The Ancient Coinage of Anchialus

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.

See also the wildwinds Anchialus page with numerous coins not yet linked to this page as well as coins not listed in Moushmov.
(now Palekastro close to Anhialo, Bulgaria)

Autonomous bronze coins.

2770 Serapis' head with hat right. Rev.: AΓXIAΛEΩN. Isis in long dress walking right, holding standard, which is waving. 15 mm.
2771 The same obverse. Rev. : The same legend. Isis standing left, holding in right hand sistrum (musical instrument) and basket in left hand. 13 mm.
2772 ANXIAΛOC. Diademed head of the city founder, Anchialos right. / ANXIAΛEΩN. Aesklepios standing left with serpent-entwined staff. 19 mm. Plate XX 16.
Thrace, Anchialus AE24. Autonomous. ANXIAΛOC, diademed head of the city founder, Anchialos, right / AΓXIAΛEΩN, Aesklepios standing facing, leaning on serpent-entwined staff.

Imperial Bronze Coins

HADRIAN (117 – 138 A.D.)

AYT KAICAΡ AΔPIANOC. – His head right.
2773 Artemis huntress walking right. Plate VI 24.
2774 Bonus-Eventus (Apollo) naked, standing with patera and branch. Plate XX 4.
2775 Homonoia standing left with patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
2776 Cybele seated left, holding patera in right hand, resting left hand on drum. Plate IX 5.

ANTONINUS PIUS (138 – 161 A.D.)

AVT KAI ADRI ANTWNINOC. – His head or bust.
2777 Artemis walking right, with right hand reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder and holding bow in left. Plate VI 24.
Antoninus Pius AE22 of Thrace, Anchialus. AVT KAICAΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate draped bust right / ANXIAΛEΩN, Artemis walking right with bow and drawing arrow from quiver. Strack 415.
2778 Artemis huntress walking left, holding arrow in right hand and grasping a stag by the horns with her left.
2779 Genius naked standing, looking left, holding patera and corn-ears.
2780 Bunch of grapes. Plate XIV 8.
2781 Demeter (?) in biga right, holding torch in right hand and the reins in left.
2782 Zeus naked standing, holding patera and sceptre, chlamys draped over arm, eagle below. Plate VIII 16.
2783 Kybele with turreted crown seated left on throne, holding patera and drum. Plate IX 5.
Antoninus Pius AE23 of Thrace, Anchialus. AVT K ANTΩ-NINOC..T AI, laureate draped bust right / ANXIAΛEΩN, Kybele enthroned left. Strack 418.
2784 Herakles naked standing right with club and lion's skin. Plate XI 10. Plate XX 9.
2784AHomonoia standing with patera and cornucopiae.
Antoninus Pius AE23 of Anchialus. AV T AI AΔPIA ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΓXIAΛEΩN, Homonoia standing left, kalathos on head, holding patera & cornucopiae. SNG Cop 429, AMNG 420.

MARCUS AURELIUS (161 – 180 A.D.)

AV KAI M AYΡHΛI ANTΩNEINOC. – His head or bust.
2785 Galley with sails and steersmen. Plate XX 9.
2786 Homonoia with kalathos on her head standing, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.

FAUSTINA JUNIOR. (wife of M. Aurelius)

ΦAVCTINA CEBACTH. – Her head or bust.
2787 Apollo seated on rock, playing lyre.
2788 Dolphin between 2 fish. Plate XVII 8.
2789 Demeter seated left, holding corn-ears and long torch. Plate VII 27.
Faustina Junior AE26 of Ancialus, Thrace. ΦAYCTEINA NEA CEBACTH, draped bust right / AΓYIAΛEΩN, Demeter seated left holding corn-ears and long torch.
2790 Demeter seated, holding corn-ears and sceptre.
2791 Dionysos half-naked, standing left, holding thyrsos in right hand and resting left hand on column.
2792 Dionysos half-naked standing left, head facing, Satyr naked standing at his left side and holding thyrsos.
2793 Three fish.

LUCIUS VERUS (161 – 169 A.D.)

