The Ancient Coinage of Islands of Thrace

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.
Islands of Thrace, MYRINA
(about 300 B.C.) City on island Lemnos. Autonomous bronze coinage.
5601 Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev. : MYPI. Owl standing with head facing. 15 mm.
(about 280 B.C.) Autonomous coinage.
5602 Helmeted head of Athena left. Rev. : ΣAMO MHTPΩNAO. Kybele seated left on thronw, kalathos on head, holding patera and sceptre; lion at her side. AE22 mm.
Samothrace AR Didrachm. After 280 BC. Head of Athena right, in crested Corinthian helmet with coiled serpent device on bowl / Kybele seated left, holding patera and sceptre, lion sitting left under throne, ΣAMO to right, to left magistrate's name MHTΡΩNA. BMC 1.
5602AThrace, Islands off, Samothrace AR Hemiobol. Ca 500-475 BC. Sphinx sitting left / Head of a roaring lion left; within dotted incuse square.
5603 Athena’s helmeted head right. Rev. : ΣAMO ΠYΘO. Kybele seated left, holding patera and sceptre. Table XXXIV 17.
Samothrace. ca 280 BC. Æ 18mm. Helmeted bust of Athena right / ΣA-MO, Kybele seated left, holding patera and sceptre, ΠYΘOK behind. SNG Cop 999.
5604 The same obverse. Rev. : ΣAMO TEIΣI. Kybele seated left.
5605 The same obverse. Rev. : ΣAMO. Kybele seated left.
5606 The same obverse. Rev. : ΣAMO. Kybele seated right, holding patera and sceptre.
Thrace, Islands off, Samothrace AE20. Ca 280 BC. Helmeted, draped bust of Athena right / ΣAMO, Kybele seated left, holding patera and sceptre. SNG Cop 995.
5607 Female head left, with raised hair tied with ribbon. Rev. : ΣAMO. Bearded man with kalathos on head, dressed with loose clothes, seated left, holding two grain ears in right hand; Herm or phallus before.
5608 Helmeted head of Athena right; star behind. Rev. : ΣAMOΘPAKΩN. Kybele seated left on throne, holding patera and sceptre sometimes with star beneath the throne.
5609 Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev. : APIΣO ΞE ΣAMOΘΡ. Kybele seated left on throne, with right extended hand, holding sceptre in left hand; lion at her side.
5610 The same obverse. Rev. : ΣAMO…ΞENOΦ…Kybele saeted on a throne, holding patera and sceptre.
5611 Another with ΞENOT or MHTPΩ or ΣAMO MHTP or ΣAMO ΣΩKΛE and the same image.
5612 Athena’s head left. Rev. : ΣA. Ram walking left.
5613 The same head. Rev. : ΣAM AKHP. Front part of a ram.
5614 Unbearded head right. Rev. : ΣANOΘPAKΩN…EIPΩNOΣ TPIΩBOΛO (sic). Ram standing right.
5615 Hermes’s head right, wearing winged petasos; caduceus behind. Rev. : The same legend and image as on the obverse.
5616 Athena’s helmeted head right. Rev. : ΣANOΘR &Pi:OΛYΞEN. Kybele with kalathos on her head seated, holding patera and sceptre; lion standing at her side.
5617 The same obverse. Rev. : ΣAMO ΣΩKΛE. Kybele seated, holding patera and sceptre.
5618 The same obverse. Rev. : ΣAMO ΘEΩNO. Woman seated, holding patera and sceptre.
5619 The same obverse. Rev. : ΣAMO ZENOY. Kybele seated, holding patera and sceptre.
Imperial bronze coins. HADRIAN (117 – 138 A.D.
5620 AY KAI TPA AΔPIA. His head right. Rev. : CAMIWN ЄN ΘPAKH. Tyche standing, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Table X 29.
(about 350 B.C.). In White Sea. Autonomous bronze coins.
5621 Athena’s helmeted head right. Rev. : IMBΡIΩN. Woman standing with long dress, holding patera and lyre.
5622 The same obverse. Rev. : IMBΡIΩN. Woman standing, right raised hand, holding cornucopiae in left hand.
5623 Woman’s head right. Rev. : IMBPOY. Naked young man, ithyphallic, walking right, holding club and patera; club in field.
