BMC 3 | Acrasus, Lydia, Pseudo-autonomous issue. Time of the Severans, AD 193-235. AE 22mm, 4.79 g. IEΡAC CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Apollo standing facing, head left, holding laurel branch. BMC 3; Imhoof LS 2; SNG Munich 18; GRPC Lydia 12. | Text |  |
BMC 4 | Acrasos, Lydia, semi-autonomous, 200-268. Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. BMC 4; SNG Cop 1; BMC 4; Pembroke 1119; Mionnet IV, 6; GRPC Lydia 21. | Text |  |
BMC 5 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE14, semi-autonomous, 193-211 AD. 1.57 gr. Bearded head of Herakles right, lionskin knotted around neck / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Telesphorus standing facing, wearing hooded cloak. BMC 5; SNG Cop 4; SNG Munich 13-14; SNG Turkey 5, 318; Mionnet IV, 2; Paris 3; GRPC Lydia 18. | Text |  |
BMC 6 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE, semi-autonomous issue, AD 193-211. Bearded head of Herakles right, lionskin around neck / AKΡACIΩTΩN, stag standing right. BMC 6; Prowe III, 1404; Plankenhorn 1365; GRPC Lydia 9. | Text |  |
BMC 7-9 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE14, semi-autonomous, 193-211. Bearded head of Herakles right, lionskin around neck / AKΡACIΩTΩN, lion walking right. BMC 7-9; SNG Cop 3; SNG Munich 16; Mionnet IV, 1; GRPC Lydia 6. | Text |  |
BMC 10 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE 14mm; 1.3g., semi-autonomous issue. 192-211 AD. Bearded bust of Herakles right / AKΡAΣIΩTΩN, Bee. BMC 10-12; Prowe III, 1405; Mionnet IV, 4; GRPC Lydia 4. | Text |  |
BMC 13 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE13, semi-autonomous, 193-211. Helmeted head of Athena right, wearing aegis / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Telesphorus standing facing, wearing hooded cloak. BMC 13; GRPC Lydia 17. | Text |  |
BMC 14 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE14 semi-autonomous issue, AD 193-211. 1.30g. helmeted bust of Athena right, wearing aegis / AKΡACIΩTΩN, lion walking right. BMC 14; SNG Cop 2; SNG Tuebingen 3657-3658; Weber 6775; Walcher Coll. 2647; Waddington 4848; SNG Munich 17; Mionnet IV, 5; GRPC Lydia 1. | Text |  |
Imhoof GM 1 | Acrasus. Lydia, AE16, semi-autonomous. AD 193-211. CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, stag standing right. Duesseldorf 11343; Imhoof GM p113, 1; GRPC Lydia 13. | Text |  |
Mionnet IV, 6 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE18. semi-autonomous, AD 200-268. Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. Mionnet IV, 6 corr. (obv description); Pembroke 1119; GRPC Lydia 21. | Text |  |
Mionnet S7, 1 | Acrasus, Lydia. AE14, Semi-autonomous, AD 193-211. Bearded head of Herakles right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, coiled serpent with raised head. Mionnet Supp. VII, 1 corr. (rev. legend completed); Paris 2; GRPC Lydia 7. | Text |  |
Mionnet S7, 2 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE16, semi-autonomous, AD 193-211. Youthful head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / AKΡACIΩTΩN, coiled serpent with raised head, (TΓ? below). Mionnet Supp. VII, 2; Sestini Mus. Fontana I, 2; Paris AA.GR.5077; GRPC Lydia 8. | Text |  |
Mionnet S7, 2 (2) | Acrasus, Lydia, AE16, semi-Autonomous, 193-211. 1.55 g. Youthful head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / AKΡACIΩTΩN, coiled serpent with raised head, (TΓ? below). Mionnet Supp. VII, 2; GRPC Lydia 8. | Text |  |
Mionnet S7, 2 (3) | Acrasus, Lydia, AE16, semi-autonomous, 193-211. Youthful head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / AKΡACIΩTΩN, coiled serpent with raised head, AYTO? below. Mionnet Supp. VII, 2; GRPC Lydia 8. | Text |  |
Mionnet S7, 3 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE25, semi-autonomous issue, AD 193-211. Magistrate Moschianus. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, laureate and draped bust of the Senate right / EΠI CTΡ AY MOCXIANOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Hygieia on left, standing right, feeding serpent in arms from a patera, and Asklepios standing left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Mionnet Supp. VII, 3; Sestini Mus. Fontana, 2; GRPC Lydia 16. | Text |  |
