The Ancient Coinage of Maroneia

Listed by Moushmov Number

See also the Wildwinds Maroneia pagewith numerous coins not linked to this page.

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.
(500 – 350 B.C.) now Maronia, along the White sea.

Autonomous coins.


Silver, period I.

3890 MAΡ, Bust of recumbent horse left. Rev. : A. Ram's head right within incuse square. 17 mm.
3891 Horse forepart right; A X Π in field. Rev. : MA EΠI. Bunch of grapes within incuse square. 15 mm.
3892 MA, Horse forepart left. Rev. : Bunch of grapes within incuse square, rhyton (cup) in field . 15 mm.
3893 E Y Π or M H or no letters, Horse forepart left. Rev. : MA, bunch of grapes on a vine. 15 mm. Plate XXIV 7.
3894 Horse forepart left and N P. Rev. : MAΡΩNI, bunch of grapes on a vine. 15 mm. Plate XXIV 7.
3895 Same obverse. Rev. : EΠI AΘHNEΩ. Bunch of grapes within square formed by flowers. 15 mm.
3896 MAΡΩ. Horse forepart right. Rev. : EΠI AΡIΣTOΛEΩ. Bunch of grapes within grainy square. 17 mm. Plate XXIV 8.
3897 Horse galloping left. Rev. : EΠI...KΛEΩ. Vine with 4 bunch of grapes within square. 26 mm. Plate XXIII 11.
3898 MAΡΩ or MA. Horse forepart right. Rev. : EΠI NOYMHNIOY. Bunch of grapes within grainy square. 15 mm. Plate XXIV 4.
3899 Head of Dionysos left, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : MAΡΩNITΩN EΠI AΘHNEΩ, Vine with bunches of grapes within square. All within incuse square. 25 mm. Plate XXIII 5.
3900 Head of Dionysos left, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : MAΡΩNEITΩN EΠI MHTP...NEOΣ, Vine with bunches of grapes within square. All within incuse square. 23 mm.
3901Horse galloping left; hound below. Rev. : EΠI KAΛΛIKPATEOΣ, Vine with bunches of grapes within square. All within incuse square 23 mm.
3902Horse galloping left; hound below. Rev. : EΠI NEOMHNIO, Vine with bunches of grapes within square. 27 mm.
3903Horse galloping left; flower above. Rev. : EΠI ΠOΛYAPHTOY, Vine with bunches of grapes within square; tortoise in field. 25 mm.
3904Horse galloping left; flower above. Rev. : ΠATPOKΛEΩN, Vine with bunches of grapes within square. 22 mm.
3905 Horse galloping left. Rev. : EΠI XOPHΓO, bunches of grapes on a vine and fly within incuse square. 25 mm. Plate XXIV 1.
3906 Horse galloping right; wheel above. Rev. : MHTPOΦΩN, bunches of grapes on a vine within incuse square. 20 mm. Plate XXIII 10.
3907 MAΡΩ. Horse galloping left. Rev. : EΠI IKEΣIO, bunches of grapes on a vine within incuse square., caduceus in field. 25 mm.
3908Horse galloping left. Rev. : MAΡΩNITEΩN, bunches of grapes on a vine within square. 25 mm.
3909 Horse galloping right. Rev. : EΠI BOYT.., bunches of grapes on a vine within linear square, kantharos and and thyrsos on one side. 20 mm.
3910 MAP, Horse forepart left. Rev. : Rosette within incuse square. 15 mm. Plate XXIV 5.
3911 MAΡΩNOΣ (inverted), Horse forepart left. Rev. : Ram's head within incuse square, decorated with daisies. 21 mm.
