Description 102, Lot: 155. CILICIA, Epiphanea. Domitia, wife of Domitian. Augusta, 82-96 AD. Æ 21mm (7.18 gm). Dated year 151 (83/84 AD). Estimate $150. Sold for $363. CILICIA, Epiphanea. Domitia, wife of Domitian. Augusta, 82-96 AD. Æ 21mm (7.18 gm). Dated year 151 (83/84 AD). Draped bust right / Athena standing left, righ hand extended, left resting on shield; ANP (date) left. RPC I 1786; SNG Levante 1813; SNG France -; SNG Copenhagen -. VF, dark green patina, some smoothing. Very rare, only 1 specimen (the Levante specimen), recorded in RPC. From the CNG Online Auction 102, closed Nov 24, 2004. By permission of CNG,