The Ancient Coinage of NeapolisMacedonia

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.


(ca 500 – 350 B.C.)
now Kavala.

Autonomous coins.


6394 NEOΠ. Woman’s head (Aphrodite?) right, hair tied back, all within incuse square. Rev. : Head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. 12 mm. Table XLIV 9.
6395 NEOΠ. Woman’s head (Aphrodite?) right, hair tied back, all within incuse square. Rev. : Rev. : Head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. 8 mm.
6396 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy; thyrsos behind. Rev. : NEAΠ. Bunch of grapes between 2 leafs. 17 mm.
6397 Head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. Rev. : Irregular incuse square, with formless figures within. 13 mm.
6398 Head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. Rev. : Quadripartite incuse square. 16 mm. Table LI 19.
6399 As 6398 but a tin-plated fourée.
6400 Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue; forehead covered with serpents. Rev. : Head and forelegs of panther seen from the front, two dots above, all in incuse square. 26 mm.
6401 Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. Rev. : Quadripartite incuse square. 21 mm.
6402 …E…Π. Woman’s laureate head, hair tied back, right. Rev. : Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. 15 mm.
6403 Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. Rev. : Incuse grain square divided into 4 parts. 10 mm. Table LI 20.
6404 Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. Rev. : NEOΠ. Head of Hera or Aphrodite, hair tied back; dove below. 16 mm.
6405 Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. Rev. : NEO&Pi:OΛIΤΩ(N). Head of Hera or Aphrodite head wearing leafy wreath and earrings. Incuse surface. 17 mm.


6406 Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. Rev. : Helmeted head of Athena head right within grainy incuse square. 15 mm.
6407 Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. Rev. : NEO. Aphrodite’s head; dot behind head.
6408 Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. Rev: As 6407 but without dot. 10 mm.
6409 Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. Rev: as 6407 but with fish instead of dot.
6410 NEOΠ. Andromeda’s bust (?), dressed, with hair up and tied at nape of the neck, dot behind neck. Rev. : Facing head of Gorgoneion with protruding tongue. 11.5 mm.

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