Browsing Ancient Coinage of Syria, Decapolis, Gadara

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Spij 1 Gadara, Syria, AE20. Struck during the campaign of Pompey the Great, 64-63 BC. Bust of Herakles left, holding club over shoulder / Ram of galley right, inscription "Year 1 of the Romans". TextFull Size
Spijkerman 2Syria, uncertain mint, poss. Gadara. AE21, Dated Year 1 of Rome (Pompeian Era), 64-63 BC. 8.72 g. Draped bust of Athena right, wearing crested helmet. / L A-ΡΩMHΣ in two lines, aplustre below, all within dotted border. Spijkerman 2 (Gadara); HGC 10, 382.TextFull Size
Spijkerman 3Gadara, Syria, AE20.5 autonomous issue. Dated year 18 of the Pompeian Era, 47-46 BC. 5.09 g. Turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche right, palm branch over left shoulder. / ΓAΔAΡEΩN, winged caduceus; date LIH upwards to right. Spijkerman 3; Rosenberger 2; Sofaer 3-4; Gamla III 5862.TextFull Size
Spij 7 Gadara, Syria, semi-automonous issue, AE 16. Struck 40-39 BC. Turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche right / ΓAΔAΡEωN, cornucopiae, date L EK downwards in left field. Spijkerman 7; Hoover HGC 380.TextFull Size
RPC 4810Augustus, AE18 of Gadara, Syria. 14-37 AD. 4.00 gr. Dated Actian Era 34 (3-4 AD.) ΣEBAΣTΩ KAICAΡI, bare head right / ΓAΔAΡEIC, veiled, draped and turreted bust of Tyche right, date L LD to left. RPC 4810; Spijkerman 9.TextFull Size
RPC 4812Tiberius AE20 of Gadara, Syria. 4.64 gr, 19.18 mm. 28-29 AD. TIBEΡIΩ KAICAΡI, bare head right / ΓAΔAΡEIC ΛYB, to left and right of bust of Tyche right, wearing turreted crown and veil. Spijkerman 11; RPC 4812; Sear (Greek Imperial Coins) -.TextFull Size
RPC 4814Tiberius, AE11 of Gadara, Syria. Dated AD 28-29. 11.4 mm, 1.88 g. TIBEΡIω, bare head right. / L koppa-B (resembling LY-B), to left and right of caduceus. RPC I 4814; Spijkerman 13; Rosenberger 17.TextFull Size
RPC 4816Claudius AE17 of Gadara, Syria. Year 108 = 44/45 AD. ΣEBAΣTOΣ, laureate head right / ΓAΔAΡA, turreted head of Tyche right, date HP before. Spijkerman 16.TextImage
RPC 4817Claudius, AE of Gadara, Syria. Dated year 108 (44-45 AD). 2.07 g. CEBACTOC, laureate head right / [ΓA]ΔAΡA, crossed cornucopiae, HR between them. RPC 4817. Spijkerman 17.TextFull Size
RPC 4819Claudius AE16 of Gadara, Syria. Year 114 = 50/51 AD. ΣEBAΣTΩI KAIΣAΡI, laureate bust right / ΓAΔAΡA, turreted bust of Tyche right, date DIP before. Spijkerman 19. TextImage
RPC 4822Nero, AE22 of Gadara, Syria. Dated local year 131, AD 67-68 AD. 9.93 g. NEΡΩN KAICAΡ, laureate head right. / ΓAΔAΡA, Tyche, turreted, standing left, holding wreath and cornucopiae. L AΛΡ (date) above palm in left field. RPC 4822; Spijkerman 22-23; Rosenberger 28.TextFull Size
RPC 4823Nero, AE of Gadara, Syria. AD 54-68. Dated local year 131, AD 67-68). NEΡΩN, laureate head right. / ΓAΔAΡEΩN, crossed cornucopiae, date L AΛΡ above. RPC 4823; Spijkerman 25; Rosenberger 29; Saulcy 2.TextFull Size
RPC 4824Nero, AE 17 of Gadara, Syria. Year 131=67/8 AD. Laureate head right / bust of Tyche right, towered and veiled, city name behind, date LA.P before. TextImage