3912 Horse galloping left; Λ and trident beneath the horse. Rev. : EΠI MAΡΩNOΣ. Vine with 4 bunches of grapes within linear square. 27 mm.
3913 Horse galloping left; bearded head above. Rev. : MHTPOΔOTOΣ, bunches of grapes on a vine within square. 23 mm. Plate XXIII 4.
3914 Horse galloping left; thunderbolt above. Rev. : EΠI ATPOKΛEOΣ, bunches of grapes on a vine within square, all within incuse square. 27 mm.
3915 MAΡ, Horse forepart right. Rev. : EΠI HPAKΛEIΔEΩ. Bunch of grapes within square. 15 mm. Plate XXII 23.
3916 EΠI ΠOΣ..., Horse forepart right. Rev. : Bunch of grapes within square. 15 mm.
3817 EYΠ. Horse forepart. Rev. : MA. Bunch of grapes within incuse square. 15 mm.
3918 Horse forepart left. Rev. : ΠOΣEIΔIΠΠOΣ, bunches of grapes on a vine within linear square. 27 mm.
3919 Horse forepart. Rev. : MA or MA EΠI, bunches of grapes on a vine and cup with 2 handles within incuse square. 13 mm.
3920 Horse galloping left. Rev. : EΠI ΠYΘOΔΩPO, bunches of grapes on a vine within incuse square. 26 mm.
3921 Horse galloping right; flower above, MAΡO ... below. Rev. : Quadripartite incuse square. 25 mm. Table LII 9.
3922 Horse forepart galloping right; flower on its body. Rev. : Quadripartite incuse square. 22 mm. Table LII 10.
3923 Horse forepart galloping left. Rev. : Quadripartite incuse square. 16 mm.
3924 Horse's head right. Rev. : Quadripartite incuse square. 7 mm. Table LII 15.
3925 EΠ AΡΞEMBΡOTO. Horse forepart galloping left. Rev. : Quadripartite incuse square. 18x21 mm. Table LII 11.
3926 MA or MAΡΩ, Horse forepart galloping left. Rev. : Rosette within incuse square. 20 – 18 mm. Table LII 12.
3927 MAΡ. Horse forepart galloping left. Rev. : ITHM within quadripartite incuse square. 12 mm. Table LII 13.
3928 MAΡ, forepart of horse galloping left. Rev. : Ram's head within incuse square. 11x15 mm. Table LII14.
3929 MAΡΩ NOΣ (inverted), forepart of horse galloping left. Rev. : Ram's head right within incuse square. 15x17 mm. Table LII 16.
3930 Horse forepart left. Rev. : MAΡΩNITΩN within incuse square. 20 mm. Plate XXIV 3.
3931 Y Δ. Horse forepart right. Rev. : Λ Μ, bunch of grapes on a vine. 15 mm.
3932 Horse's head right. Rev. : Goat kneeling on its forelegs within incuse square. 9 mm. Plate XXII 24.
3933 Horse galloping left, helmeted, bearded head left in field. Rev. : EΠI ΠOΣIΔHIO, bunches of grapes on a vine within incuse square. 27 mm. Plate XXIII 2 and 7.
3934 MAΡΩ. Horse walking left, two-handled cup in the field. Rev. : ΔEONYΣ around square with vine with bunches of grapes. All in incuse square. 25 mm.
3935 MAΡΩN. Horse galloping left, two-handled cup above. Rev. : MHTΡOΔOTOΣ, bunches of grapes on a vine, all within incuse square. 25 mm. Plate XXIII 8.
3936 Horse galloping left, head of Apollo above. Rev. : MHTΡOΔOTOΣ, bunches of grapes on a vine, all within incuse square. 24 mm.
3937 MAΡΩ. Horse galloping left. Rev. : EΠI IKEΣIO, bunches of grapes on a vine within incuse square. Caduceus in field. 22 mm. Plate XXIV 2.

