The Ancient Coinage of Thasos

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.

THASOS - Island off Thrace in the White (Aegean) Sea

(about 550 – 146 B.C.)

Autonomous coins.



5630 Youthful head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. Rev. : ΘAΣION HΠEIΡO. Tripod decorated with ribbon; two-handled vase in field. 17 mm.
5631 Head of Dionysos left, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : ΘAΣION. Herakles, wearing lionskin headdress, kneeing right on his right knee, holding bow; bunch of grapes in right field. 13 mm.

Silver. Period I.

5632 Head of Dionysos left, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : ΘAΣION. Herakles, wearing lionskin headdress, kneeing right on his right knee, holding bow; lyre in right field. All in concave square. 23 mm.
5633 Another – similar, but with shield in right field.
5634 Another – similar with fly, or vase with two handles, or thunderbolt in right field.
5635 Head of Dionysos left, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : BΩA OATIΓOON (sic). Herakles kneeling on one knee, holding bow; lizard in field. All in concave square. 18 mm.
5636 The same obverse. Rev. : ΘAΣION. As 5635 but with human head or dolphin in field. 15 mm.
5637 As 5635 but with caduceus, kantharos and club, or lizard, grasshopper, lyre, branch or burning torch in field. 13 mm.
5638 The same obverse. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Herakles with lionskin, kneeling on one knee, holding bow; HP in field, all within linear square. 18 mm.
5639 The same, but with a different monogram.
5640 Two-headed Silenos. Rev. : ΘAΣI. Two vases, one upright, the other inverted. All in concave square. 13 mm.
5641 Silenos kneeling left on one knee, holding kantharos in right hand. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN, kantharos. 12 mm. Plate XXXV 7.
5642 Silenos kneeling right on one knee, holding his penis. Rev. : Quadripartite square. 10 mm. Plate XXXV 8.
5643 Naked and bearded satyr, half kneeling right, holding nymph in his arms. Rev. : Quadripartite square. 8 – 24 mm. Plate XXXV 2 and LI 21 and 24.
5644 Head of Dionysos left, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : ΘAΣION. Herakles with right knee on the ground, holding bow. 14 mm. Plate XXXV 5.
5645 Dolphin right. Rev. : Quadripartite square. Plate LI 23.
5646 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN and club within wreath of corn or ivy. 15 mm. Plate XXXV 6.
5647 Two fishes (dolphins) – one on top of the other, swimming in opposite directions. Rev. : Quadripartite square. 8 mm. Plate LI 22.
5648 Head of Silenos right, wreathed with ivy wreath, right. Rev. : ΘAΣI. Two dolphins – one on top of the other, swimming in opposite directions, in concave square.
5649 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN in quadripartite square, Herakles kneeling on one knee right, holding bow in the centre. Owl in field. 15 mm.
5650 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy and vine, left. Rev. : Square: ΘA TION (sic). Herakles with lionskin, kneeing, holding bow. Fish or dolphin in the field. 24 mm.

Period II.

5651 Youthful head of Dionysos right, wreathed with iva. Rev. : HΡAK&LambdaEOYΣ &SigmaΩTHΡOΣ ΘAΣIΩN. Herakles standing left, holding club in right hand, lionskin in left hand. Various monograms. Tetradrachm 35 mm. Plate XXXV 1. Note. There are thousands of Celtic/Barbaric imitations of this tetradrachm type. The engraving work ranges from not too bad to grotesque images with dots instead of the legend. Plate XXXV 9, 10, 12.
5652 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : Two male figures, half-squatting, kantharos-shaped object between their heads. Barbarian imitation. 33 mm. Plate XXXV 11.


5653 Veiled head of Demeter right. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Jugate heads of the Dioskuri right between two vines.
5654 Draped bust of Artemis right, with quiver behind shoulder, right. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN KHKI. Herakles standing right, with lionskin headdress, holding bow. Plate XXXV 4.
5655 Head of Herakles left, wearing lionskin headdress. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Bow, kantharos and club.
5656 The same with prow, thyrsos and cart.
5657 The same obverse. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Bow and club, two-handled vase above, Φ or monogram in the field.
5658 Youthful head right. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN and club within laurel wreath.
5659 Head of Dionysos right. Rev. : ΘAT.., Herakles, wearing lionskin headdress, kneeling right on one knee, holding bow. Bunch of grapes in field. All in square (square incuse ?).
5660 Draped bust of Artemis right, with quiver behind shoulder, holding bow. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN ΘEOΔΩ Herakles, wearing lionskin headdress, standing right, holding bow. Plate XXXIV 19.
5661Draped bust of Artemis right, with quiver behind shoulder. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN, Herakles standing right, holding bow. Monogram usually in right field, sometimes a second monogram in left field.
5662 Bearded head of Herakles right, with lionskin. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Club and bow.
5663 The same head but unbearded. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Club and bow; sometimes bunch of grapes, rose or spade (??) above. Plate XXXIV 18.
5664 The same obverse. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN AΦEIΡ.., Club and bow.
5665 The same obverse. Rev. : ΔHMAΡETOΣ ΘAΣIΩN and club in laurel wreath.
5666 Another with ΘAΣIΩN HΠEIΡO. Club and bow.
5667 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN, legend in laurel wreath.
5668 Vase with two handles. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Cornucopiae.
5669 Medusa’s head. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Lion walking, head turned back toward a star.
5670 Youthful head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : HPAK&LambdaEOYΣ &SigmaΩTHPOΣ ΘAΣIΩN. Herakles standing left, holding club and lionskin. Plate XXXV 3. Note: There are barbarian imitations and modern copied of this type of coin.
HADRIAN (AD 117–138)
5671 AYTOKΡ K AΔΡIANOC, bare-headed draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. : ΘACIΩN. Herakles standing left, resting on club and holding lionskin. RPC III 668; LeRider 69; Varbanov 2998.
- AYTOKΡATΩΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. Rev. : ΘACIΩN. Herakles standing left, resting on club and holding lionskin. LeRider 70; SNG Cop. 1062; Paris 2325-2327; Rauch 3 in Berl. Blätter 1871; Varbanov 2999.
- AYTOKΡAT CEBHΡOC, laureate head right. Rev. : ΘACIΩN, Herakles standing left, resting on club and holding lionskin. Le Rider 71. (example on wildwinds).
JULIA DOMNA (AD 198–217)
- YOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEBACTH (sic), draped bust right. Rev. : ΘACIΩN. Herakles standing left, resting on club and holding lionskin. Varbanov 3000
CARACALLA (AD 198–217)
5672 AYTOKΡ ANTΩN.., laureate, cuirassed bust right. Rev. : ΘACIΩN, Herakles standing left, resting on club and holding lionskin. Varbanov 3001.
GETA (AD 209–212)
5673 ΠO ΓETAC KAICAΡ, His head. Rev. : ΘACIΩN, Herakles standing left, resting on club and holding lionskin. Varbanov 3002
- ΠO CE ΓETAC KAICAR, His head. Rev. : ΘACIΩN, Herakles walking right, holding club and lionskin. Varbanov 3003; Sear SGI 2791; BMC 111.
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