SNG Cop 4 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE13 Pseudo-autonomous issue. 193-211 AD. Bearded head of Herakles right, lionskin around neck / AKΡAΣIΩTΩN, Telesphoros in hooded cloak, standing facing. BMC 5; SNG Cop 4; GRPC Lydia 18. | Text |  |
SNG vA 2881 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE14, semi-autonomous. 200-250. Helmeted, draped bust of Athena right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, bee within border of dots. SNG von Aulock 2881; Waddington 4849; GRPC Lydia 19 (this coin). | Text |  |
Walcher 2648 | Acrasus, Lydia, AE17. semi-autonomous, 30 BC-276 AD. Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. Hunter 1; Duesseldorf 11773; Walcher Coll. 2648; GRPC Lydia 20. | Text |  |
BMC 15 | Commodus, AE38 of Acrasus, Lydia. Bassius, magistrate. AYTO KAI Λ AYΡH KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA BACCOY AKΡACIΩTΩN around and beneath, Artemis Ephesia standing facing on left, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae on right; star above. BMC 15; Vienna 19347; GRPC Lydia 24. | Text |  |
GRPC Lydia 25 | Commodus AE23 of Akrasos, Lydia. AYT KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ BACCOY AKΡACOC, Artemis walking right with bow, drawing arrow from quiver at her shoulder, hound at foot. GRPC Lydia 25: cf BMC 33 and SNG v.Aulock 2891 (both Severus Alexander). DSS Akrasos 1. | Text |  |
GRPC Lydia 34 | Commodus AE18 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192 AD. AY K Λ AY KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped bust right / AKΡAΣIΩTΩN, cult image of Artemis Ephesia with supports. Dane Kurth C831; GRPC Lydia 34. | Text |  |
Imhoof FG 297 | Commodus, AE34 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192. Magistrate Bassos. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠ CTΡA BACCOY AKΡACIΩTΩN KAIKOC, river-god Kaikos reclining left, holding reed in right hand and resting left elbow on overturned urn from which waters flow; another reed at his feet. Mionnet Supp. VII, 7 corr.; Waddington, Voyages.., Lydia, p. 25 in NC 1852; Imhoof Flussgötter 297; GRPC Lydia 29. | Text |  |
Imhoof LS 3 | Commodus, AE 25 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192 AD, Magistrate Bassus. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠ CTΡA BACCOY AKΡACIΩTΩN KAIKOC, Athena standing left by altar, holding owl in left hand, spear in right and resting hand on shield. Imhoof LS 3; Leypold I, 871; GRPC Lydia 26. | Text |  |
Mionnet S7, 6 | Commodus, AE25 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192. Magistrate Bassos. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA BACCOY AKΡACIΩT, Hygieia on left, standing right, feeding serpent in arms from a patera, and Asklepios standing left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Paris 11; SNG München 19; Mionnet Supp VII, 6; GRPC Lydia 27. | Text |  |
SNG Cop 5 | Commodus, AE19 of Acrasus, Lydia. 4.15 gr. AY K Λ AY KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Herakles, naked, standing facing, head right, lionskin over arm and resting right hand on club. SNG Cop 5; Vienna 30480; GRPC Lydia 36. | Text |  |
SNG Munich 20 | Commodus, AE 34 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192 AD. Magistrate Bassos. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ BACCOY around, AKΡACIΩTΩN below, river-god Kaikos reclining left, holding reed in right hand and resting left elbow on overturned urn from which waters flow; another reed at his feet. SNG Munich 20; Imhoof Flussgoetter 297 var (KAYKOC in ex.); GRPC Lydia 31. | Text |  |
SNG vA 2882 | Commodus, AE22 of Acrasus, Lydua. AD 177-192. Magistrate Bassus. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA BACCOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Apollo, naked, standing left, holding laurel branch. SNG von Aulock 2882; RPC IV 1165; GRPC Lydia 23. | Text |  |
Vienna 86753 | Commodus, AE25 of Acrasus, Lydia. AD 177-192. Magistrate Markos. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA MAΡKOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Athena standing left by altar, holding owl and spear, and resting hand on shield. Vienna 86753; Kraft, pl. 87.1; Kapossy, "Römische Provinzialmünzen in Bern", 39; GRPC Lydia 32. | Text |  |
