The Ancient Coinage of Bisaltae

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.

BISALTAE (500 – 480 B.C.)

Thrace-Macedonian tribe, that is developed silver mines and was lived in the mountains, on the right downstream of river Struma.
Autonomous silver coins.
6149 NOKITΛAΣIB (must be reading back to front). Naked man standing with Macedonian hat on his head, armed with two spears, leading his horse by its bridles, right; in the margin – bird. Rev. : Incuse square, divided into 4 parts. 28 mm.
6150 BAΣAΛTIΩN. (sic). The same image. Rev. : The same. 23 mm.
6151 Naked man with Macedonian hat on his head, armed with two spears, walking past the horse right; without legend. Rev. : Incuse square divided into 4 parts. 31 mm.
6152 Naked man with hat, walking past a horse. Rev. : Incuse square divided into 4 parts. 23 mm.
6153 Naked man walking past a horse; in front – Macedonian shield. Rev. : Incuse square. 23 mm.
6154 NΩKΙΤΛAΣIC (must be reading inverted). Naked man armed with two spears standing right by the horse, holding its bridles. Rev. : Incuse square divided into 4 parts. 35 mm. Plate XLVII 9.
6155 CIΣAΛTIK…The same image, in front of the horse head of a human, in profile, right. Rev. : The same. 33 mm. Plate XLVII 10.
Bisalti, Thraco-Macedonian Tribe, AR Octadrachm. 475-465 BC, C ISALT IK W N Naked male hunter, holding two spears, standing right on far side of bridled horse right. / Shallow quadripartite incuse square, small raised square at center.
6156 ΣIΣEL…The same image, without the human’s head. Rev. : The same. 34 mm.
6157 CIΣATIKOΣ. The same image, without the human’s head. Rev. : The same. 34 mm.
6158 Another, similar, without legend. 32 mm.
6159 Another, similar, without legend; sometimes on the horse’s thigh a monogram LE. 18 mm. Plate XLVII 11.

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