5624 Artemis’s head right. Rev. : IMBPOY. Hermes bearded, naked, ithyphallic, wearing petaros, standing left by altar, holding branch in right hand and patera in left, caduceus in field. 14 mm.
5625 Woman’s head right. Rev. : IMBPOY. The same deity with branch and patera, standing in front of tripod (thymiaterion), hanging lamp in the field. 14 mm.
5626 Similar, but with grain ear in field. 11 mm.
5627 Similar, but without altar and tripod. 11 mm.
5628 Athena’s helmeted head right. Rev. : AΘENAIΩN. Hermes naked standing right in front of tripod (thymiaterion) holding branch and patera. 17 mm.
AVGVSTVS (33 B.C. – 14 A.D.
5629 ΣEBAΣTOΣ. Augustus’s head right ; on the neck six-pointed star in kontramarka. Rev. : IMB. Apolo’s laureate head right; in front – lyre. 22 mm.
THASOS In White Sea
(about 550 – 146 B.C.) Autonomous coins. Gold.
5630 Head of Herakles young, covered with lion’s skin, right. Rev. : ΘAΣION HΠEIPO. Tripod decorated with ribbon; in the field – vase with 2 handles. 17 mm.
5631 Head of Dionysos wreathed with ivy, left. Rev. : ΘAΣION. Herakles with lionskin headdress, kneeing on the ground with right knee, right, holding bow; bunch of grapes before. 13 mm. Silver. style="mso-spacerun: Period I.
5632 Head of Dionysos wreathed with ivy, left. Rev. : ΘAΣION. Herakles with lionskin headdress, half-kneeling on the ground, holding bow right; lyre in field. All within incuse square. 23 mm.
5633 Similar, but shield instead of lyre.
5634 Similar but with fly, or vase with two handles, or thunderbolt.
5635 Head of Dionysos wreathed with ivy, left. Rev. : BΩA OATIΓOON (sic). Herakles half-kneeling on the ground, holding bow; in the field – lizard. All in incuse square. 18 mm.
5636 The same obverse. Rev. : ΘAΣION. The same image; in the field – human head or dolphin. 15 mm.
5637 The same coin, in the field – caduceus, cup and club, or lizard, grasshopper, lyre, branch or burning torch. 13 mm.
5638 The same obverse. Rev. : ΘAΣION. Herakles dressed with lion’s skin, half-kneeling on the ground, holding bow; in the field – monogram HP. All in square made of 4 lines. 18 mm.
5639 The same, but with other monogram.
5640 Two-headed Silen. Rev. : ΘAΣI. Two vases; one of them upright, the other inverted. All within incuse square. 13 mm.
5641 Silenus left, half-kneeling on the ground, holding two-handled vase in right hand. Rev. : ΘAΣION. Vase with 2 handles. 12 mm. Table XXXV 7.
5642 Silenus right, half-kneeling on the ground, holding his phallus. Rev. : Quatripartite incuse square. 10 mm. Table XXXV 8.
5643 Satyr, bearded naked, right knee on the ground, holding Menada in his arms. Rev. : Quatripartite incuse square. 8 – 24 mm. Table XXXV 2 and LI 21 and 24.
5644 Head of Dionysos wreathed with ivy, left. Rev. : ΘAΣION. Herakles with right knee on the ground, holding bow. 14 mm. Table XXXV 5.
5645 Dolphin right. Rev. : Quatripartite incuse square. Table LI 23.
5646 Head of Dionysos wreathed with ivy, right. Rev. : ΘAΣION and club within wreath of grain ears or ivy wreath. 15 mm. Table XXXV 6.
5647 Two fishes (dolphins) – one on top of the other, turned opposite. Rev. : Concave square divided into 4 parts. 8 mm. Table LI 22.
5648 Bald, bearded head of Silenus right, wreathed with ivy. Rev. : ΘAΣI. Two dolphins – one on top of the other, turned opposite, in incuse square.
5649 Head of Dionysos wreathed with ivy. Rev. : ΘAΣION in quatripartite square, within which is Herakles naked, lionskin on head, one knee on the ground, holding bow right, owl in field. 15 mm.
5650 Head of Dionysos wreathed with ivy and vine, left. Rev. : Square: ΘA TION (sic). Herakles dressed with lion’s skin, kneeling, holding bow, fish or dolphin in field. 24 mm. Period II.