2794 AYΡHΛIOC OYHΡOC KAICAΡ. His head right. Rev. : ANXIAΛEΩN. – Demeter seated left, holding corn-ears and long torch. Plate VII 27.

COMMODUS (176 – 192 A.D.)

AVT KAI M AYΡ KOMOΔOC. His head right.
2795 Apollo naked seated right on rock, playing lyre. Plate VI 6.
2796 Nike in biga right. Plate XIV 13.
2797 City gate with decorated towers. Plate VII 20-21.
Commodus AE 26 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV KAI Λ AVΡ KOMOΔOC, draped bust right/ HΓE IOVΛ KACTOY AΓXIAΛEΩN, city gate with windows, 2 quadrigas above.
2798 Demeter, , holding corn-ears and torch, seated on cista from which a serpent emerges. Plate VII 26.
2799The emperor on horseback right, holding spear; mantle waving behind.
Commodus AE33 of Anchialus, Thrace. Laureate & draped bust right / Commodus on horseback right.
2800 Cybele on lion right, holding patera and sceptre. Plate XX 17.
2801 Concordia standing left by burning altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
2802 Triptolemos standing in biga of winged dragons. Plate X 24.
2803 Tyche standing left, left foot on prow, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Plate XX 5.
2804 Herakles contending with the Nemean lion. Plate XIX 22.

CRISPINA (wife of Commodus)

2805 KΡICΠEINA CEBACTH. Her head. Rev. : AΓXIAΛEΩN. Dionysos half-naked seated left on rock, holding thyrsos in right hand .