Vossen 10490 | Commodus, AE19 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192 AD. 3.72g. AV K L AV KOMODOC, laureate, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Demeter standing left holding grain ears in left arm and sceptre in right hand. Vossen 10490; GRPC Lydia 35. | Text |  |
Waddington 4851 | Commodus, AE39 of Acrasus, Lydia. 180-192. Magistrate Bassos. 27.18 gr. AYTO KAI L AYRH KOMOD-OC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA BACCOY, AKΡACIΩT-WN, Marcus Aurelius in military dress on horseback right, trophy to right, captive seated left before. Waddington 4851; Mabbott 1779; GRPC Lydia 28. | Text |  |
Vienna 8773 | Crispina, AE 16.6 mm, 3.25 gr of Acrasus, Lydia. AD 178-180. KΡICΠIN AYΓOYCT-A, draped bust right. / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Winsemann 1179; Vienna 8773 ("Plautilla"); Mionnet Supp VII, 5 ("Faustina II"); GRPC Lydia 37. | Text |  |
Winsemann 1179 | Crispina. AE17 of Acrasus, Lydia. AD 178-180. 3.25 g. KΡICΠIN AYΓOYCTA, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Winsemann 1179; Vienna 8773 ("Plautilla"); Mionnet Supp VII, 5 ("Faustina II"); GRPC Lydia 37. | Text |  |
BMC 16 | Septimius Severus, AE of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211 AD. AYT KAI Λ CEΠT CEOYHΡOC ΠE, laureate, draped bust right / EΠ CTΡA ONHCIΦOΡOY AΠOΛΛ TO B AKΡACIΩTΩN, The traditional group of the Pharnesian Bull: Amphion, Zethos and Dirke, one of the young men tying Dirke to the bull by a rope around his hips, the other holding the humped bull by the horns. BMC 16; GRPC Lydia 48. | Text |  |
BMC 17 | Septimius Severus, AE36 f Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Onesiforos Apoll. AYT KAIC Λ CEΠTI CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, countermark of Artemis Ephesia (Howgego 234) / E CTΡ ONHCIΦOΡOY AΠOΛΛ TO B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Dionysus on the left, standing front, looking right, wearing ivy wreath, naked but for draped lower limbs, left arm resting on an ivy-entwined column; his right hand on the back of his head; facing him left on the other side of the column stands goat-legged Pan, right hand raised to his forehead and holding pedum in left. BMC 17; Mionnet Supp VII, 14 corr. (Pan described as Marsyas); GRPC Lydia 50. | Text |  |
BMC 19 | Septimius Severus, AE35 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Dama Attalus. AYT KAIC Λ CEΠTI CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA ΔAMA ATTAΛOY B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis Ephesia, with polos and veil, standing front on the left, and Tyche, wearing polos, on the left, standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae; burning altar between them. BMC 19; Mionnet IV, 11; GRPC Lydia 45. | Text |  |
BMC 20 | Septimius Severus, AE18 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211 AD. 3.57 gr. Λ CEΠT CEBHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Cult image of Artemis Ephesia standing facing with two supports. BMC 20; GRPC Lydia 57. | Text |  |
BMC 21 | Septimius Severus, AE25 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Asklepiodorus. AYT KAI CEBHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN ACKΛHΠIOΔΩΡOC, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, shield at her side. BMC 21; Righetti Coll. Sale IV, 707; GRPC Lydia 38. | Text |  |
BMC 22 | Septimius Severus AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia. AY KA Λ C CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. BMC 22; SNG Cop 8; Hunter 2; Weber 6777-6778; Leypold II, 872.1; GRPC Lydia 62. | Text |  |
BMC 23 | Septimius Severus, AE19 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. AYTO K CEBHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG von Aulock 2886; SNG Munich 23; Mionnet IV 9; Mionnet Supp VII, 9; BMC 23; GRPC Lydia 63. | Text |  |
BMC 24 | Septimius Severus AE of Akrasos, Lydia, AD 193-211. AYTO K CEBHΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Tyche standing left, polos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. BMC 24; SNG Cop 9; SNG Turkey, Tire, 321; GRPC Lydia 66. | Text |  |
GRPC Lydia 42 | Septimius Severus, AE43 of Acrasus, Lydia. 34.87 gr. 193-211 AD. Magistrate Asklepiodorus. AV KAI Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, countermark: cult statue / EΠI CTΡ ACKΛHΠIOΔΩΡOY B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Emperor standing left, sacrificing before temple of Artemis with cult statue of Artemis Ephesia within. GRPC Lydia 42. ArtCoins Roma, 4, 148. | Text |  |
