca 305-281 BC. Head of young Heracles right in lion skin headdress / HΡAKΛEΩTAN, Dionysus seated left on diphros, holding cantharus in extended right hand and thyrsus in left, EY monogram under seat. SNG BM Black Sea 1616-1618cf, SNGvA 366-367 cf, Dewing 2153-2154cf. TextImage
SNG BMC 1632Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. ca 300-280 BC. AE 22mm. Head of Herakles right, in lion's skin headdress / HΡAKΛEΩTAN, club and a bow in a bowcase. TextImage
SNG BMC 1816Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AR Stater or Double Siglos. Time of Lysimachos, 302-281 BC. Head of Herakles right, in lion's skin headdress / HΡAKΛEΩTAN Dionysos seated left, holding kantharos in right hand and thrysos in left, Ao monogram under seat.TextImage
Weber 4879Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AR Obol. Time of the tyrant Kleachos I, 364-352 BC. Head of Herakles right wearing lionskin / trophy of arms.TextImage
Sear SG 3778Herakleia, Bithynia. AR Didrachm or Stater. Struck under Timotheos and Dionysios. 345-337 BC. 20 mm, 9.8 g. Wreathed head of Dionysos left, thyrsos over shoulder. / TIMOΘEOY ΔIONYΣIOY to right and left of Herakles standing left, holding lionskin and erecting trophy; ram's head below. SNG Cop 419; SNG BM Black Sea 1605-1608; SNG Stancomb 817; BMC 22; Sear SG 3778.TextImage
Sear SG 3780Herakleia, Bithynia. AR Didrachm or Stater. Struck under Dionysios. 337-305 BC. 23 mm, 9.8 g. Wreathed head of Dionysos left, thyrsos over shoulder. / ΔIONYΣIOY to right of Herakles standing left, holding lionskin and erecting trophy. SNG BM Black Sea 1611; BMC 25; Sear SG 3780.TextImage
Sear SG 3783Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AR Stater. Time of Lysimachos. 302-281 BC. 9.71 g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. / HΡAKΛEΩTAN, youthful Dionysos seated left, holding kantharos and thrysos. Λo monogram beneath chair. SNG BM Black Sea 1616; RecGen 44; SNG Stancomb 823-825; SNG von Aulock 366; BMC 30; Sear SG 3783.TextImage
Sear SG 3787Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AE13. 2nd - 1st century BC. Laureate head of young and beardless Herakles right / HΡAKΛEΩ-TAN above and beneath table draped with lionskin and surmounted by bow and quiver, club on ground before. DI monogram in left field. BMC 28; SNG Stancomb 843, SNG BMC Black Sea 1637. TextImage
Lanz 120, 393Septimius Severus, AE39 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Unclear legend, Herakles standing right, wielding club, grasping the reins of a rearing mare of Diomedes facing him, another mare on the ground below. Unpublished reverse for Septimius Severus. Lanz 120, 393.TextImage
PRC Severus060Septimius Severus, AE30 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. 5.7 g. AYT K CEΠ CEYHΡOC Π, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛHAC EN ΠONTΩ, Herakles standing front, looking right, naked but for lionskin around neck and left arm, holding three-pronged rake, about to clean the wall of the Augean stables. Brauer type 3., Severus060; Kurth Herakles 414.TextImage
RecGen 107bisSeptimius Severus, AE31 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. 18.23 g. AVT K Λ CEΠ CEVHΡOC Π, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛHAC EN ΠONTΩ, Herakles advancing right, carrying Erymanthian boar on far shoulder over which is draped his lionskin. RecGen 107bis; Voegtli type 3, pl. 3, a; Mionnet Supp. V 300.TextImage
RecGen 111Septimius Severus, AE30 of Herakleia-Pontika, Pontus. 193-211 AD. AYT K Λ CEΠTI CEYHΡOC Π, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛHAC EN ΠONTΩ, Herakles standing right, club raised in right hand, grasping the Hind of Cyreneia by the horns. RecGen 111; SNG v. Aulock 379; Pick, Mandl Coll. 27 in NZ 1891.TextImage
SNG vA 376Septimius Severus, AE30 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AY K Λ CEΠ CEVHΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛHAC EN ΠONTΩ, Herakles, holding club and lionskin in left arm, walking right and leading Kerberos behind him. SNG von Aulock 376.TextImage
Cornell 97Caracalla AE 35mm of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AYT K M AYΡH ANTΩNINOC AYΓ, laureate head right / HΡAKΛHAC EN ΠONTΩ, Herakles standing facing, head left, leaning right and lifting Antaeus up into the air by the waist while Antaeus tries to break his grip; in lower left field, club. Cornell 97; Kurth Herakles 742A.TextImage
Lanz 156, 359Geta, AE30 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AD 209-211. 19.20 g. AYT K Π CE ΓETAC AYΓ, laureate head right / HΡAKΛAC EN ΠONTΩ, Herakles walking left, looking left, holding club and lionskin, leading the three-headed Kerberos. Numismatic Lanz 156, lot 359; Kurth Herakles 533.TextImage
RecGen 140Geta AE18 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. 3.6 gr. 189-209 AD. Π CEΠT ΓETAC K, Bare-headed, draped bust right / HΡAKΛHAC ΠONTΩ, Helmeted bust of Athena right, with aegis. cf SNG von Aulock 390; RecGen 140; SNG Cop 441 (with Π CEΠTI..).TextImage
Rec Gen 140 (2)Geta, AE18 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AD 198-209. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC K, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right. / HΡAKΛHAC EN ΠONTΩ, helmeted, draped bust of Athena right, aegis on chest. RecGen 140 (this coin); Paris 667 (ditto); SNG von Aulock 390 and 6946; SNG Cop 441; Mionnet Supp. V, 321.TextImage
