Ancient Coinage of Lydia, Acrasus

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BMC 3Acrasus, Lydia, Pseudo-autonomous issue. Time of the Severans, AD 193-235. AE 22mm, 4.79 g. IEΡAC CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Apollo standing facing, head left, holding laurel branch. BMC 3; Imhoof LS 2; SNG Munich 18; GRPC Lydia 12.TextFull Size
BMC 4Acrasos, Lydia, semi-autonomous, 200-268. Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. BMC 4; SNG Cop 1; BMC 4; Pembroke 1119; Mionnet IV, 6; GRPC Lydia 21.TextFull Size
BMC 5Acrasus, Lydia, AE14, semi-autonomous, 193-211 AD. 1.57 gr. Bearded head of Herakles right, lionskin knotted around neck / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Telesphorus standing facing, wearing hooded cloak. BMC 5; SNG Cop 4; SNG Munich 13-14; SNG Turkey 5, 318; Mionnet IV, 2; Paris 3; GRPC Lydia 18.TextFull Size
BMC 6Acrasus, Lydia, AE, semi-autonomous issue, AD 193-211. Bearded head of Herakles right, lionskin around neck / AKΡACIΩTΩN, stag standing right. BMC 6; Prowe III, 1404; Plankenhorn 1365; GRPC Lydia 9.TextFull Size
BMC 7-9Acrasus, Lydia, AE14, semi-autonomous, 193-211. Bearded head of Herakles right, lionskin around neck / AKΡACIΩTΩN, lion walking right. BMC 7-9; SNG Cop 3; SNG Munich 16; Mionnet IV, 1; GRPC Lydia 6.TextFull Size
BMC 10Acrasus, Lydia, AE 14mm; 1.3g., semi-autonomous issue. 192-211 AD. Bearded bust of Herakles right / AKΡAΣIΩTΩN, Bee. BMC 10-12; Prowe III, 1405; Mionnet IV, 4; GRPC Lydia 4.TextFull Size
BMC 13Acrasus, Lydia, AE13, semi-autonomous, 193-211. Helmeted head of Athena right, wearing aegis / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Telesphorus standing facing, wearing hooded cloak. BMC 13; GRPC Lydia 17.TextFull Size
BMC 14Acrasus, Lydia, AE14 semi-autonomous issue, AD 193-211. 1.30g. helmeted bust of Athena right, wearing aegis / AKΡACIΩTΩN, lion walking right. BMC 14; SNG Cop 2; SNG Tuebingen 3657-3658; Weber 6775; Walcher Coll. 2647; Waddington 4848; SNG Munich 17; Mionnet IV, 5; GRPC Lydia 1.TextFull Size
Imhoof GM 1Acrasus. Lydia, AE16, semi-autonomous. AD 193-211. CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, stag standing right. Duesseldorf 11343; Imhoof GM p113, 1; GRPC Lydia 13.TextFull Size
Mionnet IV, 6Acrasus, Lydia, AE18. semi-autonomous, AD 200-268. Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. Mionnet IV, 6 corr. (obv description); Pembroke 1119; GRPC Lydia 21.TextFull Size
Mionnet S7, 1Acrasus, Lydia. AE14, Semi-autonomous, AD 193-211. Bearded head of Herakles right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, coiled serpent with raised head. Mionnet Supp. VII, 1 corr. (rev. legend completed); Paris 2; GRPC Lydia 7.TextFull Size
Mionnet S7, 2Acrasus, Lydia, AE16, semi-autonomous, AD 193-211. Youthful head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / AKΡACIΩTΩN, coiled serpent with raised head, (TΓ? below). Mionnet Supp. VII, 2; Sestini Mus. Fontana I, 2; Paris AA.GR.5077; GRPC Lydia 8.TextFull Size
Mionnet S7, 2 (2)Acrasus, Lydia, AE16, semi-Autonomous, 193-211. 1.55 g. Youthful head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / AKΡACIΩTΩN, coiled serpent with raised head, (TΓ? below). Mionnet Supp. VII, 2; GRPC Lydia 8.TextFull Size
Mionnet S7, 2 (3)Acrasus, Lydia, AE16, semi-autonomous, 193-211. Youthful head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / AKΡACIΩTΩN, coiled serpent with raised head, AYTO? below. Mionnet Supp. VII, 2; GRPC Lydia 8.TextFull Size
Mionnet S7, 3Acrasus, Lydia, AE25, semi-autonomous issue, AD 193-211. Magistrate Moschianus. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, laureate and draped bust of the Senate right / EΠI CTΡ AY MOCXIANOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Hygieia on left, standing right, feeding serpent in arms from a patera, and Asklepios standing left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Mionnet Supp. VII, 3; Sestini Mus. Fontana, 2; GRPC Lydia 16.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 4Acrasus, Lydia, AE13 Pseudo-autonomous issue. 193-211 AD. Bearded head of Herakles right, lionskin around neck / AKΡAΣIΩTΩN, Telesphoros in hooded cloak, standing facing. BMC 5; SNG Cop 4; GRPC Lydia 18.TextFull Size
