The Ancient Coinage of Nikopolis

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.

See the main Nikopolis ad Istrum page on for numerous examples not yet linked to this page.
(town close to Nikiup near Tarnovo.)

Autonomous bronze coins.

869 NIKOPOLI PPOC I. - Homonoia standing with patera and cornucopiae.
870 NIKOPOLIC. Helmeted bust of Athena right. Rev. : PROC ICTPON. Bunch of grapes. Plate II 13.
871 NEIKOP...Youthful head right. Rev. : ΠPOC...ON. Eagle standing, wings spread. Plate II 14.

Imperial bronze coins

ANTONINUS PIUS (138 - 161 A.D.)

872 Apollo Savrocton naked, standing on one foot, right hand on his breast and resting left hand on trunk with crawling lizard on it. Plate VI 12.
Antoninus Pius AE 21mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT AY ADPIA ANTΩNEINOC, Bare head right / NIKOPOLEITWN, Apollo Sauroktonos standing right; lizard on tree to right. Varbanov 1679.
a. Antoninus Pius AE20 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Governor Zenon. AVT AI ADPIA ANTWNEINOC, bare head right / HGE ZHNWNOC NEIKOPOL, Apollo Sauroktonos standing left, leaning with left hand on tree on which lizard is climbing up, right hand at hip. AMNG 1225; Varbanov 1676.
873 Artemis huntress standing right. Plate VI 24.
874 Athena, helmeted, standing, holding spear and shield. Plate VI 21.
875 Vase with 2 handles. Plate XIV 7.
876 Nike standing right, her right foot on a helmet (?), inscribing a shield on a base and decorated with wreath. Plate VII 16.
877 Dionysos standing with cup and thyrsos; sometimes panther at his side. Plate VIII 4.
878 Figure of a woman standing, resting on a base, holding unclear object.
879 River god naked, reclining half-left, holding branch, leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow. Plate X 9.
880 River god half-naked, reclining half-left, holding thyrsos, leaning on overturned urn from which waters flows; in the margin 3 fishes.
881 Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Antoninus Pius AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT AY ADPIA ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLEIT PROC ICT, Tyche-Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.

MARCUS AURELIUS (161 - 180 A.D.)

Obv. AVPHLIOC OVHPOC KAICAP. - His head or bust.
882 Nike standing, holding palm and wreath. Plate VII 13.
883 Tyche with kalathos on her head, standing, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar AE 25mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVPHΛIOC OVHPOC KAICAP, bare headed and draped bust right, seen from behind / NEIKOPOLEITWN PROC ICT, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Pick AMNG 1228, Mionnet Supp II 358.

COMMODUS (176 - 192 A.D.)

- AYT KAI M KOMODO. - His head or bust.
884 Asklepios and Hygeia standing with their attributes (serpent and patera; serpent-entwined staff). Plate VI 26.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Commodus AE28. Magistrate: Caecilius Servilianus. AVT KAI M AYΡH KOMODOC, laureate head right / CEPBIΛEIANO NEIKOPO PPOCICTH GEM, KAIKI in ex, Hygieia standing left, holding serpent, facing Asklepios who stands right, holding serpent-entwined staff.
885 Nike advancing with palm and wreath. Plate VII 14.
Commodus AE21 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / NIKOPOLEITWN, Nike advancing left with wreath and palm.
886 She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus.
Commmodus AE21 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / NIKOPOLEITWN, She-wolf right suckling Romulus and Remus.
887 Thanatos or Eros, naked, standing, cross-legged, holding inverted burning torch with both hands. Plate VII 19.
Commodus AE19 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Winged Thanatos or Eros, standing right, leaning on a lighted torch placed upside down on an altar.
888 Dionysos standing with cup and thyrsos(?). Plate VIII 4.
889 Dioscuri naked, standing right, holding spear in right hand and horse's reins in left. Plate VII 30.
890 Serpent-entwined altar.
891 Zeus seated left on throne, holding patera and sceptre; eagle at foot. Plate VIII 21.
Commodus AE30 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. KAI AYPH KOMODOC AY L, laureate head right / NEIKOPO ICT HGEMO, Zeus seated left, holding sceptre, eagle at foot.
892 The emperor on horseback galloping right, spearing a lion. Plate VIII 35.
893 Figure of a naked man right, holding horn(?) and rod.
Commodus AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / Hermes, naked, standing right, holding purse and caduceus, mantle hanging from right arm.
894 Nemesis wrapped up in mantle, standing, holding rein.
Commodus AE19 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / NIKOPOL PPOC IC, Nemesis standing left, drawing out fold of robe at neck.
895 Eagle standing, wings spread, head left or right.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Commodus AE16 (Assarion). AVT A KAI KOMODOC, laureate head right / NEIKOPOLI PPOCI, eagle standing on thunderbolt, wings spread, head right.
896 Crescent moon and a star.
897 River god reclining half-left, holding thyrsos, leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow. Plate X 6.
Commodus AE28 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / River God reclining left, holding a branch.
898 Serpent-entwined tripod altar. Plate X 20.
899 Tyche standing, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Commodus AE22 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / Tyche (Fortuna), standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
900 Tyche with kalathos on head standing, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Commodus AE17 (Assarion). AVT KAI AVP KOMODOC, laureate head right / NEIKOPOLI PROC ICT, turreted figure of Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
901 Hera standing with patera and sceptre. Plate XI 21.
Commodus AE 23mm of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Laureate head right / Hera standing left, holding patera and sceptre.