RecGen 141 varGeta, AE18 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AD 198-209. 3.56 g. Λ CEΠT ΓETAC K, bare head right. / HΡAKΛHAC ΠONTΩ, helmeted head of Athena right. Obv. legend var of RecGen 141; BMC 48 (both with CEΠ) and Mionnet Supp. V, 320 (with Π CEΠT).TextImage
RecGen 162Geta, AE30 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithymia. AD 209-211. 16.59 g. AVT K Π CE ΓETAC AVΓ, laureate head right / HΡAKΛ..ΠONTΩ, Herakles standing right, holding the horn of the Cretan bull. RecGen 162; Paris 678; Voegtli type 6b; Kurth Herakles 460.TextImage
RecGen 174Macrinus, AE30 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AD 217-218. 13.55 g. AYT K M OΠEΛ CEYH MAKΡEINOC AYΓ, laureate, cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛAC-EN ΠONTΩ around and beneath Herakles, naked, holding club, running right, chasing Hippolyte on horseback galloping right. RecGen 174; Paris 689; Kurth Herakles 394.TextImage
Stacks 2010, 260Macrinus. AE31 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AD 217-218. 16.54 g. AYT K M OΠEΛ CEYH MAKΡEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛHAC EN ΠONTΩ, Herakles standing right, lionskin on shoulders, grasping the reins of one of the mares of Diomedes rearing left, and wielding club. Kurth Herakles 491a; Stacks auction, 2010, 260.TextImage
RecGen 177Diadumenian, AE of Herakleia Pontica, Bithynia. AD 218. 7.67 g. M OΠEΛ ANTΩN ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC KAI, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛHAC EN ΠONTΩ, Dionysos, wearing short chiton and boots, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos. RecGen 177; SNG France VII, 342; Paris 691.TextImage
SNG vA 6955Diadumenian, AE24 of Heraclea-Pontica, Bithynia. AD 218. M OΠEΛ ANTΩN ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC KAI, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛHAC EN ΠONTΩ, Dionysos, wearing short chiton, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. SNG von Aulock 6955; Mionnet II, 171; RecGen 177 var (panther).TextImage
Gemini VI 645Severus Alexander, AE27 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AD 222-235. 10.14g. AYT M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡON AY, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛEΩTAN ΠONTO, Herakles, naked except for lionskin on shoulders, standing left, wielding club, grasping one of the Hydra's heads with left hand; the hydra's tail coiled around Herakles' right leg. Kurth Herakles 189. Gemini VI 645; CNG 126, 167.TextImage
RecGen 185Severus Alexander, AE36 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AD 222-235. 13.47 g. AYT M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡON AY, laureate, draped bust right. Countermark "H" in circular incuse. / HΡAKΛEΩTAN ΠONTΩ, Kybele seated left, holding patera, resting arm on tympanon, two lions at her sides. RecGen 185; ANS 1953.171.463.TextImage
Stacks 2010, 259Severus Alexander AE30 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. AD 222-235. 13.49 g. AYT M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC AYΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield decorated with Nike / HΡAKΛEΩTAN ΠONTΩ, Herakles standing right, grasping the horns of the Cretan bull leaping. Voegtli types 4g and 4h; Kurth Herakles 439. Stacks Jan 2010, 259.TextImage
Cornell 99Gordian III AE 38mm of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate and cuirassed bust right, drapery on left shoulder / MATΡOC AΠOIKΩN ΠOΛIΩN, HΡAKΛEΩT-AN in exergue, Herakles standing right, preparing to strike one of the mares of Diomedes with his club in his right hand. Cornell 99; Kurth Herakles 492.TextImage
Rec Gen 217Gordian III AE 36mm of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate and cuirassed bust right, drapery on left shoulder / HΡAKΛEΩTAN MATΡOC AΠOIKΩN ΠOΛIΩN, Herakles standing left, nude, raising club far over his shoulder, about to hit the Lernean Hydra; quiver and bow behind. RecGen 217; Waddington 360; Paris 715; Kurth Herakles 188.TextImage
RecGen 219Gordian III, AE28 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛEΩTAN ΠONTO, Herakles walking right, pulling Kerberos behind him. RecGen 219; Mionnet Supp. V, 350-351; Paris 717; Kurth Herakles 534.TextImage
RecGen 226 varGordian III AE27 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. 10.8 g. M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC KAIC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / (HΡAKΛEΩT)AN ΠONTY (and additional letters below), the four-storey lighthouse of Herakleia, flame holder on the top, entry door below and figures on the tops of the first main storey. RecGen 226 var ((legends and denomination)); Imhoof GM 124 var (ditto).TextImage
Hessen 613Gallienus, AE25 of Herakleia-Pontika, Bithynia. Π Λ ΓAΛΛHNOC CEB, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / HΡAKΛEΩTAN NEΩKOΡΩC, Herakles Farnese standing right, right hand behind back, resting on club set on rock. Unpublished. RecGen 235-236 var (rev type); SNG von Aulock 449 and Lindgren III 177 var (Herakles with bow); SNG von Aulock 387 var (this rev. type for Caracalla). Museumlandschaft Hessen-Kassel, inv. Mü 613.TextImage
Paris M4793Gallienus AE25 of Heraclea Pontica, Bithynia.AD 253-268. AYT KAIC ΠOY ΓAΛΛHNOC AYΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / HΡAKΛHAC NEOKOΡΩ ΠONTOY, prize crown containing two palm branches. Paris M4793; RecGen 245-246 var. (legends).TextImage