Thrace, Maroneia AR Tetradrachm. ca 386/5-348/7 BC. Hikesio, magistrate. MAΡΩ, horse rearing left, trailing rein / EΠI IKE-ΣIO, grape arbor in linear square; caduceus to left; all within shallow incuse square. Schönert-Geiss 424, BMC 24, SNGCop604.
3938 Horse galloping left; sometimes MA . Rev. : EΠI ΦHNΩNOΣ, bunches of grapes on a vine within incuse square. 22 mm. Plate XXII 9 and 12.
3939 MAΡΩN. Horse galloping left, two-handled cup above. Rev. : EΠI MHTPOΔOTO. Vine with 4 bunches of grapes within incuse square. 27 mm. Plate XXIII 6.

Silver, period II.

3940 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : ΔIONYΣOY ΣΩTHPOΣ MAΡΩNITΩN. Dionysos, naked, standing, holding bunch of grapes in right hand, and two arrows and his chlamys in left hand, monograms in fields. Plate XXIII 3.
Maroneia, Thrace, AR tetradrachm. ca 130 BC, Head of young Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / ΔIONYΣOY ΣΩTHΠOΣ MAΡΩNITΩN, Dionysos standing left, holding grapes, monograms in fields.


3941 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : ΔIONYΣOY ΣΩTHPOΣ MAΡΩNITΩN. Dionysos standing left, holding bunch of grapes and two arrows, monogram in field. Plate XXII 16.
3942 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : MAΡΩNITΩN. Dionysos standing left, holding bunch of grapes and sceptre or two arrows; monogram in field. Plate XXII 19.
Thrace, Maroneia AE20mm. Head of Dionysos right, wreathed in ivy / MAΡΩNITΩN, Dionysos standing left, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos.
3943 Head of Apollo right. Rev. : MAΡΩNITΩN. Aesklepios standing, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. Monogram in field.
3944 Horse galloping right, monogram below. Rev. : MAΡΩNITΩN. Vine with four bunches of grapes. All in square; sometimes with monogram in field. Plate XXII 22.
3945 ΔIONYΣOY ΣΩTHPOΣ, Head of Dionysos right. Rev. : MAΡΩNITΩN. Dionysos in a biga pulled by a goat and a panther; peacock walking behind the biga.
3946 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy.. Rev. : ΔIONYΣOY ΣΩTHPOΣ MAΡΩNITΩN. Dionysos standing, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos or sceptre; ΔY or monogram in field.
Thrace, Maroneia AE25. After 148 BC. Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / Dionysos standing left, holding grapes.
3947 Horse galloping right. Rev. : Vine-leaf.
3948 Head of Apollo right. Rev. : Vine-leaf and monogram.
3949 Head of Dionysos facing front, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : MAΡ, Bunch of grapes and barley-grain.
3950 (legend illegible), Bipennis (labrys). Rev. : Bunch of grapes.
3951 KO AM... Bipennis (labrys), caduceus above. Rev. : EΠI ΔHM...O. vine with five bunches of grapes within grainy square.
3952 Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : AΛΩ, two-handled cup, bunch of grapes in field.
3953 Demeter’s head with wreath of ears, right. Rev. : Horse galloping right.
3954 Laureate head of Apollo right. Rev. : MA, bunch of grapes on a vine. Plate XXII 20.

Alexander III (336 – 323 B.C.)


3955 Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev. : AΛEΞANΔΡOY. Nike standing left, holding wreath in right hand, and spear or trophy in left, bunch of grapes in field. 19 mm.


3956 Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. Rev. : BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY or only AΛEΞANΔPOY. Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; bunch of grapes and/or sometimes ΣΙΛΗ or ONTIΣ in field, monogram beneath throne. Plate XXIII 1.

Lysimachus (323 – 381 B.C.)

3957 Diademed head of Lysimachos right, with ram's horn. Rev. : BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY. Athena seated left, holding Nike in right hand and resting left hand on shield; bunch of grapes and monograms to left.

Imperial (Roman Provincial) bronze coins.


Nero (54 – 68 AD) NERΩN KAICAP. His head. Rev. : MAΡΩNEITΩN. - MAΡΩNITΩN.

3958 Head of Dionysos right. Varbanov 4107 and 4109.
3959 Athena, helmeted, standing left, holding Nike and spear. Varbanov 4108.

Hadrian (117 – 138 AD)

- AY AΔPIANOC AΔPEINOC. His head or bust.
3960 Capricorn and cornucopiae. Varbanov 4110-4111. (Capricorn only: Varbanov 4112)Plate XXII 18.
3961 Capricorn right; cornucopiae above. (Barbaric style). Varbanov 4113.Plate XXII 17.

