The Ancient Coinage of Ainos

Listed by Moushmov Number

Including additional items for this online edition, with numbers in italics.'s Ainos page with numerous examples not linked to this page.
On the river Hebros (Maritsa), present day Erez.

Autonomous coins.


3823 Hermes’s head right, wearing petasos, surrounded by marguerites. Rev. : INIA. Goat right; grain seed before. All in concave square. 25 mm.
3824 Hermes’s head left, wearing petasos. Rev. : AINI. The same image. 23 mm.
3825 Other similar, fly before. 25 mm.
3826 Another with caduceus in the field. 23 mm. Plate XXI 6.
3827 AINI, Hermes’s head right, wearing petasos. Rev. : ANTIAΔAΣ around a square and goat standing right within. Outside of the square, at the front – Pan standing. All in concave square. 24 mm.
3828 Hermes’s head left. Rev. : AINI. Goat right within incuse square. 15 mm.
3829 Hermes’s head left. Rev. : AIN. Goat right within incuse square. 12 mm.
3830 The same obverse. Rev. : AI. Caduceus. 8 mm. Diobol.
3830 varHead of Hermes right in close-fitting petasos. Rev. : AI. Caduceus. 8 mm. Diobol.
3831 Hermes’s head facing, wearing petasos. Rev. : AINION. Goat standing right; helmet before. 23 mm.
Thrace, Ainos AR Tetradrachm. Ca 372/71-370/69 BC. Facing head of Hermes, slightly left, in petasos with studded rim / AINION, goat standing right; crested Corinthian helmet before.
3832 Other similar; eagle in field. 23 mm.
3833 Other; wreath in wreath. 23 mm.
3834 Other with torch in field. 12 mm.
3835 Hermes’s head facing, wearing petasos. Rev. : AINION. Throne and above – standing herm. 15 mm. Plate XXI 13.
3836 Hermes’s head wearing petasos. Rev. : AINI. Goat and crab. 23 mm.
3837 The same head right. Rev. : AINI. Goat right; herm to right. 25 mm. Plate XXI 7 and 9.
3838 Ditto but with leaf to right. 24 mm. Plate XXI 12.
3839 The same head. Rev. : AINI. Goat walking right; crescent moon and ivy-leaf to right. 24 mm. Plate XXI 10.
3840 The same head left. Rev. : AINION. Goat walking right; lyre to right. 24 mm.
3841 Hermes’s head facing wearing petasos. Rev. : AIN. Goat right; olive-branch to right. 24 mm.
3842 The same obverse. Rev. : AINIO. Goat standing, burning torch to right. 24 mm.
3843 Hermes’s head facing wearing petasos. Rev. : AINION. Goat right; spearhead to right. 24 mm.
3844 The same head. Rev. : AINION. Goat standing, coiled serpent with head raised to right. 27 mm.
Thrace, Ainos, AR tetradrachm, Rhodian standard. c 376/5-374/3 BC. Facing head of Hermes, slightly left, wearing petasos / AINION, goat standing right, coiled serpent before, all in incuse square. BMC 21.
3845 The same head. Rev. : AINION. Throne and on it seated man in mantle, holding in right hand valve; star in field. 15 mm.
3846 Hermes’s head facing wearing petasos. Rev. : AINION. Throne with herm and corn ear on it. 16 mm.
3847 The same; vase in field. 15 mm.
3849 Hermes’s head right, wearing petasos. Rev. : AIN. Goat right, human figure standing before. 12 mm.
3850 Hermes’s head facing, wearing petasos. Rev. : AINION. Goat walking right; hippocamp (sea horse) in field. 24 mm. Plate XXI 3.
3851 Hermes’s head facing, wearing petasos. Rev. : AINION. Throne with herm on it; caduceus in field. 16 mm.
3852 The same obverse. Rev. : AINION. Goat right; serpent in field. 12 mm.
3853 The same obverse. Rev. : AINION. Goat right; bee before. 13 mm. Plate XXI 14.
3854 The same obverse. Rev. : AINION. Goat right; herm in field. 14 mm. Plate XXI 5.
3855 Hermes’s head right, wearing petasos. Rev. : AI. Caduceus. 10 mm. Plate XI 11.
3856 Hermes’s head right, wearing petasos. Rev. : AIN. Goat walking right. 10 mm.
Thrace, Ainos, AR Diobol. Circa 435-405 BC. Head of youthful Hermes right in patasos / AIN, Goat standing right, caduceus to right.
3857 The same obverse. Rev. : AINION. Goat right; herm to right. 10 mm. Plate XXI 8.
3858 The same obverse. Rev. : AINI. Goat right; bipennis (double axe) to right. 14 mm.
3859 The same obverse. Rev. : AINI. Goat right; two-handled vase to right. 12 mm.
3860 The same obverse. Rev. : AINI. Goat grazing right. 11 mm.
3861 Hermes’s unbearded head right, wearing petasos, fringed with pearls and another pearl on top. Rev. : AINI. Goat right; mask of Silenos facing in field. 23 mm.
3862 Hermes’s head right, wearing petasos. Rev. : AINI. Goat walking right; rooster before. 14 mm. Plate XXI 15.
3863 Hermes’s head facing. Rev. : AINI. Goat left; herm to right. 13 mm. Plate XXI 16.
3864 Hermes’s head facing. Rev. : AINION. Goat right; tripod to right. 25 mm. Plate XXI 2.
3865 Hermes’s head right, wearing petasos. Rev. : AINI. Goat right; hound before. All in concave square. 24 mm. Plate XXI 4.
3866 Hermes’s head right wearing petasos. Rev. : AINI. Horse grazing right, crab beneath its right foreleg. 15 mm.
Thrace, AINOS. c.435-405 BC. Silver Diobol. Head of Hermes right wearing petasos / Goat walking right, crab beneath foreleg.