RPC 2093Vespasian AE21 of Gadara, Syria. Dated Year 135=71/72 AD. OYECΠACIANOC KAICAΡ, laureate head right [cm: bust of Tyche right] / ΓAΔAΡA, Tyche standing left holding wreath and cornucopiae, date LEΛP to left. TextImage
Mionnet Supp. 8, 15
RPC 2094var
Titus as Caesar, AE17 of Gadara, Syria. AD 69-79. 4.64 g. Dated local year 135 (AD 71-72). TITOC KAICAΡ, laureate head right. / ΓAΔAΡEΩN, crossed cornucopiae; trace of star between them; L EΛΡ (date) above. Mionnet Supp. VIII, 15; Saulcy 3; SNG ANS 1302-1303 var. (date); RPC 2094 var. (no star); Spijkerman 28 var. (ditto); Meshorer – .TextFull Size
RPC 2096
Sear'88 #863
Titus AE 18 mm of Gadara, Syria. Year 137 = 73-74 AD. TITOΣ KAIΣAΡ, laureate head right / ΓAΔAΡEΩN L ZΛΡ, two crossed cornucopiae. Spijkerman 30, Rosenberger 35, RPC 2096. TextFull Size
RPC 2097Titus, as Caesar, AE15 of Gadara, Decapolis. Year 137 = 73/4 AD. Laureate head right / ΓAΔAΡEΩN L ZΛP, head of Tyche right. Spijkerman 29. TextFull Size
Spij 32Antoninus Pius, AE 25 dated year 223 (AD 159/160). AVT K AID A, ANTWNINOC CEBET, laureate draped bust right / ΓAΔAΡEΩN ΓI_ (date), Bust of Melqart-Hercules; date at end of legend. Spijkerman 32. TextImage
Spij. 33Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius, AE of Gadara. dated Year 223, 159- 160 AD. 7.59 g. ANTΩNEI KAICAΡ, laureate head of Antoninus Pius right / ΓAΔAΡEΩN ΓKC, bare head of young Marcus Aurelius right. Spijkerman 33. SNG ANS 1307.TextFull Size
Spij 38Marcus Aurelius AE 24mm of Gadara in the Decapolis. AVT KAIC M AVΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate bust right / ΓAΔAΡEΩN EKC, Herakles bust right. lionskin knotted at neck. BMC 5. TextImage
Spij. 44Marcus Aurelius AE23 of Gadara, Syria, Decapolis. 161-180 AD. Dated Year 225 (161-162 AD). Laureate and draped bust right / Tyche standing right, holding sceptre and cornucopiae, being crowned by Nike standing on column to her right; to left, small figure (Eros?) standing on short column; all within distyle shrine; date to right, river-god swimming right below. Rosenberger 48; Spijkerman 44; SNG ANS 1308 var. (no shrine).TextFull Size
Spij 50Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, AE22 of Gadara, Syria. Dated Year 223 = 159-160 AD. OYHΡ KAICAΡ CEB YIOC, bare-headed, draped bust right / ΓAΔAΡEΩN ΓKC, Tyche standing left, on half-figure of river-god, holding sceptre and cornucopiae, being crowned by Nike on column behind her. TextImage
Spij. 51Lucius Verus, AE29 of Gadara, Syria. Dated year 225 (AD 161/162). AVT KAICAΡ Λ AYΡ OYHΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ΠO ΓAΔAΡEΩN IA AΓ K CYΡ beneath, at sides and above, tetrastyle temple with pediment, Zeus seated left within, arm outstretched and sceptre. Date EKC in pediment. Spijkerman 51; Rosenberger 56.TextFull Size
Spij. 52Lucius Verus, AE30 of Gadara, Syria. Dated year 225 (AD 161/162). AVT KAICAΡ Λ AYΡ OYHΡOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ΠO ΓAΔAΡEΩN IA AΓ K CYΠ beneath, at sides and above, tetrastyle temple with pediment, Zeus seated left within, holding [Nike?] (or simply arm outstretched) and sceptre. Date EKC in pediment. Spijkerman 52.TextFull Size
Meshorer 204 Commodus AE11 of Gadara, Syria. Laureate head right / helmeted bust of Athena right. TextFull Size
