The Ancient Coinage of Sermyle

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.
(about 500 B.C.) now Ormilia sity, east of Olint.
Autonomous silver coins.
6472 ΣEPMYΛIKON. Horseman bearded, naked, galloping right, hurling spear with right hand, and with left hand holding the bridles of the horse; beneath the horse – hound running right. Rev. : Quadripartite incuse square. 27 mm. Plate L 10.
6472ASimilar, 14mm.
Sermylia. c490-480 BC. AR Tetrobol. Mounted nude male right / Quadripartite incuse square with dots in the quarters.
6573 Another, similar, but with dot in the field behind the horse. 28 mm.
6574 Horseman bearded, dressed with short belted tunic, galloping right, hurling hunting spear, and with left hand holding the bridles of the horse. Beneath the horse legend in straight line: ΣEΡMYΛIΛON, dot in left field. Rev. : The same. 27 mm. Plate L 11.
Macedona, Sermylia AR Tetradrachm. Circa 500-480 BC. Σ(retrograde)EΡMVΛIAON, warrior on horseback right, brandishing spear in right hand, pellet behind / Shallow quadripartite incuse square. AMNG III 2 = Traité pl. LIII, 2
6575 Another similar, without dot in the field. 28 mm.
Macedona, Sermylia AR Tetradrachm. Circa 500-480 BC. ΣEΡM-VLI, warrior on horseback right, brandishing spear in right hand / shallow quadripartite incuse square. AMNG III 3.
Note: From this type above, with legend in straight line beneath the horse AEPMHNA or in circumference of the coin AEPMHNAO are modern fakes of the coins from Sermyle. Babelon, traité, II-1, p. 1166.
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