Bronze: (300 – 200 B.C.)

3867 Hermes’s head right, wearing petasos. Rev. : AINION. Caduceus and thunderbolt.
3868 Herme's head left. Rev. : Caduceus and grain seed. Plate XXI 12.
3869 The same obverse. Rev. : AINI. Caduceus and vase.
3870 Hermes’s head right. Rev. : AINI. Caduceus; sometimes bunch of grapes.
BMC 33
3870 var
Hermes’s head right. Rev. : AINION. Caduceus; bunch of grapes to right.
3871 Diademed head of Poseidon right; sometimes below – OΠA monogram. Plate XXII 1. Rev. : AINIΩN. Hermes standing with purse and caduceus. BMC 45 (with monogram); BMC 46 (no monogram). (See example on wildwinds)
3872 Helmeted head. Rev. : AINION. Goat.
3873 Hermes’s head left, wearing petasos. Rev. : AINION. Man seated on a throne left, holding sceptre in left hand.
3874 Apollo’s laureate head. Rev. : AINION. Caduceus and star.
Thrace, Ainos. ca 400-350 BC. AE 17mm. Laureate head of Apollo right / A-I-N-I-O-N, caduceus; star right.
3875 Bearded head right. Rev. : AINION. Bearded figure; in the field – caduceus.
3876 Hermes’s bare head right; caduceus behind. Rev. : AINIΩN. Aesklepios standing, holding serpent entwined staff. (See example on wildwinds)
3877 The same obverse. Rev. : The same legend. Aesklepios seated. Plate XXI 18.
3878 The same obverse. Rev. : The same legend. Man half-naked seated on prow left, holding branch. Plate XXI 19.
3879 Hermes’s head right, wearing petasos. Rev. : AINIΩN. Goat right.

Lysimachos (323 – 281 B.C.)

3880 King’s head tied with ribbon and decorated with horns of a ram, right. Rev. : BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY. Athena seated left on throne, holding Nike in right hand, shield beside the throne, monogram below. 32 mm. Plate XXI 1.

Imperial bronze coins.
Note: Caracalla was the only emperor to strike coins in Ainos.
CARACALLA (198 – 217 A.D.)

3881 AYT K M AYΡ CEY ANTΩNEINOC, Draped bust left, holding spear and shield. Rev. : AINIΩN. – Castor, naked, standing facing, head left, holding horse by the bridle and long spear. Varbanov 27.Plate VII 30.
Click here for's Ainos page with numerous examples not linked to this page.

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