Sale: CNG 69, Lot: 1889. Closing Date: Jun 08, 2005. MICHAEL VII Ducas. 1071-1078. Æ Half Follis (2.74 gm, 6h). Constantinople mint. Facing bust of Christ; stars flanking / Crowned facing bust of Michael, holding labarum and globus cruciger. DOC III 15; SB 1880A. Good VF, dark green patina. Extremely rare. ($1500) Much better than the Heckman specimen (Triton VIII, lot 1452). Although other, later bronze types are found on small, lightweight flans, this coin appears to be the last bronze issue that is a fractional denomination of a follis (SB 1878). Copyright © CNG 2002 High bid of $2800 , $3220 including 15% buyers fee, or approximately €2268, £1540, C$3500, A$3640, on June 8, 2005. Used by permission of CNG,