SNG vA 2881Acrasus, Lydia, AE14, semi-autonomous. 200-250. Helmeted, draped bust of Athena right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, bee within border of dots. SNG von Aulock 2881; Waddington 4849; GRPC Lydia 19 (this coin).TextFull Size
Walcher 2648Acrasus, Lydia, AE17. semi-autonomous, 30 BC-276 AD. Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. Hunter 1; Duesseldorf 11773; Walcher Coll. 2648; GRPC Lydia 20.TextFull Size
BMC 15Commodus, AE38 of Acrasus, Lydia. Bassius, magistrate. AYTO KAI Λ AYΡH KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA BACCOY AKΡACIΩTΩN around and beneath, Artemis Ephesia standing facing on left, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae on right; star above. BMC 15; Vienna 19347; GRPC Lydia 24.TextFull Size
GRPC Lydia 25Commodus AE23 of Akrasos, Lydia. AYT KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ BACCOY AKΡACOC, Artemis walking right with bow, drawing arrow from quiver at her shoulder, hound at foot. GRPC Lydia 25: cf BMC 33 and SNG v.Aulock 2891 (both Severus Alexander). DSS Akrasos 1.TextFull Size
GRPC Lydia 34Commodus AE18 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192 AD. AY K Λ AY KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped bust right / AKΡAΣIΩTΩN, cult image of Artemis Ephesia with supports. Dane Kurth C831; GRPC Lydia 34.TextFull Size
Imhoof FG 297Commodus, AE34 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192. Magistrate Bassos. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠ CTΡA BACCOY AKΡACIΩTΩN KAIKOC, river-god Kaikos reclining left, holding reed in right hand and resting left elbow on overturned urn from which waters flow; another reed at his feet. Mionnet Supp. VII, 7 corr.; Waddington, Voyages.., Lydia, p. 25 in NC 1852; Imhoof Flussgötter 297; GRPC Lydia 29.TextFull Size
Imhoof LS 3Commodus, AE 25 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192 AD, Magistrate Bassus. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠ CTΡA BACCOY AKΡACIΩTΩN KAIKOC, Athena standing left by altar, holding owl in left hand, spear in right and resting hand on shield. Imhoof LS 3; Leypold I, 871; GRPC Lydia 26.TextFull Size
Mionnet S7, 6Commodus, AE25 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192. Magistrate Bassos. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA BACCOY AKΡACIΩT, Hygieia on left, standing right, feeding serpent in arms from a patera, and Asklepios standing left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Paris 11; SNG München 19; Mionnet Supp VII, 6; GRPC Lydia 27.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 5Commodus, AE19 of Acrasus, Lydia. 4.15 gr. AY K Λ AY KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Herakles, naked, standing facing, head right, lionskin over arm and resting right hand on club. SNG Cop 5; Vienna 30480; GRPC Lydia 36.TextFull Size
SNG Munich 20Commodus, AE 34 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192 AD. Magistrate Bassos. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ BACCOY around, AKΡACIΩTΩN below, river-god Kaikos reclining left, holding reed in right hand and resting left elbow on overturned urn from which waters flow; another reed at his feet. SNG Munich 20; Imhoof Flussgoetter 297 var (KAYKOC in ex.); GRPC Lydia 31. TextFull Size
SNG vA 2882Commodus, AE22 of Acrasus, Lydua. AD 177-192. Magistrate Bassus. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA BACCOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Apollo, naked, standing left, holding laurel branch. SNG von Aulock 2882; RPC IV 1165; GRPC Lydia 23.TextFull Size
Vienna 86753Commodus, AE25 of Acrasus, Lydia. AD 177-192. Magistrate Markos. AY KAI Λ AYΡ KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA MAΡKOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Athena standing left by altar, holding owl and spear, and resting hand on shield. Vienna 86753; Kraft, pl. 87.1; Kapossy, "Römische Provinzialmünzen in Bern", 39; GRPC Lydia 32.TextFull Size
Vossen 10490Commodus, AE19 of Acrasus, Lydia. 177-192 AD. 3.72g. AV K L AV KOMODOC, laureate, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Demeter standing left holding grain ears in left arm and sceptre in right hand. Vossen 10490; GRPC Lydia 35.TextFull Size