AVT K CEΠ CEYHPOC. – His head or bust.
2806 Aesklepios standing, with serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
2807 Aesklepios and Hygeia standing; Aesklepios holding serpent-entwined staff and Hygeia feeding snake from patera. Plate VI 26.
2807AAres standing left with globe and spear.
Anchialus. Septimius Severus AE26 (4 Assaria). AV K Λ CEΠT CEYHΡOC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Emperor standing left, holding spear & globe. Varbanov 227.
2808 Athena standing, holding patera over burning altar and spear; shield at side. Plate VI 30.
2809 Genius, winged standing, holding patera and cornucopiae.
2810 City gate with two towers. Plate VII 20 and 21.
Septimius Severus AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K L CEΠT CEYHΡOC, laureate and cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, city gate with two conical towers.
Varbanov 196City gate with two towers, Δ above.
Septimius Severus AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K L CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate and cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, city gate with two battlemented towers, three square turrets, no visible door, Δ above. Varbanov 196.
2811 City gate with two towers and Zeus above, holding thunderbolt, chlamys draped over left arm; Δ above.
Septimius Severus AE29 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate head right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, city gate with two towers, Zeus, naked, standing left above, holding thunderbolt, Δ in the doorway.
2812 Woman seated left, holding patera in right hand.
2813 Zeus with bare chest standing left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. Plate VIII 17.
2814 The emperor on horseback right, holding inverted spear in right hand.
Septimius Severus AE29 of Anchialus. Thrace. AV K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, the emperor on horseback leaping right, holding spear.
2815 The emperor on horseback right, holding transverse spear in right hand.
2816 Cybele seated left between lion and ox, holding patera in right hand and resting left hand on drum.
2817 Cybele with turreted crown seated between 2 lions, holding patera and resting on drum. Plate IX 5.
Septimius Severus AE24 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K Λ CEΠ-CEYHΡOC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Cybele seated left, in turreted crown, flanked by two lions, holding patera & resting left arm on drum.
2818 Cybele with turreted crown seated, holding patera and drum; lion at side.
Septimius Severus AE20 of Ancialus, Thrace. AVT K CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate head right / AΓXIAΛEΩN, Cybele, turreted, seated left, holding patera & drum, lion at side.
2819 Cybele seated on lion, holding patera and drum.
2820 Cybele seated left between two lions, holding patera and drum.
2821 Homonoia with kalathos on her head, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
Septimius Severus AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K Λ CEΠTI CEVHΡO ΠEΡ, laureate draped, & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Homonia (Concordia) standing left in kalathos, holding patera & cornucopiae. SNG Cop 433.
2822 Homonoia standing with patera and cornucopiae.
2823 Homonoia with kalathos on her head standing by burning altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
Septimius Severus AE18 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate head right / AΓXIA-ΛEΩN, Homonoia (Concordia) standing left by burning altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. AMNG 500.
2824 Galley with rowers left.
2825 Galley with sails and rowers. Plate XX 9.
2826 Galley with four rowers and steersman left; dolphin below. Plate XX 8.
2827 Galley with sails. Plate XX 7.
2828 Two prize urns with palms set on table. CEBHΡIA NYMΦIA below.
Anchialus. Septimius Severus AE26 (4 Assaria). (...) CEΠTI CEYHΡOC ΠEP, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, table upon which stand two agnostic urns, each containing a palm branch; between legs of table CEBHΡIA NYMΦIA in two lines.
2829 Table with urn and palm above.
2830 Table with urn and palm above; beneath the table – legend: CEBHΡIA NYMΦIA.
Septimius Severus AE26 of Anchialus, Thrace. Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, palm branch in urn set on table, between legs of which is two line inscription CEBHΡIA NYMΦIA.
2831 Naked man (Dionysos?) walking right, drawing bow and holding vase or wine jar.
2832 Eagle with wings spread standing on thunderbolt, looking left and holding wreath in its beak.
Septimius Severus AE28 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K Λ CEΠTI CEYHΡOC, laureate draped bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, eagle standing facing on thunderbolt, head left with wreath in its beak.
2833 Poseidon standing right, right foot on rock, right hand extended, and brandishing trident with left.
Septimius Severus AE28 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K L CEP CEVHROC PE, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Poseidon standing right, foot on a rock, holding trident & hippocamp(?). Verbanov 712.
2834 Triptolemos naked, standing in biga of dragons or winged serpents, right hand raised, sowing seeds. Plate X 24.
Septimius Severus AE26 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K CEΠ CEYHΡOC, laureate, draped bust right / HΓE C[T BAΡBAΡOY AΓXIAΛΩN, Triptolemos flying right in biga of winged serpents.
2835 Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
2836 Tyche with kalathos on her head standing left, right foot on prow, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
2837 Herakles standing, right hand raised, holding lionskin in left hand.
2838 Herakles strangling the Nemean lion. Plate XIX 22.
Septimius Severus AE20 of Anchialus, Thrace. Laureate head right / AΓXIAΛEΩN, Hercules right, wrestling the Nemean lion.
2839 Hermes seated left on rock, holding caduceus in right hand and resting left hand on the rock. Plate XX 6.
Anchialus. Septimius Severus AE26 (4 Assaria). AV K ΛCEΠT CEYHΡOC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, naked figure of Hermes seated left on rock, holding caduceus. BMC 8, SGI 2126.

JULIA DOMNA (wife of S. Severus)

IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB. Her bust right.
2840 Demeter veiled seated left, holding corn-ears and sceptre. Plate VII 27.
2841 Dolphin between two fish, one above the other. Below – G. Plate XX 10.
Julia Domna AE24 of Anchialus, Thrace. IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB, draped bust right / ANXIAΛEΩN, dolphin right between two fish left.
2842 Dionysos with wreath on his head standing left, holding cup and thyrsos. Plate VIII 4.

CARACALLA (198 – 217 A.D.)