GRPC Lydia 59 | Septimius Severus, AE19 of Acrasus, Lydia. AD 193-211. 2.90 g. AYT K Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. GRPC Lydia 59; Agora 37, 118. Var of SNG Cop 8; BMC 33 etc (obv. legend) | Text |  |
Kraft 65-14 | Septimius Severus, AE18 of Akrasus, Lydia, AD 193-211. AY KAI CEOYHΡO, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Kraft 65.14; Gökyildirim Istanbul 61; GRPC Lydia 64. | Text |  |
Mionnet IV, 12 | Septimius Severus, AE32 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Stratoneikianos. AYT KAI Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ. laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA CTΡATONEIKIANOY T B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Herakles on the left, naked, standing right, resting on club with right hand, left hand outstretched towards Athena, helmeted, standing left, holding spear, shield at her side, left hand outstretched; small burning altar between them. Mionnet IV, 12; Righetti Coll. Sale IV, 706; GRPC Lydia 56. | Text |  |
Mionnet IV, 13 | Septimius Severus, AE29 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211, Magistrate Philodemus Numerianos. AYT KAIC Λ CEΠTI CEOYHΡOC
laureate head right / EΠI CTΡ ΦIΛOΔHMOY ... NOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis Ephesia in biga of stags left. Mionnet IV, 13; GRPC Lydia 54 | Text |  |
Mionnet S7, 10 | Septimius Severus AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia. AU K Λ CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Mionnet Supp VII, 10; Sestini, Mus. Hederv. 2; GRPC Lydia 61. | Text |  |
SNG Munich 22 | Septimius Severus, AE19 of Acrasus, Lydia, AD 193-211. AY K Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG Munich 22; Winterthur 3678; GRPC Lydia 60. | Text |  |
SNG Turkey 5 320 | Septimius Severus, AE20 of Acrasos, Lydia. 19.83 mm, 4.12 gr. AD 193-211. AY K Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG Munich 22; Winterthur 3678; SNG Turkey 5, 320; GRPC Lydia 60. | Text |  |
SNG vA 2883 | Septimius Severus AE45 medallion of Acrasus, Lydia. 43.5 gr. AYT KAI Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ, laureate, draped cuirassed bust right, countermark of Artemis Ephesia standing facing (Howgego 234.) / EΠI CTΡA ONHCIPFOROY APOLL TO B AKΡACIΩTΩN (or [2] EΠI CTΡ ΦIΛOΔHMOY NOYMEΡIANOY AKΡACIΩTΩN), Biga of stags right with statue of Artemis Ephesia standing half right with supports. SNG von Aulock 2883; Hirsch Collection 1571; [2] SNG Cop 6 GRPC Lydia 49. | Text |  |
Waddington 4852 | Septimius Severus, AE37 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211, Magistrate Menandrus Charinus. 19.86 gr. AYT KAIC Λ CEΠTI CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA MENANΔΡOY XAΡEINO B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis, with bow and quiver, in biga of stags galloping right. SNG von Aulock 2884; Franke KZR 357; Imhoof KM 1; Waddington 4852; GRPC Lydia 46. | Text |  |
Waddington 4853 | Septimius Severus AE25 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Asklepiodorus. 6.73 gr. AYT KAI CEBHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN ACKΛHΠIOΔΩ, Homonoia standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. SNG Munich 24; Waddington 4853; GRPC Lydia 43. | Text |  |
Waddington 4854 | Septimius Severus, AE26 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211 AD. Magistrate Philodemus Moschianus. AVT KAI CEOVHΡOC, laureate head right, countermark Artemis Ephesia (Howgego 234)/ EΠI CTΡ ΦIΛOΔHMOY MOCXIA B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Hygieia on left, standing right, feeding serpent in arms from a patera, and Asklepios standing left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG Munich 25; Waddington 4854; GRPC Lydia 52. | Text |  |
Weber 6777 | Septimius Severus of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211 AD. AY KA Λ C CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Hunter 2; Weber 6777-6778; BMC 22; GRPC Lydia 62. | Text |  |
