The Ancient Coinage of Istros

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.

See also WildWinds' Istros page with numerous example not yet linked to this page.
ISTRUS (4th-3rd century BC) (town near Kasapkioi, in Dobrudza)

Autonomous coins.


NOTEFor an extensive catalogue of the sea-eagle on dolphin types, (and all other Istros coin types) see Behrend Pick: AMNG pp. 159ff (in German). Direct Download from or Behrend Pick: AMNG pp. 159ff (in German) from google books
137 Two male heads facing, one inverted. Rev. : IΣTΡIH, or IΣTΡIA. Sea eagle standing left or right, grasping a dolphin in its talons; often with a monogram or letter(s) below. Plate II 4.
Sear 1669. Istros, Thrace, AR Drachm. ca 400-350 BC. Two facing male heads, one inverted / IΣTΡIH, eagle standing left on dolphin, monogram below.
137A The same type but smaller.
Sear 1670. Istros, Thrace, AR Quarter Drachm. ca 400-350 BC. Two facing male heads, one inverted / IΣTΡIH, eagle left, grasping dolphin in its talons, monogram below. SNG Cop 20.


138 Apollo seated, holding short spear, resting on a bow. Rev. : IΣTΡIH. An eagle pecking a dolphin; below APIΣTA.
139 Two young male heads. Rev. : IΣTΡIH. An eagle, pecking a dolphin; sometimes monograms or letters in field or below. Plate XII 9.
140 Satyr’s bearded head right, in profile, club (pedum) to left. Rev. : IΣTΡIH. An eagle, pecking a dolphin.
Sear 1672. Moesia, Istros. Late 4th century - early 3rd century BC. AE13. Three-quarter facing head of the horned river god Istros / IΣTΡI, sea-eagle left, grasping dolphin with talons. Moushmov 140, SNG BMC 260.
141 Apollo’s laureate head right. Rev. : IΣTΡIH. An eagle, pecking a dolphin. Γ or H. Plate II 6.
SNG BMC 259. Moesia, Istros. Circa 4th-2nd Century BC. Ć 17mm. Laureate head of Apollo right / IΣTΡIH, sea-eagle left, grasping dolphin in talons, H beneath tail. Moushmov 141.
142 Dionysos’s head right, with ivy wreath. Rev. : IΣTΡIH, below HPOΔΩ. An eagle, pecking a dolphin. Plate XII 7.
143 Helmeted bust of Athena right. Rev. : ICTΡIHNΩN. Dionysus, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos; panther at feet.
144 Hermes’ head right wearing petatos. Rev. : IΣ.., An eagle, pecking a dolphin.
145 Horned head of river god Istros right. Plate II 7. Rev. : IΣTΡIH. An eagle, pecking a dolphin.
Istrus, Thrace AE13. Horned head of river god Istros / sea eagle flying left, dolphin in its talons. Lindgren A41f.
146 Youthful head of Dionysos, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : IΣTΡIH. Bunch of grapes and monogram. Plate II 9.
Moesia, Istros, ca. 2nd-1st centuries BC, AE 14mm. Head of Dionysos, wreathed with ivy, facing slightly left / IΣTΡIH, bunch of grapes. SNG Stancomb 212v, AMNG 469v, SNG BMC -,
147 A dolphin. Rev. : IΣTP. Corn-ear. Plate II 8.
148 Head of Demeter right, wreathed with corn. Rev. : IΣTΡIH. An eagle, pecking a dolphin and A or Λ.
Thrace, Istrus AE13. ca 2nd Century BC. Head of Demeter right, wreathed with corn / IΣTΡIH above eagle standing left on a dolphin.
149 Demeter’s head right, veiled, countermarked. Rev. : IΣTΡI, ΔIONY and corn ear.
150 Head of Demeter right, wreathed with corn. Countermark (head). Rev. : IΣTΡIH. An eagle, pecking a dolphin. Down below….AN.
151 Apollo naked, seated on a rock, holding an arrow and a bow. Rev. : IΣTΡIH, APIΣTA below, An eagle, pecking a dolphin. Plate II 10.
152 Radiate head of Helios facing. Rev. : IΣTΡI. An eagle, pecking a dolphin. Plate II 5.
Thrace, Istros AE11. 3rd - 2nd century BC. Radiate head of Helios facing / Sea eagle attacking dolphin.
153 Apollo seated on a rock on the left, holding a branch and resting on lyre. Rev. : ICTΡIA. Dionysos in long himation, pouring wine from a kantharos over a panther, and holding thyrsos in left hand.

Lysimachos (323 – 281 BC)

154 Diademed head of king right, with ram's horn. Rev. : BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY. Athena seated on a throne, holding a small Nike. Beneath the throne IΣ, ΔI above, trident below. Plate III 19.
Sear 1671. Kingdom of Thrace, Lysimachus AV Stater. Istrus mint, ca 89–72 BC. Diademed, horned head of deified Alexander right, with features of Ariarathes IX / Athena enthroned left, holding Nike & resting elbow on grounded shield, DI in inner left field, IS on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 482, SNGCop 1094, Mueller 285.