AV K M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC. His head or bust.
2843 Aesklepios and Hygeia standing; Aesklepios holding serpent-entwined staff and Hygeia feeding snake from patera. Plate VI 26.
Caracalla AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT M AVΡHΛ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Asklepios with serpent-entwined staff and Hygeia feeding serpent from patera.
2844 City gate with two towers. Plate VII 20 and 21.
2845 Demeter veiled, standing left, holding patera and torch.
2846 Zeus naked standing left, holding patera and sceptre; eagle below. Plate VIII 18.
2847 Coiled serpent with head raised. Plate VIII 23.
2848 Emperor on horseback galloping right, holding parazonium.
2849 Emperor in military dress standing left, holding globe and sceptre. Plate VIII 31.
2849ASerapis seated left with Cerberus at foot and holding sceptre.
Caracalla AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Serapis seated left holding sceptre and reaching down to pet Cerberus at foot.
2850 Cybele seated left between two lions, holding patera and resting on drum. Plate IX 5.
Caracalla AE25 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate head right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Cybele seated left, arm resting on drum, flanked by two lions.
2851 Homonoia with kalathos on her head standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
Caracalla AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K M AYΡ ANTΩNIN, laureate, cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Homonia standing left holding patera & cornucopaie.
2852 Galley with sails hauled down, with rowers and steersman. Plate XX 9.
Caracalla AE 26mm of Anchialus, Thrace. Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Galley under full sail left.
2853 City gate with two turrets. Plate IX 11.
Caracalla AE28 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT M AVΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, city gate, no door, with two crenulated towers.
2853ACity gate with two towers, topped by shrine of Zeus
Caracalla AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT M AYΡHL ANTΩNEINO, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, city gate with two conical towers, arched doorway, and, above, statue of Zeus standing within an arch, holding sceptre. AMNG 537; Varbanov 327-328.
2854 City gate with two turrets, above – colonnade with six arches.
2855 Table and above – eagle with wings spread, holding wreath in its beak; beneath the table – snake emerging from cista.
2856 Table and above – two prize urns with palms; beneath the table – legend: CEBHΡA NYMΦIA.
Caracalla AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. 202 AD. AVT M AVΡHΛI ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIA-ΛEΩN, table with two prize urns, CEBHΡA NYMΦIA below. SNGCop 439.
2857 Table and above – two prize urns with palms.
2858 Table and above – a prize urn with palm. Beneath the table – legend: CEBHΡI NYMΦIA or CEVHΡIA NYMΦIA and Δ. Plate XX 12.
Caracalla AE28 of Anchialus, Thrace. 202 AD. AV K M AVΡ ANTΩNEINO, laureate draped bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓCIAΛ-EΩN, table with prize urn with a palm branch in it, CEBHΡA NYMΦIA below.
2859 Tyche standing left, right foot on prow, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae.
2860 Tyche with kalathos on her head standing left, foot on prow, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
2861 Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Caracalla AE25 of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate draped bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Tyche standing left holding rudder & cornucopiae.
2862 Hera standing with patera and sceptre. Plate XI 21.
2863 Herakles naked standing left, holding club and lion's skin. Plate XI 10.
2864 Hermes naked with mantle on shoulder, holding purse and caduceus. Dog (ram?) at feet looking aside. Plate XI 4.
2865 Distyle temple with small altar, and above an eagle with wreath in its beak.
2866 Tetrastyle temple. Plate XI 26, 29.

PLAUTILLA (wife of Caracalla)

2867 &Πhi;OYΛBIA ΠΛAYTIΛΛA CEB. – Her head. Rev. : AΓXIAΛEΩN. Woman standing, holding corn-ears, wheel at side.

GETA (209 – 212 A.D.)