Spij. 62Commodus, AE25 of Gadara, Syria. AD 177-192. AYT K Λ AYΡ KOMMOΔON, laureate head right / ΠOM ΓAΔAΡEΩN ΓMΣ, laureate head of Heracles right, lion-skin knotted around neck. Spijkerman 62; RPC IV online temp 6685.TextFull Size
Spij 62cfCommodus AE25 of Gadara, Syria. AYT KΛ AΡ KOMMOΔON, laureate head right / ΓAΔAΡEΩN, head of Herakles, facing right. TextImageImage
Spij 64Commodus AE11 of Gadara, Syria. AVTKO M, Laureate head right / ΓAΔAΡ ΓMC, helmeted bust of Athena right. Meshorer_204.TextImage
Spij 65Commodus AE25 of Gadara, Syria. Dated year 243 (AD 179-180). Laureate head right, seen from behind / Tyche standing right, foot on galley, holding sceptre and cornucopiae; Nike standing left on column and holding wreath, before; GMC (date) in outer right field. Rosenberger 66. TextImage
Spij 67Crispina AE18 of Gadara. Struck year 243 = AD 179-180. Laureate, draped bust right / Bust of Zeus right, diademed and draped. TextImage
Spij 72Caracalla and Geta AE30 of Gadara, Syria. Dated CY 262 = 198/9 AD. Caracalla and Geta, standing facing each other, clasping hands / Tetrastyle temple; statue of Zeus seated facing within, holding sceptre and uncertain object; date in pediment. SNG ANS 1321. TextImage
Prieur 1588Caracalla, Bi. tetradrachm of Gadara. AD 198-217. AYT KAI ANTωNINOC CEB, laureate head right. / ΔHMAΡX EΞ YΠA TO Δ, eagle standing front, wings spread, head and tail left. The three Graces in a wreath between legs. Prieur 1588; Goussoss Ahli Bank Coll. 8.TextFull Size
Prieur 1591Caracalla, billon tetradrachm of Gadara, Syria. AD 209-212. 14.56 g. 25 mm, 14.52 g. AYT KAI ANTωNINOC CEB, radiate head right. / ΔHMAΡX EΞ YΠAT T Δ, eagle standing front, head and tail left, wreath in beak, wings spread, the three Graces in a wreath between legs. Prieur 1591.TextFull Size
Prieur 1592Caracalla, billon tetradrachm of Gadara, Syria. AD 209-212. 25 mm, 12.91 g. AYT KAI ANTωNINOC CEB, radiate head right. / ΔHMAΡX EΞ YΠA TO Δ, eagle standing front, head and tail left, wreath in beak, wings spread, the three Graces in a wreath between legs. Prieur 1592.TextFull Size
Prieur 1596Caracalla, billon tetradrachm of Gadara, Syria. AD 209-212. 14.56 g. AYT KAI ANTωNINOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from the back. / ΔHMAΡX EΞ YΠAT Δ, eagle standing front, head and tail left, wreath in beak, wings spread, the three Graces in a wreath between legs. Prieur 1596.TextFull Size
SGI 2958Macrinus AR Tetradrachm of Gadara, Syria. AVT K M OΠ CE MAKΡINOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΔHMAΡX EX VΠATOC, Eagle standing, wings open, head left, holding wreath in beak, three Graces in circle below. Bellinger 326. TextFull Size
Rosenberger 88Gadara. Elagabalus AE18. AVK M (...), radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΓAΔAΡ..., Tyche standing facing left, holding spear in right hand, and cornucopiae in left hand. Victory holding out laurel wreath, object standing on column to right. TextImage
Spij. 83Elagabalus, Gadara, Syria. AVT K M AVΡ ANTΩNEINOC, pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / ΓAΔAΡEΩN, K CVΡ AΡC below, above, to right and left of the three Graces standing, the centre one with her back to the viewer, her arms around the shoulders of the others. Spijkerman 83; SNG ANS 6, 1331.TextFull Size