Waddington 4851Commodus, AE39 of Acrasus, Lydia. 180-192. Magistrate Bassos. 27.18 gr. AYTO KAI L AYRH KOMOD-OC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA BACCOY, AKΡACIΩT-WN, Marcus Aurelius in military dress on horseback right, trophy to right, captive seated left before. Waddington 4851; Mabbott 1779; GRPC Lydia 28.TextFull Size
Vienna 8773Crispina, AE 16.6 mm, 3.25 gr of Acrasus, Lydia. AD 178-180. KΡICΠIN AYΓOYCT-A, draped bust right. / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Winsemann 1179; Vienna 8773 ("Plautilla"); Mionnet Supp VII, 5 ("Faustina II"); GRPC Lydia 37.TextFull Size
Winsemann 1179Crispina. AE17 of Acrasus, Lydia. AD 178-180. 3.25 g. KΡICΠIN AYΓOYCTA, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Winsemann 1179; Vienna 8773 ("Plautilla"); Mionnet Supp VII, 5 ("Faustina II"); GRPC Lydia 37.TextFull Size
BMC 16Septimius Severus, AE of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211 AD. AYT KAI Λ CEΠT CEOYHΡOC ΠE, laureate, draped bust right / EΠ CTΡA ONHCIΦOΡOY AΠOΛΛ TO B AKΡACIΩTΩN, The traditional group of the Pharnesian Bull: Amphion, Zethos and Dirke, one of the young men tying Dirke to the bull by a rope around his hips, the other holding the humped bull by the horns. BMC 16; GRPC Lydia 48.TextFull Size
BMC 17Septimius Severus, AE36 f Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Onesiforos Apoll. AYT KAIC Λ CEΠTI CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, countermark of Artemis Ephesia (Howgego 234) / E CTΡ ONHCIΦOΡOY AΠOΛΛ TO B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Dionysus on the left, standing front, looking right, wearing ivy wreath, naked but for draped lower limbs, left arm resting on an ivy-entwined column; his right hand on the back of his head; facing him left on the other side of the column stands goat-legged Pan, right hand raised to his forehead and holding pedum in left. BMC 17; Mionnet Supp VII, 14 corr. (Pan described as Marsyas); GRPC Lydia 50.TextFull Size
BMC 19Septimius Severus, AE35 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Dama Attalus. AYT KAIC Λ CEΠTI CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA ΔAMA ATTAΛOY B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis Ephesia, with polos and veil, standing front on the left, and Tyche, wearing polos, on the left, standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae; burning altar between them. BMC 19; Mionnet IV, 11; GRPC Lydia 45.TextFull Size
BMC 20Septimius Severus, AE18 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211 AD. 3.57 gr. Λ CEΠT CEBHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Cult image of Artemis Ephesia standing facing with two supports. BMC 20; GRPC Lydia 57.TextFull Size
BMC 21Septimius Severus, AE25 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Asklepiodorus. AYT KAI CEBHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN ACKΛHΠIOΔΩΡOC, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, shield at her side. BMC 21; Righetti Coll. Sale IV, 707; GRPC Lydia 38.TextFull Size
BMC 22Septimius Severus AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia. AY KA Λ C CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. BMC 22; SNG Cop 8; Hunter 2; Weber 6777-6778; Leypold II, 872.1; GRPC Lydia 62.TextFull Size
BMC 23Septimius Severus, AE19 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. AYTO K CEBHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG von Aulock 2886; SNG Munich 23; Mionnet IV 9; Mionnet Supp VII, 9; BMC 23; GRPC Lydia 63.TextFull Size
BMC 24Septimius Severus AE of Akrasos, Lydia, AD 193-211. AYTO K CEBHΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Tyche standing left, polos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. BMC 24; SNG Cop 9; SNG Turkey, Tire, 321; GRPC Lydia 66.TextFull Size
GRPC Lydia 42Septimius Severus, AE43 of Acrasus, Lydia. 34.87 gr. 193-211 AD. Magistrate Asklepiodorus. AV KAI Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, countermark: cult statue / EΠI CTΡ ACKΛHΠIOΔΩΡOY B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Emperor standing left, sacrificing before temple of Artemis with cult statue of Artemis Ephesia within. GRPC Lydia 42. ArtCoins Roma, 4, 148.TextFull Size