- AV KAI CE CEVHPOC. - His head or bust.
- VP APOL AVCΠEKOC NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPΩ or ICTPO. Can also begin with NIKOP, NIKOPO, NIKOPOL, NIKOPOLI, NIKOPOLIT or NIKOPOLITW - the ending can also vary in many ways.
- YΠ AY GALLOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC I or ICTPΩC (with city name variations as above).
- UP FL OULPIAN NIKOPOLIT PROC I or ICTPΩ (with city name variations as above).
- YΠ A OOVI TEPTVLLOY NIKOPOLIT or NIKOΠO or NIKOPOL PROC I or IC. (with city name variations as above)
- YΠ KOCK GENTIANOU NIKOPOLIT PRO ICT. (with city name variations as above)
- EVTYXOC TOIC KYPIOC NIKOPO PROC I. (with city name variations as above)
- Retrograde legend IC PROC NIKOPOLI.
902 Apollo Sauroctonos naked, left, cross-legged, with right hand on his breast and resting left hand on tree trunk with crawling lizard on it. Plate VI 12.
903 Apollo naked, leaning on a tree and opina bow.
Septimius Severus AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Apollo standing left, leaning on tree.
904 Apollo naked, standing, holding patera over altar in right hand and bow and hem of his chlamys in left. Plate VI 7.
905 Ares, helmeted, standing right, holding spear and shield. Plate VI 21.
Septimius Severus AE19 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K Λ CEΠ CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTP, Ares standing right, leaning on shield, and holding spear.
906 Artemis huntress advancing right, reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder. Plate VI 24.
907 Artemis standing left with long garment, quiver on shoulder, holding torch.
908 Asklepios and Hygeia standing with their attributes; with them Telesphorus standing. Plate VI 26.
909 Asklepios standing, holding serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
Septimius Severus AE29 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus. AV K Λ CEΠ CEVHPOC Π, laureate head right / VP AV GALLOV NIKOPOLITWN, PROC below, Asklepios standing right, head left, holding serpent-entwined staff. (not in Varbanov with this obv. legend).
910 Athena standing, holding spear and shield. Plate VI 33.
Septimius Severus AE17 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. AV KAI CE CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLI PPOC IC, Athena standing left, holding spear and resting hand on shield. AMNG 1365.
911 Athena standing by altar, holding patera and spear; shield at her side. Plate VI 30.
912 Athena, helmeted, standing, holding patera over burning altar in right hand and spear in left; shield at her side.
913 Athena with helmet, standing, holding patera and shield.
914 Athena standing, holding shield and serpent-entwined spear. Plate VI 29.
915 Bonus-Eventus standing by altar, shouldering mantle, holding patera and corn-ears.
916 Bonus-Eventus naked, standing, holding patera and fruits.
917 Nike advancing left, holding wreath and palm branch. Plate VII 13.
a. Septimius Severus AE17 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AV K L CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLI PROC ICTRW, Nike advancing left with wreath and palm. Varbanov 2227 var (bust type); AMNG 1369; SNGCop 264.
918 Nike in quadriga right.
Septimius Severus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Ovinus Tertullus. AVT K CEΠT CEVHEPOC ΠEP, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ A OOVI TEPTVLLOV NIKOPOLIT PROC ICT, Victory in galloping quadriga right.
919 Nike in biga left. Plate XIV 13.
920 Nike standing left, resting on column and holding wreath and palm branch. Plate VII 17.
Septimius Severus AE23 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Gallus. AV K L CEP CEVHPOC CEB, laureate head right / VP AU GALLOU NIKOPOLITWN PROC I, Nike standing left, leaning on column, holding wreath and palm branch.
921Bull walking left or right. (Six variants listed in Varbanov)
922 She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus. (Four variants listed in Varbanov)
923 Vase with 2 handles. (Four variants listed in Varbanov)
924 Thanatos or Eros, resting on burning inverted torch. Plate VII 19.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Septimius Severus AE19 (Assarion). AV KAI CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLI PPOC ICTP, naked and winged figure of Thanatos or Eros standing facing, legs crossed, leaning on inverted flaming torch which rests on garlanded altar. (Not in Varbanov with this reverse legend). AMNG 1366 var (rev. legend).
925 Genius naked, standing left, holding branch in right hand.
926 Thanatos or Eros, standing right, leaning right on inverted torch set on altar. Plate VII 19.
Septimius Severus AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV KAI CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC, Thanatos standing cross-legged and leaning right on inverted torch set on altar.
926AThanatos standing left holding inverted torch. Varbanov 2479-2481.
Septimius Severus AE 18mm of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC I, Winged figure of Thanatos or Eros, standing left, resting inverted torch on altar. Varbanov 2481 (this coin).
927 Serapis' head. Plate VII 11.
Septimius Severus AE19 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Laureate head right / Bust of Serapis right.
928 Bearded head of Herakles right. Varbanov 2354 and 2502 and 2556 (Head of Herakles right); Varbanov 2355 (Head of Herakles left). Plate XIV 10.
Septimius Severus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K Λ CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC IC, bearded head of Herakles right.
929 Radiate head of Helios right.
930 Bunch of grapes.
Septimius Severus, AE17, Nikopolis Ad Istrum. AV...KAI CEP, laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN, bunch of grapes.
931 City gate with windows.
Septimius Severus AE27 of Nikopolis. Magistrate Gallus. Laureate head right / VP AUR GALLOU NIKOPOL PROC, three storey city gate, with an arched cupola, open door and windows. SGI 2124.
932 Two bound captives seated at the base of a trophy. Plate X 21.
933 Two men (Severus and Caracalla?) in quadriga; in front - advancing soldier with ensign; at the side a trophy between two seated captives. Plate VIII 33.
934 Demeter, veiled, standing, holding corn-ears and long torch. Plate VII 23.
935 Demeter veiled, standing, holding patera and torch.
936 Dionysos standing with cup and thyrsos. Plate VIII 4.
937 Dionysos naked, standing, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos. Plate VIII 5.
938 Dionysos naked, standing, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos; panther below.
Septimius Severus AE 26mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Aurelius Gallus, legate. AV KA CE CEVHPOC Π, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / YΠ AV GALLOV NIKOPOLIT PPOC I, Dionysos standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos; panther at feet left. Mionnet Supp. II 375 var.
939 Dionysos naked, standing, holding patera and bunch of grapes.
940 Dionysos naked, standing, holding cup and bunch of grapes.
941 Aequitas standing with a balance and cornucopiae. Plate VIII 10.
Septimius Severus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istruum. AV KAI CE CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLIT PROC ICTE, Aequitas standing left holding scales and sceptre.
942 Woman with helmet on her head, holding sceptre and serpent-entwined spear.
943 Woman standing, holding patera and spear; wheel at foot.
944Tyche, turreted, standing left by altar, holding patera and sceptre; being crowned with a wreath by Nike who is holding palm. Plate VIII 13.
945 Zeus standing, holding small Nike and sceptre.
946 Zeus naked, standing, holding patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 16.
947 Zeus seated left on throne, holding patera and sceptre.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Septimius Severus AE28 (4 Assaria). Magistrate Aurelius Gallus (Consular legate). AV KAI Λ CE CEVHPOC Π, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP A GALLVC ΠIOC NIKOPOLI PPOCICT, Zeus seated left on throne, holding patera and spear or sceptre.
948 Star.
949 Coiled serpent with head up. Plate VIII 23.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Septimius Severus AE 18 (Assarion). AV Λ CE CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICT, coiled serpent, head right.
950 Coiled serpent around altar.
951 Coiled serpent around vase, from which hanging an ear. Plate VII 36.
Septimius Severus AE24 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AV K L CEΠT CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOL..., Coiled serpent around vase, from which are hanging ears of corn.
952 The emperor on galloping horse, piercing a wild boar with arrow.
Septimius Severus AE29 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Gallus. AV K Λ CEΠ CEVHPOC Π, laureate head right / YΠ AYΡ GALLOU NIKOPOLITWN PROC I, the emperor on horseback galloping right, spearing a wild boar below.
953 The emperor on horse, right.
954 The emperor standing with spear and parazonium, kicking seated barbarian with his right leg. Plate VII 25.
955 The emperor standing left by altar, holding patera and sceptre; being crowned with a wreath by Nike standing behind him and holding palm. Plate VIII 26.
956 The emperor laureate, in military dress, standing, holding globe and sceptre. Plate VIII 31.
956 var
Varbanov 2598 &
Varbanov 2604
The emperor, laureate, in military dress, standing, holding globe and spear.
Septimius Severus AE27 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Gallus. AV K L CEP CEVHROC P, laureate head right / VP AV GALLOU NIKOPOLI PRO C I (OV ligate), Septimius, laureate, standing facing in military dress, holding globe and spear. Varbanov 2598.
957 The emperor in military dress, standing, holding Nike and sceptre.
958 The emperor on horseback galloping right.
Varbanov 2671
Emperor in quadriga right, led by Virtus, trophy above.
Septimius Severus AE 26mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Aurelius Gallus, legate. AV KA CE CEVHPOC Π, laureate head right / YΠ AYΡ GALLOV NIKOPOLIT PPOC ICTP, Septimius, holding eagle-tipped sceptre, in walking quadriga driven by a draped figure right, two attendants behind horses, trophy in background with two captives seated at the base, Victory on side panel of quadriga, quadriga being led by Virtus who holds a short sword and vexillum over his shoulder. AMNG 1327; Varbanov 2671 (this coin).
959 The emperor and Domna standing and handing over their hands. Plate IX 1.
960 Cybele with turreted crown seated on a throne between 2 lions, holding patera and resting on drum. Plate IX 5.
961 Cybele with turreted crown seated on a lion running right, holding drum and rod. Plate IX 2.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Septimius Severus AE27 (4 Assaria). ca A.D. 200-211. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus. AVT Λ CEΠTI CEVHPOC Π, laureate bust right / YΠ AYΡ GALLOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC I, Kybele holding shield and spear, riding on back of lion running right.
962 Homonoia standing in front of an altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
963 Homonoia standing with patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
Septimius Severus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV KAI CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC, Homonoia standing left holding patera and cornucopiae.
964 Homonoia with kalathos on her head, standing, holding patera and cornucopiae.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Septimius Severus AE17 (Assarion). AV CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLI PPOCI, Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopia.
965 Caracalla and Geta laureate - face to face, wearing mantle and handing over their hands.
966 Cybele seated on a lion, holding sceptre and drum. Plate IX 2.
Septimius Severus AE 29mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Flavius Ulpianus. Laureate head right / Cybele facing, head right, in turreted crown and holding tympanum and sceptre, riding right on leaping lion.
967 Cista mysica, from which are hanging bunches of grapes, serpent coiling around it. Plate IX 13.
Septimius Severus AE 18mm of Moesia, Nikopolis. AV KAI CEVHPO, laureate head right / NIKOPOLIT PROCICTPON, basket overflowing with fruits.
968 Basket of fruits. Plate IX 15.
969 Cista mystica with serpent emerging. Plate IX 14.
Septimius Severus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV KAI CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLIT PPOC ICT(RON?), serpent emerging from cista mystica.
970 Herakles' club.
Septimius Severus AE18 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AV KAI CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLIT PROCIC around large club. AMNG 1425.
971 Laurel wreath.
Septimius Severus AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV KAI CEΠ, laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC I around laurel wreath.
972 Lion walking right (9 varieties listed in Varbanov according to legends and bust type). Plate IX 16.
Septimius Severus AE19 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLI PPOC around, ICTPO below, lion advancing right.
a. Septimius Severus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / lion advancing right.
b. Septimius Severus, AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV KAI CE CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLIT around, ΠPOC IC below, lion advancing left. Unpublished.
973 Minerva standing with patera and spear.
974 Apollo naked, standing, holding patera in his right hand and a branch in left.
Septimius Severus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K L CEP CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOΠOΛEITΩN ΠΡOC ICTΡ, Apollo, naked, standing left holding patera and branch.
Septimius Severus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV KAI CE dot CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOΠOΛEITΩN ΠΡOC ICTΡ, Apollo, naked, standing left holding patera and branch. AMNG 1 1357. Image on wildwinds
975 Legend in 3 lines within laurel wreath.
Septimius Severus AE 28mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Aurelius Gallus. AV K Λ CEΠTI CEVHPOC Π, laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / YΠ AYΡ GALLOV NIKOPOLIT PPOC I, laurel wreath, with four medallions, containing EV/TVXΩC/TOIC KV/PIOIC. AMNG 1344cf.
ADDLegend in four lines: Varbanov 2211, 2349, 2363, 2364, 2419, 2520.
976 Nemesis standing left with scales and arshin (cubit rule, baton). Plate IX 22.
977 Nemesis standing left with patera and arshin (cubit rule, baton); wheel at foot.
978 Nemesis standing left, her right hand in front of her face, holding parazonium in the left hand; shouldering mantle; wheel at foot. Plate IX 24.
979 Nemesis standing shouldering mantle, holding arshin (cubit rule, baton) or sceptre; wheel at foot.
980 Eagle with wings spread, standing on thunderbolt, sometimes holding wreath in its beak.
981 Eagle on a base between 2 ensigns. Plate IX 32.
982 Eagle on altar, holding wreath in its beak.
983 Eagle standing with head turned left or right. Plate IX 32.
984 Eagle with wings spread, standing on globe, holding wreath in its beak.
Septimius Severus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K Λ CEΠ CEVHPOC P, laureate head right / UP AUR GALLOU NIKOPOLI PROC I, eagle standing facing on globe, head right, wreath in its beak.
985 Peacock with head turned.
Septimius Severus AE16 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K M CEΠ - CEVHPOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKOPOLIT PPOC ICTP, peacock standing facing (on club?), head right, with tail feathers displayed. AMNG 1415.
986 Crescent with one or more stars. Note: Varbanov lists 31 varieties, having between one and six stars with different bust types and legends.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Septimius Severus AE17 (Assarion). AV KAI CE CEVHPOC, laureate bust right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPO, crescent and four stars. SNGCop 269.
a. Septimius Severus AE 17mm of Moesia, Nikopolis. AV KAI CE CEVHPO, laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROCICT, crescent and one star. AMNG 1436v.
987 Priapus standing, naked, pointing with right hand at his enormous phallus. Plate IX 37.
Septimius Severus AE17 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AVT CEPT CEVHPO, laureate head right / NIKOPOLI TWN PROCIC, ithyphallic Priapus standing left.
988 Priapus standing raising his chlamys with both hands to show his phallus. Plate IX 34.
Septimius Severus AE19 of Nikopolis. AV K LI CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLI PRO CIC (retrograde), Priapus standing right exposing his phallus.
989 Cock (rooster) right, pecking at an upright serpent. Varbanov 2375.
990 Cornucopiae with emerging corn-ears and coiled serpent around it. Varbanov 2815.
991 River god reclining left, reaching for tree with one hand and resting on overturned urn from which waters flow.
Septimius Severus AE28 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Laureate head right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC, River god reclining left, holding reed, resting left arm on urn from which river waters flow.
992 River god (Rositsa) reclining half-left, holding cornucopiae or thyrsos, leaning on urn from which waters flow.
Septimius Severus AE28 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Laureate head right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC, River god, holding cornucopiae, reclining left on jug from which river waters flow.
993 River god reclining half-left, holding oar and leaning on urn from which waters flow; below - prow.
Septimius Severus AE25 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Gallus. AV K Λ CEΠT CEVHPOC Π, laureate head right / YΠ AYP GALLOV NIKOPOLIT PPOC ICTP, River God reclining left on overturned urn, resting arm on prow of galley and holding water plants in form of cornucopiae.
994 River god half-naked, reclining by a river and leaning against a tree trunk, holding thyrsos.
Septimius Severus AE17 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AV KAI CE CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOR O LI, river god Danube reclining left with cornucopiae, water spilling from urn, RPOCIC in ex.
995 Serapis standing left, holding kantharos over Cerberus at his feet, and sceptre.
996 Building resembling a gate with 2 side towers, with another columned building with 3 triangular pediments. Plate X 16.
997 Building with columns.
998 Serpent-entwined tripod altar. Plate X 20.
999 Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 19.
Septimius Severus AE21 of Nikopolis ad Istrum, Magistrate Ulpian. (AV KAI A CE)-CEVHΠOC Π, laureate, cuirassed bust right, seen from back / V ΦΛ OVLPIA P NIKOPOLIT-PPOC I, Tyche-Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
a. Septimus Severus AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV KAI CE CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC IC, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
1000 Tyche standing, holding patera over altar. Plate X 32.
1001 Tyche with kalathos on her head, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae.
Septimius Severus AE 28mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus. AV K Λ CEΠT CEVHP ΠEP, laureate head right / YΠ AYΡ GALLOV NIKOPOLIT PPOC ICTP, Tyche-Fortuna standing left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae. AMNG 1319/1318, Mionnet Supp II 383 var.
1002 Naked figure, standing, chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera and crook.
1003 Figure (Apollo?) standing on one leg, resting left hand on trunk, right hand lowered.
1004 Hades-Serapis with kalathos, seated left, his right hand over Cerberus at his feet, and holding sceptre. Plate X 15.
Septimius Severus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Pollenius Auspex. Serapis seated left, hand over Cerberus to left, holding sceptre.
1005 Harpokratus naked, standing, shouldering mantle, his right hand in front of his mouth, holding cornucopiae in left hand.
Septimius Severus AE16 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AY K Λ CEΠ CEYHPOC, laureate bust right / NIKOPOL PPOC IC, Harpokrates advancing left, nude except for mantle draped over an arm, holding hand before mouth and cornucopiae.
1006 Hera standing by altar, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XI 24.
1007 Hera standing with patera and sceptre; peacock below. Plate XI 22.
Septimius Severus AE19 of Nikopolis Ad Istrvm, Legate Gentianus. AV K Λ CEΠ-CEVHPOC Π, laureate head right / YΠ KOCK GENTIANOV NIKOPOLITWN, Hera standing left with patera and sceptre, peacock at foot to left.
1008 Hera standing left, holding patera and sceptre.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Septimius Severus AE 18-20 (Assarion). AV KAI CEVHPO, laureate bust right / NIKOPOLIT PPOCICT, Hera standing left, holding long torch and patera.
1009 Herakles naked, standing, holding club, bow and lion's skin. Plate XI 11.
Septimius Severus AE27 of Nikopolis. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus. AV K Λ C CEVHPOC, laureate head right / YΠ AV GALLOU NIKOPOLITWN PRO C, Herakles standing right, leaning on club, holding bow in front of him.
a. Septimius Severus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Pollenius Auspex. AV KAI CEΠ CEVEHPOC. laureate head right / VPA POL AVCPIKOC NIKOPOLI PROC, Herakles standing right with club, lion skin and bow, hunting (the Stymphalian birds).
1010 Herakles naked, standing strangling the Nemean lion.
Septimius Severus AE18 of Nikopolis, Moesia. AV K Λ CEP CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC I, Herakles wrestling the Nemean Lion right.
a. Septimius Severus AE26 of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus. AV K Λ CEΠ CEVHPOC, laureate head right / YΠ AV GALLOV . NIKOPOLITWN PROC IC, Herakles standing right, strangling the Nemaean lion, club behind.
1011 Herakles standing left, holding club.
1012 Herakles naked, standing, holding patera, club and lion's skin.
Septimius Severus AE 19mm of Nikopolis. AV K CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLEITWN PROCIC, Herakles standing left with patera and lion skin.
1013 Herakles standing with club and lion's skin. Plate XI 10.
1014 Herakles restraining the Cretan Bull, which is running left. Plate XIII 15.
Septimius Severus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Gallus. AV K CEΠ CEVHPOC, laureate head right / YΠ AV GALLOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPΩ, Herakles subduing the Cretan Bull left, bow in ex.
1015 Herakles naked, standing right, right hand on the waist, holding in left hand club with wrapped lion's skin around. Plate XI 13.
1016 Hermes naked, standing mantle over his left hand, holding purse and caduceus. Plate XI 2.
Septimius Severus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Gallus. AV K Λ CEΠ CEVHPOC, laureate draped bust right / VP AV GALLOU NIKOPOLITWN PRO CIC, Hermes standing left with purse and caduceus, mantle draped over arm. AMNG 1302.
1017 Hermes naked, standing with purse and caduceus.
Septimius Severus AE 18mm of Nikpolis ad Istrum. AV KAI CEΠ CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLIT PROC ICTPΩ, Hermes standing left, wearing petasos, holding purse and caduceus. BMC 11.
1018 Hermes naked, standing with purse and caduceus; next to him - cock (rooster). Plate XI 3.
Septimus Severus AE14 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV CE CEVEHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLI PPOC ICT, Hermes standing facing, head left, holding purse and caduceus, rooster at his feet.
1019 Hermes naked, standing with purse and caduceus; ram at his feet. Plate XI 4.
1020 Hygeia, standing right, feeding serpent in arms. Plate XI 9.
1021tetrastyle temple with Asklepios within, holding serpent-entwined staff. Plate XI 26.
Septimius Severus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Gallus. AV K Λ CEΠ CEVHPOC, laureate head right / VP AV GALLOU NIKOPOLITWN PRO CIC, tetrastyle temple with Asklepios within, leaning on serpent-entwined staff.
a. Septimius Severus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K ΛI CE CEVHPOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PRO CI, tetrastyle temple with peaked roof, serpent-entwined staff of Asklepios within.
1022 Young man, standing, left hand is over his head, holding spear in right hand.
1023 Young man (Hemus - Old Mountain) seated left on a rock, looking right, his right hand over his head, holding branch in left hand. Stag walking at his side, AIMOC in field or exergue.


