Browsing Ancient Coinage of Macedonia, Philippi

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AMNG 4Philippi, Macedonia, AR tetradrachm, 356-349 BC. 13.18 g. Head of Herakles right wearing lionskin headdress / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN, tripod with three circular handles, with a garland through the outer ones. Palm branch above, axe in right field. AMNG III-2, 4; Bellinger 3 in ANSMN 11.TextFull Size
AMNG 7Philippi, Macedonia, AE17. ca. 356-345 BC. 6.57g. Head of Herakles left, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, M and upright corn ear in left field. AMNG III-2, 7; BMC 16; Moushmov 6917; Bellinger Philippi 10.TextFull Size
BMC 11Philippi, Macedonia, AE17. ca. 356-345 BC. 5.94 g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, ΠO monogram and upright corn-ear in left field. BMC 11; SNG ANS 666; Pinder Berlin 22-23.TextFull Size
BMC 13Philippi, Macedonia, AE18. ca. 356-345 BC. 4.4 g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, palm branch above, bunch of grapes in left field. BMC 13; Bellinger Philippi 14; Mionnet Supp. 3, 625; SNG ANS 660.TextFull Size
BMC 14Philippi, Macedonia ca. 356-345 BC. AE16. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN, Tripod, no fieldmarks. BMC 14.TextFull Size
BMC 15Philippi, Macedonia, AE16. ca. 356-345 BC. 5.76 g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, barley corn and club in left field. BMC 15; Bellinger Philippi 7; Mionnet Supp. 3, 622; Pinder Berlin 16-17.TextFull Size
BMC 17Philippi, Macedonia, AE18. ca. 356-345 BC. 6.8 g. Head of Herakles left, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, bow in bowcase in left field. BMC 17; Bellinger Philippi 11; Mionnet Supp. 3, 630; AMNG III-2, 8; Pinder Berlin 14-15.TextFull Size
BMC 20Philippi, Macedonia, AE16. ca. 356-345 BC. 6.47 g. Head of Herakles left, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, laurel branch above, Θ in left field. BMC 20; Drama Hoard 5 in Bellinger Philippi; Pinder Berlin 20.TextFull Size
CNG 274, 64Philippi, Macedonia, AE16. ca. 356-345 BC. 5.72 g. Head of Herakles left, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, laurel branch above, crescent in left field. Unpublished symbol. CNG 274, 64. Var of AMNG III-2, 9 (crescent in right field).TextFull Size
Drama Hoard 2Philippi, Macedonia, AE17. ca. 356-345 BC. 5.04 g. Head of Herakles left, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, ivy leaf in left field. Drama Hoard 2 in Bellinger Philippi; SNG ANS 658.TextFull Size
Drama Hoard 9Philippi, Macedonia, AE17. Head of Herakles left, wearing lionskin headdress / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, torch in left field. Drama Hoard 9 in Bellinger, Philippi; BMC 18.TextFull Size
Drama Hoard 14Philippi, Macedonia, AE18. ca. 356-345 BC. 4.4 g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to left of tripod, bunch of grapes in right field. Bellinger Philippi (Drama Hoard) 14.TextFull Size
Mionnet Supp. 3, 626Philippi, Macedonia, AE17. ca. 356-345 BC. 6.03 g. Head of Herakles left, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, laurel branch above, astragalos and Θ in left field. Mionnet Supp. 3, 626.TextFull Size
Moushmov 6913 Macedonia, Philippi AV Stater. ca 356-345 BC. Attic standard. Head of Herakles right, in lionskin headdress / Tripod; to right, horse's head right. Bellinger 15; AMNG III-2 3v; SNG ANS 663v; SNG Copenhagen 921. TextFull Size
Moushmov 6917 Macedonia, Philippi. 356-350 B.C. AE 17 mm. Head of young Herakles left, in lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN, tripod with fillet, M and grain ear to left. Moushmov 6917; AMNG III-2, 7.TextFull Size
