The Ancient Coinage of The Edoni

Listed by Moushmov Number

THE EDONI AND THEIR KING GETA - ca 480 BC - A Thracian-Macedonian tribe which inhabited Mount Pangei, on the west bank of the River Struma.

Autonomous silver coins.

6284. Naked man, bearded, with Macedonian hat, driving two oxen right, all within circle of dots. / ΓETAΣ HΔONEON BAΣIΛΣYΣ within incuse square with a quadripartite square in the centre. 34 mm.
6285. aked man, bearded, with Macedonian hat, driving two oxen right, all within circle of dots. / ΓETA BAΣIΛEΩΣ HΔΩNAN, within incuse square with a quadripartite square in the centre. 34 mm. Plate XLVIII 2.
6286. As above, similar, with the reverse legend ΓETAΣ BAΣIΛEY HΔΩNEΩN. 34 mm.
6287. ΓETA BAΣIΛEY HΔΩNEΩN, as above. / Quadripartite incuse square. 31 mm. Plate XLVIII 3.
6288. Another with the same obverse image but without legend. / Incuse square with 4-spoked wheel within. 31 mm. Plate XLVIII 4.
6289. The same obverse. / Incuse square with 4-spoked wheel within and traces of the legend ΓETA BAΣIΛEΩΣ HΔΩNAN around the wheel. 32 mm.

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