6235. Goat standing left, head turned. / Quadripartite incuse square. 13 mm. Plate XLVIII 14. |
6236. Goat right with turned head; sometimes with ΔE monogram above. |
6237. Goat half-kneeing right, with head turned back, sometimes with two dots in the field. / Quadripartite incuse square. 11 mm. Plate XLVIII 18. |
6238. Goat half-kneeing right, with head turned back, ΛA above. / Quadripartite incuse square. 23 mm. Plate XLVIII 16. |
6239. As 6238 but 11 mm. Plate XLVIII 17. |
6240. Goat half-kneeing right, Θ (or shield?) above. / Quadripartite incuse square. 24 mm. Plate XLVIII
12. |
6241. As 6240 but 11 mm. |
6242. Goat half-kneeing left; rose or acanthine flower above. / Quadripartite incuse square. 24 mm. Plate
XLVIII 13. |
6243. Goat half-kneeing right. / Quadripartite incuse square. 10 mm. |
AMNG No. |
1 | Goat half-kneeling right, head turned back, only one horn shown, dot above and beneath the goat, all on dotted ground line. / Irregular quadripartite incuse square with traces of raised separation lines. Stater or didrachm, 9.85 g. Mionnet Suppl. III, 5. |
2 | As above but two horns shown, the dots smaller, and a plain line beneath the dotted ground line. Stater or didrachm, 9.76 g. Imhoof 4 in ZfN VII. |
3 | Goat half-kneeling left, head turned back, only one horn shown, three dots on the body, one above the left front left, the two others vertically in left field. Acanthus flower above. Triple ground line, the uppermost line with pearl-shaped dots. / Flat quadripartite incuse square with raised separation lines. Stater or didrachm, 9.37 g. Hunter 267. |
4 | Goat as no. (1) but both horns visible and four small tufts of hair above the goat's forehead. Rosette of dots above. Dotted ground line on a raised strip. Stater 9.38 g (holed). Imhoof loc cit. 14. |
5 | Goat as no. (4) but with three small tufts of hair above the goat's forehead. AΛ above, dotted ground line on a raised strip. / Rev. as (3). Stater 9.28 g.
6 | Goat as no. (1) but both horns visible. ΔE monogram above. Dotted ground line on a raised strip. / Rev. as (3). Stater 9.4 g. Imhoof loc cit. 13. |
7 | Goat half-kneeling right, head turned back, one horn visible, on double ground line. / Quadripartite mill-sail pattern incuse. Eighth-Stater (trihemiobol). 1.08 g. Imhoof loc cit. 2. |
8 | Goat half-kneeling right, head turned back, both horns visible, pearl necklace around neck, on dotted ground line. Rev: Quadripartite mill-sail pattern incuse but the mill-sail shapes less clear because of one quarter being very deep. Eighth-Stater (trihemiobol). 1.0 g. |
9 | Goat half-kneeling left, head turned back as (3) but without the dots, triple ground line, the centre line dotted. / Irregular quadripartite incuse square with traces of raised separation lines. Eighth-Stater (trihemiobol). 1,27 g. Walcher Collection (Renner sale) 2598. |
10 | Goat half-kneeling right, head turned back as (7), dot above its body and to right. Dotted ground line. / Irregular quadripartite incuse square with traces of raised separation lines. Eighth-Stater (trihemiobol) 0.92 g. Imhoof loc. cit, 7. |
11 | Goat half-kneeling right, head turned back, both horns visible, three small tufts of hair above the forehead. Dot above and to right. Dotted ground line. / Irregular quadripartite incuse square with clear raised separation lines. Eighth-Stater (trihemiobol) 1.0 g. Weber 1842. |
12 | Goat half-kneeling right, head turned back, both horns visible, five small tufts of hair above the forehead. Dot above and to right. Dotted ground line. / Clearly defined quadripartite mill-sail pattern incuse. Eighth-Stater (trihemiobol) 0.94 g. |
13 | Forepart of goat half-kneeling right, head turned back, both horns visible. Dot below. Dotted ground line. / Clearly defined quadripartite mill-sail pattern incuse. Sixteenth-Stater (tritemorion) 0.42 g. |
14 | Goat half-kneeling right, head turned back, both horns visible, dot in circle above, dot in right field, on dotted ground line on a raised strip. / Clearly defined quadripartite mill-sail pattern incuse. Eighth-Stater (trihemiobol) 1.05 g. Imhoof 4 in ZfN VII (1880). |
15 | Goat half-kneeling right, head turned back, both horns visible, four small tufts of hair above the forehead. Dot above and to right. Dotted ground line on a raised strip. / Clearly defined quadripartite mill-sail pattern incuse. Eighth-Stater (trihemiobol) 1.08 g. Leake num. Hellen., 22. |
16 | >Goat half-kneeling right, head turned back, one horn visible, ΛA above, on dotted ground line. / Flat quadripartite square with clear separating lines. Eighth-Stater (trihemiobol) 0.9 g. Weber 1844 |
Note: | Imhoof loc. cit and Babelon, Traité II-1, 1095 ff, both attribute these coins to Aigai and interpret the ΛA, resp. AΛ and ΔE monogram as representations of a magistrate's name. However, Svoronos held the somewhat unlikely view that this quite uniform series of coins should be split into groups and attributed to the Laiaiens, the Derronians and to alliance issues (JIAN XIX p. 22 ff and plates 3-4, 6-15). |