1025 AY K Λ CE CEVHPOC. Septimius' head right. Rev. : NICOPOLIT PROC IC - IO DO NICOPOLITON PROC IC. Domna's head right. Plate XIV 4.
Septimius Severus and Julia Domna AE 16mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K Λ CE CEVHPOC, laureate head of Septimius right / DOMNA NIKOPOLIT PRO, Draped bust of Domna right. AMNG 1448v.


1025 AY K Λ CEΠ CEVHPOC Π AV K M AYΡH AN...Their busts. Rev. YΠA O...TVLLOV NICOPOLI PROC I. Herakles naked, standing, holding club in his right hand and bow and lionskin in his left hand. Plate XI 12.

Julia Domna (wife of S. Severus).

- IOVLIA DOMNA CEB or CE. - Her head or bust.
1026 Athena standing, leaning on a column, holding long serpent-entwined spear and shield. Plate VI 29.
1027 Athena with helmet and aegis, standing left, holding inverted spear and shield, leaning on a column.
1028 Aphrodite, naked, in bashful pose, covering herself with her hands. Plate VII 8.
1029 Aphrodite naked, standing, with folded arms on her breast, next to her - Eros winged, holding bow and patera. Plate VII 7.
1030 Bonus-Eventus standing with patera and corn-ears.
1031 Kantharos / Vase with two handles. Varbanov 2868 (IOVLIA DOMNA CE) and 2869 (IOVLIA DOMNA CEB).
1032 Ox advancing left. Plate XIV 12.
Julia Domna AE19 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. IOVLIA DOMNA CEBACTH, draped bust right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPΩN, bull advancing left.
1033 Dionysos naked, standing, wearing boots, holding in his right hand bunch of grapes over panther and in the left hand - thyrsos.
Julia Domna AE27 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus. IVLIA DOMNA CEBACTH, draped bust right / YΠA AVP GALLOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTP, Dionysos standing left, naked except for his boots, holding bunch of grapes over panther to left and thyrsus in right hand.
1034 Dionysos standing, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos. Plate VIII 5.
1035 Emperor on horseback right or left, throwing short spear at wild boar.
1036 Domna standing, holding patera over burning altar; behind - Nike placing a wreath on her head.
1037 Diakoisyne or Aequitas standing left, holding scales and sceptre.
1038 Eros, winged, seated on lion, and holding torch.
1039 Tyche with turreted crown standing left, holding patera over altar and sceptre, being crowned by Nike standing left behind her, placing a wreath on her head and holding palm. Varbanov 2886 and 2898. Plate VIII 13.
1040 Star.
1041 Homonoia with kalathos on her head, standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
Julia Domna AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. IOVL DO CEBACT, draped bust right / NIKOPOLIT PROCICT, Concordia standing left with patera and cornucopiae.
1042 Basket with fruits. Plate IX 15.
Julia Domna AE 18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. IOVL DOMNA CEB, draped bust right / NIKOPOLIT PROC ICTPON, basket of fruits.
1043 Serpent emerging from cista. Plate IX 14.
1044 Lion advancing right.
Julia Domna AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. IOVLIA DOMNA, draped bust right / NIKOPOLIT PROC IC, lion walking right.
1045 Legend in 4 lines in laurel wreath.
1046 Nemesis standing with scales and arshin (cubit rule, baton) or rod; next to her - wheel. Plate IX 22.
1047 Eagle over a rock, holding wreath in its beak.
Julia Domna AE16 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. IOV DOM [CEBACTH?}, draped bust right / NIKOΠOLI PPOC ICT, eagle standing right on a dome shaped rock (?), head left, with wreath in its beak. AMNG 1481.
1048 Eagle over an altar between 2 ensigns.
1049 Eagle with wreath in its beak with turned head; next to him - ensign. Plate IX 32.
1050 Eagle with wings spread and turned head, standing over thunderbolt, holding wreath in its beak.
Julia Domna AE22 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. IVLIA DOMNA CEBACTH, draped bust right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC, eagle standing facing on thunderbolt, wings open, head right with wreath in its beak.
1051 Crescent moon and star.
1052 Priapus with ivy wreath, standing, raising his cloak with both hands to show his enormous phallus. Right of him - basket with fruits, left - corn-ears with stems and flowers. Plate XIII 13.
Julia Domna AE26 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior, IOVLIA DOMNA CEB, Draped bust right, hair in bun behind. / Priapus standing right.
1053 River god half-naked, reclining half-left, holding thyrsos, leaning on urn from which waters flow. Plate X 6.
1054 River god wreathed, half-naked, reclining half-left, holding thyrsos, leaning on urn from which waters flow; behind - tree.
Julia Domna AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus. IVLIA DOMNA CE, draped bust right / YΠA AVP GALLOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC, river god reclining left upon urn from which waters flow, reaching up towards large branch.
1055 Severus and Julia Domna standing face to face clasping hands.
1056 Half-naked figure seated on a rock left, looking right, the right hand is over the head, holding spear in the left hand; next to the figute - tree and bear, in the margin legend: AIMOC. Plate XI 33.
1057 Faun seated on a rock, his right hand is over his head, holding crook in the left hand; behind - tree, hound at feet, right in the margin BOYΛH, and left - DHMOC.
1058 Tyche with kalathos on her head, standing, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Julia Domna AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Fortuna standing left with rudder and cornucopiae. AMNG 1451.
1059 Tyche standing with and cornucopiae.
1060 Hera standing left, holding in the right hand patera over extinct altar and in the left - sceptre. Plate XI 24.
1061 Herakles naked, standing right, holding club and bow; lion's skin over his hand. Plate XI 12.
Julia Domna AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Gallus. IOVLIA DOMNA CE, draped bust right / YΠ AV GALL NIKOPOLI PROC I, Herakles standing right, leaning on club, holding lion skin and Apples of the Hesperides. AMNG 1458; Moushmov 1061 var.
1062 Hermes naked, standing, with purse and caduceus; sometimes cock (rooster) behind. Plate XI 2.
1063 Hygeia standing, feeding serpent in patera. Plate XI 9.

CARACALLA (198 - 217 A.D.)

