The Ancient Coinage of Getarum

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.
Reges Getarvm - Kings of Skythia
(about III-I century B.C.)


5806 Unbearded, diademed head of young man, right. Rev. : BAΣIΛ ΣAΡIA. Torch? (or club) and upright grain ear. 16 mm. Plate XXXVIII 14.
Scythian Kings, Sariakos. Circa third-second centuries BC. AE 17 mm. Laureate head of Apollo right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣAΡIAKOΣ, grain ear and club. (grain ear can be on the right or the left, see examples on wildwinds).
5807 Veiled head of Demeter right, wreathed with corn Rev. : BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣAΡI. Two upright corn-ears. 18 mm. Mionnet Supp. III, 1.Plate XXXVIII 15.
Kings of Scythia, Sarias AE18. Veiled head of Demeter right, wreathed with corn / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣAΡIA, two upright corn-ears.
5807AHead of Herakles wearing lionskin / bowcase and grain ear.
Dynasts Of Thrace. Sariakos. Circa third-second centuries BC. AE 24mm (7.90 gm). Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / Bow, quiver, and grain ear. BMC Thrace -; SNG BM Black Sea -; Copenhagen -; Mionnet -.
5808 Unbearded head of old man. Rev. : BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣAΡI. Quiver. 18 mm.
5808AHead of Zeus/eagle standing on thunderbolt.
Kingdom of Scythia, Sariakos, ca 250 BC, AE25. Laureate and bearded male head right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣAΡIA, eagle standing right on thunderbolt.

ACROSANDER (about 100 B.C.)

5809 Jugate heads of Demeter and Persephone veiled right. Rev. : BAΣIΛ AKΡOΣANΔΡ. Two grain ears with the stems and leaves. 24 mm. Plate XXXIX 5.
Akrosa, c 200-180 B.C. AE 22 mm. Jugate heads of Demeter & Persephone right / Two grain ears.
5810 Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right. Rev. : AKΡOSANΔROY. Two foreparts of horses right. 22 mm. Plate XXXIX 7.
Kingdom of Scythia, Akrosa AE26. 200-180 BC. Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right in pilei / BAΣIΛEYΣ AKΡOΣA ANΔ.., horses' heads right.
5811 Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right. Rev. : BAΣIΛE AKΡOΣANΔΡI. Two horses' heads right. 25 mm.
Scythia, Kings of, Akrosasander. Circa 180-150 BC. AE 24mm. Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right, in wreathed caps / BAΣIΛEOΣ AKΡOΣA ANΔΡE, jugate horses' heads. SNG Stancomb 317.
5812 Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev. : BASIL AKRO. Cornucopiae. 18 mm. Plate XXXIX 6. (this coin may be one of Alexander).
Kingdom of Scythia, Akros, c. 100 BC, AE16. Laureate bearded male head right. / BASILE AKROSP Cornucopiae, AN below.


5813 Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right. Rev. : BAΣIΛEOΣ AΔΡAΣΠOY. Eagle standing right on thunderbolt, ME below. 22 mm. Plate XXXVIII 21.
Kings of Scythia, Adraspus AE25mm. Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right, wearing laureate, conical helms / BAΣIΛEOΣ AΔΡAΣΠOY, eagle standing on thunderbolt right, ME monogram below.


5814 Jugate heads of Demeter and Persephone, veiled, right. Rev. : BAΣIΛEΩΣ KANITOY, two upright grain ears with the stems and leaves. 22 mm. Plate XXXIX 9.
5814AHead of Demeter/torch and grain ear.
Kings of Scythia, Kanites. ca 180-150 BC. AE 23mm. Veiled & wreathed head of Demeter right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ KANITOY, ΠOΛY below, torch & stalk of grain.
5815 Zeus' laureate head right, countermarked (female head). Rev. : BAΣIΛEΩΣ KANITOY. Eagle with closed wings, standing on thunderbolt right, traces of a monogram below. 22 mm. Plate XXXIX 10.
Kings of Scythia, Canites AE25. Laureate head of Jupiter right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ KANITOY, eagle standing on thunderbolt.
5816 Jugate heads of Demeter and Persephones, veiled, right. Rev: BAΣIΛE KANI AΠIΣ. Two upright torches with grain ear. 22 mm. Plate XXXIX 8.
5816AHead of Hermes/caduceus and palm.
Kings Of Scythia. Kanites. c100 BC. AE 18mm. Head of Hermes right in petasos / BAΣI KANI, AΠH(?) in ex, caduceus & palm.

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