GRPC Lydia 59Septimius Severus, AE19 of Acrasus, Lydia. AD 193-211. 2.90 g. AYT K Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. GRPC Lydia 59; Agora 37, 118. Var of SNG Cop 8; BMC 33 etc (obv. legend)TextFull Size
Kraft 65-14Septimius Severus, AE18 of Akrasus, Lydia, AD 193-211. AY KAI CEOYHΡO, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Kraft 65.14; Gökyildirim Istanbul 61; GRPC Lydia 64.TextFull Size
Mionnet IV, 12Septimius Severus, AE32 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Stratoneikianos. AYT KAI Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ. laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA CTΡATONEIKIANOY T B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Herakles on the left, naked, standing right, resting on club with right hand, left hand outstretched towards Athena, helmeted, standing left, holding spear, shield at her side, left hand outstretched; small burning altar between them. Mionnet IV, 12; Righetti Coll. Sale IV, 706; GRPC Lydia 56.TextFull Size
Mionnet IV, 13Septimius Severus, AE29 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211, Magistrate Philodemus Numerianos. AYT KAIC Λ CEΠTI CEOYHΡOC… laureate head right / EΠI CTΡ ΦIΛOΔHMOY ... NOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis Ephesia in biga of stags left. Mionnet IV, 13; GRPC Lydia 54TextFull Size
Mionnet S7, 10Septimius Severus AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia. AU K Λ CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Mionnet Supp VII, 10; Sestini, Mus. Hederv. 2; GRPC Lydia 61.TextFull Size
SNG Munich 22Septimius Severus, AE19 of Acrasus, Lydia, AD 193-211. AY K Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG Munich 22; Winterthur 3678; GRPC Lydia 60.TextFull Size
SNG Turkey 5 320Septimius Severus, AE20 of Acrasos, Lydia. 19.83 mm, 4.12 gr. AD 193-211. AY K Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG Munich 22; Winterthur 3678; SNG Turkey 5, 320; GRPC Lydia 60.TextFull Size
SNG vA 2883Septimius Severus AE45 medallion of Acrasus, Lydia. 43.5 gr. AYT KAI Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ, laureate, draped cuirassed bust right, countermark of Artemis Ephesia standing facing (Howgego 234.) / EΠI CTΡA ONHCIPFOROY APOLL TO B AKΡACIΩTΩN (or [2] EΠI CTΡ ΦIΛOΔHMOY NOYMEΡIANOY AKΡACIΩTΩN), Biga of stags right with statue of Artemis Ephesia standing half right with supports. SNG von Aulock 2883; Hirsch Collection 1571; [2] SNG Cop 6 GRPC Lydia 49.TextFull Size
Waddington 4852Septimius Severus, AE37 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211, Magistrate Menandrus Charinus. 19.86 gr. AYT KAIC Λ CEΠTI CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA MENANΔΡOY XAΡEINO B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis, with bow and quiver, in biga of stags galloping right. SNG von Aulock 2884; Franke KZR 357; Imhoof KM 1; Waddington 4852; GRPC Lydia 46.TextFull Size
Waddington 4853Septimius Severus AE25 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Asklepiodorus. 6.73 gr. AYT KAI CEBHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN ACKΛHΠIOΔΩ, Homonoia standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. SNG Munich 24; Waddington 4853; GRPC Lydia 43.TextFull Size
Waddington 4854Septimius Severus, AE26 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211 AD. Magistrate Philodemus Moschianus. AVT KAI CEOVHΡOC, laureate head right, countermark Artemis Ephesia (Howgego 234)/ EΠI CTΡ ΦIΛOΔHMOY MOCXIA B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Hygieia on left, standing right, feeding serpent in arms from a patera, and Asklepios standing left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG Munich 25; Waddington 4854; GRPC Lydia 52.TextFull Size
Weber 6777Septimius Severus of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-211 AD. AY KA Λ C CEOYHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Hunter 2; Weber 6777-6778; BMC 22; GRPC Lydia 62.TextFull Size
Winterthur 3677Septimius Severus, AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia, 4.64 gr. AYTOK CEBHΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis Ephesia, wearing polos and veil, standing facing, with supports. Winterthur 3677; GRPC Lydia 58.TextFull Size