155 Helmeted bust of Athena right, with aegis. Rev. : ICTΡIHNΩN. Dionysos naked, standing, kalathos on head, holding a kantharos and thyrsos, panther at feet. Plate II 11.
156 AYTOKPAT CEBAC. King’s laureate head right. Rev. : ICTΡIHNΩN. Apollo standing, holding patera (?) and lyre.

Hadrian (117 – 138 A.D.)

157 AYT K….AΔPIANON. His head. Rev. : IΣTΡIHNΩN. Dionysos, wearing short chiton, standing left, holding kanatharos and thyrsos; panther at foot. Plate VIII 7.

Antoninus Pius (138 – 161 A.D.)

158 …AΔPI ANTΩNEINOC CEB. – laureate head right. Rev. : ICTΡIH.., rider, wearing chlamys, on horseback pacing right. Plate XII 10.
Antoninus Pius AE20 of Istros, Moesia Inferior. ..AΔΡI ANTΩNEINOC CEB, bare head right / ICTΡI, horseman cantering right.

Commodus (176 – 192 A.D.)

159 Apollo standing, wearing robe, holding branch and a lyre set on a column. Δ in field.
160 Demeter standing, veiled, holding corn-ears and torch. Plate VII 23.
161 Kybele, turreted, seated left on throne; lion at her side. Plate IX 3.
Commodus Ć28 of Istrus, Moesia Inferior. AY KAI Λ (AYΡH?) KOMOΔOC, laureate draped bust right / ICTΡIHNΩN, Kybele seated left, holding patera & resting arm on a drum, lion at foot.
162Horseman holding cornucopiae, pacing right.
Commodus AE26 of Istrus, Moesia Inferior. AY KAI M AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate draped bust right / ICTΡIHNΩN, rider on high-stepping horse right, holding Nike, eagle on a pillar behind.
163 Sea-eagle, pecking a dolphin. Plate XII 11.
Commodus AE24 of Istrus. AYΡ M AYΡ KOM ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / sea-eagle flying left, attacking a dolphin with its talons, ICTΡIHNΩN below. AMNG 489, AMNG 488, SGI 9124.
164 Herakles standing with a club and a lion’s skin.

Septimius Severus (193 – 211 A.D.)

- AY K Λ CEΠ CEYHPOC Π. – His head or bust.
165 The emperor standing, holding patera over altar and spear. Plate VIII 32.
166 Kybele seated on a throne right, holding drum; lion at foot. Plate IX 4.
Septimius Severus AE29 of Istros, Moesia Inferior. A K Λ CEΠT CEVHPOC Π, laureate head right / ICTΡIHNΩN, Kybele seated right, hand on drum, lion beneath throne.
167 Helmeted rider on horse pacing right, legionary eagle below.
168Mithras on pacing horse, right; his right hand resting on the horse's neck, legionary eagle over a column to left.
Septimius Severus AE30 of Istrus, Thrace. A K Λ CEΠT CEVHΡOC Π, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / ICTΡIHNΩN, Mithras on horse pacing right, behind, bird perched on column. AMNG 491.
169 Tyche, modius on head, standing and holding rudder; burning altar to left and an eagle pecking a dolphin to right.
Septimius Severus AE28 of Istros, Moesia Inferior. AVT K Λ CEΠTI CEVHΡOC Π, laureate head right / ICTΡINHΩN, Tyche standing left with rudder & cornucopiae, flaming altar to left, eagle attacking dolphin right.

Septimius Severus & Julia Domna

170 AYT K Λ CEΠ…..T. – Laureate head of Sept. Severus right. Rev. : IOY ΔOMNA C and ICTΡHNΩN. – Draped bust of Julia Domna right.

Julia Domna (wife of Septimius Severus)

IOYΛIA ΔOMNA A. – Her bust right.
171 Kybele, turreted, seated left, holding patera, and resting left elbow on drum; lion at foot. Plate IX 5.
172 An eagle pecking a dolphin.
Julia Domna AE26 of Moesia Inferior, Istrus. IOVΛIA ΔOMNA CEB, draped bust right / ICTΡIHNΩN, sea-eagle perched on dolphin, both to left. Pick 501.

Caracalla & Julia Domna

173 A M AY ANTΩN CEB IOY ΔOMNA CEB. – Their heads facing each other. Rev. : ICTΡIHNΩN. Mithras with kalathos on head, on horseback right; altar before, Γ in field.

Caracalla (198 – 217 A.D.)