Winterthur 3677 | Septimius Severus, AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia, 4.64 gr. AYTOK CEBHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis Ephesia, wearing polos and veil, standing facing, with supports. Winterthur 3677; GRPC Lydia 58. | Text |  |
BMC 25 | Julia Domna, AE15 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-235 AD. 1.27g. IOVΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Stag standing right. BMC 25; SNG Cop 10; GRPC Lydia 69. | Text |  |
BMC 26 | Caracalla, AE32 of Acrasus, Lydia. 198-217. Magistrate Philodemus Moschianus. AYTO KAI M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ ΦIΛOΔHMOY MOCXIA B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis, with bow and quiver, in biga of stags galloping left. BMC 26; SNG von Aulock 2887; Mionnet IV, 16; GRPC Lydia 71. | Text |  |
GRPC Lydia 73 | Caracalla, AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia. 198-217 AD. 3.53 g. AY KAI M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing, with supports. GRPC Lydia 73; Boersema 7873. | Text |  |
GRPC Lydia 73 (2) | Caracalla, AE24 of Acrasus, Lydia, 198-217 AD. 7.69 gr. AY KAI M A ANTΩNINO, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, countermark: star / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Cult statue of Artemis Ephesia facing, with supports. GRPC Lydia 73; Muenzen Ritter 38586. | Text |  |
Waddington 4855 | Caracalla AE33 of Acrasus, Lydia. 198-217. Magistrate Stratonikianos. AY KAIC M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, bust right / EΠI CTΡ CTΡATONEIKIANOY, hexastyle temple with cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing within. Kraft pl. 67.40; Waddington 4855; GRPC Lydia 72. | Text |  |
BMC 27 | Plautilla, AE24 of Acrasus, Lydia. 202-205 AD. 6.71g. ΦOYΛ ΠΛAYTIANH CE, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, statue of Artemis Ephesia standing facing with supports, between two stags. BMC 27-28; SNG Munich 28; Mionnet IV, 17; Paris 27; GRPC Lydia 76. | Text |  |
BMC 30 | Geta, AE21 of Acrasus, Lydia. P CEPTI GETAC KA, laureate, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Athena standing left by altar, holding patera, spear and shield. BMC 30; GRPC Lydia 77. | Text |  |
SNG Leypold 875 | Geta, AE 19 of Acrasus, Lydia. 198-209 AD. 2.83 gr. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC KA, laureate, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis Ephesia, wearing polos and veil, standing facing with supports (no stags). SNG Leypold I 875; Plankenhorn 320; GRPC Lydia 78. | Text |  |
GRPC Lydia 80 | Julia Maesa. AE17 of Acrasus, Lydia. 218-220. 3.44 gr. MAICA, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. GRPC Lydia 80; Helios 17, 344. | Text |  |
BMC 31 | Severus Alexander, AE45 medallion of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235. Magistrate Aur. Moschianus. AYTOKΡ K M AYΡ CEBHΡOC AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ MOCXIANOY T B AKΡACIΩTΩN around and beneath cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing in a biga of stags galloping left and holding a figure of Tyche standing left with rudder and cornucopiae, on her right arm. BMC 31; Mionnet IV, 20; Paris 29; GRPC Lydia 88. | Text |  |
BMC 36 | Severus Alexander, AE 26 of Acrasus, Lydia. 5.07 gr. 222-235 AD. AYT K CE AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Hygieia on left, standing right, feeding serpent in arms from a patera, and Asklepios standing left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG von Aulock 2890; BMC 36; GRPC Lydia 96. | Text |  |
BMC 36 (2) | Severus Alexander, AE24 of Akrasos, Lydia. AD 222-235. AYT K CE AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Hygieia on left, standing right, feeding serpent in arms from a patera, facing Asklepios standing left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. BMC 36; SNG von Aulock 2890; GRPC Lydia 96. | Text |  |
Kraft 43.40 | Severus Alexander, AE36 of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235 AD. Magistrate Aur. Moschianos. AYTOKΡ K M AYΡ CEBHΡOC AΛEZANΔΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ MOCXIANOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Herakles, naked, standing facing, head right, lionskin over left arm, apples in left hand and resting on club with right. SNG Munich 29; Mionnet IV, 21; Kraft pl. 43, 40; GRPC Lydia 89. | Text |  |