BMC 25Julia Domna, AE15 of Acrasus, Lydia. 193-235 AD. 1.27g. IOVΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Stag standing right. BMC 25; SNG Cop 10; GRPC Lydia 69.TextFull Size
BMC 26Caracalla, AE32 of Acrasus, Lydia. 198-217. Magistrate Philodemus Moschianus. AYTO KAI M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ ΦIΛOΔHMOY MOCXIA B AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis, with bow and quiver, in biga of stags galloping left. BMC 26; SNG von Aulock 2887; Mionnet IV, 16; GRPC Lydia 71.TextFull Size
GRPC Lydia 73Caracalla, AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia. 198-217 AD. 3.53 g. AY KAI M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing, with supports. GRPC Lydia 73; Boersema 7873.TextFull Size
GRPC Lydia 73 (2)Caracalla, AE24 of Acrasus, Lydia, 198-217 AD. 7.69 gr. AY KAI M A ANTΩNINO, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, countermark: star / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Cult statue of Artemis Ephesia facing, with supports. GRPC Lydia 73; Muenzen Ritter 38586.TextFull Size
Waddington 4855Caracalla AE33 of Acrasus, Lydia. 198-217. Magistrate Stratonikianos. AY KAIC M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, bust right / EΠI CTΡ CTΡATONEIKIANOY, hexastyle temple with cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing within. Kraft pl. 67.40; Waddington 4855; GRPC Lydia 72.TextFull Size
BMC 27Plautilla, AE24 of Acrasus, Lydia. 202-205 AD. 6.71g. ΦOYΛ ΠΛAYTIANH CE, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, statue of Artemis Ephesia standing facing with supports, between two stags. BMC 27-28; SNG Munich 28; Mionnet IV, 17; Paris 27; GRPC Lydia 76.TextFull Size
BMC 30Geta, AE21 of Acrasus, Lydia. P CEPTI GETAC KA, laureate, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Athena standing left by altar, holding patera, spear and shield. BMC 30; GRPC Lydia 77.TextFull Size
SNG Leypold 875Geta, AE 19 of Acrasus, Lydia. 198-209 AD. 2.83 gr. Π CEΠTI ΓETAC KA, laureate, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis Ephesia, wearing polos and veil, standing facing with supports (no stags). SNG Leypold I 875; Plankenhorn 320; GRPC Lydia 78.TextFull Size
GRPC Lydia 80Julia Maesa. AE17 of Acrasus, Lydia. 218-220. 3.44 gr. MAICA, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. GRPC Lydia 80; Helios 17, 344.TextFull Size
BMC 31Severus Alexander, AE45 medallion of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235. Magistrate Aur. Moschianus. AYTOKΡ K M AYΡ CEBHΡOC AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ MOCXIANOY T B AKΡACIΩTΩN around and beneath cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing in a biga of stags galloping left and holding a figure of Tyche standing left with rudder and cornucopiae, on her right arm. BMC 31; Mionnet IV, 20; Paris 29; GRPC Lydia 88.TextFull Size
BMC 36Severus Alexander, AE 26 of Acrasus, Lydia. 5.07 gr. 222-235 AD. AYT K CE AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Hygieia on left, standing right, feeding serpent in arms from a patera, and Asklepios standing left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG von Aulock 2890; BMC 36; GRPC Lydia 96.TextFull Size
BMC 36 (2)Severus Alexander, AE24 of Akrasos, Lydia. AD 222-235. AYT K CE AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Hygieia on left, standing right, feeding serpent in arms from a patera, facing Asklepios standing left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. BMC 36; SNG von Aulock 2890; GRPC Lydia 96.TextFull Size
Kraft 43.40Severus Alexander, AE36 of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235 AD. Magistrate Aur. Moschianos. AYTOKΡ K M AYΡ CEBHΡOC AΛEZANΔΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ MOCXIANOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Herakles, naked, standing facing, head right, lionskin over left arm, apples in left hand and resting on club with right. SNG Munich 29; Mionnet IV, 21; Kraft pl. 43, 40; GRPC Lydia 89.TextFull Size