Pinder 24Philippi, Macedonia, AE17. ca. 356-345 BC. 6 g. Head of Herakles left, wearing lionskin headdress. / ΦIΛIΠΠΩN to right of tripod, ΩΠΛ monogram and upright corn-ear in left field. Pinder Berlin 24, otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
RPC 1652Philippi, Macedonia, AE15, semi-autonomous issue, struck 27 BC-AD 14. 2.45 g. COL PHIL, Plough right / VIC AVG, Two altars or modii. RPC 1652; SNG ANS 682.TextFull Size
RPC 1647Mark Antony AE25 of Philippi, Macedonia. 44-30 BC. 9.2 g. Legatus Q. Paquius Ruf. A-I C-V across fields, head of Marc Antony right, P beneath neck. / Q PAQVIVS RVF LEG C D in three lines to left of togate figure seated left, holding writing board, urn at foot left. RPC 1647; SNG Cop 304; SNG ANS 673.TextFull Size
RPC 1650Augustus, AE26 of Philippi, Macedonia, 27 BC-AD 14. 8.29 g. COL AVG IVL PHIL IVSSV AVG, laureate head right. / AVG DIVI F DIVO IVL, statue of Augustus standing left in military dress, crowned by statue of Divus Julius, togate, on central base, small altar to left and right. RPC 1650; McClean 3269; Paris 1071-1072; SNG ANS 683; Moushmov 6920, Cohen 739.TextFull Size
RPC 1651Philippi, Macedonia, AE 19mm (Semis). VIC AVG, Nike standing left on globe, holding wreath and palm / COHOR PRAE PHIL, three military standards. SNG ANS 677; SNG Cop 305, BMC 23, SGI 32. TextFull Size
RPC 1651 varAugustus, AE18 of Philippi, Macedonia. 4.04 g. VIC AVG, Nike standing left on globe, holding wreath and palm. / COHOR PRAET PHILI around three military standards. rev legend var of SNG ANS 677; SNG Copenhagen 305; BMC 23, SGI 32; RPC 1651 etc (all with PRAE PHIL).TextFull Size
RPC 1656Philippi(?). Augustus AE17 (Semis). AVG, head right / Two colonists plowing right with two oxen. BMC (Parium) 86-88.TextImage
Amandry 1Augustus, AE24 of Divus Augustus, posthumous restoration issue struck under Gallienus, AD 253-268. 7.06 g. DIVO AVGVSTO, radiate head right / HEROI AVLONITE, the hero Aulinetes on horseback galloping right, wielding spear. RPCP below. Amandry, Coloniae Philippensium, 1. Not in RPC.TextFull Size
Amandry 2Augustus, AE24 of Divus Augustus, posthumous restoration issue struck under Gallienus, AD 253-268. 7.89 g. DIVO AVGVSTO, radiate head right / DIVO AV PARENTI, emperor on horseback right, cloak around neck, right hand raised. Amandry, Coloniae Philippensium, 2; Münsterberg, 6 (in BfM 1923). Not in RPC.TextFull Size
RPC 1657Macedonia, Philippi, Tiberius, AE 16. TI AVG, bare head of Tiberius right / Two priests plowing right with yoke of oxen.Text
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RPC 1658Philippi, Macedonia. Tiberius & Drusus. 14-37 AD. AE 16mm. Bare jugate heads of Tiberius & Drusus right / Priest plowing right.TextFull Size
RPC 1659Drusus, AE of Philippi, Macedonia. ca. 19 - 23 AD. 4.45 g. DRV CAES, bare head right / Two priests plowing right. RPC 1659.TextFull Size
RPC 1656cfCaligula AE17 of an uncertain Macedonian mint (Philippi?). Bare head right / two preists plowing right behind an ox.ImageImage
RPC 1653Claudius AE27 of Macedonia, Philippi. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TRP IMP, bare head left / COL AVG IVL PHILIP, cippus inscribed with DIVVS AVG in two lines, on which stand statues of Augustus (to left) & Caesar (to right), altar on either side of cippus. BMC 24, SGI 428, Lindgren 1127, Moushmov 6923.Image
RPC 1654Claudius AE26. Philippi, Macedon, TI CLAVDIVS CAES AVG P M TR P IMP P P Bare head left. / COL AVG IVL PHILIP, Statue of Divus Julius being crowned by statue of Divus Augustus.Image