AYT K M AYT CEYHP ANTΩNINOC. – His head or bust. Rev. : ICTΡIHNΩN.
174 Dionysos naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos; panther at foot. Plate VIII 6.
175 Dionysos naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos. Plate VIII 6.
176 Horseman riding right, holding branch or spear, and a bird; altar and E below.
177 Nemesis standing, holding scales and thyrsos. E in field. (This coin is possibly one of Elagabalus).
178 Tyche, kalathos on head, standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. E. Plate X 29.
Caracalla AE29 - 5 Assaria - of Istros. Laureate bust right / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae; value mark E in ex. AMNG 505.
179 Hygieia, feeding serpent in arms, facing Asklepios, resting on serpent-entwined staff, Telesphorus wearing hooded cloak, standing between them, Δ in field. Plate VI 26.
180 Hera standing, holding patera over an altar and sceptre. Plate XI 24.

GETA (209 – 212 A.D.) AYT K Λ CEΠTI ΓETAC. – His head or bust. Rev. : ICTΡIHNΩN.

181 Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
182 Hera? standing left by altar, holding patera and sceptre or torch. Plate XI 24.
182A (online supplement) Horseman right.
Geta as Augustus, AE28 of Istros, Thrace. AVT K MA R C GETA CEB, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ICTRIHNWN Mithras on horseback pacing right.

Elagabalus (218 – 222 A.D.)

183 Apollo, in long robe, standing left by burning altar, holding patera, a lyre on column beside him. Δ. Table VI.
184 Kybele, turreted, seated on a throne, holding patera and sceptre and resting on a drum; 2 lions at sides, E in field. Plate IX 5.
185 River god bearded, wreathed with reeds, reclining left, holding a fish and a reed; lighthouse behind. E in field.
186 Serapis or Mithras on pacing horse right; low altar before, eagle on column behind. E in field. Plate IV 2.
Elagabalus AE28 of Istros, Moesia Inferior. AYT K M AYΡ H ANTONEINOC, laureate head right, draped / ICTΡIHNON (in Greek); Serapis or Mithras on pacing horse, right; in front of the horse an altar, behind the horse a column with an legionary eagle on it. E in exergue.
187 Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Sometimes with value mark E. Plate X 29.

Severus Alexander (222 – 235 A.D.)

AYT K M AYΡ H CEB AΛEZANΔPOC. – His head or bust. Rev. : ICTΡIHNΩN.
188 Apollo standing by altar, in long robe, holding branch and a lyre on a column; Δ in field.
189 Kybele seated left, holding patera and sceptre and resting arm on drum; two lions before and behind the throne. E in field or ex.
190 Serapis or Mithras on horse pacing left; vase in field; an eagle on base behind horse.
191 Rider on horseback pacing left; behind an eagle on a column; altar beneath horse's right leg. E in field or ex. Plate IV 2.
192 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and bridle or arsine; wheel at foot, often with value mark E in field or below.

Julia Mamaea (mother of S. Alexander)

193 IOYΛIA MAMAIA CEBA. – Her bust right. Rev. : ICTΡIHNΩN. An eagle, pecking a dolphin.
Julia Mamaea AE23 of Moesia Inferior, Istros. IOVΛIA MAMAIA CEBA, diademed & draped bust right / ICTΡHNWN, eagle standing left on dolphin left. Pick 520.

Gordian III (238 – 244 A.D.)

AYT K M ΓOPΔIANOC. – His head or bust. Rev. : ICTΡIHNΩN.
194 Serapis or Mithras on horse pacing right; altar before, eagle on pole or column behind.Plate IV 2.
195 Tyche standing, holding rudder and cornucopiae. E or Δ in field. Plate X 29.
196 Hera standing left by altar, holding patera and sceptre. Δ. Plate XI 24.

Gordian III & Tranquillina.

AYT K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC CABI TPANKIΛIN or TPANKIΛINH or TPANKIΛINA. - …OC CAB TPANKIΛINA AYΓO.. - Their heads or busts facing each other (confronted). Rev. : ICTΡIHNΩN.
197 Athena standing, holding a serpent-entwined spear.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE28 Pentassarion of Istros, Moesia Inferior. Confronted draped busts / ICTΡIHNΩN, Athena, helmeted, standing left with shield at foot, facing serpent-entwined tree, E in center.
198 Serapis or Mithras, wearing kalathos on horse pacing right,; altar before, eagle on pole behind. E in field or ex. Plate IV 2.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE26 Pentassarion of Istros, Thrace. AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC CABI TPANKVΛIN, confronted busts / ICTΡIHNWN, Mithras on horseback right; column behind surmounted by a bird, altar before. Pick 524.
199 Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae; below – orb and E.

Tranquillina (wife of Gordian)

200 An eagle pecking a dolphin. Plate V 5.
201 River god naked, seated left on the ground, holding prow, his left elbow resting on overturned urn. In the margin Γ. Plate X 8.
See also WildWinds' Istros page

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