Plankenhorn 920Severus Alexander AE30 of Acrasus, Lydia. AD 222-235. Magistrate Aur. Kallistos. 15.82 g. AVT K M AVΡ CEYH AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠ KAΛΛICTOY AΠ AKΡACIT, Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus; ram standing left at foot. Plankenhorn 920 (Naumann); GRPC Lydia 86.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 13Severus Alexander, AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia. AΛEXANΔΡOC, Laureate bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis Ephesia standing facing, veiled, with kalathos and supports. SNG Copenhagen 13; SNG von Aulock 2892; GRPC Lydia 94.TextFull Size
SNG vA 2891Severus Alexander, AE24 of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235. AYT K CE AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis huntress standing right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder. SNG von Aulock 2891; Mionnet Supp VII, 19; GRPC Lydia 93.TextFull Size
SNG vA 2892Severus Alexander, AE20 of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235 AD. AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate head right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing. SNG von Aulock 2892; SNG Cop 13; Mionnet Supp. VII, 17-18; Paris M3126; GRPC Lydia 94.TextFull Size
Waddington 4856Severus Alexander, AE25 of Acrasus, Lydia, 222-235. Magistrate Aur. Kallistos. 6.56 gr. AYT K M A CE AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠ KAΛΛICTOY AΡ AKΡACIΩTΩN, Artemis huntress, advancing right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from a quiver at shoulder. Waddington 4856; Paris 31; GRPC Lydia 84.TextFull Size
BMC 38Julia Mamaea, AE21 of Acrasus, Lydia. 3.74 gr. IOY MAMAIA, draped bust right / AKΡACIΩTΩN, cult image of Artemis Ephesia, wearing polos and veil, standing facing with supports. BMC 38; Plankenhorn 921; GRPC Lydia 99.TextFull Size
GRPC Lydia 97Julia Mamaea, AE31 of Acrasus, Lydia. Aurelius Philodemus, Strategus. 222-235 AD. IOYΛIA MAMEA CEBA, draped bust right, wearing stephane / EΠI CT AYΡ ΦIΛOMHNOY B around and in field, AKΡACIΩTΩN below, Artemis in biga of stags right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver. Manisa Museum 14555; GRPC Lydia 97. CNG 81, 780.TextFull Size
SNG vA 8214Julia Mamaea AE of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235. 5.07 gr. IOY MAMAIA, draped bust right, wearing stephane / AKΡACIΩTΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear. SNG von Aulock 8214; GRPC Lydia 100.TextFull Size
Waddington 4857Julia Mamaea, AE31 of Acrasus, Lydia. 222-235. Magistrate Kallistos. IOYΛIA MAMAIA CEBA, draped bust right / EΠ KAΛΛICTOY AΡ AKΡACIΩTΩN, Hermes, naked, standing left, holding purse and caduceus, ram at foot left. Waddington 4857; Waddington, Voyages.., Lydia, p. 35 in NC 1852; GRPC Lydia 98.TextFull Size
Paris D2411Gordian III, AE28 of Acrasus, Lydia. 238-244. Magistrate Anenkletos Zosimos. AYT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ ANENKΛHTOY ZWCIMOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding kantharus and thyrsus, panther at foot left. Paris D2411; BMC 39 var (Dionysos wearing short chiton); GRPC Lydia 103.TextFull Size
RPC VII 178Gordian III, AE39 of Acrasus, Lydia. 29.63 gr. AD 238-244. Aurelios Anenkletos Zosimos, strategos. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / EΠI AYΡ ANENKΛHTOY ZΩΣIMOY AKΡACIΩTΩN, pentastyle temple of Artemis viewed in perspective; altar to left, cypress tree in background. RPC VII 178; GRPC Lydia 105.TextFull Size
SNG vA 8215Gordian III AE26 of Akrasos, Lydia. AD 238-244. Magistrate Anenkletos Zosimos. AYT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / CTΡ ANENKΛHTOY ZΩCI AKΡACIΩTΩN (clockwise from exergue), Athena standing left by altar, holding owl (or patera?) and spear, shield at her side. SNG von Aulock 8215; RPC 181; GRPC Lydia 102.TextFull Size
Waddington 4859Gordian III, AE29 of Acrasus, Lydia. Magistrate Anenkletos Zosimos. 12.95 gr. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC AVΓ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AVΡ ANENKΛHTOY ZΩCIMOY, AKΡACIΩTΩN in two circles around, Herakles standing front, head left, holding club and lionskin. Waddington 4859; Paris 35; RPC 180; Winterthur 3680; GRPC Lydia 104.TextFull Size