Plankenhorn 920 | Severus Alexander AE30 of Acrasus, Lydia. AD 222-235. Magistrate Aur. Kallistos. 15.82 g. AVT K M AVΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠ KAΛΛICTOY AΠ AKΡACIT, Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus; ram standing left at foot. Plankenhorn 920 (Naumann); GRPC Lydia 86. | Text |  |
SNG Cop 13 | Severus Alexander, AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia. AΛEXANΔΡOC, Laureate bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis Ephesia standing facing, veiled, with kalathos and supports. SNG Copenhagen 13; SNG von Aulock 2892; GRPC Lydia 94. | Text |  |
SNG vA 2891 | Severus Alexander, AE24 of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235. AYT K CE AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis huntress standing right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder. SNG von Aulock 2891; Mionnet Supp VII, 19; GRPC Lydia 93. | Text |  |
SNG vA 2892 | Severus Alexander, AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235 AD. AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing. SNG von Aulock 2892; SNG Cop 13; Mionnet Supp. VII, 17-18; Paris M3126; GRPC Lydia 94. | Text |  |
Waddington 4856 | Severus Alexander, AE25 of Acrasus, Lydia, 222-235. Magistrate Aur. Kallistos. 6.56 gr. AYT K M A CE AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠ KAΛΛICTOY AΡ AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis huntress, advancing right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from a quiver at shoulder. Waddington 4856; Paris 31; GRPC Lydia 84. | Text |  |
BMC 38 | Julia Mamaea, AE21 of Acrasus, Lydia. 3.74 gr. IOY MAMAIA, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, cult image of Artemis Ephesia, wearing polos and veil, standing facing with supports. BMC 38; Plankenhorn 921; GRPC Lydia 99. | Text |  |
GRPC Lydia 97 | Julia Mamaea, AE31 of Acrasus, Lydia. Aurelius Philodemus, Strategus. 222-235 AD. IOYΛIA MAMEA CEBA, draped bust right, wearing stephane / EΠI CT AYΡ ΦIΛOMHNOY B around and in field, AKΡACIΩTΩN below, Artemis in biga of stags right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver. Manisa Museum 14555; GRPC Lydia 97. CNG 81, 780. | Text |  |
SNG vA 8214 | Julia Mamaea AE of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235. 5.07 gr. IOY MAMAIA, draped bust right, wearing stephane / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear. SNG von Aulock 8214; GRPC Lydia 100. | Text |  |
Waddington 4857 | Julia Mamaea, AE31 of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235. Magistrate Kallistos. IOYΛIA MAMAIA CEBA, draped bust right / EΠ KAΛΛICTOY AΡ AKΡACIΩTΩN, Hermes, naked, standing left, holding purse and caduceus, ram at foot left. Waddington 4857; Waddington, Voyages.., Lydia, p. 35 in NC 1852; GRPC Lydia 98. | Text |  |
Paris D2411 | Gordian III, AE28 of Acrasus, Lydia. 238-244. Magistrate Anenkletos Zosimos. AYT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ ANENKΛHTOY ZWCIMOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding kantharus and thyrsus, panther at foot left. Paris D2411; BMC 39 var (Dionysos wearing short chiton); GRPC Lydia 103. | Text |  |
RPC VII 178 | Gordian III, AE39 of Acrasus, Lydia. 29.63 gr. AD 238-244. Aurelios Anenkletos Zosimos, strategos. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / EΠI AYΡ ANENKΛHTOY ZΩΣIMOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, pentastyle temple of Artemis viewed in perspective; altar to left, cypress tree in background. RPC VII 178; GRPC Lydia 105. | Text |  |
SNG vA 8215 | Gordian III AE26 of Akrasos, Lydia. AD 238-244. Magistrate Anenkletos Zosimos. AYT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / CTΡ ANENKΛHTOY ZΩCI AKΡACIΩTΩN (clockwise from exergue), Athena standing left by altar, holding owl (or patera?) and spear, shield at her side. SNG von Aulock 8215; RPC 181; GRPC Lydia 102. | Text |  |
Waddington 4859 | Gordian III, AE29 of Acrasus, Lydia. Magistrate Anenkletos Zosimos. 12.95 gr. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AVΡ ANENKΛHTOY ZΩCIMOY, AKΡACIΩTΩN in two circles around, Herakles standing front, head left, holding club and lionskin. Waddington 4859; Paris 35; RPC 180; Winterthur 3680; GRPC Lydia 104. | Text |  |