Septimius Severus and Julia Domna, AE33 of Laodikeia ad Mare, Syria. AD 193-211. 23.61 g IMP CAET L CEP CEVERO AVG ET IVL AVC M C, jugate busts right of Septimius Severus, radiate and cuirassed, and Julia Domna, draped, set on crescent. Countermarks COL and CAG in rectangular incuses. SEPT LAVDIC COLON SEVER METROPOLI, Marsyas standing left, holding wineskin over his left shoulder and raising right hand. SNG Righetti 2114; Meyer Laodikeia 72-82 in JNG 38-38; Mionnet V, 771. Countermarks Howgego 581 and 586. With permission of Nomos AG obolos 28, Lot 512, July 2023.