AV K Π CEΠ ΓETAC. His head or bust.
2868 Artemis huntress walking right, right hand reaching for an arrow in quiver at shoulder, holding bow in left hand; hound at foot. Plate VI 24.
2869 Aesklepios and Hygeia standing face to face with their attributes (serpent-entwined staff and serpent). Plate VI 26.
2870 Aesklepios standing, looking left, holding serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
2871 Geta on horseback right, hurling spear with right hand, and holding reins in left. Δ. Plate XX 13.
2872 Aequitas standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. Plate VIII 10.
2873 Woman standing in front of fisherman's scraper tool, holding branch (?) and parazonium. Δ.
2874 Woman standing left, right hand raised, holding cornucopiae (?); harpoon upright beside her. Plate XX 11.
Geta AE30 4-Assaria of Anchialus, Thrace. OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Demeter standing left, holding short torch in left arm, reaching out towards a tall, diamond-shaped, serpent-entwined "basket torch", Δ in lower centre.
2875 Homonoia with kalathos on her head standing, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
Anchialus. Geta AE25 (2 Assaria). AV K Π CEΠ ΓETAC, youthful, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΓCIAΛΩN, B in ex, Homonoia standing left, holding patera & cornucopiae.
2876 Horseman walking right, drawing bow with right hand. Δ.
2877 Serpent emerging from cista mystica. Plate IX 14.
2878 Galley with steersman. Δ.
Geta AE30 Trias of Anchialus, Thrace. Π CEΠ ΓETAC, laureate draped bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛΩN, Geta standing, holding spear, on galley with four oarsmen rowing left, Δ above.
2879 Lion walking right. Plate IX 16.
Geta AE22 of Anchialus, Thrace. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC K, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΓXIA-ΛEΩN, lion walking right.
2880 Table and above – prize urn with palm; beneath the table – legend: CEBHP NYMΦI. In the margin Δ.
2881 Eagle standing facing, head left. Plate IX 33.
2882 Crescent moon and three stars.
Geta AE19 of Anchialus, Thrace. Π CΠTI ΓETAC K, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΓXIAΛEΩN, Crescent moon and three stars.
2883 Cup with 2 handles. Plate XX 18.
2883ABunch of grapes.
Geta AE17 Assarion of Anchialus, Thrace. AV K Π CEΠ ΓETAC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AΓXIAΛΩN, bunch of grapes.

IULIA MAMAEA (mother of Sev. Alexander)

2884 The legend on the front part erased. Her head. Rev. : AΓXIAΛEΩN. Dolphin.

MAXIMINUS I (235 – 238 A.D.)

