The Ancient Coinage of Samothrace

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.
SAMOTHRACE - Island off Thrace in the White [Aegean] Sea
(about 280 B.C.) Autonomous coins.
5602 Athena’s helmeted head left. Rev. : ΣAMO MHTΡΩNAO. Kybele with kalathos (hat) on her head seated on a throne left, holding patera and sceptre; next to the throne – lying lion. 22 mm.
Samothrace AR Didrachm. After 280 BC. Head of Athena right, in crested Corinthian helmet with coiled serpent device on bowl / Kybele enthroned left, holding patera and sceptre, lion sitting left under throne, ΣAMO to right, to left magistrate's name MHTΡΩNA. BMC 1.
5602AThrace, Islands off, Samothrace AR Hemiobol. Circa 500-475 BC. sphinx sitting left / Head of a roaring lion left; within dotted incuse square.
5603 Athena’s helmeted head right. Rev. : ΣAMO ΠYΘO. Kybele seated left, holding patera and sceptre. Table XXXIV 17.
Samothrace. ca 280 BC. AE18mm. Helmeted bust of Athena right / ΣA-MO, Kybele seated left, holding sceptre & patera, ΠYΘOK behind. SNG Cop 999.
5604 Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev. : ΣAMO TEIΣI. Kybele seated left.
5605 The same obverse. Rev. : ΣAMO. Kybele seated left.
5606 Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev. : ΣAMO. Kybele seated right, holding patera and sceptre.
Thrace, Islands of, Samothrace AE20. Circa 280 BC. Helmeted, draped bust of Athena right / ΣAMO, Kybele seated left, holding sceptre & patera. SNG Cop 995.
5607 Female head left, with raised hair tied with ribbon. Rev. : ΣAMO. Bearded man with kalathos on his head, seated left on throne, holding two corn-ears in right hand, Herm or Priapos before him.
5608 Helmeted head of Athena right, star behind. Rev. : ΣAMOΘPAKΩN. Kybele seated on a throne left, holding patera and sceptre sometimes; beneath the throne – star.
5609 Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev. : APIΣO ΞE ΣAMOΘP. Kybele seated on a throne left, with right extended hand, holding in left hand sceptre, lion at her side.
5610 Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev. : ΣAMO…ΞENOΦ…Kybele seated on a throne, holding patera and sceptre.
5611 Another with ΞENOT or MHTPΩ or ΣAMO MHTP or ΣAMO ΣΩKΛE and the same image.
5612 Helmeted head of Athena left. Rev. : ΣA. Ram walking left.
5613 Helmeted head of Athena left. Rev. : ΣAM AKHP. Forepart of ram.
5614 Unbearded head right. Rev. : ΣANOΘPAKΩN…EIPΩNOΣ TPIΩBOΛO (sic). Ram standing right.
5615 Hermes’s head with winged hat; caduceus behind. Rev. : The same legend and image as 5614.
5616 Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev. : ΣANOΘR &Pi:OΛYΞEN. Kybele with kalathos on her head seated, holding patera and sceptre; lion standing at her side.
5617 Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev. : ΣAMO ΣΩKΛE. Kybele seated, holding patera and sceptre.
5618 Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev. : ΣAMO ΘEΩNO. Woman seated, holding patera and sceptre.
5619 Helmeted head of Athena righte. Rev. : ΣAMO ZENOY. Kybele seated left, holding patera and sceptre.

Imperial bronze coins.


Hadrian (117 – 138 A.D.)

5620 AY KAI TΡA AΔΡIA. His head right. Rev. : CAMIΩN EN ΘPAKH. Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Table X 29.
See also WildWinds' Samothrace page

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