Spij. 084Elagabalus, AE30 of Gadara, Syria. AD 218-222. AV K M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠOMΠ-ΓAΔAΡEΩN-AΡC in three lines above galley with crew sailing left, dolphin and star in exergue. Spijkerman 85.TextFull Size
Spij. 88Elagabalus, AE30 of Gadara, Palestine. AD 218-222. AV K M AYΡ ANTΩNINOC, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΠOMΠ-ΓAΔAΡEΩN-BΠC in three lines above galley with crew sailing left, dolphin and star in exergue. Spijkermann 88; Rosenberger 81.TextFull Size
Spij 93Elagabalus AE 23mm of Gadara, Syria. Dated CY 281 = 217/18 AD. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / K CYΡ ΠOM ΓAΔ.., tetrastyle temple, statue of Zeus seated facing within holding sceptre and thunderbolt, eagle at feet; date AΠC in pediment. Spijkerman 93. TextImage
SNG ANS 1337Gordian III, AE25 of Gadara, Syria. Dated local year 303 (AD 239-240. AYTOK K MAΡ ANTΩ ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠOMΠ ΓAΔAΡE-ωN in three lines above, date ΓT below, galley right with captain, oarsmen, and steersman as standard bearer. SNG ANS 1337; Paris 309; Mionnet V, 54; Saulcy "Terre Sainte", 3; Spijkerman 93; Sofaer 103; Chandon de Briailles 982-983; Rosenberger 90; Sear SGI 3781.TextFull Size
SNG ANS 1339Gordian III, AE23 of Gadara, Syria. Dated local year 303 (AD 239). 9.35 g. AY K M AY ANTΩ ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ΠOMΠ clockwise from left, ΓAΔAΡ-EωN anticlockwise from below, tetrastyle temple with Zeus seated within, holding Nike and sceptre. Star and date ΓT in pediment. SNG ANS 1339-1340; Spijkerman 90; Rosenberger 91; Sofaer 99.TextFull Size
SNG ANS 1341Gordian III, AE19 of Gadara, Syria. Dated local year 304 (AD 240). AY K M AY ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, radiate head right, slight drapery on left shoulder. / ΔT ΠOMΠ clockwise around from lower left, ΓAΔA-ΡEωN anticlockwise from below, the three Graces standing arm in arm, the middle figure with her back to the viewer. SNG ANS 1341; Spijkerman 91; Rosenberger 92.TextFull Size
Spij. 92Gordian III, AE20 of Gadara, Syria. Dated local year 304 (AD 240). AY K M AY ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate head right, slight drapery on left shoulder. / ΔT ΠOMΠ clockwise around from lower left, ΓAΔA-ΡEωN anticlockwise from below, the three Graces standing arm in arm, the middle figure with her back to the viewer, the two outer ones holding vases (?). Spijkerman 92; Rosenberger 92; Sofaer 101.TextFull Size
Spij 93Gordian III AE24 of Gadara, Syria. Dated Year 303 =240/1 AD. AVTOK K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΠOMΠ ΓAΔAΩN, galley right; date ΓT in exergue. Spijkerman 93. TextImage
Spij. 96Gordian III, AE25 of Gadara, Syria. Dated local year 303 (AD 239-240. AYTOK K MAΡ ANTΩ ΓOΡΔIANOC, radiate, cuirassed bust right. / ΠOMΠ ΓAΔAΡE-ωN in three lines above, date ΓT below, galley right with captain, oarsmen, and steersman as standard bearer. Saulcy "Terre Sainte", 2; Rosenberger 90; Spijkerman 96.TextFull Size