AVT MAΞIMEINOC EYC. – His head or bust.
2885 Apollo naked standing left, holding branch and lyre set on column. Plate VI 19.
2886 Aesklepios with bare chest standing left, holding serpent-entwined sceptre. Plate VI 25.
2887 Aphrodite in bashful pose standing, right hand on her breast and the left hand on her loins; Eros riding dolphin before her.
2887AAres standing facing with spear and shield.
Maximinus AE28 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT MAΞIMIEINO CEV CEBHC AY, laureate and cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Ares standing, head left, holding shield and spear. Varbanov 590.
2888 City gate with two towers. Plate VII 20 and 21.
Maximinus I AE28 of Anchialus. AVT MAΞIMIEINO CEV CEBHC AVΓ, laureate draped bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, city gate with four arches flanked by two battlemented towers, doors closed.
2889 City gate with two towers; above – statue of Ares, drawing bow and holding shield. E.
2890 Demeter veiled standing left, holding corn-ears and serpent-entwined sceptre. Plate VII 24.
2891 Demeter veiled seated left, holding corn-ears and serpent-entwined torch. Plate VII 26 and 27.
2892 Demeter veiled seated left, holding corn-ears and torch. Plate VII 27.
Maximinus Thrax AE24 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT MAΞIMEINOC EYCEBHC AVΓ, laureate head right / AGCIANLEWN, Demeter seated left with corn-ears and torch.
2893 Dolphin between two fish. Plate XVII 8.
Maximinus Thrax AE26 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT MAΞIMEINOC EV CEB ACN, laureate head right / AΓXIAΛEΩN, dolphin between two fish.
2894 Dionysos standing left, holding cup and thyrsos; panther at feet. Plate VIII 6-7.
2895 Eros in biga of serpents.
2896 Woman veiled seated, holding patera in right hand.
2897 Zeus in boots, half-naked, standing, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. Plate VIII 17.
2898 Ostrich walking right. Plate XX 19.
2899 Homonoia standing left, sacrificing over burning altar and holding cornucopiae. Plate IX 8.
2900 Homonoia standing left, sacrificing over burning altar and holding parazonium.
2901 Homonoia with kalathos on her head standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
2902 Homonoia standing left, with patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
2903 Homonoia seated on a throne left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 9.
Maximinus Thrax AE 25 of Anchialus, Thrace. Laureate draped bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Tyche seated left, holding patera & sceptre. Strack 586.
2903ACybele seated left, lion below.
Maxininus Thrax AE20 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT MAXIMINOC AVC, laureate bust left holding shield / AΓXIAΛEΩN, Cybele seated left, lion below.
2904 Galley with billowing sails right. Plate XX 7.
Maximinus I AE 26mm of Anchialus, Thrace Laureate, draped, & cuirassed bust right / OVΛΠIANωN (NωN ligate) AΓXIAΛEω-N, galley under full sail right. AMNG II 593.
2905 City gate with two turrets. Plate IX 11.
Maximinus Thrax AE29 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT MAΞIMEINOC EV CEB ACN, laureate draped bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, city gate with two towers.
2906 Eagle looking right. Plate IX 33.
2906ASerapis standing left, hand raised and holding sceptre.
Maximinus I Thrax AE28 of Anchialus, Thace. AVT MAZIMINOC AVCEB AYΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Serapis standing left, raising hand & holding sceptre.
2907 Triptolemus in biga of serpents right. Plate X 24.
2908 The three Graces standing naked. Plate X 18.
2909 The three Graces standing, clothed.
Maximinus I AE25 of Anchialus. Laureate head right / AΓXIAΛEΩN, three female figures (Demeter, Persephone & Hecate?), wearing long robes, standing together.
2909ANemesis standing left holding scales & parazonium, wheel at foot.
Maximinus I AE 29mm of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT MAZIMEINOC CEV CEBHN, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛE-ΩN, Nemesis-Aequitas standing left, holding scales & parazonium, wheel at foot.
2910 Herakles naked, strangling the Nemean lion. Plate XIX 22.
Maximinus I AE19 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT MAZIMINOC AV, laureate bust left holding shield / AΓXIAΛEΩN, Hercules wrestling the Namean Lion right, bow to left.
2911 Herakles naked standing, holding club and lion's skin. Plate XI 10.
2912 Hygeia standing, feeding snake from patera. Plate XI 9.
2913 Tetrastyle temple with Zeus. Plate XI 26 – 29.
2914 Tetrastyle temple with Homonoia, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate XI 26 – 29.
2915 Naked man (Apollo?) standing, holding branch over burning altar, and lyre on rock (or zither on shield).

GORDIANVS PIVS (238 – 244 A.D.)

AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC. His head or bust.
2916 Apollo naked standing left, holding in right hand laurel branch, resting left elbow on serpent-entwined tripod. E in field. Plate VI 10.
2917 Aesklepios half-naked seated right, looking left, right hand resting on serpent-entwined staff and resting left hand on throne. Medal. 36 mm. Plate XX 1.
2918 Athena naked standing, with outstretched arms, looking left, palm to left, prize urn to right, E in field.
2919 Combatant standing, with right hand placing wreath on his head, holding palm in left hand. E in field. Plate XX 15.
2920 Fighter naked standing right, holding long palm and wreath; urn below, E in field. Plate XX 14.
2921 City gate with two towers, above figure of a man, legs apart, with right hand raised. Plate VII 20-21.
Gordian III AE31 of Anchialos, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, radiate, draped bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, city gate with two towers, Poseidon, holding trident and hippocamp above the portal. AMNG 636.
2922 Demeter seated left, holding corn-ears and torch. Plate VII 27.
Gordian III AE25 of Anchialos, Thrace. AVT KM ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate bust right / AΓXIAΛEΩN, Demeter, richly draped & veiled, seated left on basket, corn-ears (and poppy?) in outstretched right hand & long torch in raised left hand. AMNG 641 var.
2923 Dolphin between 2 fish. Plate XVII 8.
Gordian III AE 25mm of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate head right / •AΓ-XIA-ΛE, ΩN in exergue, dolphin left; tunny left above; fish (sturgeon) right below. AMNG II 645.
2924 Sceptre and above – eagle with wings spread.
2925 The emperor, radiate, standing, holding spear and parazonium. E.
2926 Cybele seated left, holding patera in right hand, left hand resting on drum; lion at side and Attis standing with both hands raised before her. Medal. 36 mm.
2927 Kybele with turreted crown seated on a throne left, holding patera in right hand, and with left hand resting on drum. Lion sitting left, Attis standing with both hands raised to right. Tree behind. Medal. 35 mm. Plate XX 2.
Gordian III AE36 Medallion of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AV, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIAN-ΩN (ΩN ligate) AΓXIAΛEΩ-N, Kybele seated right; Attis standing before, holding pedum & presenting palm; almond tree behind. AMNG II 623.
2928 Table and above – prize urn with palm and vase; beneath the table other vase or prize purse and E. Plate IX 18 – 19.
Gordian III AE30 of Anchialos, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, radiate, draped bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, table, jug below, prize urn on top with palm branches, E in ex. Verbanov 1075.
2929 Minerva standing, offering a patera to a serpent, which is climbing up tree, and holding inverted spear with left; shield at her side.
2930 Nemesis standing with patera and sceptre; wheel below.
2931 Herakles naked standing left, holding in right hand club, bow and lion's skin. Plate XI 12.
2932 Herakles with lion's skin on his shoulder, grasping the horns of a deer, which is running left. Medal. 37 mm.
Gordian III AE39 Medallion of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust left with shield & spear / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Hercules left grasping the Hind of Cyreneia by the horns.
2933 Herakles strangling the Nemean lion. Plate XIX 22.
2934 Herakles standing, grasping the horns of a bull; club below. Plate XI 17.
Gordian III AE36 Medallion of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Hercules wrestling Cretan Bull. AMNG II 620.
2935 Herakles contending with the Cretan bull and grasping its horns. Medal. 35 mm. Plate XX 3.