M AYP KAI or K ANTWNEINOC or ANTΩNINOC. - His head or bust.
1064 Apollo naked, standing left, holding in right hand patera over burning altar, and branch in the left hand. Plate VI 9.
1065 Apollo (or Bonus-Eventus?) naked, standing left, with patera and branch.
Caracalla AE 16mm of Nicopolis ad Istrum. 196-198 AD. Bare head right / NIKOPOLIT PROC ICTP, Apollo standing, head left, holding patera and branch. AMNG 1491.
1066 Apollo naked, standing right, with mantle, holding branch and lyre leaning on platform. Plate VI 19.
1067 Apollo-Savrokton standing, leaning on tree trunk. Plate VI 12.
1068 Apollo naked, standing left by altar, holding patera.
1069 Ares naked, right, holding inverted spear and shield. Plate VI 20.
1070 Artemis huntress with the hound. Plate VI 24.
1071 Asklepios and Hygieia standing with their attributes; between them - Telesphorus standing facing wrapped in long toga. Plate VI 26.
1072 Asklepios half-naked, advancing right, turning, leaning on serpent-entwined staff, left hand on his breast; chlamys over his hand. Plate VI 25.
Caracalla AE23 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. M AYΡANTWNEINOC, draped bust right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC IC, Asklepios standing facing, head left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff.
1073 Serpent-entwined staff of Asklepios or serpent-entwined club of Herakles.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Caracalla AE17 (Assarion). ca 198-209 AD. AV K M A ANTΩNI, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC, serpent encircling club.
1074 Athena standing with spear and shield. Plate VI 33.
Caracalla AE29 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, laureate cuirassed bust right / V ΦΛ OVLPIAN NIKOPOLIT PPOC I, Athena, helmeted, standing right, holding spear and leaning on shield.
1075 Athena with helmet, standing right, holding spear with coiled serpent around it and leaning on shield. Plate VI 29.
Caracalla AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / V ΦΛ OVLPIAN NIKOPOLIT PPOC I, Athena, helmeted, standing right, holding serpent-entwined spear and leaning on shield.
1076 Bonus-Eventus standing left with patera and branch.
1077 Bust of Serapis right. Plate VII 11.
Caracalla AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. (AV K M A) ANTΩNIN, laureate bust right / NIKOPOL PROC IC, laureate bust of Serapis right. Varbanov 2308.
1078 Nike leaning on column, holding wreath and palm. Plate VII 17.
Caracalla AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Aurelius Gallus. AYT K M AYPHLI ANTWNINOC, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ AYP GALLOY - NIKO - POLITWN / PPOC ICTP, Nike standing left, leaning on short column, holding long palm and wreath. AMNG 1545cf.
1079 Nike advancing, holding wreath and palm. Plate VII 14.
Caracalla AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M AYΡANTΩNEINOC AV, radiate bust right / ...NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠPOC I(CTPON), Nike advancing left, looking backwards, carrying wreath and palm.
1080 Nike standing left (on globe?), left, holding wreath and palm. Plate VII 15.
1081 Nike in biga right. Plate XIV 13.
1082 Ox grazing left.
1083 Genius winged naked, standing, cross-legged; his right hand over the thigh and resting with the left hand on trunk.
1083AGenius of Death, Thanatos standing right leaning on inverted torch.
Caracalla AE17 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. AV K M AVR ANTΩNIN, draped bust right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC), Thanatos right leaning on inverted torch.
Example on wildwinds
1084 Head of Herakles, bearded, right. Varbanov 3001-3002.
Caracalla AE19 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M ANTΩNIN, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC IC, bearded head of Herakles right.
1085 Head of Helios, radiate, right. Varbanov 2984-2986.
1086 City gate with 2 towers. Plate VII 21.
1086a Bunch of grapes. Varbanov lists seven varieties of this reverse type. Plate XIV 8.
Caracalla AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Cuirassed, youthful bust right / NIKOPOLIT PROC ICTP, bunch of grapes on filleted stem.
1087 Two bound captives, seated at the foot of a trophy. (Varbanov lists five varieties of this coin, three for magistrate Gallus, two for Ulpianus). Plate X 21.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Caracalla AE26 (Orichalcum 4 Assaria). Magistrate Flavius Ulpianus. AV K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, laureate bust right / VΦΛOVLPIAN NIKOPO(LIT), PPOC I in ex, trophy with two captives with hands tied behind their backs, at its base. Example on wildwinds
1088 Two cornucopiae, overfolowing with flowers and fruits. Varbanov 2997.Plate IX 35.
1089 Dionysos naked, standing with cup and thyrsos. Plate VIII 4.
1090 Dionysos standing left, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos; panther at foot.
1091 Dionysos naked, standing left, with thyrsos and bunch of grapes. Plate VIII 5.
Caracalla AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus, AV K M AYΡANTΩNIN, laureate head right / YΠ AYΡ GALLOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPΩ, Dionysos standing left with bunch of grapes and thyrsus.
1092 Eros winged, standing left, legs crossed, holding burning torch. Plate VII 32.
1093 Eros winged, reclining left over folded lion's skin, resting his head on his left hand and holding burning torch in right hand. Plate VII 33.
1094 Zeus seated, holding patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 21.
Caracalla AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K M AYP ANTΩNINOC, laureate head of Caracalla right / YP AVP GALLOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN / PROC IC, Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre.
1095 Coiled serpent with head up. Magistrate Ulpianus. Varbanov 3164. Plate VIII 23.
1096 Serpent-entwined vase or amphora. Varbanov 2940. Plate VII 36.
1097 Star with rays.
Caracalla AE16 of Nikopolis as Istrum. AVT K M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC, laureate bust right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTP, star with seven rays.
1098 The emperor standing, holding globe and inverted spear. Plate VIII 31.
1099 The emperor on horseback advancing right wielding bow.
1100 Caracalla and Plautilla standing face to face, shaking hands. Varbanov 3156 (Ulpianus).Plate IX 1.
1101 Caracalla and Geta wreathed and draped or cloaked, standing facing each other, shaking hands. Varbanov 3046 (Gallus); 3142-3144 (Ulpianus).
1102 Cybele riding right on lion, holding sceptre and drum. Magistrate Gallus. Varbanov 3061. Plate IX 2.
1103Caracalla on horseback riding right. Varbanov 3078 (Gallus); Varbanov 3108-3110 (Tertullus).
1104 Homonoia standing with patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
Caracalla AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate, draped bust right / NIKOPOLI PROC ICTP, Tyche standing left with patera and cornucopiae.
1105 Homonoia with kalathos on her head, standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
Caracalla AE17 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. AV KEC ANTWN, bust laureate, draped, and cuirassed right / name retrograde. Concordia standing left, polos on head, holding patera and cornucopia. AMNG 1597.
1106 Basket. (Note, this is possibly a cista mystica.)
1107 serpent emerging from cista mystica. Varbanov 2981-2982.Plate IX 14.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Caracalla AE17 (Assarion). A.D. 196-198. M AYΡKAI ANTΩNINO, laureate, beardless head right / NIKOPOLIT PROC ICTP, serpent arising from cista mystica.
1108 Basket of fruit. (Varbanov lists 8 varieties. No magistrate's name.) Plate IX 15.
Caracalla AE15 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. M AV AVK KA-ANTΩNI, bare head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPW, basket of fruit.
1109 Basket of fruit, serpent-entwined.Plate IX 13.
1110 Herakles' club. Varbanov 2977 and 3019.
1111 Lion walking right. Varbanov 2942, 2946 and 3007. No magistrate's name.Plate IX 16.
1112 Legend in laurel wreath.
Caracalla AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / N IKOP OLITW NPROC ICTPO N, six lines in laurel wreath.
1112v Legend in four lines within wreath.
1113 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and arshin (cubit rule, baton); wheel at foot. Plate IX 22.
1114 Eagle with wings spread and inverted head, standing over head of ox.
Caracalla AE27 of Nicopolis, Moesia Inferior. AV K M AYΡANTWNINOC, laureate, draped bust right / YΠ AYΡ GALLOV NIKOPOLIT PROCI, eagle standing facing on globe, wings spread, head right with wreath in its beak.
1115 Eagle with wings spread, holding wreath in its beak. Plate IX 33.
Caracalla AE16. M AV KAI (A inverted) ANTΩNINO, bare-headed, draped bust of young Caracalla right / NIKOPOLIT PPOC ICT, eagle standing left, head right with wreath in its beak.
1116 Eagle on altar between 2 standards, holding wreath in its beak. Plate IX 32.
Caracalla AE27 of Nicopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus. AV K M AYΡANTWNINOC, laureate head right / YΠ AYΡ GALLOV NIKOPOLIT PROCI, eagle standing on altar between two military standards, wreath in its beak.
1117 Eagle with inverted head, standing on thunderbolt, holding wreath in its beak.
Caracalla AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICT, eagle standing facing on thunderbolt, head right, wreath in its beak.
1118 Crescent and one star. Plate XIV 9.
Caracalla AE14 from Marcianopolis. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Crescent and one star.
Varbanov 3015 Crescent and two stars.
1119 Crescent with three stars. Varbanov 3020-3021.
Varbanov 2976 Crescent and four stars.
Varbanov 2964 Crescent and eight stars.
1120 River god half-naked, reclining half-left, holding branch, leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow.
1121 River god half-naked, reclining half-left, his right hand is over prow and holding in the left hand thyrsos and leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow. Plate X 8.
1122 River god bearded, reclining half-left, holding ear or flower and leaning on urn from which waters flow. Plate X 6.
1123 Serapis with kalathos on his head, standing left, with right hand raised, holding transverse sceptre in left hand. Plate X 13.
1124 Building with gate in the centre.
1125 Elephant walking right. Varbanov 3024.
1126 Telesphoros standing facing in long hooded cloak. Varbanov 2978-2979, 2991-2992.
Caracalla AE19 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AV K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, laureate head right / NIKOΠOΛEITΩN, Telesphoros standing facing in long hooded cloak.
1126AEros standing right, leaning on inverted torch.
Caracalla AE17 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. AV K M AYΡANTΩNIN, draped bust right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC, Thanatos right leaning on inverted torch.
Example on wildwinds
1127 Tripod, serpent-entwined. No magistrate's name.Plate X 20.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Caracalla AE18 (Assarion). ca 198-209 AD. AV K M AV ANTΩNIN, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKOΠOΛIT ΠΡOC I, serpent-entwined tripod altar.
1128 Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
1129 Tyche with kalathos on her head, standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Caracalla AE19 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVK M AYΡANTΩNINOC, radiate, draped and cuiassed bust right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTPON, Tyche standing left, modius on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
1130 Hera veiled, standing left, holding patera and sceptre; sometimes peacock below. Plate XI 22.
Caracalla AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Flavius Ulpianus. AVT K M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC, laureate bust right / V ΦΛ OYΛΠIAN NIKOΠOΛIT ΠΡOC I, Hera, veiled, standing left, holding patera and sceptre.
1131 Herakles standing, holding club in right hand and lion's skin and three apples in left.
1132 Herakles standing, holding lion's skin and apples in right hand and club in left. Plate XI 11.
1133 Herakles battling the Hydra. Varbanov 3111. Plate XI 15.
1134 Herakles standing right, holding club and lion's skin. Plate XI 10.
1135 Herakles, youthful, advancing right, holding club and lion's skin. Plate XI 10.
1136 Hermes naked, standing right with mantle, holding purse and caduceus. Plate XI 2.
1137 Hermes, naked, standing left by lighted altar, holding patera and caduceus.
1138 Hermes standing, holding purse and caduceus. Plate XI 2.
1139 Hermes standing, holding purse and caduceus; cock (rooster) below. Plate XI 3.
Caracalla AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Gallus. AV K M AV ANTΩNINO, laureate draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ AVΡ ΓAΛΛOY NIKOΠOΛITΩ ΠΡOC ICTΡ, Hermes standing left holding purse and caduceus, nude except for chlamys hanging from right arm, cock at foot to left.
1140 Hygeia, standing, feeding serpent in arms from patera. Plate XI 9.
1141Tetrastyle temple with Asklepios within. Plate XI 26.
Caracalla AE17 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. (M AYΡ) ANTΩN, laureate draped bust right / NIKOΠOΛEITΩN ΠΡOC ICTΡON, tetrastyle temple of Asklepios with peaked roof.
a. Caracalla AE28 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Ovinius Tertullus. M AYΡANTΩNINOC, laureate draped bust right / YΠ ΛOOV TEΡTYΛΛOY NIKOΠO ΠΡOC I, tetrastyle temple of Asklepios with peaked roof.
b. Caracalla AE28 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus. AV K M AV ANTΩNINOC, laureate draped bust right / YΠ AYΡ ΓAΛΛOY NIKOΠOΛIT ΠΡOC IC, tetrastyle temple of Asklepios with peaked roof.
1142tetrastyle temple with Serapis(?) within, holding sceptre. Plate XI 27.


- AV K M AN. - Their busts.
1143 Geta's bust right.
1144 Zeus half-naked, standing left, holding patera and sceptre; eagle below. Plate VIII 18.
1145 The emperor(?) laureate, cuirassed, standing left, holding spear.
1146 Legend in laurel wreath.
1147 River god bearded, half-naked, reclining half-left, holding 4 corn-ears or flower and leaning on urn from which waters flow. Plate X 11.
1148 Serapis standing left, holding patera and sceptre; Cerberus below.
1149 Herakles naked, strangling the Nemean lion. Plate XIX 22.

PLAVTILLA (wife of Caracalla)

obv: FOUL PLAUTILLA CE or CEB or CEBAC - Her head or bust.
1150 Apollo Savrokton standing right before serpent-entwined tree trunk. Varbanov 3179. Plate VI 12.
1151 Artemis huntress with the hound advancing, reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder and holding bow. Varbanov 3182.Plate VI 24.
1152 Asklepios standing facing, head left, holding serpent-entwined staff. Varbanov 3203. Plate VI 25.
1153 Athena, helmeted, standing left, holding patera over burning altar and spear; shield at her side. Varbanov 3183 and 3188. Plate VI 30.
1154 Athena with helmet, standing right, holding inverted spear and shield. Shield sometimes resting on a low base (shield on base: Varbanov 3189). Plate VI 33.
Plautilla AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Φ OVA PLAVTILLA CEB, draped bust right YΠ AVP GAL)ΛO-V NIKOPOLITWN / PPOC I, Athena, helmeted, standing right, holding spear and resting hand on shield on low platform.
1155 Nike standing left on globe. Varbanov 3207. Plate VII 15.
1156 Nike advancing left. Varbanov 3184. Plate VII 13.
1157 Caracalla on horseback right, spear in hand, chasing boar. Varbanov 3204.
1158 Cybele seated between 2 lions, holding drum. Varbanov 3190. Plate IX 4.
1159 Eagle over orb with wreath in its beak. Varbanov 3174.
Plautilla AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Gallus. ΦOVL PLAVTILLA CEB, draped bust right / YΠ AYΡ GALLOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC, eagle standing on globe, wings folded, head right, wreath in beak. Varbanov 2505.
1160 Caracalla and Plautilla clasping hands. Varbanov 3181. Plate IX 1.
1161 Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Varbanov 3205. Plate X 29.
1162 Herakles standing with club and lionskin. Varbanov 3192. Plate XI 10.
1163 Tetrastyle temple with statue of Asklepios standing left within. Varbanov 3195 and 3201. Plate XI 26.
Note: Varbanov lists 34 different coins for Plautilla.

GETA (209 - 212 A.D.)

- MAP AV ΓETAC. - Usually bare head right or bare-headed, draped bust right.
Note: the "8" like symbol is actually a ligate "OV" and is not an engraver's error.
1164 Apollo (or Zeus?) standing, radiate, holding thunderbolt in right hand.
1165 Apollo Sauroctonos standing right, leaning on tree trunk. Plate VI 12.
Geta AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Aurelius Gallus. Λ CEPTIMI GETAC KAICAP, draped bust right / YΠ AYΡ GALLOC NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTPON, Apollo Sauroctonos standing right with cross legs, naked, laureate, poised with arrow raised to stab lizard climbing up tree before him. AMNG 1654.
1166 Apollo (or Bonus Eventus?) naked, standing left by altar, holding patera and branch. Plate VI 9.
Geta AE29 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Flavius Ulpianus. (... CE)P GETAC AV, laureate and draped bust right / V ΦΛ OVLPIAN NIKOPOLIT PRO C, Apollo standing left with patera and branch.
1167 Asklepios standing with serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
1168 Athena standing, holding shield leaning on low platform.
1169 Athena standing, holding serpent-entwined spear. Plate VI 29.
1170 Athena standing, turning and holding inverted spear and shield resting on a helmet.
1171 Bust of Serapis with kalathos , right. Varbanov 3209. Plate VII 11.
1172 Nike advancing left, holding wreath and palm. Plate VII 13.
1173 Nike standing left, leaning on column, holding wreath and palm. Plate VII 17.
1174 Herakles' bearded head right. Varbanov 3208.
1175 Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears in right hand and in the left hand - sceptre with coiled serpent around it. Plate VII 24.
1176 Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and long torch with coiled serpent around it.
1177 Dionysos with short clothes left, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos. Plate VIII 5.
1178 Dionysos naked, standing left, holding bunch of grapes or cup and thyrsos. Plate VIII 4.
1179 Trophy with two seated captives at base. Varbanov 3272. Plate X 21.
1180 Star. (Four varieties in Varbanov).
Geta AE20 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. (Λ CEP) GETAC, draped bust right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTP, star with seven rays.
1181 Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 21.
1182 Coiled serpent with radiate head up. Varbanov 3229 (no magistrate's name); Varbanov 3284 (Ulpianus). Plate VIII 24.
1183 The emperor in military dress, standing left, holding uncertain object in right hand and sceptre in left; being crowned by Nike standing behind him, holding palm. Plate VIII 26.
Geta AE19 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Flavius Ulpianus. AYT K Π CEPTI GETAC AV, laureate, draped bust right / V ΦΛ OVLPIAN NIKOPOLIT PPOC I, emperor standing left in military dress, holding sword and spear (or thunderbolt and sceptre?), being crowned with wreath by Nike standing behind him holding palm.
1184 Cybele with turreted crown, riding lion and holding sceptre in right hand. Varbanov 3304.
1185 Homonoia standing left with patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
1186 Homonoia with kalathos on head, standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
1187 Wheel with 6 spokes. Varbanov 3314.
1188 Basket of fruit. Plate IX 15.
1189 Legend in four lines within wreath.
1190 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and arshin (cubit rule, baton); sholdering her mantle. Plate IX 30.
1191 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and whip(?); wheel at foot. Plate IX 22.
1192 Eagle with wings spread between 2 ensigns. Plate IX 32.
1193 Eagle with wings spread, standing over globe, looking aside, holding wreath in its beak.
1194 Eagle on platform, looking aside and holding wreath in its beak. Plate IX 33.
1195 Crescent and five stars. Varbanov 3214.
Geta AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. L CEΠT GETAC K, laureate, draped bust right / NIKOΠOΛI ΠPOC I, Crescent and five stars.
1196 Crescent and three stars.
1196ACrescent and one star.
Geta AE16mm of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Λ AVP KAI GETAC, draped bust right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC I, crescent and one star within.
Varbanov 3218
and 3237
Crescent and four stars
1197 River god half-naked, reclining half-left, holding thyrsos, leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow. Plate X 11.
1198 Tripod and coiling serpent around it. Plate X 20.
Geta AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Λ CEΠT K GETAC / NIKOPOLEITWN, serpent climbing leg of a tripod.
1199 Tyche with kalathos on her head, standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Geta AE26 from Nikopolis ad Istrum. Tyche standing left with cornucopia and rudder.. Legate; Flavius Ulpianus.
1200 Hera veiled, standing left, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XI 21.
1201 Herakles naked, standing left, strangling the Nemean lion. Plate XIX 22.
Geta AE24 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Λ CEPTIMI GETAC KAICAP, laureate, draped bust right / YΠ AVR GALLOC NIKOPOLITWN, PROC in ex, Heraklesstrangling the Nemean lion.
1202 Hermes standing, legs winged, holding purse and caduceus. Plate XI 1.
Geta AE29 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Flavius Ulpianus. AVT K CEPT GETAC AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / V FL OULPIAN NIKOPOLI PPOC, Hermes standing left holding purse and caduceus.
1203 Hermes naked, with hat, standing in front of burning altar, holding patera and caduceus.
1204 Hygeia standing, feeding serpent in patera. Plate XI 9.
1205 Tetrastyle temple with statue of Asklepios. Plate XI 29.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Geta AE16 (Assarion). A CEPT GETAC, youthful, draped bust right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOCI, tetrastyle temple with figure within.
1206 Tetrastyle temple with statue of Apollo.
1207 Man (Apollo?) naked, standing.
UnpublishedBunch of grapes. Not in Varbanov, Moushmov, AMNG, Mionnet etc. Unlisted for Geta. Dane Kurth collection no. G425. cf Varbanov 2949 var (Caracalla); Moushmov 1086a var (ditto).