RPC 1660Claudius, AE16 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 41-54. 4.65 g. TI CLAV AVG, bare head left / Two priests ploughing right. RPC 1660.TextFull Size
RPC 1655Nero AE26 of Philippi, Macedonia. NERO CAES AVG P M TR P COS II, bare head left / COL AVG IVL PHILIP, emperor standing left on platform, hand raised, being crowned by Victory standing behind him.TextImage
RPC 345Domitian, AE27 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 81-96. 11.50 g. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XIII, laureate head left / COL AVG IVL PHILIP, three bases, centre base inscribed DIVVS AVG, with statues of Augustus standing left, being crowned by Genius behind him, holding wreath. RPC 345; Varbanov 3779; Mionnet I, 283.TextFull Size
RPC S3 II 345BDomitian, AE27 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 81-96. 11.50 g. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GER COS XVI PP, laureate head left / COL AVG IVL PHILIP, three bases, centre base inscribed DIVVS AVG, with statues of Augustus standing left, being crowned by Genius behind him, holding wreath. RPC Supp 3-II-345B (this coin); Varbanov 3779 var (obv legend); Mionnet 1, 283 var (ditto).TextFull Size
Amandry 3Trajan AE24 of Philippi, Macedonia, posthumous issue struck by Gallienus. 6.53 g. DIVO TRAIANO, radiate head right / HERO AVLONITE, RPCP below, the hero Aulonites on horseback galloping right, brandishing a spear. Amandry, “Le Monnayage de la Res Publica Coloniae Philippensium” 3.TextFull Size
Moushmov 6927Trajan, AE24 of Philippi, Macedonia. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust left / COL AVG IVL PHILIP, three bases, centre base inscribed DIVVS AVG, with statues of Augustus standing left, being crowned by Genius behind him and holding wreath. Moushmov 6927; Varbanov 3781 corr (obv legend).TextFull Size
Varbanov 3782 varHadrian, AE31 of Philippi, Macedonia, 119-138. 7.68 g. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate, draped bust right / COLO(N AVG IVL?)..PHILIPP, three bases, the centre base inscribed DIVVS AVG, with statues of Divus Augustus, in military dress, standing left, crowned by Divus Julius, standing left behind him. Varbanov 3782–3783 var. (bust type, legends); RPC III 665; Moushmov 6928.TextFull Size
Moushmov 6929Antoninus Pius AE22 of Philippi, Macedonia. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS IIII, laureate head right / COL IVL PHIL, the emperor on platform, being crowned with wreath from behind by Genius of the city, DIVVS AVG inscribed on platform below, altar at each side.TextImage
Amandry 3bMarcus Aurelius AE25 commemorative. Colonia Felix Philippensium (Philippi), Macedonia. Struck under Gallienus, AD 253-268. 9.85 g. DIVO MAR ANTONINO, radiate head of Divus Marcus Aurelius right / HEROI AVLONNITE, Hero Aulonites with raised arm, on horseback galloping right. RPCP beneath horse. Amandry ("Le Monnayage de la Res Publica Coloniae Philippensium") 3b.TextFull Size
Amandry 7aMarcus Aurelius AE24 commemorative. Colonia Felix Philippensium (Philippi), Macedonia. Struck under Gallienus, AD 253-268. 9.97 g. DIVO MAR ANTONINO, radiate head of Divus Marcus Aurelius right / AVG PARENTI DIVO, around and beneath emperor on horseback right, raising right hand. Amandry ("Le Monnayage de la Res Publica...") 7a.TextFull Size
Amandry 8Marcus Aurelius AE24 commemorative. Philippi), Macedonia. Struck under Gallienus, AD 253-268. 13.32 g. DIVO MAR ANTONINO, radiate head right / PRINC IVBENTVTIS, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Amandry ("Le Monnayage de la Res Publica...") 8; Vienna 13861.TextFull Size