Antoninus Pius (138 – 161 AD)

3963 Dionysos, naked standing, with cup and thyrsos; panther below. Varbanov -.Plate VIII 6.
3964 Dionysos standing, holding bunch of grapes and two spears (?).Varbanov -.

ADD: Commodus. AD 177-192.
AY KAI KOMOΔOC or AYT KAI KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. : MAΡΩNEITΩN.

Varbanov 4116 Dionysos standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot.
Varbanov 4117 Dionysos standing left, holding bunch of grapes and two spears.
Varbanov 4118-4119 Dionysos standing left, holding two spears.

ADD: Septimius Severus. AD 193-211.
CEΠTI CEYHΡOC AYΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. : MAΡΩNEITΩN.

Varbanov 4120 Dionysos standing left, holding bunch of grapes and two spears.
Varbanov 4121Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae.

Julia Domna (wife of Sept. Severus)
IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CЄB, draped bust right. Rev. : MAΡΩNEITΩN.

3965 Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Varbanov 4124.Plate X 29.
Varbanov 4124Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae.
3966 Dionysos, naked standing left, holding bunch of grapes and two arrows; chlamys over his left hand. Varbanov 4122.
Maroneia. Julia Domna AE23 (3 Assaria). AD 198-217. IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB, draped bust right / MAΡΩNEITΩN, naked figure of Dionysus standing, facing left, holding bunch of grapes and two arrows, drapery over his left hand.

Caracalla (198 – 217 AD)

- AVT M AVP ANTΩNINOC. Laureate head right.
3967 Dionysos naked standing, holding bunch of grapes and two arrows; chlamys over left hand. Varbanov 4125-4126. Plate XXII 21.
Varbanov 4127Caracalla standing left, holding patera and sceptre.
3968 Hermes naked standing left with purse and caduceus; rooster at foot. Varbanov 4128. (No rooster: Varbanov 4129).Plate XI 3.
3969 Hexastyle temple, with Dionysos standing left within, holding kantharos and thyrsos or bunch of grapes and thyrsos. Varbanov 4130.Plate XI 26 – 30.

Macrinus (217 – 218 AD)

3970 M OΠ CE MAKPEINOC. His head. Rev. : MAΡΩNEITΩN. Tetrastyle temple, Dionysos standing within, holding kantharos and thyrsos. Varbanov 4131.Plate XI 26 – 30.

Severus Alexander (222 – 235 AD)

3971 Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. : AMΦIΛOXOY MAΡΩNEITΩN. Athena, turreted, seated left, holding Nike and spear; shield at her side. Varbanov 4132. Apparently there is no evidence of authenticity of this coin.

Trebonianus Gallus (251 – 253 AD)

3972 AYT BIB ΓAΛΛOC. His head. Rev. : MAΡΩNEITΩN. Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding bunch of grapes and two arrows. Varbanov 4133-4134.
3972AHexastyle, gabled temple with Dionysos within.
Trebonianus Gallus AE 25mm of Maroneia, Thrace. Laureate head right / Large gabled hexastyle temple, containing a statue of Dionysos, holding thyrsos and patera. Varbanov -; Mionnet 843 var.

Volusian (251 – 253 AD)

3973 AE Medallion. AYT BIB OYOΛΛЄCTIANOC. (sic) His bust. Rev. : MAΡΩNEITΩN. Dionysos naked standing left, holding bunch of grapes and two arrows, chlamys draped over his hand. Varbanov 4135. (Authenticity questioned)
Volusian AE 29mm of Maroneia in Thrace. AYT BIB OVOΛΛECTIANOC, Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / MAΡΩNEITΩN, Dionysos standing left with bunch of grapes & thyrsos. Varbanov 4136-4137; BMC 90, SNG Cop 651.
Varbanov 4138Dionysos standing left with bunch of grapes & thyrsos, panther at foot left. Varbanov 4138.
Varbanov 4139Hermes standing half left in long chiton, holding caduceus and cornucopiae..
Varbanov 4140Homonoia standing left by altar, kalathos on head, holding patera and cornucopiae.
See also WildWinds' Maroneia page

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