5651 Head of Dionysos young with ivy wreath, right. Rev. : HPAKΛEOYΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ ΘAΣIΩN. Herakles standing left, holding club in right hand, lionskin hanging over left arm. Monograms in fields. 35 mm. Table XXXV 1. Note. There are numerous barbaric imitations or Celtic copies of the silver coins of period II. The engraving work is poor, the material rough and often the legend is simply relaced by dots. Table XXXV 9, 10, 12.
5652 Head of Dionysos with ivy wreath. Rev. : Two men, half-squatting, one behind the other, vase-shaped object between their heads. Barbaric imitation. 33 mm. Table XXXV 11. Bronze.
5653 Veiled head of Demeter right. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right, vine to left and right.
5654 Bust of Artemis right, quiver on shoulder, right. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN KHKI. Herakles standing right, with lionskin headdress, holding bow. Table XXXV 4.
5655 Herakles’s head left with lionskin headdress. Rev. : ΘAΣION. Bow, quiver and club.
5656 The same with prow, thyrsos and cart.
5657 The same obverse. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Two-handled vase between bow and club. In the field Φ or monogram.
5658 Youthful head right. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN and club within laurel wreath.
5659 Dionysos’s unbearded head. Rev. : ΘAT.., Herakles with lionskin headdress, with one knee on the ground, holding bow; in the field – bunch of grapes. All within square.
5660 Artemis’s bust with quiver on shoulder, holding bow. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN ΘEOΔΩ.., Herakles standing with lionskin headdress, holding bow. Table XXXIV 19.
5661 The same obverse. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Herakles with lionskin headdress, walking right, holding bow; two monograms in the fields.
5662 Herakles’s bearded head, with lionskin headdress. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Club and bow.
5663 The same head without beard. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Club and bow; sometimes above – bunch of grapes, rose or spade. Table XXXIV 18.
5664 The same obverse. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN AΦEIP…Club and bow.
5665 The same obverse. Rev. : ΔHMAPETOΣ ΘAΣIΩN and club in laurel wreath.
5666 Another with ΘAΣIΩN HΠEIPO. Club and bow.
5667 Dionysos’s head with ivy wreath. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN, within laurel wreath.
5668 Two-handled vase or diota. Rev. : ΘAΣION. Cornucopiae.
5669 Head of Medusa or Gorgoneion. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Lion turning its head toward a star.
5670 Head of Dionysos young with ivy wreath, right. Rev. : HPAKΛEOYΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ ΘAΣIΩN. Herakles standing left, holding club and lion’s skin. Table XXXV 3.
Note: There are numerous barbarian imitations of this type of coin.
Imperial bronze coins. HADRIAN (117 – 138 A.D.
5671 AYTOKP ANT…His cuirassed bust right. Rev. : ΘAΣIΩN. Herakles standing, holding club and lion’s skin. Table XI 10.
CARACALLA (198 – 217 A.D.
5672 AYTOKP ANT… His cuirassed bust. Rev. : ΘACIΩN. Herakles standing, holding club and lion’s skin. Table XI 10.
GETA (209 – 212 A.D.
5673 ΠO ΓETAC KAICAP. His head. Rev. : ΘACIΩN. Herakles walking, head turned back, holding club and lionskin. Table XI 10.
(about 300 – 190 B.C.) City on island Lemnos in White Sea . Autonomous bronze coins.
5674 Youthful diademed head right. Rev. : HΦAI. Ram left. Table XXXIII 22.
5675 The same obverse. Rev. : HΦAI. Ram left, and torch in front.
5676 Apollo’s laureate head right; barley grain behind. Rev. : HΦAI. Burning torch between the caps of the Dioscuri. Table XXXIII 21.
5677 Diademed head right. Rev. : HΦAI. Torch between the caps of the Dioskuri and caduceus.
5678 Athena’s helmeted head right. Rev. : HΦA. Owl, sometimes with or on palm branch. Table XXXIII 23.
5679 Athena’s helmeted head left. Rev. : HΦA or HΦAI. Ram walking left.
5680 The same head right. Rev. : HΦAI. Ram right.
5681 Apollo’s laureate head left. Rev. : HΦA between two torches.
5682 Radiate head of Helios right. Rev. : HΦAIΣ. Bunch of grapes.

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