Amandry 9Marcus Aurelius AE24 commemorative. Philippi, Macedonia. Struck under Gallienus, AD 253-268. 11,89 g. DIVO MAR ANTONINO, radiate head right / SPES PVBLICA, Homonoia, kalathos on head, seated left, holding patera and cornucopiae. RP CP in fields. Amandry ("Le Monnayage de la Res Publica...") 9; Vienna 35465.TextFull Size
Amandry 10aMarcus Aurelius, AE24 of Philippi, Macedonia, posthumous restoration issue, struck by Gallienus. 9.53 g. DIVO MAR ANTONINO, radiate head right / CP beneath the two-towered gateway of Philippi with Roma standing left beneath the archway which has three low turrets, holding patera and spear, low altar or shield to left at foot. Amandry, Coloniae Philippensium, 10a.TextFull Size
Varbanov 3785Marcus Aurelius AE27 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 161-180. 5.75 g. IMP CAES M AVR ANTONIN AVG COS III, laureate head right / COL AVG IVL PHILIP, statue of Augustus standing left, crowned by the Genius of the city standing left behind him, holding wreath, all on a base inscribed DIVVS AVG. Varbanov 3785; Moushmov 6930.TextFull Size
Moushmov 6931Commodus, AE22 of Philippi, Macedonia. M COMM ANT P FELIX AV BR, laureate head right / COL IVLIA AVG PHILIP, two figures on base inscribed DIVI AVG: Augustus standing left, wearing military dress, raising arm, being crowned by Julius Caesar or city genius standing left. Moushmov 6931; Varbanov 3786.TextFull Size
Amandry 2 var(1)Gallienus, AE20 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 253-268. 7.2 g. IMP ECN GALLIENVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HEROI AVLONITE, Hero Aulonites on horseback riding right, raising right hand. Amandry 2 var. (Amandry lists no coins for Gallienus himself). G&N 15, 375.TextFull Size
Amandry 2 var (2)Gallienus, AE21 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 253-268. 5.69 g. IMP ECN GALLIENVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HEROI AVLONITE, Hero Aulonites on horseback riding right, raising right hand. Amandry 2 var. (Amandry lists no coins for Gallienus himself). Bertolami 4, 423.TextFull Size
G&M 225, 1805Gallienus, AE19 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 253-268. 7.47 g. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right / COL PHILIP, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. Varbanov -; Amandry -; Mionnet -.TextFull Size
Naumann 43, 582Gallienus, AE20 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 253-268. 9.39 g. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right / COL PHILIP, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. Varbanov -; Amandry -; Mionnet -. Numismatik Naumann, 43, 582.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 311Gallienus, AE21 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 253-268. 4.39 g. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right / COL PHILIP, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG Cop 311; Varbanov -.TextFull Size
LAC 30, 124Salonina, AE 22 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 254-268. 5.86 g. SALONINA AVG, diademed and draped bust right on crescent / COL PHILIP, Nike standing left, holding wreath and palm, captive sitting left at foot. Not in Varbanov; Moushmov; Mionnet; BMC; Kyustendil; Blagoevgrad; Pazardzhik etc. Probably unpublished. LAC 30, 124.TextFull Size
Berlin 28780Salonina, AE 20 of Philippi, Macedonia. AD 254-268. SALONINA AVG, diademed and draped bust right on crescent / COL PHILIP, Nike standing left, holding wreath and palm. Berlin 28780.TextFull Size