MACRINUS (217-218)

1208 Apollo naked, standing, with shoes on, holding in right hand bow and leaning with the left hand on trunk.
1209 Apollo naked, standing, holding in right hand branch and resting with the left hand on tripod; in front of him - basket with fruits. Plate VI 10.
1210 Apollo Savrocton standing on one of his legs, with right hand on his breast and resting with the left hand on trunk with crawling lizard on it. Plate VI 12.
1211 Apollo naked, standing with patera and branch.
Macrinus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Statius Longinus. Apollo holding a patera and branch.
1212 Apollo naked, standing, holding arrow and leaning on trunk.
Macrinus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K OPELL CEVH MAKPINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN PPOC IC-TP-Ω, Apollo, naked, standing right holding arrow, leaning against a tree.
1213 Apollo naked in front of altar, holding patera and branch. Plate VI 9.
1214 Apollo naked, standing left, holding branch and bow. Plate VI 8.
1215 Apollo naked, in front of burning altar, holding patera right and branch left, sometimes and bow. Plate VI 9.
Macrinus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Longinus. Laureate head right / YΠ CTA LONGINOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPΩ, Apollo, naked, standing left, sacrificing from a patera over flaming altar at foot left, holding branch.
1216 Apollo naked, standing, holding bow and arrow.
1217 Apollo naked, standing, holding bow.
1218 Apollo naked, standing left, holding branch right and leaning on tripod left, holding lyre; in front of him - altar. Plate VI 16.
1219 Ares in military dress, standing left, holding shield and inverted spear. Plate VI 21.
Macrinus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus. AVT K OPPELL CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate cuirassed bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOU NIKOPOLITWN PROC-ICTPON, Ares standing left, helmeted, resting left hand on shield on ground, spear in right hand.
1220 Artemis huntress advancing right, reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder and holding bow and arrow; next to her - dof. Plate VI 24.
1221 Artemis huntress advancing right, reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder and holding bow.
Macrinus AE 26mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Longinus. AVT K M OPELL CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate cuirassed bust right, seen from back / YΠ CTA LONGINOU NIKOPOLITWN PPOC ICTPON, Artemis the huntress standing right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from quiver on her back. AMNG 1741.
1222 Asklepios and Hygeia standing; Asklepios holding serpent-entwined staff and Hygeia feeding serpent in patera. Plate VI 26.
1223 Asklepios standing with serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
Macrinus AE16 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K OP MAK-PINOC CEB, laureate, draped bust right / NIKOΠ..TΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, holding serpent-entwined staff.
1224 Athena standing with shield and spear. Plate VI 33.
Macrinus AE25 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT KM OPEL CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOV NIKOPOLITWN ΠPOC ICTPΩ, Athena standing half-right holding shield and spear.
1225 Athena with aegis, seated on a throne, holding little Nike and spear. Plate VII 2.
1226 Athena standing left in front of altar, holding patera and spear; shield at her side. Plate VI 30.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Macrinus AE27 (4 Assaria). Magistrate Statilius Longinus. AVT K M OPELLI CEVH MAKPINOC AV, laureate bust right / YΠ CTATI LONGINOV NIKOPOLITWN PROOC ICTP, Athena standing left holding patera, spear and shield; lit altar at her feet.
1227 Aphrodite naked, with mantle, standing right; next to her - dophin and burning altar. Plate VII 5.
1228 Bonus-Eventus naked, standing, with patera and corn-ears.
1229 Nike standing with wreath and palm. Plate VII 13.
Macrinus AE 26mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate and cuirassed bust right with aegis / Nike standing left, holding wreath and palm.
1230 Nike standing left, holding wreath right and leaning on column left, holding palm across. Plate VII 17.
1231 Genius winged, half-naked, standing, holding branch and cornucopiae.
1232 Genius winged, naked, standing by altar, holding patera and branch.
1233 Genius winged, naked, standing and holding patera and branch.
1233ABunch of grapes.
Macrinus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M OΠEΛ CEVH MAKΡINOC, laureate head right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICT, bunch of grapes hanging from a vine.
Example on wildwinds.
1234 City gate with 3 towers.
Macrinus AE29 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Claudius Agrippa. AVT K OΠΠEΛ CEV MAKΡEINOC, laureate head right / YΠ AΓΡIΠΠA NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTΡΩ, city gate with two towers, a third rising behind, two doors, closed.
1235 Demeter standing with corn-ears and sceptre.
1236 Demeter standing right, holding corn-ears right and coiled serpent left; serpent emerging from cista at feet.
1237 Demeter veiled, standing, holding corn-ears and torch. Plate VII 23.
1238 Demeter with kalathos oh ner nead, seated left, holding corn-ears and sceptre.
1239 Two storey building with 2 towers at both sides and gate in the middle. Plate X 17.
1240 Dionysos naked, standing, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos; panther at feet.
1241 Dionysos naked, standing left, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos. Plate VIII 5.
Macrinus AE27 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus. AVT K M OPEL CEV[H MAKPINOC], laureate cuirassed bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINO[V NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC] IC, Dionysos standing left, naked except for boots, holding grapes and filleted thyrsus.
1242 Dionysos naked, standing left, by right hand pouring out a wine from his cup, and holding thyrsos in the left hand. Plate VIII 4.
Macrinus AE25 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus. Laureate cuirassed bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC I, Dionysos standing left, naked, pouring wine from a jug and holding thyrsus.
1243 Aequitas standing right, holding scales and cornucopiae. Plate VIII 10.
1244 Liberalitas standing, holding tesera (coin counter) and cornucopiae. Plate IX 12.
Macrinus AE25 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AVT K M OPELLI CEVH MAKP, laureate head right / YΠ CTATI LONGINOU NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTRW, Liberalitas standing left with abacus and cornucopiae. AMNG 1779, SNG Cop 278.
1245 Woman seated on a rock left, holding flower right and leaning with her left elbow on the rock. Plate VIII 12.
1246 Woman with long dress standing left, holding patera and torch (?). Plate VIII 14.
1247 Woman (Demeter?) with turreted crown, seated left, holding corn-ears and sceptre (or torch?). Plate VII 27.
1248 Burning altar. Plate VII 35.
Macrinus AE 16mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / garlanded, flaming altar viewed from corner, in perspective. AMNG 1790.
1249 Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre.
Macrinus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus. AVT K M OPELLIOC CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate, draped (and cuirassed ?) bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOV NIKOPOLITWN P-POC IC, Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre.
1250 Zeus seated, next to him - eagle. Plate VIII 21.
1251 Zeus naked, standing left, sholdering mantle, holding in his right hand patera over burning altar, and in the left hand - sceptre.
1252 Zeus half-naked, standing left, looking aside and holding thunderbolt and sceptre. Plate VIII 17.
Macrinus AE 26mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum mint. 217-218 AD. Bust of Macrinus right / Zeus standing left with patera and sceptre, eagle at feet.
1253 Coiled serpent with radiate head up. Plate VII 24.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Macrinus AE27 (4 Assaria). Magistrate Marcus Claudius Agrippa. AVT K M OPEL CEVH MAKPINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN PPO CICTPΩ, coiled serpent, nimbate head right.
1254 The emperor in quadriga right, led by soldier right; trophy between two seated captives in the background. Plate VIII 33.
Macrinus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / Macrinus in quadriga right, led by soldier right; in background, a trophy between two seated captives.
1255 The emperor with Nike in quadriga right; horses are led by a soldier, whose head is turned; two seated captives above or below.
Macrinus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate cuirassed bust right / emperor in quadriga right.
1256 The emperor standing left, hext to him Nike with palm in her head; between them a trophy between two seated captives.
1257 The emperor in military dress, standing left, holding in the right hand patera over burning altar and in the left - sceptre. Plate VIII 32.
Macrinus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus. AVT K M OPELLIOC CEV MAKPINOC AVG, laureate head right / YΠ CTATI LONGINOV NIKOPOLIWN (...), emperor standing left in miliary attire, sacrificing from patera over altar to left and holding staff.
1258 The emperor laureate, in military dress, standing left, holding orb and sceptre. Plate VIII 32.
Macrinus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus. AVT K M OP CA CEV MAKPINOC AC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡO-C IC, emperor in military dress, standing left, holding orb and sceptre.
1259 Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
Macrinus AE30 of Nikoplis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / Concordia standing left holding patera and cornucopiae.
1260 Homonoia left, offering a sacrifice over burning altar and holding cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
1261 Root or stem of plant.
1262 Figure of man, half-naked, seated, holding branch and shield.
Macrinus AE29 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M OPEL CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate cuirassed bust right / VP ΠONTIANOV NIKOPOΛITΩN-ΠPOCICT, male figure (river god Ister ?) half-naked, seated left, holding branch in right hand and leaning on shield.
1263 Legend in 4 lines.
Macrinus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M OPELLIOC CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate head right / NIKOPO-LITON PP-OC ICTO-N, legend in four lines.
1264 Nemesis standing left, her right hand on her mouth, in her left hand holding whip and parazonium; wheel at foot. Plate IX 24.
1265 Nemesis standing with scales and sceptre; wheel at foot.
Macrinus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Statius Longinus. AV K M OPPELI CEV MAKREINOC, laureate head right / YΠ CTATI LONGIOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTPO, Nemesis standing left holding scales and rod, wheel at foot left.
1266 Nemesis standing, holding scales and sceptre.
1267 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and whip; wheel at foot. Plate IX 22.
1268 Nemesis-Aequitas standing, holding scales and cornucopiae; wheel at foot.
1269 Eagle on platform between 2 ensigns. Plate IX 32.
1270 Eagle standing with turned head.
1271 Eagle with wreath in its beak.
1272 River god seated left by overturned urn from which waters flow. Plate X 11.
Macrinus AE 26mm of Nikopolis in Moesia Inferior. Laureate and bearded head right / Young male figure (river god Ister?) seated left with branch and reeds; stream issuing from vessel behind. AMNG 1763v.
1273 River god reclining half-left, holding thyrsos or branch, leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow; ship at feet. Plate X 7.
Macrinus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus. AV K OPPEL CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate cuirassed bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOU NIKOPOLITWN, River god Istrus reclining left beside prow of galley, holding urn from which river waters flow. Verbanov 2727.
1274 River god half-naked, seated on rock left, holding in right hand branch, with left hand leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow. Plate X 6.
Macrinus AE27 of Markianopolis. Magistrate Pontianus. AVT K OPEL CEVHPOC MAKPEINOC, laureate cuirassed bust right / VP PONTIANOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPWN, river god reclining left, leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow, holding reeds, and resting arm on prow of a boat.
1275 Large building. Plate X 17.
1276 Serapis with kalathos, standing left, holding transverse staff (and usually raising right hand). Plate X 13.
1277 Serpent-entwined tripod. Plate XIV 14.
1278Serpent-entwined club of Herakles.
Macrinus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K M OPPELLI CEVH MAKPEINOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC IC, serpent-entwined club of Herakles.
1279 Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
1280 Tyche standing left, with kalathos on her head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Macrinus AE 28 (4 Assaria). Magistrate Statilius Longinus. AVT K M OPELLI CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOV NIKOPOLITWN PRO , CICT below, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. BMC 50.
1281 Athlete, naked, standing, holding palm branch.
1282 Hemus seated right on rock, right hand over his head and resting his left hand on a tree; AIMOC below. Plate XI 34.
1283 Hera standing left, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XI 21.
Macrinus AE27 Pentassarion of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Hera or Homonia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae.
1284 Hera left, offering sacrifice over burning altar and holding sceptre. Plate XI 24.
1285 Hera standing left, with patera and sceptre; peacock at foot. Plate XI 22.
1286 Helios advancing left, naked, holding whip and raising right hand. Plate XI 31.
Macrinus AE27 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Agrippa. AV K OPELLI CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN PPOC ICTP, Helios advancing left, naked, holding whip and raising right hand.
1287 Herakles leaning on club. Plate XI 13.
Macrinus AE27 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M OPEL CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate head right / Herakles standing right, naked, holding lion skin and leaning on club set on rock.
1288 Herakles standing, holding club and lion's skin. Plate XI 10.
Macrinus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M OPELLIOC CEV MAKPEINOC, laureate head right / VP CTATI LONGINOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTPΩ, Herakles standing left, leaning on club and holding lionskin in left hand.
1289 Herakles naked, standing, holding club and bow, lion's skin hanging over his left hand. Plate XI 12.
1290 Herakles naked, left, fighting with the Hydra. Plate XI 15.
Macrinus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AUT K M OPELLE CEV MAKPINOC, laureate, cuirassed bust right / Herakles,with club aloft about to hit the hydra.
1291 Hermes naked, standing with purse and caduceus; cock (rooster) at feet. Plate XI 3.
Macrinus AE26 of Nikopolis as Istrum. Statius Longinus, legate. Hermes standing left with purse and caduceus, large rooster reaching up biting at the purse.
1292 Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus. Plate XI 2.
Macrinus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum, legate Statius Longinus. AVT K M OPEL CEV - MAKPEINOC AV, laureate bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOY NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡ / OC I, Hermes, naked except for chlamys over left shoulder, standing left, holding purse and caduceus. AMNG 1748.
1293 Hermes naked, with winged shoes, leaning left, foot on rock; holding caduceus in his right hand, left hand on his hip; chlamys hanging down behind him. Plate XI 6.
1294 Hygeia standing, feeding serpent from patera. Plate XI 9.
Macrinus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Marcus Claudius Agrippa. AV K OPPEL CEVH MAKPINOC, bust in breastplate with gorgoneion, laureate right, aegis with serpents on left shoulder / UP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN PPOC IC / TRW, Hygieia, draped, with drapery over left arm, standing right holding patera and feeding serpent held in right arm. AMNG 1694, BMC 41
1295 Young man naked, seated on a rock right, looking left and leaning on tree, holding in his righ hand long spear, with left raised hand over his head; in the margin:AIMOS. Plate XI 34.
1296 Young man naked, seated on a rock left, looking right, holding in his left hand long spear, with right hand raised over his head; behing tree and bear or wild boar; in the margin legend AIMOC. Plate XI 33.
Macrinus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate head right / VP CTA LONGEINOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTRW, Hemus, personification of the Old Mountain, reclining left seated on a cliff, right hand over head, left arm leaning on tree and holding a spear, bear below, AIMOC before. Varbanov 2698.
1297 Young man naked, seated on a rock left, looking right, holding in his right hand branch and leaning woth the left hand on the rock.

