Browsing Roman Imperial Coins of Agrippa

[RIC 58]

Marcus Agrippa, general and son-in-law of Augustus; died 12 BC.

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Cohen 3, noteAgrippa AE medallion 52mm, 58.73 gr. M AGRIPPA L F COS III, head left, wearing rostral crown / S-C, Neptune standing left, holding dolphin and trident. Cohen 3 note; Fontana Sale 1860.TextImage
RIC 58
Sear5 #1812
Agrippa, AE As. Agrippa. Struck under Caligula, 37-41 AD. M AGRIPPA L F COS III, head left wearing rostral crown / S-C, Neptune standing facing, head left, naked except for cloak draped behind him & over both arms, holding small dolphin in right hand & vertical trident in left. Cohen 3. (example)
RIC 58c/mAgrippa, AE as. AGRIPPA L F COS III, head left, oval countermark of Hercules right / S-C, Neptune standing left holding dolphin and trident. TextImage
RIC 58c/m TIAVAgrippa, AE as. AGRIPPA L F COS III, head left / S-C, Neptune standing left, holding dolphin and trident, rectangular countermark "TIAV" (Tiberius Avg) to left. TextImage
RIC 58c/m CAAgrippa, AE as. AGRIPPA L F COS III, head left / S-C, Neptune standing left, holding dolphin and trident, rectangular countermark "CA" (Caligula) to left. TextImage
RIC 155
Sear5 #1729
Augustus & Agrippa AE Dupondius. Nemausus Mint, 20-10 BC. IMP DIVI F, back-to-back heads of Agrippa, wearing rostral crown, & Augustus, bare / COL NEM, crocodile chained to palm, wreath with long ties trailing above. Cohen 7, RPC 523.(example)
RIC 158
Sear5 #1730
Augustus & Agrippa AE Dupondius or As of Gaul, Nemausus. ca 10 BC - 10 AD. IMP DIVI F, back-to-back heads of Agrippa, in rostral crown, & Augustus, in oak wreath / COL NEM, crocodile chained to palm behind, wreath to left. Cohen 10, RPC 524.(Example)
RIC 160
Sear5 #1731
Agrippa & Augusutus AE Dupondius of Gaul, Nemausus. ca 10-14 AD. IMP DIVI F P-P, back-to-back heads of Agrippa, in rostral crown, & Augustus, laureate/ COL NEM, palm tree curving to left, crocodile right chained below, wreath to left of palm tip with long ties trailing to right. Cohen 8, RPC 525. (3 examples)
RIC 457[domitian]
Sear5 #2894
Agrippa AE As. Rome mint, restitution issue struck under Domitian, ca 82 AD. M AGRIPPA L F COS III, head left, wearing rostral crown / IMP D AVG REST S-C. Neptune standing left, holding small dolphin & trident. RIC 457 (Domitian); BMCRE 510 (Domitian); Cohen 7.(One example)
RIC 470 [titus]Agrippa, AE as, restitution issue struck by Titus. Rome. M AGRIPPA L F COS III, laureate head left / IMP T VESP AVG REST, Neptune standing left, holding dolphin and trident. S-C across fields. RIC II 470 [Titus]; Komnick Group II K52.0; Cohen Agrippa 6.TextImage
RPC 1367
Agrippa, AE18 of Nikopolis, Epirus. AD 12. 2.71 g. ΣEBAΣTOY KTIΣMA, bare head of Agrippa left / NEIKOΠOΛIΣ IEΡA upwards to left and right of dolphin entwined around a trident. RPC 1367.15 (this coin); BMC 13-14; Oikonomidou 2; SNG Cop 60-61.TextImage
Coins of Agrippa at the Forum Ancient Coins