2936 Aesklepios standing, holding serpent-entwined staff. Plate VI 25.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ CEB TΡANKYΛEINA, confronted busts / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, with serpent-entwined staff to left.
2937 Athena (or Roma?) helmeted seated left, holding patera and spear; shield at side. Plate VII 4.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE 26mm. Thrace, Anchialos. Confronted busts of Gordian III and Tranquilina / Athena seated left upon shield, with spear and patera. AMNG 662.
2938 Athena helmeted standing left, holding spear and shield. Plate VI 33.
2939 Genius (Apollo?) naked standing left, holding patera in right hand, and resting left elbow on column.
2940 City gate with two towers. Plate VII 20 – 21.
Gordian III and Tranquillina AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ CE TΡANKYΛEINA, draped busts face to face / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛ-EΩN, city gate with two conical towers & open, arched door.
2941 Woman standing, right hand raised, holding cornucopiae in left.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ CAB CEB TΡANKYΛEINA, draped busts face to face / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Serapis (?) standing facing, head left, wearing long robes, with raised hand & holding short sceptre.
2942 Woman standing, right hand extended, holding apple, and spear in left.
2943 Woman standing, holding patera and transverse spear.
2944 Woman (Artemis) standing left, holding patera in right hand, and bow in left, bird at side.
2945 Zeus half-naked walking right, looking aside and holding thunderbolt and sceptre. Plate VIII 17.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVG CAB CEB TΡANKYΛEINA, draped busts face to face / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Zeus standing left, bare to waist, holding thunderbolt & sceptre.
2946 Zeus, bare to waist, seated left on throne, holding patera and sceptre. Plate VIII 21.
2947 The emperor on horseback, with right hand raised.
2948 Homonoia standing, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
Gordian & Tranquillina AE 28mm of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ CEB TΡANKYΛΛINA, confronted busts of Gordian & Tranquillina / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Homonoia standing left holding patera & cornucopiae.
2949 Galley under sail right. Plate XX 9.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE 26mm of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ CAB TΡANKYΛΛINA, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust of Gordian right facing draped bust of Tranquillina left / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, galley under sail right. Strack 682.
2950 Nemesis standing, holding arshin and cornucopiae; wheel below.
2951 Nemesis standing, holding rod in right hand; wheel below.
2952 Nemesis standing, holding scales and parazonium; wheel at feet. Plate IX 22.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE26 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ CAB CEB TΡANKYΛEINA, draped busts face to face / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Nemesis standing left with scales & wheel at feet.
2953 Nemesis standing, holding patera and parazonium; wheel at feet.
2953ANike standing left with wreath and palm.
Gordian III and Tranquillina AE 25mm of Thrace, Anchialos. Vis ΰ vis busts of Gordian and Tranquillina / Nike standing left, holding palm branch and offering laurel wreath.
2954 Eagle on thunderbolt, holding wreath in its beak.
Gordian III & Tranquilina AE 26mm of Thrace, Anchialus. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gordian facing draped bust of Tranquilina / Eagle standing facing, head right. BMC 21.
2955 Eagle with wings spread, looking right. Plate IX 33.
2956 Nemesis- Aequitas standing, holding scales and cornucopiae, wheel at feet.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE27 of Anchailus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ CEB TΡANKYΛEINA, draped busts face to face / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Nemesis standing left holding scales & cornucopiae, wheel at foot.
2957 Roma seated, holding small Nike in right hand and spear in left; shield at side. Plate X 1.
2958 Roma helmeted standing left, holding Nike and spear.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE23 of Anchialus. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVG CEB TΡANKYΛEINA, draped busts of Gordian & Tranquillina facing each other / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Roma helmeted standing left, holding Nike & spear.
2959 Serapis standing, right hand raised, holding sceptre in left. Plate X 13.
2960 Triptolemus naked, standing in biga of serpents. Plate X 24.
2961 Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE 26mm of Anchialus, Thrace. Busts of Gordian right, laureate, draped & cuirassed, & Tranquillina left, draped / Tyche-Fortuna, turreted, standing left, holding rudder & cornucopiae. Mionnιt II 146.
2962 Hera standing with patera and sceptre. Plate XI 21.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE27 of Anchialus. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANO AVΓ CEB TΡANKYΛΛINA, laureate, draped bust of Gordian right facing draped bust of Tranquillina / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Hera standing with patera and short sceptre.
2963 Hermes naked standing, with purse and caduceus. Plate XI 2.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE27 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ CAB CEB TΡANKYΛEINA, draped busts face to face / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Hermes standing left, holding purse & caduceus.
2964 Hygeia standing, feeding snake from patera. Plate XI 9.
Gordian III & Tranquillina AE28 of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ TPAKVLLINA, confronted busts / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Hygeia standing right feeding snake in her arms. AMNG II 666.
2965 Tetrastyle temple with statue with wreath and cornucopiae. Plate XI 26 – 29.
Gordian & Tranquillina AE 26mm of Anchialus, Thrace. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ CAB TΡANKYΛΛINA, vis ΰ vis busts of Gordian & Tranquillina / OYΛΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN, Tetrastyle temple, within which Homonoia is standing facing, head left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Dot in pediment. AMNG 679

TRANQVILLINA (wife of Gordian III)

2966 Artemis huntress walking right, hound at side. Plate VI 24.
2967 Dolphin right.
Tranquillina AE18 of Anchialus, Thrace. SEB TΡANKYΛΛINA / AΓXIAΛEΩN, dolphin right.
2968 Demeter seated left on cista mystica. Plate VII 26.
2969 Homonoia left, with patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6.
Tranquillina AE25 of Anchialus, Thrace. CABIN TΡANKYΛEINA AVΓ, draped bust right / AΓXIAΛEΩN, Homonoia standing left with patera & cornucopiae.
2970 Snake emerging from cista mystica. Plate IX 14.
2971 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and sceptre; wheel at feet. Plate IX 22.
Tranquillina AE17 of Anchialus, Thrace. CAB TΡANKYΛEINA CEB, diademed draped bust right / AΓXIAΛEΩN, lion walking right.
2972 Nemesis standing left, holding scales and parazonium; wheel at feet. 17 mm.
See also WildWinds' Anchialus page

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