DIADUMENIAN. (Son of Macrinus)

1298 Apollo naked, standing, holding laurel branch over burning altar and leaning on tripod.
Diadumenian AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. K M OPELLI ANTWNIN DIADOVMENIANOC, bare headed, draped bust right / VP (AGRIPPA?) NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPWN, Apollo standing left, naked, holding laurel branch over burning altar to left and leaning on tripod to right.
1299 Apollo naked, standing right, his right hand down holding branch and left hand behind him.
Diadumenian AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Claudius Agrippa. K M OPEL ANTWN(I DIADOVMENIAN)OC •, draped bust right / VP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPΩN, Apollo, naked, standing right in a slight crouch, with left hand down behind him and holding a branch before him.
1300 Apollo naked, standing left, with patera and branch. Plate VI 9.
Diadumenian AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Longinus. M OPELLIOC DIADOVMENIANOC K, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC I, Apollo standing left with patera and branch.
1301 Apollo naked, standing left, holding patera and bow. Plate VI 7.
Diadumenian AE25 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus. K M OPELLOC DIADOVMENIANOC, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP CTA LONGINOU NIKOPOLITWN PRO CI, Apollo standing left with patera and bow, CTPON below.
1302 Artemis hunress advancing left, holding in right hand bow and arrow, with left raised hand; next to her - a hound.
Diadumenian, Caesar, as AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. 218 AD. Magistrate Statius Longinus. K M OPPEL ANTWN DIADOVMENIANOC, draped bust right / YΠ CTATIOV ΛONΓINOY NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC, Artemis as huntress advancing right holding bow and extracting arrow from quiver on back, hound running at feet behind. AMNG 1844.
1303 Artemis huntress running right, hound at foot. Plate VI 24.
Diadumenian AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. K M OΠEΛ ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC, draped and cuirassed bust right / Artemis advancing right with bow and hound at feet. AMNG 843.Example on wildwinds
1304 Asklepios standing, holding serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
1305 Asklepios standing, with right hand resting on serpent-entwined staff and his left hand is wrapped with mantle. Plate VI 25.
1306 Asklepios standing, holding serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
1307 Athena helmeted, standing left in front of burning altar, holding patera and spear. Plate VI 30.
Diadumenian AE27 of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior. Bare head right / Athena standing left, helmeted, holding a patera over a lighted altar and sceptre surmounted by Victory.
1308 Aphrodite standing left, mantle flowing behind, her right hand on her breast and left hand in front. Dolphin with head down right of her and burning altar left of her. Plate VII 5.
Diadumenian AE27 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Claudius Agrippa. K M OPEL ANTWNI DIADOVMENIANOC, draped bust right / VP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN PPOC ICTPΩ, Aphrodite standing right, dolphin downward to left, lighted altar at foot to right.
1309 Nike standing, holding garland and palm.
1310 Nike standing, holding in right hand laurel wreath and resting with left hand on column---palm. Plate VII 17.
Diadumenian AE23, Nikopolis ad Istrum, Magistrate Statius Longinus. KM OPEL ANTWNI DIADOVMENIANOC, bare head right / YΠ CTATIOV LONGINOY NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICT / PW (below) / N (left field), Nike standing, holding wreath in right hand and resting left hand on column.
1311 Nike standing left, offering a sacrifice over burning altar and hoilding cornucopiae.
1312 Nike advancing right, holding palm and wreath.
Diadumenian AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Agrippa. K M OPEL ANTWNI DIADOVMENIANOC, bare head right / VP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN PPOC ICTPΩN, Victory advancing right with palm and wreath.
1313 Thanatos or Eros, standing, leaning on burning inverted torch. Plate VII 19.
1314 City gate with 3 towers.
Diadumenian AE28 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Agrippa. K M OPEL DIADOUMENIANOC AV, draped bust right / VP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN PPOC ICTP, city gate with three crenulated towers.
1315 Bunch of grapes. Plate XIV 8.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Diadumenian AE19 (Assarion). K M OPEL DIADOVMENIANOC, bare bust right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICT, Bunch of grapes hanging on stalk. BMC 57.
1316 Demeter standing, holding corn-ears and long torch. Plate VII 23.
1317 Demeter veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears and long torch with serpent climbing up; below - serpent emerging from half-opened cista.
1318 Demeter standing, holding corn-ears and sceptre.
1319 Dionysos naked, standing left, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos. Plate VIII 5.
1320 Dionysos naked, standing left, pouring out wine from a cup and holding thyrsos (sceptre). Plate VIII 4.
1321 Aequitas standing, holding scales and cornucopiae. Plate VIII 10.
1322 Aequitas standing left, holding scales and sceptre.
1323 Woman standing (Hestia?), holding in right hand patera and in the left hand - burning long torch. Plate VIII 14.
1324 Woman standing with both raised hands.
1325 Woman seated left, holding in right hand patera and resting with left hand on the throne. Next to the throne depicted cornucopiae.
1326 Woman standing left, holding purse and cornucopiae.
Diadumenian AE28, Nikopolis ad Istrum. K M OPPELLI (DIADOVMENIA)NOC, bare-headed, draped bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTP, Abundantia standing left, modius on head, holding purse and cornucopiae.
1327 Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 21.
Diadumenian AE28 of Nicopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Longinus. K M OPELLOC DIADOVMENIANOC, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CTATIOV LONGINOV NIKOPOLITWN, Zeus seated left holding patera and sceptre, ΠPOC IC in ex.
1328 Zeus naked, standing, with patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 16.
1329 Zeus naked, standing left, holding patera and sceptre; eagle below. Plate VIII 18.
1330 Zeus seated left, holding in the right hand Nike with wreath in hand and in the left hand - sceptre. Plate VIII 19.
1331 Zeus standing right, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. Plate VIII 17.
Diadumenian AE27 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Legate Statius Longinus. M OPELLI DIADOVMENIANOC K, bare-headed, draped bust right / YΠ CTA LONGINOV NIKOPOLITWNN, Zeus standing right, head left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre.
1332 Coiled serpent with radiate head up. Plate VIII 24.
Diadumenian AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Marcus Claudius Agrippa. K M OPPEL ANTONIN DIADOYMENIANOC, draped, bare-headed bust right / YP AGRIPPA - NIKOPOLITWN PP / OC - ICTP, serpent, decorated with knobs, erect in two elaborate coils, head radiate and with nimbus, right, with dots aound. AMNG 1823.
1333 Standing club with coiled serpent around it. Plate XIV 11.
Diadumenian AE26 from Nicopolis ad Istrum. Marus Claudius Agrippa, legate. serpent-entwined staff.
1334 The emperor on horse right and kneeling captive below. Plate VIII 30.
Diadumenian AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus. K M OPELLOC DIADOVMENIANOC, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP CTA LONGINOU NIKOPOLITWN PRO CI, emperor on horseback right, cape waving behind, kneeling captive below.
1335 The emperor in military dress, holding patera and sceptre.
1336 Homonoia standing, holding in the right hand patera over altar and in the left hand - cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
Diadumenian AE25 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. K M OPEL ANTWNI DIAD(OVMENIANOC), bare head right / VP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN (PROC ICTPWN), Homonoia (Concordia) standing left, kalathos on head, holding patera over flaming altar and cornucopiae. SGI 2986, BMC 54.
1337 Homonoia standing with patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
1338 Homonoia with turreted crown seated on a throne, holding patera and sceptre.
1389 Homonoia with turreted crown standing left, holding patera and sceptre.
1340 Homonoia left, offering sacrifice over burning altar and holding sceptre.
1341 serpent emerging from half-opened cista. Plate IX 14.
1342 Libertas standing left, holding tesera (tablichka) and cornucopiae. Plate IX 12.
Diadumenian AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Statius Longinus. K M OPPEL ANTWN DIADOYMENIANOC, draped bust right / YΠ CTATIOY LONGIOY NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡ-OC, ICTPΩ in ex, Liberalitas standing left, draped, diademed, holding coin counter and cornucopiae, altar at foot to left. AMNG 1863.
1343 Legend.
1344 Nemesis standing with patera and basket; wheel at foot.
1345 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and parazonium; wheel at foot.
1346 Nemesis- Aequitas standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae; wheel at foot.
1347 Nemesis (or Aequitas) standing left, holding scales and arshin (cubit rule, baton). Plate IX 30.
1348 Eagle with wings spread, holding wreath in its beak. Plate IX 33.
Diadumenian AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Draped and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing facing, head left, wreath in its beak. AMNG 1871.
1349 River god Iskar seated on a rock, leaning with left hand on overturned urn, holding thyrsos, extending right hand.
Diadumenian AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. M OPPELL...., bare-headed bust right / VP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN PPOC ICTPWN, river god Iskar seated on a rock, leaning with left hand on overturned urn, holding thyrsos, extending right hand.
1350 River god half-naked seated left, holding thyrsos, leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow. Plate X 11.
Diadumenian AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. K M OPELLI ANTWNI DIADOVMENIANOC, laureate head right / river god seated left, leaning on urn from which waters flow.
1351 River god half-naked, reclining half-left, looking right, leaning on overturned urn from which waters flow. Plate X 9.
1352 River god half-naked seated left holding thyrsos, leaning on the rock; in front of him - prow. Plate X 7.
1353 Serapis with kalathos , standing left, looking right, holding sceptre across. Plate X 13.
1354 Serpent climbing up tripod. Plate X 20.
1355 Two captives and between them - a trophy; Nike standing right of the trophy, writing on shield and the emperor standing with spear - left. Plate X 22.
1356 Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
1357 Tyche with kalathos on her head, standing right, holding rudder and cornucopiae; next to her - seated little child.
1358 Hades - Serapis (Pluto) with kalathos , seated left; next to him - Cerberus. Plate X 15.
1359 Hera standing, offering sacrifice over burning altar and holding sceptre.
1360 Hera standing, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XI 21.
1361 Herakles standing, leaning on club.
1362 Herakles standing with club and lion's skin. Plate XI 10.
Diadumenian, Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus. M OPELLI DIADOVMENIANOC K, bare-head right / YΠ CTATIOV LONGINOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTP, Herakles standing half right, holding lionskin in right hand and club in left hand.
1363 Herakles naked, left, fighting with the Hydra. Plate XI 15.
Diadumenian AE28 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. K M OPEL AI DIADOUMENIANOC KAI, draped and cuirassed bust right / [---]NIKOPOLITWN PROCICT, Herakles standing left clubbing the Hydra.
1364 Hermes naked, standing, holding caduceus and purse; his chlamys over his hand. Plate XI 2.
1365 Hermes standing right, holding purse and caduceus.
1366 Hermes naked, standing left, shouldering his mantle and holding purse and caduceus; cock (rooster) below. Plate XI 3.
1367 Hermes naked, standing left, right foot on a rock, resting with right hand on his right knee, holding caduceus and his left hand is on his hip; his mantle hanging on his shoulder. Plate XI 6.
1368 Hygeia standing, feeding serpent in patera.
Diadumenian AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. K M OPEL ANTWNI DIADOVMENIANOC, bare head right / VP AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWN PPOC ICTPΩ, Hygeia standing left feeding serpent from patera.
1369 Young man half-naked, seated, looking aside, branch in left hand, resting on a rock with right hand.
1370 Young man half-naked, seated left, thyrsos in right hand, resting on a rock with left hand.
a.Diadumenian AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Statius Longinus. M OPEL ANTWN DIADOVMENIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CTATIOV LONGINOV NIKOPOLIT / WN PPOC ICT / PON, youthful mountain-god, nude to hips, sitting left on mountain above cave entrance, holding branch in raised right hand and reed in left hand.Example on wildwinds

ELAGABALUS (218 - 222 A.D.)

- M AYΡANTΩNEINOC. - His head or bust.
Note: Without exception, all Elagabalus's coins at Nikopolis were issued by Novius Rufus. Coins with the ANTWNINOC legend with other magistrate names on the reverse are very probably coins of Caracalla.
1371 Apollo naked, standing in front of burning altar, holding patera and branch. Plate VI 9.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT K M AYΡH ANTΩNINOC, laureate draped bust right / YΠ NOBIOV POVΦOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC, ICT-PON to right, Apollo, naked, standing left sacrificing from patera over flaming altar to left and holding branch.
a.Elagabalus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / (...) NIKOPOLITWN PROC - ICT - PON, Apollo standing left, sacrificing from patera over lit altar to left, holding branch.
1372 Apollo (?) naked, mantle on right shoulder, standing by altar, holding branch.
1373 Apollo naked, standing left, holding branch in right hand over burning altar, left hand leaned on tripod-bow. Plate VI 10.
1374 Apollo naked, standing left, holding patera and laurel branch. Plate VI 9.
1375 Ares helmeted in front of burning altar, holding spear.
1376 Ares helmeted in military dress, standing left, holding spear and shield. Plate VI 21.
1377 Ares helmeted, naked, holding spear and shield. Plate VI 20.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AVT K M APH ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP NOBI...NIKOPOLEITWN P RO CIC-T-PON across, Ares standing front, nude, resting arm on shield, holding spear. Image
1378 Artemis huntress advancing right, hound at her feet. Plate VI 24.
1379 Asklepios standing, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
1380 Asklepios and Hygeia standing, Asklepios holding serpent-entwined staff and Hygeia feeding serpent in patera. Plate VI 26.
1381 Asklepios standing left, looking aside, holding serpent-entwined staff and his mantle. Plate VI 25.
1382 Athena standing left, leaning on shield and holdnig inverted spear. Plate VI 33.
1383 Athena seated left on a throne, holding little Nike and spear; helmet below. Plate VII 2.
1384 Athena helmeted standing hext to serpent climbing up tree, holding branch in right hand, left hand on her hip; shield at her side. Plate VI 27.
Elagabalus AE 27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Novius Rufus. AYT K M AYPH - ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ NOBIOY POYΦOY NIKOPOLITWN / PPOC ICT, Athena standing left, branch in right hand, behind her shield at ground; before her olive-tree with serpent entwined around it. AMNG 1921.
1385 Bonus-Eventus naked, standing in front of burning altar, holding patera and corn-ears.
1386 Bust of Serapis right, with kalathos . Plate VII 10.
Elagabalus AE20 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M..., laureate bust right / NIKOPOLEITWN PPOC ICT, draped bust of Serapis right, wearing modius.
1387 Nike advancing left carrying wreath and palm. Plate VII 14.
Elagabalus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AYT K M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP NOBIOU ROUFOU NIKOPOLITWN PPO; Nike standing left with palm and wreath.
1388 Nike standing left, holding wreath and parazonium.
1389 Nike standing left, holding wreath. Plate VII 13.
1390 Genius of death, Thanatos, winged, standing, leaning on trunk, holding burning inverted torch.
Elagabalus III AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. Laureate bust right / VP NOBOU ROUFOU NIKOPOLITWN PROCICTRON, Thanatos, nude, standing right leaning on and extinguishing torch.
1391 City gate with 2 towers. Plate VII 20.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nicopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Novius Rufus. Laureate head right / YΠ NOBIOV POVFOU NIKOPOLITWN, PROC ICTRO N below, city gate.
1392 City gate and temple above.
1393 City gate with 3 towers.
Elagabalus III AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT K M AYΡANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / VP NOBOU ROUFOU NIKOPOLITWN PRO CIC, city gate with three towers, rounded archway with open door.
1394 City gate, chariot with 4 horses above, horse on each column. Plate VII 21.
Elagabalus III AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, laureate head right / VPA NOB ROUFOU NIKOPOLITWN PROCICTRON, city gate with two towers, emperor in quadriga above. Verbanov 3137v.
1395 Bunch of grapes. Plate XIV 8.
Elagabalus AE18 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AV K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKOPOLEITWN PROC, bunch of grapes. Verbanov 2998.
1396 Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and sceptre or torch. Plate VII 23.
Elagabalus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT K M AYΡANTΩNEINOC, radiate head right / YΠ NOBIOV POVF8 NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTP, Demeter standing left holding grain-ears and long torch.
1397 Dionysos standing with cup and thyrsos. Plate VIII 4.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VPA NOB ROUFOU NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTRON, Dionysos standing left, pouring wine from kantheros and holding thyrsos.
1398 Dionysos standing left with thyrsos and bunch of grapes. Plate VIII 5.
Elagabalus AE20 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AV K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTPON, Dionysos standing left with bunch of grapes and thyrsus.
1399 Eros winged riding dolphin right. Plate VII 31.
1400 Woman standing, holding patera in right hand and sceptre ending caduceus form in left hand.
1401 Woman standing, wanting to pick a poppy with right hand, holding cornucopiae in left hand.
1402 Woman with kalathos on her head, standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae; wheel at foot.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT K M AYΡH ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped bust right / YΠA NOB POVΦOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTPON, Nemesis, kalathos on head, standing left holding scales and cornicopiae, wheel at her feet.
1403 Altar and thunderbolt above, ensigns at each side.
1404 Zeus half-naked, standing with patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 16.
1404a) Zeus seated, holding patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 21.
1405 Zeus half-naked, standing, looking left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. Plate VIII 17.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M AYΡH ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped bust right / YΠ NOBIOV POVΦOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC-PT-ON, Zeus standing left, half-naked, holding thunderbolt and sceptre.
1406 Zeus naked, standing, with mantle, holding patera and sceptre; eagle below. Plate VIII 18.
1407 Zeus half-naked, seated left, holding little Nike and sceptre. Plate VIII 17.
1408 Coiled serpent with radiate head up. Plate VIII 24.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate, draped bust right / Nimbate serpent in elaborate coils.
1409 Coiled serpent with head up. Plate VIII 23.
Elagabalus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT K M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC, laureate bust right / YΠA NOB POVΦOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTPO, coiled serpent with head upwards.
1409ASerpent-entwined staff of Asklepios.
Elagabalus AE17 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTPO/N, serpent-entwined staff of Asklepios.
Example on wildwinds
1410 The emperor with radiate wreath, standing in chariot with 2 horses, advancing left. Plate XI 32.
1411 The emperor in military dress standing left, right foot on lying captive; extending right hand and holding spear in left hand; behind Nike placing wreath on his head; between him and Nike - other lying captive and weapons. Plate VIII 34.
1412 The emperor standing left in military dress, radiate wreath on his head, decorated burning altar in front, holding patera and inverted spear.
1413 The emperor on horse advancing right; his mantle is waving behind.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT K M AYΡH (ANTΩNINOC), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / (YΠ NOBIOV POV)FOU NIKOPOLITWN PPOC ICTPON, emperor on horseback right, raising hand in salute, cape waving behind.
1414 The emperor on horse, galloping right, is about to throw his spear at a lion, running left. Plate VIII 35.
Elagabalus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT M AYΡANT-ΩNINOC, draped bust right / YΠ NOBIOV POVΦOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠPOC, ICP/TON in fields left and right, emperor on horse, galloping right, right hand raised about to throw a spear at a lion, running left beside (beneath) horse.
1415 Homonoia standing left by burning altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate XI 8.
1416 Homonoia standing with patera and cornucopiae, wheel at foot. Plate IX 6.
1417 Homonoia with kalathos on her head, standing, holding patera and cornucopiae.
1418 Cybele seated on lion right, holding patera and leaning on drum.
1419 Horseman advancing right, opina bow.
1420 serpent emerging from half-opened cista. Plate IX 14.
Elagabalus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT M AYΡH ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right / NIKOPOLEITWN PROC IC TRWN, serpent emerging from half-opened cista.
1421 Basket with fruits. Plate IX 15.
1422 Gate with turrets at the sides. Plate IX 11.
1423 Laurel wreath and within the legend in 5 lines: AYTIXOC TIOC KIPIOC NIKOPOLITWN.
1424 Lion walking right.
Moesia Inferior. Nikopolis ad Istrum. Elagabalus. AE 18 mm. 3.4 g. Laureate and draped bust right / Lion advancing right.
1425 Naked figure of man, wearing boots, mantle on shoulder, holding serpent-entwined staff.
Elagabalus AE24 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K M AYΡH ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped bust right / YΠ NOBIOV POVΦOV NIKOPOLITΩN IPOC C TO-ON, Hermes, naked except for chlamys over right shoulder and boots, standing left, legs crossed, holding serpent-entwined staff. Moushmov 1425, AMNG 1929,
1426 Legend within laurel wreath.
Elagabalus AE25 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AV K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / N/IKOPO/LITWN/PPOCI/CTPON, five lines within laurel wreath. AMNG 2013.
a.Elagabal AE25 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Novius Rufus. AV K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, radiate cuirassed bust right / YΠ / NOBIOV / POVΦOY / NIKOPO / LITWN P / POC ICT / PON in seven lines within laurel wreath. AMNG 2010.
b.Elagabalus AE16 (Assarion) of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT M AYΡH ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right. / NI-KOP-WLITWN-PROC IC-TPΩN in five lines within laurel wreath. BMC 68-70v.
1427 Nemesis standing, holding scales and sceptre; wheel at foot.
1428 Nemesis standing, holding scales and arshin (cubit rule, baton); wheel at foot and the letter G. Plate IX 22.
1429 Nemesis-Aequitas standing, with a balance and cornucopiae; wheel at foot. Plate VIII 10.
1430 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and parazonium; wheel at foot.
1431 Nemesis (or Aequitas) standing left, holding scales and arshin (cubit rule, baton). Plate IX 30.
1432 Eagle between two ensigns, standing on thunderbolt or base and holding wreath in its beak.
Elagabalus AE24 of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ NOBIOV POVFOU NIKOPOLITWN PROCIC, eagle standing on altar between two standards.
1433 Eagle with wings spread, holding wreath in its beak. Plate IX 33.
Elagabalus AE 25mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / YΠ NOBIOV POVFOU NIKOPOLITWN PROCI-CT-PO-N, eagle standing facing, wings open, head left with wreath in its beak. AMNG 1992.
1434 Eagle with wings spread, looking left.
1435 Eagle standing on altar between two ensigns, holding thunderbolt in its claws and wreath in its beak.
1436 Pan, naked, advancing left with club, turning; skin of a beast on his shoulder; left foot on panther. Plate XIV 15.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Novius Rufus. AV K M AYΡE ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ NOBIOV POVFOU NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICTRΩ, Pan standing left, head right, lagobalon on shoulder, holding pipes, foot on panther lying supine on the ground.
1437 Crescent and one star.
1438 Crescent and three stars.
Elagabalus AE 16 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Laureate bust right / Crescent and star.
1439 Priapus standing left, bared at the front, holding patera in right hand, and basket of fruits, leaning on phallus.
Elagabalis AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Priapus standing left exposing his phallus.
1440 River god half-naked, seated left, holding thyrsos and leaning on overturned urn from which water flows. Plate X 11.
1441 River god bearded, wreathed, reclining right, holding thyrsos in right hand; river flowing before him, ship at his side.
1442 River god half-naked, reclining left, holding thyrsos and leaning on rock. Plate X 10.
1443 Serapis standing, right hand raised, holding in left hand sceptre across. Plate X 13.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Laureate draped and cuirassed bust right / Sarapis standing facing, head left, right hand raised, holding sceptre in left hand. CTR - ON in fields.
1444 Elephant right.
1445 Telesphorus standing wrapped in long dress.
1446 Triptolemos standing in chariot towed from 2 serpents right; his chlamys is waving on his back. Plate X 24.
Elagabalus AE28 of Nikopolis, Moesia Inferior. AVT K M AVR (ANTONIENOC AVG), laureate draped bust right / U P NOBION ROUFOU NIKOPOLITWN PROCICT, Triptolemos riding right in biga of winged serpents.
1447 Nike standing and the emperor with spear in hand, trophy between them.
1448 Asklepios' club with coiled serpent.
Elagabalus AE18 Nikopolis ad Istrum, AVT M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC, serpent-entwined, upright staff of Asklepios; H in right field.
1449 Quiver standing.
1450 Tyche standing, with rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
1451 Tyche standing, holding in right hand rudder leanding on globe, and in left hand cornucopiae.
Elagabalus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC K, laureate head right / YΠ NOBIOV POVΦOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC IC-TPO-N, Fortune standing, holding rudder, resting on globe, and cornucopiae.
1452 Helios standing with radiate head, holding sceptre.
1453 Hera standing with patera and sceptre; peacock below. Plate XI 22.
1454 Hera standing with patera and sceptre. Plate XI 21.
1455 Hera in front of burning altar, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XI 24.
1456 Herakles Farnesi bearded, standing left, right hand behind him, resting with the left hand on club on a rock; lionskin over arm. Plate XI 13.
1457 Herakles naked, standing left or right and holding club and lionskin. Plate XI 10.
1458 Hermes naked, standing, with purse and caduceus. Plate XI 2.
1459 Hermes standing, looking left, holding purse in right hand, caduceus and mantle in left hand.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Elagabalus AE27 (4 Assaria). Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT K M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ NOBIOV POVΦOV NIKOPWLITWN PPOCICTPON, Hermes standing left, holding caduceus, mantle and purse.
1460 Hermes naked, standing with mantle, holding purse and caduceus; next to him - cock (rooster). Plate XI 3.
1461 Hermes naked, mantle on left shoulder, holding caduceus; next to him - altar.
1462 Hygeia standing, feeding serpent in patera. Plate XI 9.
1463 Tetrastyle temple with statue of Artemis huntress.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Elagabalus AE25 (4 Assaria). Magistrate Novius Rufus. AVT K M AYΡH ANTΩNEINOC, laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / YΠ NOBIOV POVΦOV NIKOPWLITWN, PPOCIC in ex, CTP - ON on either side of tetrastyle temple with Artemis holding bow within. Lindgren 723.
1464Octastyle temple with statue within.
Elagabalus AE18 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M AYΡANTΩNINOC, radiate head right / NIKOPOLITWN PROC ICT, octostyle temple.
1465 Hexastyle temple with statue within; tree at each side.
1466Pentastyle temple (5 columns).
1467Pentastyle temple (5 columns) with statue within.
1468 Tetrastyle temple with seated statue of Roma, helmeted, holding patera and spear.
1469 Tetrastyle temple, decorated with palms and shield above. Seated left statue of Zeus within, holding patera and sceptre; eagle at feets.
1470Pentastyle temple (5 columns) in profile, at front - man with spear in head; trees in the background. Plate XI 25.
1471 Young man (Hemus - Old Mountain) seated left on hill or rock, looking aside, his right hand is over his head. Behind him - tree and passing stag; below - bear going into its cave. Plate XI 34.
Elagabalus AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Novius Rufus. AVT KM AVR ANTΩNEINOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ NOBIOV POVΦOV NIKOPOLITWN / PPOC ICTP / ON, youthful local mountain god Haimos sitting on rock left, reclining on tree, hands above head; stag behind him jumping right, bear emerging from cave below. AMNG 1953.


obv: AYT K M A CEOVH ALEZANDPOC. - His head.
1472 Tetrastyle temple with statue of deity. Plate XI 29.
1473 Hermes standing with purse and caduceus. Plate XI 2.

GORDIAN III (238 - 244 A.D.)

- AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC. - His head or bust.
1474 Artemis huntress advancing, with right hand reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder, holding bow in left hand; hound at foot. Plate VI 24.
1475 Asklepios standing with serpent-entwined staff.
Gordian III AE28 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Modestus. AVT K M ANTW GORDIANOC, laureate draped bust right / VP CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLEITWN PROC ICTP-ON, Asklepios standing facing, head left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff.
1476 Athena standing right, holding spear and resting hand on shield.
1477 Athena helmeted, standing left, holding spear and shield. Plate VI 34.
Gordian III AE27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Modestus. AVT K M ANTW GORDIANOC AVG, laureate draped bust right / YΠ CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLEITWN PROC IC-T-P-Ω-N, Athena standing left, holding spear and resting hand on shield.
1478 Athena standing, holding spear and resting hand on shield; next to her - olive-tree with serpent climbing up it.
1479 Nike advancing right, carrying trophy. Plate VII 18.
1480 Nike standing left, holding wreath and palm. Plate VII 13.
1481 Two men standing, wearing mantles, clasping hands.
1482 Demeter standing with corn-ears and torch. Plate VII 23.
Gordian III AE 26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M ANT M GORDIANOC AV, laureate, draped bust right / YΠ CAB NOBECTOV NIKOPOLEITWN PP/OC IC, Demeter standing, holding corn-ears and torch.
1483 Woman with long dress, standing right, holding in right hand hem of her robe, and a bird.
1484 Zeus standing wearing mantle, holding patera and sceptre; eagle at foot. Plate VIII 18.
1485 Zeus seated, holding patera and sceptre; eagle at foot; table VIII 21.
Gordian III AE29 of Nicopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Modestus. AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLITWN PROCICTRON, Zeus seated left with patera and sceptre, eagle at foot.
1486 Zeus with kalathos on his head, seated left, holding patera and sceptre; eagle at foot.
1487 Coiled serpent with radiate head up. Plate VIII 24.
Gordian III AE 29mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Modestus. AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLEITWN PROCICT, coiled serpent with nimbate head up. AMNG 2104.
1488 Coiled serpent with head up. Plate VIII 23.
1489 The emperor, laureate and wearing mantle, on horseback, galopping right and holding spear.
Gordian III AE30 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Modestus. AVT K M ANTW (GORDIANO)C, laureate draped bust right / (YΠ CAB M)ODECTOV NIKOPOL-EITWN-PRO CICT-PON, emperor on horseback galloping right, hand raised. Varbanov 5288.
1490 Gordian and Tranquillina shaking hands. Plate IX 1.
1491 Cybele with turreted crown seated left between two lions, holding patera and leaning on drum. Plate IX 5.
1492 Horseman advancing left, holding spear in right hand.
1493 Horseman advancing right, wielding bow.
1494 Homonoia with kalathos on her head, seated left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 9.
1495 Homonoia with kalathos on her head, seated left, holding patera and spear.
Varbanov 4268
Homonoia standing left with kalathos, holding patera and cornucopiae.
Gordian III AE28 of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Modestus. AVY K M ANTW GORDIANOC, laureate draped bust right / YΠ CAB MODECTOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTPON, Homonoia standing left with patera and cornucopiae.
1496 City gate with two turrets. Plate IX 11.
Gordian III AE26 of Nicopolis, Moesia Inferior. Magistrate Modestus. AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC AV, laureate head right / YΠ CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLITWN PROCICTRO, city gate with conical towers.
1497 Nemesis standing left, right hand to her mouth, holding sceptre in left hand; wheel at foot.
1498 Nemesis standing left, holding arshin (cubit rule, baton) and cornucopiae; wheel at foot.
1499 Nemesis standing left, holding arshin (cubit rule, baton) in left hand, drawing her robe away from her shoulder; wheel at foot. Plate IX 24.
1500 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and arshin (cubit rule, baton); wheel at foot. Plate IX 22.
1501 Nemesis standing left, holding patera and arshin (cubit rule, baton); wheel at foot.
1502 Nemesis standing with kalathos on her head, with mantle on her right shoulder, holding arshin (cubit rule, baton); wheel at foot. Plate IX 24.
1503 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and arshin (cubit rule, baton); wheel at foot. Plate IX 22.
Gordian III AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Sabinius Modestus. AVT K M ANTW GOPDIANOC,laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLEITWN PROC, I/C/T in field to r., PON in ex, Nemesis standing left holding scales and baton, wheel to left.
1504 Nemesis standing left, holding with arshin (cubit rule, baton) and sling; wheel at foot. Plate IX 23.

    For information: Nemesis types in Varbanov:
  • Nemesis holding cubit rule, cornucopiae, wheel at foot: 4127, 4137, 4211, 4254
  • Nemesis holding cubit rule, bridle, wheel at foot: 4128, 4148, 4158, 4159, 4209
  • Nemesis holding cubit rule, ribbon, wheel at foot: 4160
  • Nemesis holding scales, cornucopiae, wheel at foot: 4136
  • Nemesis holding scales, sceptre, wheel at foot: 4210 4215-4216, 4263
  • Nemesis with right hand to mouth, holding sceptre, wheel at foot: 4212-4214
1505 Eagle on base or altar between 2 ensigns, holding wreath in its beak. Plate IX 32.
1506 Eagle on thunderbolt with wreath in its beak.
Gordian III AE28 of Nikopolis. AVT K M ANTW GORDIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CAB MODECTOU NIKOPOLEITWN PROC ICTPON, eagle standing on thunderbolt with wreath.
1507 Eagle standing wreath in its beak. Plate IX 33.
1508 River god, reclining left, holding thyrsos and branch, leaning on overturned urn from which water flows. Plate X 11.
Gordian III AE 27mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLEITWN PROCICT PON, river god reclining left, leaning upon jug from which the river flows. AMNG 2069.
1509 River god half-naked, reclining left, right hand on prow, and with left hand leaning on overturned urn from which water flows. Plate X 8.
Gordian III AE 28mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VP CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLEITWN PROC ICTPO/N, river god reclining left, leaning upon jug from which water flows. AMNG 2069.
1510 Serapis standing, right hand raised, holding sceptre in left hand. Plate X 13.
1511 Serpent-entwined tripod. Plate X 20.
1512 Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
1513 Tyche with kalathos on her head, standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Gordian III. AE 26 (4 Assaria). Magistrate: Sabinius Modestus. AVT K M ANTW GORDIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLEITWN PROC , I/C/T in field to r., PON in ex, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
1514 Hades-Serapis (Pluto) with kalathos on his head, seated left, his right hand over Cerberus at his feet, holding sceptre in left hand. Plate XI 21.
Nicopolis ad Istrum. Gordian III AE27 (4 Assaria). Magistrate Sabinius Modestus. AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLEITWN PP OCICTPO, Serapis enthroned left, holding spear, Kerberos at his feet.
1515 Hera standing left, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XI 21.
1516 Hera standing left in front of burning altar, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XI 24.
1517 Hermes standing, right foot on a rock, holding caduceus in right hand, holding purse in left hand and his mantle wrapped around it. Plate XI 6.
Gordian III AE 27 of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Legate Sabinius Modestus. AVT K M ANTW GORDIANOC AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right, Gorgoneion on breast plate and aegis with erect serpents on far shoulder / YΠ CAB MODECTOY NIKOPOLEITWN PPOC ICTPON, Hermes standing left, nude, foot on rock, holding caduceus and purse. AMNG 2056.
1518 Hermes standing with purse and caduceus. Plate XI 2.
1519 Hygeia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. Plate XI 9.
Gordian III AE 27mm of Nikopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Modestus. AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CAB MODECTOV NI(KOPOLEITWN PROC ICTPON), Hygeia standing right feeding serpent from patera.
1520 Tetrastyle temple with statue of deity. Plate XI 29.
1521 Tetrastyle temple with statue of Homonoia standing, holding patera and cornucopiae.
1522 Tetrastyle temple with statue of Tyche standing, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
Gordian III AE28 of Nicopolis in Moesia Inferior. AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / YΠ CAB MODECTOV NIKOPOLEITWN PPOC ICTPON, tetrastyle temple with turreted statue of Tyche within holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG Cop 290.
1523 Tetrastyle temple with statue of Hades-Serapis seated left, holding sceptre, Cerberus at his feet. Plate XI 27.
1524 Tetrastyle temple with statue of Homonoia within, kalathos on her head, standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae.
See also WildWinds' Nikopolis ad Istrum page
See also AMNG Vol I (Dacia and Moesia) Free download of this famous catalog by Behrends Pick, in German

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